Kolab Integration Plugin README ------------------------------- This plugin relies on classes from the Horde project. In order to have all the required files available you need to install the following packages from Horde: Horde_Framework Kolab_Format Kolab_Storage Horde_NLS Horde_DOM This is best done using PEAR. Make sure that the local PEAR directory is in the PHP isntall path and execute the following commands to install the required packages: pear channel-discover pear.horde.org pear install horde/Horde_Framework pear install horde/Horde_DOM pear install horde/Horde_NLS pear install horde/Horde_Share pear install horde/Log pear install horde/Kolab_Format pear install horde/Kolab_Storage Configuration ------------- Rename the config.inc.php.dist to config.inc.php within this plugin directory and add the corresponding values for your local Kolab server.