array('limit' => 1), 'firstname' => array('limit' => 1), 'surname' => array('limit' => 1), 'middlename' => array('limit' => 1), 'prefix' => array('limit' => 1), 'suffix' => array('limit' => 1), 'nickname' => array('limit' => 1), 'jobtitle' => array('limit' => 1), 'organization' => array('limit' => 1), 'department' => array('limit' => 1), 'gender' => array('limit' => 1), 'initials' => array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 6, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => 'kolab_addressbook.initials'), 'email' => array('subtypes' => null), 'phone' => array(), 'im' => array('limit' => 1), 'website' => array('limit' => 1, 'subtypes' => null), 'address' => array('limit' => 2, 'subtypes' => array('home','business')), 'birthday' => array('limit' => 1), 'anniversary' => array('type' => 'date', 'size' => 12, 'limit' => 1, 'label' => 'kolab_addressbook.anniversary'), // TODO: define more Kolab-specific fields such as: office-location, profession, manager-name, assistant, spouse-name, children, language, latitude, longitude, pgp-publickey, free-busy-url 'notes' => array(), ); private $gid; private $imap; private $kolab; private $folder; private $contactstorage; private $liststorage; private $contacts; private $distlists; private $groupmembers; private $id2uid; private $filter; private $result; private $imap_folder = 'INBOX/Contacts'; private $gender_map = array(0 => 'male', 1 => 'female'); private $phonetypemap = array('home' => 'home1', 'work' => 'business1', 'work2' => 'business2', 'workfax' => 'businessfax'); private $addresstypemap = array('work' => 'business'); private $fieldmap = array( // kolab => roundcube 'full-name' => 'name', 'given-name' => 'firstname', 'middle-names' => 'middlename', 'last-name' => 'surname', 'prefix' => 'prefix', 'suffix' => 'suffix', 'nick-name' => 'nickname', 'organization' => 'organization', 'department' => 'department', 'job-title' => 'jobtitle', 'initials' => 'initials', 'birthday' => 'birthday', 'anniversary' => 'anniversary', 'im-address' => 'im:aim', 'web-page' => 'website', 'body' => 'notes', ); public function __construct($imap_folder = null) { if ($imap_folder) $this->imap_folder = $imap_folder; // extend coltypes configuration $format = rcube_kolab::get_format('contact'); $this->coltypes['phone']['subtypes'] = $format->_phone_types; $this->coltypes['address']['subtypes'] = $format->_address_types; // set localized labels for proprietary cols foreach ($this->coltypes as $col => $prop) { if (is_string($prop['label'])) $this->coltypes[$col]['label'] = rcube_label($prop['label']); } // fetch objects from the given IMAP folder $this->contactstorage = rcube_kolab::get_storage($this->imap_folder); $this->liststorage = rcube_kolab::get_storage($this->imap_folder, 'distributionlist'); $this->ready = !PEAR::isError($this->contactstorage) && !PEAR::isError($this->liststorage); } /** * Getter for the address book name to be displayed * * @return string Name of this address book */ public function get_name() { return strtr(preg_replace('!^(INBOX|user)/!i', '', $this->imap_folder), '/', ':'); } /** * Setter for the current group */ public function set_group($gid) { $this->gid = $gid; } /** * Save a search string for future listings * * @param mixed Search params to use in listing method, obtained by get_search_set() */ public function set_search_set($filter) { $this->filter = $filter; } /** * Getter for saved search properties * * @return mixed Search properties used by this class */ public function get_search_set() { return $this->filter; } /** * Reset saved results and search parameters */ public function reset() { $this->result = null; $this->filter = null; } /** * List all active contact groups of this source * * @param string Optional search string to match group name * @return array Indexed list of contact groups, each a hash array */ function list_groups($search = null) { $this->_fetch_groups(); $groups = array(); foreach ((array)$this->distlists as $group) { if (!$search || strstr(strtolower($group['last-name']), strtolower($search))) $groups[] = array('ID' => $group['ID'], 'name' => $group['last-name']); } return $groups; } /** * List the current set of contact records * * @param array List of cols to show * @param int Only return this number of records, use negative values for tail * @return array Indexed list of contact records, each a hash array */ public function list_records($cols=null, $subset=0) { $this->result = $this->count(); // list member of the selected group if ($this->gid) { $seen = array(); $this->result->count = 0; foreach ((array)$this->distlists[$this->gid]['member'] as $member) { // skip member that don't match the search filter if ($this->filter && array_search($member['ID'], $this->filter) === false) continue; if ($this->contacts[$member['ID']] && !