#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | bin/importgettext.sh | | | | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2011, The Roundcube Dev Team | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License | | | | PURPOSE: | | Import localizations from gettext PO format | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ define('INSTALL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/' ); require INSTALL_PATH.'program/include/clisetup.php'; if ($argc < 2) { die("Usage: " . basename($argv[0]) . " SRCDIR\n"); } $srcdir = unslashify(realpath($argv[1])); if (is_dir($srcdir)) { $out = import_dir($srcdir); } else if (is_file($srcdir)) { $out = import_file($srcdir); } // write output files foreach ($out as $outfn => $texts) { $lang = preg_match('!/([a-z]{2}(_[A-Z]{2})?)[./]!', $outfn, $m) ? $m[1] : ''; $varname = strpos($outfn, 'messages.inc') !== false ? 'messages' : 'labels'; $header = <<<EOF <?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | localization/%s/%-51s| | | | Language file of the Roundcube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) %s, The Roundcube Dev Team | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: %-62s| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ @version $Id$ */ $%s = array(); EOF; $output = sprintf($header, $lang, $varname.'.inc', date('Y'), $texts['_translator'], $varname); foreach ($texts as $label => $value) { if ($label[0] != '_') $output .= sprintf("\$%s['%s'] = '%s';\n", $varname, $label, strtr(addcslashes($value, "'"), array("\r" => '', "\n" => '\n'))); } $output .= "\n"; $dir = dirname($outfn); @mkdir($dir, 664, true); if (file_put_contents($outfn, $output)) echo "-> $outfn\n"; } /** * Convert all .po files in the given src directory */ function import_dir($indir) { $out = array(); foreach (glob($indir.'/*.po') as $fn) { $out = array_merge_recursive($out, import_file($fn)); } return $out; } /** * Convert the given .po file into a Roundcube localization array */ function import_file($fn) { $out = array(); $lines = file($fn); $language = 'xx_XX'; $translator = ''; $is_header = true; $msgid = null; $msgstr = ''; $dests = array(); foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { $line = trim($line); // parse header if ($is_header && $line[0] == '"') { list($key, $val) = explode(": ", preg_replace('/\\\n$/', '', trim($line, '"')), 2); switch (strtolower($key)) { case 'language': $language = expand_langcode($val); break; case 'last-translator': $translator = $val; break; } } // empty line if ($line == '') { if ($msgid && $dests) { foreach ($dests as $dest) { list($file, $label) = explode(':', $dest); $out[$file][$label] = $msgstr; } } $msgid = null; $msgstr = ''; $dests = array(); } // meta line if ($line[0] == '#') { $value = trim(substr($line, 2)); if ($line[1] == ':') $dests[] = str_replace('en_US', $language, $value); } else if (strpos($line, 'msgid') === 0) { $msgid = gettext_decode(substr($line, 6)); if (!empty($msgid)) $is_header = false; } else if (strpos($line, 'msgstr') === 0) { $msgstr = gettext_decode(substr($line, 7)); } else if ($msgid && $line[0] == '"') { $msgstr .= gettext_decode($line); } else if ($msgid !== null && $line[0] == '"') { $msgid .= gettext_decode($line); } } if ($msgid && $dests) { foreach ($dests as $dest) { list($file, $label) = explode(':', $dest); $out[$file][$label] = $msgstr; $out[$file]['_translator'] = $translator; } } return $out; } function gettext_decode($str) { return stripslashes(trim($str, '"')); } /** * Translate two-chars language codes to our internally used language identifiers */ function expand_langcode($lang) { static $rcube_language_aliases; if (!$rcube_language_aliases) include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/index.inc'); if ($rcube_language_aliases[$lang]) return $rcube_language_aliases[$lang]; else if (strlen($lang) == 2) return strtolower($lang) . '_' . strtoupper($lang); else return $lang; } ?>