Check config files

load_config(); $read_main = is_readable('../config/'); $read_db = is_readable('../config/'); if ($read_main && !empty($RCI->config)) { $RCI->pass(''); } else if ($read_main) { $RCI->fail('', 'Syntax error'); } else if (!$read_main) { $RCI->fail('', 'Unable to read file. Did you create the config files?'); } echo '
'; if ($read_db && !empty($RCI->config['db_table_users'])) { $RCI->pass(''); } else if ($read_db) { $RCI->fail('', 'Syntax error'); } else if (!$read_db) { $RCI->fail('', 'Unable to read file. Did you create the config files?'); } ?>

Check configured database settings

config)) { if (!empty($RCI->config['db_backend']) && !empty($RCI->config['db_dsnw'])) { echo 'Backend: '; echo 'PEAR::' . strtoupper($RCI->config['db_backend']) . '
'; $_class = 'rcube_' . strtolower($RCI->config['db_backend']); require_once 'include/' . $_class . '.inc'; $DB = new $_class($RCI->config['db_dsnw'], '', false); $DB->db_connect('w'); if (!($db_error_msg = $DB->is_error())) { $RCI->pass('DSN (write)'); $db_working = true; } else { $RCI->fail('DSN (write)', "Error: $db_error_msg"); } echo '
'; } else { $RCI->fail('DSN (write)', 'not set'); } } else { $RCI->fail('Config', 'Could not read config files'); } // initialize db with schema found in /SQL/* if ($db_working && $_POST['initdb']) { $engine = preg_match('/^([a-z]+):/i', $RCI->config['db_dsnw'], $regs) ? $regs[1] : 'mysql'; $fname = '../SQL/' . ($engine == 'pgsql' ? 'postgres' : $engine) . '.initial.sql'; if ($sql = @file_get_contents($fname)) { $DB->query($sql); } else { $RCI->fail('DB Schema', "Cannot read the schema file: $fname"); } if ($err = $RCI->get_error()) { $RCI->fail('DB Schema', "Error creating database schema: $err"); $db_working = false; echo '

Please try to inizialize the database manually as described in the INSTALL guide.

'; echo '
'; } } if ($db_working) { $success = $DB->query("SELECT count(*) FROM {$RCI->config['db_table_users']}"); if (!$success) { $RCI->fail('DB Schema', "Database not initialized"); echo '

'; } else { $RCI->pass('DB Schema'); } echo '
'; $tz_db = 'SELECT ' . $DB->unixtimestamp($DB->now()) . ' AS tz_db'; $tz_db = $DB->query($tz_db); $tz_db = $DB->fetch_assoc($tz_db); $tz_db = (int) $tz_db['tz_db']; $tz_local = (int) time(); $tz_diff = $tz_local - $tz_db; // sometimes db and web servers are on separate hosts, so allow a 30 minutes delta if (abs($tz_diff) > 1800) { $RCI->fail('DB Time', "Database time differs {$td_ziff}s from PHP time"); } else { $RCI->pass('DB Time'); } } ?>

[@todo Add tests for IMAP and SMTP settings]

After completing the installation and the final tests please remove the whole installer folder from the document root of the webserver.

These files may expose sensitive configuration data like server passwords and encryption keys to the public. Make sure you cannot access this installer from your browser.