* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php The BSD License * @version CVS: $Id$ * @link https://svn.roundcube.net/trunk * @todo Check IMAP settings. * @todo Check SMTP settings. * @todo HTML/CSS to make it pretty. * @todo In devel-next, use bootstrap. * @todo Refactor to use RoundCube classes. */ $rctest_config = array(); /** * @var string Please edit this to an email address, such as yourname@example.org. * This email address serves as from and to for the test emails. */ $rctest_config['from'] = '_yourfrom_'; /* ******************************************** ******************************************** ** Don't edit anything else in this file. ** ** Unless (of course) you know what you ** ** are doing. ** ******************************************** ******************************************** */ $include_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/program/lib/'; $include_path .= PATH_SEPARATOR; $include_path .= dirname(__FILE__) . '/program/'; $include_path .= PATH_SEPARATOR; $include_path .= get_include_path(); set_include_path($include_path); $writable_dirs = array('logs/', 'temp/'); $create_files = array('config/db.inc.php', 'config/main.inc.php'); $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; ?> RoundCube :: check RoundCube Webmail

Check Configuration

From correctly set: NOT OK'; } else { echo $rctest_config['from'] . '

'; echo 'We do not check if this is a valid email address. Since this serves as from & to, make sure it is correct!'; } ?>
Check if directories are writable'; echo '

RoundCube may need to write/save files into these directories.

'; foreach ($writable_dirs AS $dir) { echo "Directory $dir: "; if (!is_writable($path . $dir)) { echo 'NOT OK'; } else { echo 'OK'; } echo "
"; } echo '

Check if you setup config files

'; echo '

Checks if the files exist and if they are readable.

'; foreach ($create_files AS $file) { echo "File $file: "; if (file_exists($path . $file) && is_readable($path . $file)) { echo 'OK'; } else { echo 'NOT OK'; } echo '
'; } echo '

Check supplied DB settings

'; @include $path . 'config/db.inc.php'; $db_working = false; if (isset($rcmail_config)) { echo 'DB settings: '; include_once 'MDB2.php'; $db = MDB2::connect($rcmail_config['db_dsnw']); if (!MDB2::IsError($db)) { echo 'OK'; $db->disconnect(); $db_working = true; } else { echo 'NOT OK'; } echo '
'; } else { echo 'Could not open db.inc.php config file, or file is empty.
'; } echo '


'; echo 'Checks if web- and databaseserver are in the same timezone.

'; echo 'Status: '; if ($db_working === true) { require_once 'include/rcube_mdb2.inc'; $DB = new rcube_mdb2($rcmail_config['db_dsnw'], '', false); $DB->db_connect('w'); $tz_db = "SELECT " . $DB->unixtimestamp($DB->now()) . " AS tz_db"; $tz_db = $DB->query($tz_db); $tz_db = $DB->fetch_assoc($tz_db); $tz_db = (int) $tz_db['tz_db']; $tz_local = (int) time(); $tz_diff = $tz_local - $tz_db; if ($tz_db != $tz_local) { echo 'NOT OK'; } else { echo 'OK'; } } else { echo 'Could not test (fix DB first).'; } echo '
'; echo '

Checking .ini settings

'; $auto_start = ini_get('session.auto_start'); $file_uploads = ini_get('file_uploads'); echo '

session.auto_start = 0

'; echo 'status: '; if ($auto_start == 1) { echo 'NOT OK'; } else { echo 'OK'; } echo '
'; echo '

file_uploads = On

'; echo 'status: '; if ($file_uploads == 1) { echo 'OK'; } else { echo 'NOT OK'; } /* * Probably not needed because we have a custom handler echo '

session.save_path is set

'; echo 'status: '; $save_path = ini_get('session.save_path'); if (empty($save_path)) { echo 'NOT OK'; } else { echo "OK: $save_path"; if (!file_exists($save_path)) { echo ', but it does not exist'; } else { if (!is_readable($save_path) || !is_writable($save_path)) { echo ', but permissions to read and/or write are missing'; } } } echo '
'; */ @include_once $path . '/config/main.inc.php'; ?>

Check email settings

SMTP Settings

'; echo 'server: ' . $rcmail_config['smtp_server'] . '
'; echo 'port: ' . $rcmail_config['smtp_port'] . '
'; echo 'user: ' . (($rcmail_config['smtp_user'] == '%u')?'use current session':$rcmail_config['smtp_user']) . '
'; echo 'pass: ' . (($rcmail_config['smtp_pass'] == '%p')?'use current session':$rcmail_config['smtp_pass']) . '
'; //var_dump($rcmail_config); ?>

Test SMTP settings - send an email

Don't abuse this!


'; echo 'Please edit $rctest_config in ' . basename(__FILE__) . '
'; } else { $data = $_POST['smtp_test']; require_once 'Mail.php'; $recipients = $rctest_config['from']; $headers['From'] = $rctest_config['from']; $headers['To'] = $recipients; $headers['Subject'] = 'Test message from RoundCube'; $body = 'This is a test to confirm that RoundCube can send email.'; $params = array(); $mail_driver = ''; if ($rcmail_config['smtp_server'] != '') { $mail_driver = 'smtp'; if (isset($data['user'])) { $params['username'] = $data['user']; $params['password'] = $data['pass']; $params['auth'] = true; } $params['host'] = $rcmail_config['smtp_server']; $params['port'] = $rcmail_config['smtp_port']; } else { $mail_driver = 'mail'; } $mail_object =& Mail::factory($mail_driver, $params); $status = $mail_object->send($recipients, $headers, $body); if (!PEAR::isError($status)) { echo 'OK
'; } else { echo 'NOT OK'; echo '
' . $status->getMessage(); } } } } else { echo 'NOT OK'; } ?>