#!/usr/bin/env php <?php if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { die('Not on the "shell" (php-cli).'); } define('INSTALL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/' ); require_once INSTALL_PATH . 'program/include/iniset.php'; require_once INSTALL_PATH . 'installer/rcube_install.php'; $RCI = rcube_install::get_instance(); $RCI->load_config(); if ($RCI->configured) { $success = true; if ($messages = $RCI->check_config()) { $success = false; $err = 0; // list missing config options if (is_array($messages['missing'])) { echo "WARNING: Missing config options:\n"; echo "(These config options should be present in the current configuration)\n"; foreach ($messages['missing'] as $msg) { echo "- '" . $msg['prop'] . ($msg['name'] ? "': " . $msg['name'] : "'") . "\n"; $err++; } echo "\n"; } // list old/replaced config options if (is_array($messages['replaced'])) { echo "WARNING: Replaced config options:\n"; echo "(These config options have been replaced or renamed)\n"; foreach ($messages['replaced'] as $msg) { echo "- '" . $msg['prop'] . "' was replaced by '" . $msg['replacement'] . "'\n"; $err++; } echo "\n"; } // list obsolete config options (just a notice) if (is_array($messages['obsolete'])) { echo "NOTICE: Obsolete config options:\n"; echo "(You still have some obsolete or inexistent properties set. This isn't a problem but should be noticed)\n"; foreach ($messages['obsolete'] as $msg) { echo "- '" . $msg['prop'] . ($msg['name'] ? "': " . $msg['name'] : "'") . "\n"; $err++; } echo "\n"; } // ask user to update config files if ($err) { echo "Do you want me to fix your local configuration? (y/N)\n"; $input = trim(fgets(STDIN)); // positive: let's merge the local config with the defaults if (strtolower($input) == 'y') { $copy1 = $copy2 = $write1 = $write2 = false; // backup current config echo ". backing up the current config files...\n"; $copy1 = copy(RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/main.inc.php', RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/main.old.php'); $copy2 = copy(RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/db.inc.php', RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/db.old.php'); if ($copy1 && $copy2) { $RCI->merge_config(); echo ". writing " . RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . "/main.inc.php...\n"; $write1 = file_put_contents(RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/main.inc.php', $RCI->create_config('main', true)); echo ". writing " . RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . "/main.db.php...\n"; $write2 = file_put_contents(RCMAIL_CONFIG_DIR . '/db.inc.php', $RCI->create_config('db', true)); } // Success! if ($write1 && $write2) { echo "Done.\n"; echo "Your configuration files are now up-tp-date!\n"; } else { echo "Failed to write config files!\n"; echo "Grant write privileges to the current user or update the files manually according to the above messages.\n"; } } else { echo "Please update your config files manually according to the above messages.\n"; } } // check dependencies based on the current configuration if (is_array($messages['dependencies'])) { echo "WARNING: Dependency check failed!\n"; echo "(Some of your configuration settings require other options to be configured or additional PHP modules to be installed)\n"; foreach ($messages['dependencies'] as $msg) { echo "- " . $msg['prop'] . ': ' . $msg['explain'] . "\n"; } echo "Please fix your config files and run this script again!\n"; echo "See ya.\n"; } } // check database schema if ($RCI->config['db_dsnw']) { $DB = new rcube_mdb2($RCI->config['db_dsnw'], '', false); $DB->db_connect('w'); if ($db_error_msg = $DB->is_error()) { echo "Error connecting to database: $db_error_msg\n"; $success = false; } else if ($RCI->db_schema_check($DB, false)) { $db_map = array('pgsql' => 'postgres', 'mysqli' => 'mysql', 'sqlsrv' => 'mssql'); $updatefile = INSTALL_PATH . 'SQL/' . (isset($db_map[$DB->db_provider]) ? $db_map[$DB->db_provider] : $DB->db_provider) . '.update.sql'; echo "WARNING: Database schema needs to be updated!\n"; echo "Open $updatefile and execute all queries that are superscribed with the currently installed version number\n"; $success = false; } } if ($success) { echo "This instance of RoundCube is up-to-date.\n"; echo "Have fun!\n"; } } else { echo "This instance of RoundCube is not yet configured!\n"; echo "Open http://url-to-roundcube/installer/ in your browser and follow the instuctions.\n"; } echo "\n"; ?>