$seen[$member['ID']]++) $this->result->count++; } $ids = array_keys($seen); } else $ids = $this->filter ? $this->filter : array_keys($this->contacts); // fill contact data into the current result set $i = $j = 0; foreach ($ids as $id) { if ($i++ < $this->result->first) continue; $this->result->add($this->contacts[$id]); if (++$j == $this->page_size) break; } return $this->result; } /** * Search records * * @param array List of fields to search in * @param string Search value * @param boolean True if results are requested, False if count only * @param boolean True to skip the count query (select only) * @param array List of fields that cannot be empty * @return object rcube_result_set List of contact records and 'count' value */ public function search($fields, $value, $strict=false, $select=true, $nocount=false, $required=array()) { $this->_fetch_contacts(); // search by ID if ($fields == $this->primary_key) { return $this->get_record($value); } $value = strtolower($value); if (!is_array($fields)) $fields = array($fields); if (!is_array($required) && !empty($required)) $required = array($required); $this->filter = array(); // search be iterating over all records in memory foreach ($this->contacts as $id => $contact) { // check if current contact has required values, otherwise skip it if ($required) { foreach ($required as $f) if (empty($contact[$f])) continue 2; } foreach ($fields as $f) { foreach ((array)$contact[$f] as $val) { $val = strtolower($val); if (($strict && $val == $value) || (!$strict && strstr($val, $value))) { $this->filter[] = $id; break 2; } } } } // list records (now limited by $this->filter) return $this->list_records(); } /** * Count number of available contacts in database * * @return rcube_result_set Result set with values for 'count' and 'first' */ public function count() { $this->_fetch_contacts(); $this->_fetch_groups(); $count = $this->gid ? count($this->distlists[$this->gid]['member']) : ($this->filter ? count($this->filter) : count($this->contacts)); return new rcube_result_set($count, ($this->list_page-1) * $this->page_size); } /** * Return the last result set * * @return rcube_result_set Current result set or NULL if nothing selected yet */ public function get_result() { return $this->result; } /** * Get a specific contact record * * @param mixed record identifier(s) * @param boolean True to return record as associative array, otherwise a result set is returned * @return mixed Result object with all record fields or False if not found */ public function get_record($id, $assoc=false) { $this->_fetch_contacts(); if ($this->contacts[$id]) { $this->result = new rcube_result_set(1); $this->result->add($this->contacts[$id]); return $assoc ? $this->contacts[$id] : $this->result; } return false; } /** * Get group assignments of a specific contact record * * @param mixed Record identifier * @return array List of assigned groups as ID=>Name pairs */ public function get_record_groups($id) { $out = array(); $this->_fetch_groups(); foreach ((array)$this->groupmembers[$id] as $gid) { if ($group = $this->distlists[$gid]) $out[$gid] = $group['last-name']; } return $out; } /** * Create a new contact record * * @param array Assoziative array with save data * Keys: Field name with optional section in the form FIELD:SECTION * Values: Field value. Can be either a string or an array of strings for multiple values * @param boolean True to check for duplicates first * @return mixed The created record ID on success, False on error */ public function insert($save_data, $check=false) { if (!is_array($save_data)) return false; $insert_id = $existing = false; // check for existing records by e-mail comparison if ($check) { foreach ($this->get_col_values('email', $save_data, true) as $email) { if (($res = $this->search('email', $email, true, false)) && $res->count) { $existing = true; break; } } } if (!$existing) { // generate new Kolab contact item $object = $this->_from_rcube_contact($save_data); $object['uid'] = $this->contactstorage->generateUID(); $saved = $this->contactstorage->save($object); if (PEAR::isError($saved)) { raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Error saving contact object to Kolab server:" . $saved->getMessage()), true, false); } else { $contact = $this->_to_rcube_contact($object); $id = $contact['ID']; $this->contacts[$id] = $contact; $this->id2uid[$id] = $object['uid']; $insert_id = $id; } } return $insert_id; } /** * Update a specific contact record * * @param mixed Record identifier * @param array Assoziative array with save data * Keys: Field name with optional section in the form FIELD:SECTION * Values: Field value. Can be either a string or an array of strings for multiple values * @return boolean True on success, False on error */ public function update($id, $save_data) { $updated = false; $this->_fetch_contacts(); if ($this->contacts[$id] && ($uid = $this->id2uid[$id])) { $old = $this->contactstorage->getObject($uid); $object = array_merge($old, $this->_from_rcube_contact($save_data)); $saved = $this->contactstorage->save($object, $uid); if (PEAR::isError($saved)) { raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Error saving contact object to Kolab server:" . $saved->getMessage()), true, false); } else { $this->contacts[$id] = $this->_to_rcube_contact($object); $updated = true; } } return $updated; } /** * Mark one or more contact records as deleted * * @param array Record identifiers */ public function delete($ids) { $this->_fetch_contacts(); $this->_fetch_groups(); if (!is_array($ids)) $ids = explode(',', $ids); $count = 0; foreach ($ids as $id) { if ($uid = $this->id2uid[$id]) { $deleted = $this->contactstorage->delete($uid); if (PEAR::isError($deleted)) { raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Error deleting a contact object from the Kolab server:" . $deleted->getMessage()), true, false); } else { // remove from distribution lists foreach ((array)$this->groupmembers[$id] as $gid) $this->remove_from_group($gid, $id); // clear internal cache unset($this->contacts[$id], $this->id2uid[$id], $this->groupmembers[$id]); $count++; } } } return $count; } /** * Remove all records from the database */ public function delete_all() { if (!PEAR::isError($this->contactstorage->deleteAll())) { $this->contacts = array(); $this->id2uid = array(); $this->result = null; } } /** * Close connection to source * Called on script shutdown */ public function close() { rcube_kolab::shutdown(); } /** * Create a contact group with the given name * * @param string The group name * @return mixed False on error, array with record props in success */ function create_group($name) { $this->_fetch_groups(); $result = false; $list = array( 'uid' => $this->liststorage->generateUID(), 'last-name' => $name, 'member' => array(), ); $saved = $this->liststorage->save($list); if (PEAR::isError($saved)) { raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Error saving distribution-list object to Kolab server:" . $saved->getMessage()), true, false); return false; } else { $id = md5($list['uid']); $this->distlists[$record['ID']] = $list; $result = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name); } return $result; } /** * Delete the given group and all linked group members * * @param string Group identifier * @return boolean True on success, false if no data was changed */ function delete_group($gid) { $this->_fetch_groups(); $result = false; if ($list = $this->distlists[$gid]) $deleted = $this->liststorage->delete($list['uid']); if (PEAR::isError($deleted)) { raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Error deleting distribution-list object from the Kolab server:" . $deleted->getMessage()), true, false); } else $result = true; return $result; } /** * Rename a specific contact group * * @param string Group identifier * @param string New name to set for this group * @return boolean New name on success, false if no data was changed */ function rename_group($gid, $newname) { $this->_fetch_groups(); $list = $this->distlists[$gid]; if ($newname != $list['last-name']) { $list['last-name'] = $newname; $saved = $this->liststorage->save($list, $list['uid']); } if (PEAR::isError($saved)) { raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Error saving distribution-list object to Kolab server:" . $saved->getMessage()), true, false); return false; } return $newname; } /** * Add the given contact records the a certain group * * @param string Group identifier * @param array List of contact identifiers to be added * @return int Number of contacts added */ function add_to_group($gid, $ids) { if (!is_array($ids)) $ids = explode(',', $ids); $added = 0; $exists = array(); $this->_fetch_groups(); $this->_fetch_contacts(); $list = $this->distlists[$gid]; foreach ((array)$list['member'] as $i => $member) $exists[] = $member['ID']; // substract existing assignments from list $ids = array_diff($ids, $exists); foreach ($ids as $contact_id) { if ($uid = $this->id2uid[$contact_id]) { $contact = $this->contacts[$contact_id]; foreach ($this->get_col_values('email', $contact, true) as $email) { $list['member'][] = array( 'uid' => $uid, 'display-name' => $contact['name'], 'smtp-address' => $email, ); } $this->groupmembers[$contact_id][] = $gid; $added++; } } if ($added) $saved = $this->liststorage->save($list, $list['uid']); if (PEAR::isError($saved)) { raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Error saving distribution-list to Kolab server:" . $saved->getMessage()), true, false); $added = false; } else { $this->distlists[$gid] = $list; } return $added; } /** * Remove the given contact records from a certain group * * @param string Group identifier * @param array List of contact identifiers to be removed * @return int Number of deleted group members */ function remove_from_group($gid, $ids) { if (!is_array($ids)) $ids = explode(',', $ids); $this->_fetch_groups(); if (!