step = intval($_REQUEST['_step']); } /** * Singleton getter */ function get_instance() { static $inst; if (!$inst) $inst = new rcube_install(); return $inst; } /** * Read the default config files and store properties */ function load_defaults() { $this->_load_config('.php.dist'); } /** * Read the local config files and store properties */ function load_config() { $this->_load_config('.php'); } /** * Read the default config file and store properties * @access private */ function _load_config($suffix) { include '../config/' . $suffix; if (is_array($rcmail_config)) { $this->config += $rcmail_config; } @include '../config/'. $suffix; if (is_array($rcmail_config)) { $this->config += $rcmail_config; } } /** * Getter for a certain config property * * @param string Property name * @return string The property value */ function getprop($name) { $value = isset($_REQUEST["_$name"]) ? $_REQUEST["_$name"] : $this->config[$name]; if ($name == 'des_key' && !isset($_REQUEST["_$name"])) $value = self::random_key(24); return $value; } /** * Take the default config file and replace the parameters * with the submitted form data * * @param string Which config file (either 'main' or 'db') * @return string The complete config file content */ function create_config($which) { $out = file_get_contents("../config/{$which}.inc.php.dist"); if (!$out) return '[Warning: could not read the template file]'; foreach ($this->config as $prop => $default) { $value = $_POST["_$prop"] ? $_POST["_$prop"] : $default; // convert some form data if ($prop == 'debug_level' && is_array($value)) { $val = 0; foreach ($value as $i => $dbgval) $val += intval($dbgval); $value = $val; } else if ($prop == 'db_dsnw' && !empty($_POST['_dbtype'])) { $value = sprintf('%s://%s:%s@%s/%s', $_POST['_dbtype'], $_POST['_dbuser'], $_POST['_dbpass'], $_POST['_dbhost'], $_POST['_dbname']); } else if ($prop == 'smtp_auth_type' && $value == '0') { $value = ''; } else if ($prop == 'default_host' && is_array($value)) { $value = self::_clean_array($value); if (count($value) <= 1) $value = $value[0]; } else if ($prop == 'smtp_user' && !empty($_POST['_smtp_user_u'])) { $value = '%u'; } else if ($prop == 'smtp_pass' && !empty($_POST['_smtp_user_u'])) { $value = '%p'; } else if (is_bool($default)) { $value = is_numeric($value) ? (bool)$value : $value; } // skip this property if ($value == $default) continue; // replace the matching line in config file $out = preg_replace( '/(\$rcmail_config\[\''.preg_quote($prop).'\'\])\s+=\s+(.+);/Uie', "'\\1 = ' . var_export(\$value, true) . ';'", $out); } return $out; } /** * Getter for the last error message * * @return string Error message or null if none exists */ function get_error() { return $this->last_error['message']; } /** * Display OK status * * @param string Test name * @param string Confirm message */ function pass($name, $message = '') { echo Q($name) . ':  OK'; $this->_showhint($message); } /** * Display an error status and increase failure count * * @param string Test name * @param string Error message * @param string URL for details */ function fail($name, $message = '', $url = '') { $this->failures++; echo Q($name) . ':  NOT OK'; $this->_showhint($message, $url); } /** * Display warning status * * @param string Test name * @param string Warning message * @param string URL for details */ function na($name, $message = '', $url = '') { echo Q($name) . ':  NOT AVAILABLE'; $this->_showhint($message, $url); } function _showhint($message, $url = '') { $hint = Q($message); if ($url) $hint .= ($hint ? '; ' : '') . 'See ' . Q($url) . ''; if ($hint) echo '(' . $hint . ')'; } function _clean_array($arr) { $out = array(); foreach (array_unique($arr) as $i => $val) if (!empty($val)) $out[] = $val; return $out; } /** * Initialize the database with the according schema * * @param object rcube_db Database connection * @return boolen True on success, False on error */ function init_db($DB) { $db_map = array('pgsql' => 'postgres', 'mysqli' => 'mysql'); $engine = isset($db_map[$DB->db_provider]) ? $db_map[$DB->db_provider] : $DB->db_provider; // find out db version if ($engine == 'mysql') { $DB->query('SELECT VERSION() AS version'); $sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc(); $version = floatval($sql_arr['version']); if ($version >= 4.1) $engine = 'mysql5'; } // read schema file from /SQL/* $fname = "../SQL/$engine.initial.sql"; if ($lines = @file($fname, FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES)) { $buff = ''; foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { if (eregi('^--', $line)) continue; $buff .= $line . "\n"; if (eregi(';$', trim($line))) { $DB->query($buff); $buff = ''; } } } else { $this->fail('DB Schema', "Cannot read the schema file: $fname"); return false; } if ($err = $this->get_error()) { $this->fail('DB Schema', "Error creating database schema: $err"); return false; } return true; } /** * Handler for RoundCube errors */ function raise_error($p) { $this->last_error = $p; } /** * Generarte a ramdom string to be used as encryption key * * @param int Key length * @return string The generated random string * @static */ function random_key($length) { $alpha = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQERSTUVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrtsuvwxyz0123456789+*%&?!$-_='; $out = ''; for ($i=0; $i < $length; $i++) $out .= $alpha{rand(0, strlen($alpha)-1)}; return $out; } } /** * Shortcut function for htmlentities() * * @param string String to quote * @return string The html-encoded string */ function Q($string) { return htmlentities($string); } /** * Fake rinternal error handler to catch errors */ function raise_error($p) { $rci = rcube_install::get_instance(); $rci->raise_error($p); }