<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | plugins/archive/localization/<lang>.inc | | | | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail Archive plugin | | Copyright (C) 2013, The Roundcube Dev Team | | | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or | | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. | | See the README file for a full license statement. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ For translation see https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/roundcube-webmail/resource/plugin-archive/ */ $labels['buttontext'] = 'Arsip'; $labels['buttontitle'] = 'Arsipkan pesan ini'; $labels['archived'] = 'Berhasil mengarsipkan'; $labels['archivedreload'] = 'Berhasil diarsipkan. Reload halaman untuk melihat folder arsip baru.'; $labels['archiveerror'] = 'Beberapa pesan tidak dapat diarsipkan'; $labels['archivefolder'] = 'Arsip'; $labels['settingstitle'] = 'Arsip'; $labels['archivetype'] = 'Pisah arsip berdasarkan'; $labels['archivetypeyear'] = 'Tahun (contoh: Arsip/2012)'; $labels['archivetypemonth'] = 'Bulan (contoh: Arsip/2012/06)'; $labels['archivetypefolder'] = 'Folder asli'; $labels['archivetypesender'] = 'Email pengirim'; $labels['unkownsender'] = 'Tidak dikenal'; ?>