($list = $this->distlists[$gid])) return false; $new_member = array(); foreach ((array)$list['member'] as $member) { if (!in_array($member['ID'], $ids)) $new_member[] = $member; } // write distribution list back to server $list['member'] = $new_member; $saved = $this->liststorage->save($list, $list['uid']); if (PEAR::isError($saved)) { raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Error saving distribution-list object to Kolab server:" . $saved->getMessage()), true, false); } else { // remove group assigments in local cache foreach ($ids as $id) { $j = array_search($gid, $this->groupmembers[$id]); unset($this->groupmembers[$id][$j]); } $this->distlists[$gid] = $list; return true; } return false; } /** * Simply fetch all records and store them in private member vars */ private function _fetch_contacts() { if (!isset($this->contacts)) { // read contacts $this->contacts = $this->id2uid = array(); foreach ((array)$this->contactstorage->getObjects() as $record) { $contact = $this->_to_rcube_contact($record); $id = $contact['ID']; $this->contacts[$id] = $contact; $this->id2uid[$id] = $record['uid']; } // TODO: sort data arrays according to desired list sorting } } /** * Read distribution-lists AKA groups from server */ private function _fetch_groups() { if (!isset($this->distlists)) { $this->distlists = $this->groupmembers = array(); foreach ((array)$this->liststorage->getObjects() as $record) { // FIXME: folders without any distribution-list objects return contacts instead ?! if ($record['__type'] != 'Group') continue; $record['ID'] = md5($record['uid']); foreach ((array)$record['member'] as $i => $member) { $mid = md5($member['uid']); $record['member'][$i]['ID'] = $mid; $this->groupmembers[$mid][] = $record['ID']; } $this->distlists[$record['ID']] = $record; } } } /** * Map fields from internal Kolab_Format to Roundcube contact format */ private function _to_rcube_contact($record) { $out = array( 'ID' => md5($record['uid']), 'email' => array(), 'phone' => array(), ); foreach ($this->fieldmap as $kolab => $rcube) { if (strlen($record[$kolab])) $out[$rcube] = $record[$kolab]; } if (isset($record['gender'])) $out['gender'] = $this->gender_map[$record['gender']]; foreach ((array)$record['email'] as $i => $email) $out['email'][] = $email['smtp-address']; if (!$record['email'] && $record['emails']) $out['email'] = preg_split('/,\s*/', $record['emails']); foreach ((array)$record['phone'] as $i => $phone) $out['phone:'.$phone['type']][] = $phone['number']; if (is_array($record['address'])) { foreach ($record['address'] as $i => $adr) { $key = 'address:' . $adr['type']; $out[$key][] = array( 'street' => $adr['street'], 'locality' => $adr['locality'], 'zipcode' => $adr['postal-code'], 'region' => $adr['region'], 'country' => $adr['country'], ); } } // remove empty fields return array_filter($out); } private function _from_rcube_contact($contact) { $object = array(); foreach (array_flip($this->fieldmap) as $rcube => $kolab) { if (isset($contact[$rcube])) $object[$kolab] = is_array($contact[$rcube]) ? $contact[$rcube][0] : $contact[$rcube]; else if ($rcube .= ':home' && isset($contact[$rcube])) $object[$kolab] = is_array($contact[$rcube]) ? $contact[$rcube][0] : $contact[$rcube]; } // format dates if ($object['birthday'] && ($date = @strtotime($object['birthday']))) $object['birthday'] = date('Y-m-d', $date); if ($object['anniversary'] && ($date = @strtotime($object['anniversary']))) $object['anniversary'] = date('Y-m-d', $date); $gendermap = array_flip($this->gender_map); if (isset($contact['gender'])) $object['gender'] = $gendermap[$contact['gender']]; $emails = $this->get_col_values('email', $contact, true); $object['emails'] = join(', ', $emails); foreach ($this->get_col_values('phone', $contact) as $type => $values) { if ($this->phonetypemap[$type]) $type = $this->phonetypemap[$type]; foreach ((array)$values as $phone) $object['phone'][] = array('number' => $phone, 'type' => $type); } foreach ($this->get_col_values('address', $contact) as $type => $values) { if ($this->addresstypemap[$type]) $type = $this->addresstypemap[$type]; $basekey = 'addr-' . $type . '-'; foreach ((array)$values as $adr) { // switch type if slot is already taken if (isset($object[$basekey . 'type'])) { $type = $type == 'home' ? 'business' : 'home'; $basekey = 'addr-' . $type . '-'; } if (!isset($object[$basekey . 'type'])) { $object[$basekey . 'type'] = $type; $object[$basekey . 'street'] = $adr['street']; $object[$basekey . 'locality'] = $adr['locality']; $object[$basekey . 'postal-code'] = $adr['zipcode']; $object[$basekey . 'region'] = $adr['region']; $object[$basekey . 'country'] = $adr['country']; } else { $object['address'][] = array( 'type' => $type, 'street' => $adr['street'], 'locality' => $adr['locality'], 'postal-code' => $adr['zipcode'], 'region' => $adr['region'], 'country' => $adr['country'], ); } } } return $object; } }