
// Help content iframe source
// %l will be replaced by the language code resolved using the 'help_language_map' option
$config['help_source'] = 'http://docs.roundcube.net/doc/help/1.0/%l/';

// Map task/action combinations to deep-links
// Use '<task>/<action>' or only '<task>' strings as keys
// The values will be appended to the 'help_source' URL
$config['help_index_map'] = array(
    'login'                => 'login.html',
    'mail'                 => 'mail/index.html',
    'mail/compose'         => 'mail/compose.html',
    'addressbook'          => 'addressbook/index.html',
    'settings'             => 'settings/index.html',
    'settings/preferences' => 'settings/preferences.html',
    'settings/folders'     => 'settings/folders.html',
    'settings/identities'  => 'settings/identities.html',

// Map to translate Roundcube language codes into help document languages
// The '*' entry will be used as default
$config['help_language_map'] = array('*' => 'en_US');

// Enter an absolute URL to a page displaying information about this webmail
// Alternatively, create a HTML file under <this-plugin-dir>/content/about.html
$config['help_about_url'] = null;

// Enter an absolute URL to a page displaying information about this webmail
// Alternatively, put your license text to <this-plugin-dir>/content/license.html
$config['help_license_url'] = null;

// Determine whether to open the help in a new window
$config['help_open_extwin'] = false;

// URL to additional information about CSRF protection
$config['help_csrf_info'] = null;