/* Enigma Plugin */ window.rcmail && rcmail.addEventListener('init', function(evt) { if (rcmail.env.task == 'settings') { rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma', function() { rcmail.goto_url('plugin.enigma') }, true); rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-key-import', function() { rcmail.enigma_key_import() }, true); // rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-key-export', function() { rcmail.enigma_key_export() }, true); rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-key-delete', function(props) { return rcmail.enigma_key_delete(); }); if (rcmail.gui_objects.keyslist) { rcmail.keys_list = new rcube_list_widget(rcmail.gui_objects.keyslist, {multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:false}); rcmail.keys_list .addEventListener('select', function(o) { rcmail.enigma_keylist_select(o); }) .addEventListener('keypress', function(o) { rcmail.enigma_keylist_keypress(o); }) .init() .focus(); rcmail.enigma_list(); rcmail.register_command('firstpage', function(props) { return rcmail.enigma_list_page('first'); }); rcmail.register_command('previouspage', function(props) { return rcmail.enigma_list_page('previous'); }); rcmail.register_command('nextpage', function(props) { return rcmail.enigma_list_page('next'); }); rcmail.register_command('lastpage', function(props) { return rcmail.enigma_list_page('last'); }); } if (rcmail.env.action == 'plugin.enigmakeys') { rcmail.register_command('search', function(props) {return rcmail.enigma_search(props); }, true); rcmail.register_command('reset-search', function(props) {return rcmail.enigma_search_reset(props); }, true); rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-import', function() { rcmail.enigma_import(); }, true); // rcmail.register_command('plugin.enigma-export', function() { rcmail.enigma_export(); }, true); } } else if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail') { if (rcmail.env.action == 'compose') { $('input,label', $('#enigmamenu')).mouseup(function(e) { // don't close the menu on mouse click inside e.stopPropagation(); }); } else if (rcmail.env.action == 'show' || rcmail.env.action == 'preview') { if (rcmail.env.enigma_password_request) { rcmail.enigma_password_request(rcmail.env.enigma_password_request); } } } }); /*********************************************************/ /********* Enigma Settings/Keys/Certs UI *********/ /*********************************************************/ // Display key(s) import form rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_key_import = function() { this.enigma_loadframe('&_action=plugin.enigmakeys&_a=import'); }; // Delete key(s) rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_key_delete = function() { var keys = this.keys_list.get_selection(); if (!keys.length || !confirm(this.get_label('enigma.keyremoveconfirm'))) return; var lock = this.display_message(this.get_label('enigma.keyremoving'), 'loading'), post = {_a: 'delete', _keys: keys}; // send request to server this.http_post('plugin.enigmakeys', post, lock); }; // Submit key(s) import form rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_import = function() { var form, file; if (form = this.gui_objects.importform) { file = document.getElementById('rcmimportfile'); if (file && !file.value) { alert(this.get_label('selectimportfile')); return; } var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'importwait'); form.action = this.add_url(form.action, '_unlock', lock); form.submit(); this.lock_form(form, true); } }; // list row selection handler rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_keylist_select = function(list) { var id; if (id = list.get_single_selection()) this.enigma_loadframe('&_action=plugin.enigmakeys&_a=info&_id=' + id); this.enable_command('plugin.enigma-key-delete', list.selection.length > 0); }; rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_keylist_keypress = function(list) { if (list.modkey == CONTROL_KEY) return; if (list.key_pressed == list.DELETE_KEY || list.key_pressed == list.BACKSPACE_KEY) this.command('plugin.enigma-key-delete'); else if (list.key_pressed == 33) this.command('previouspage'); else if (list.key_pressed == 34) this.command('nextpage'); }; // load key frame rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_loadframe = function(url) { var frm, win; if (this.env.contentframe && window.frames && (frm = window.frames[this.env.contentframe])) { if (!url && (win = window.frames[this.env.contentframe])) { if (win.location && win.location.href.indexOf(this.env.blankpage) < 0) win.location.href = this.env.blankpage; return; } this.set_busy(true); frm.location.href = this.env.comm_path + '&_framed=1' + url; } }; // Search keys/certs rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_search = function(props) { if (!props && this.gui_objects.qsearchbox) props = this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value; if (props || this.env.search_request) { var params = {'_a': 'search', '_q': urlencode(props)}, lock = this.set_busy(true, 'searching'); // if (this.gui_objects.search_filter) // addurl += '&_filter=' + this.gui_objects.search_filter.value; this.env.current_page = 1; this.enigma_loadframe(); this.enigma_clear_list(); this.http_post('plugin.enigmakeys', params, lock); } return false; } // Reset search filter and the list rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_search_reset = function(props) { var s = this.env.search_request; this.reset_qsearch(); if (s) { this.enigma_loadframe(); this.enigma_clear_list(); // refresh the list this.enigma_list(); } return false; } // Keys/certs listing rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_list = function(page) { var params = {'_a': 'list'}, lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); this.env.current_page = page ? page : 1; if (this.env.search_request) params._q = this.env.search_request; if (page) params._p = page; this.enigma_clear_list(); this.http_post('plugin.enigmakeys', params, lock); } // Change list page rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_list_page = function(page) { if (page == 'next') page = this.env.current_page + 1; else if (page == 'last') page = this.env.pagecount; else if (page == 'prev' && this.env.current_page > 1) page = this.env.current_page - 1; else if (page == 'first' && this.env.current_page > 1) page = 1; this.enigma_list(page); } // Remove list rows rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_clear_list = function() { this.enigma_loadframe(); if (this.keys_list) this.keys_list.clear(true); } // Adds a row to the list rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_add_list_row = function(r) { if (!this.gui_objects.keyslist || !this.keys_list) return false; var list = this.keys_list, tbody = this.gui_objects.keyslist.tBodies[0], rowcount = tbody.rows.length, even = rowcount%2, css_class = 'message' + (even ? ' even' : ' odd'), // for performance use DOM instead of jQuery here row = document.createElement('tr'), col = document.createElement('td'); row.id = 'rcmrow' + r.id; row.className = css_class; col.innerHTML = r.name; row.appendChild(col); list.insert_row(row); } /*********************************************************/ /********* Enigma Message methods *********/ /*********************************************************/ // Import attached keys/certs file rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_import_attachment = function(mime_id) { var lock = this.set_busy(true, 'loading'), post = {_uid: this.env.uid, _mbox: this.env.mailbox, _part: mime_id}; this.http_post('plugin.enigmaimport', post, lock); return false; } rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_password_request = function(data) { if (!data || !data.keyid) { return; } var ref = this, msg = this.get_label('enigma.enterkeypass'), myprompt = $('<div class="prompt">'), myprompt_content = $('<div class="message">') .appendTo(myprompt), myprompt_input = $('<input>').attr({type: 'password', size: 30}) .keypress(function(e) { if (e.which == 13) (ref.is_framed() ? window.parent.$ : $)('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button.mainaction:visible').click(); }) .appendTo(myprompt); data.key = data.keyid; data.keyid = data.keyid.substr(0, 8); $.each(['keyid', 'user'], function() { msg = msg.replace('$' + this, data[this]); }); myprompt_content.text(msg); this.show_popup_dialog(myprompt, this.get_label('enigma.enterkeypasstitle'), [{ text: this.get_label('save'), 'class': 'mainaction', click: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var jq = ref.is_framed() ? window.parent.$ : $, pass = myprompt_input.val(); if (!pass) { myprompt_input.focus(); return; } ref.enigma_password_submit(data.key, pass); jq(this).remove(); } }, { text: this.get_label('cancel'), click: function(e) { var jq = ref.is_framed() ? window.parent.$ : $; e.stopPropagation(); jq(this).remove(); } }], {width: 400}); if (this.is_framed() && parent.rcmail.message_list) { // this fixes bug when pressing Enter on "Save" button in the dialog parent.rcmail.message_list.blur(); } } rcube_webmail.prototype.enigma_password_submit = function(keyid, password) { var form = $('<form>').attr({method: 'post', action: location.href, style: 'display:none'}) .append($('<input>').attr({type: 'hidden', name: '_keyid', value: keyid})) .append($('<input>').attr({type: 'hidden', name: '_passwd', value: password})) .append($('<input>').attr({type: 'hidden', name: '_token', value: this.env.request_token})) .appendTo(document.body); form.submit(); }