* * Configuration (main.inc.php): // managesieve server port $rcmail_config['managesieve_port'] = 2000; // managesieve server address $rcmail_config['managesieve_host'] = 'localhost'; // use or not TLS for managesieve server connection // it's because I've problems with TLS and dovecot's managesieve plugin // and it's not needed on localhost $rcmail_config['managesieve_usetls'] = false; // default contents of filters script (eg. default spam filter) $rcmail_config['managesieve_default'] = '/etc/dovecot/sieve/global'; // I need this because my dovecot (with listescape plugin) uses // ':' delimiter, but creates folders with dot delimiter $rcmail_config['managesieve_replace_delimiter'] = ''; // disabled sieve extensions (body, copy, date, editheader, encoded-character, // envelope, environment, ereject, fileinto, ihave, imap4flags, index, // mailbox, mboxmetadata, regex, reject, relational, servermetadata, // spamtest, spamtestplus, subaddress, vacation, variables, virustest, etc. // Note: not all extensions are implemented $rcmail_config['managesieve_disabled_extensions'] = array(); */ class managesieve extends rcube_plugin { public $task = 'settings'; private $rc; private $sieve; private $errors; private $form; private $script = array(); private $exts = array(); private $headers = array( 'subject' => 'Subject', 'sender' => 'From', 'recipient' => 'To', ); function init() { // add Tab label/title $this->add_texts('localization/', array('filters','managefilters')); // register actions $this->register_action('plugin.managesieve', array($this, 'managesieve_init')); $this->register_action('plugin.managesieve-save', array($this, 'managesieve_save')); // include main js script $this->include_script('managesieve.js'); } function managesieve_start() { $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance(); $this->rc = &$rcmail; // register UI objects $this->rc->output->add_handlers(array( 'filterslist' => array($this, 'filters_list'), 'filterframe' => array($this, 'filter_frame'), 'filterform' => array($this, 'filter_form'), )); require_once($this->home . '/lib/Net/Sieve.php'); require_once($this->home . '/lib/rcube_sieve.php'); // try to connect to managesieve server and to fetch the script $this->sieve = new rcube_sieve($_SESSION['username'], $this->rc->decrypt($_SESSION['password']), $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_host', 'localhost'), $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_port', 2000), $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_usetls', false), $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_disabled_extensions')); $error = $this->sieve->error(); if ($error == SIEVE_ERROR_NOT_EXISTS) { // if script not exists build default script contents $script_file = $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_default'); if ($script_file && is_readable($script_file)) $this->sieve->script->add_text(file_get_contents($script_file)); // that's not exactly an error $error = false; } elseif ($error) { switch ($error) { case SIEVE_ERROR_CONNECTION: case SIEVE_ERROR_LOGIN: $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filterconnerror', 'error'); break; default: $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filterunknownerror', 'error'); break; } // to disable 'Add filter' button set env variable $this->rc->output->set_env('filterconnerror', true); } // finally set script objects if ($error) { $this->script = array(); } else { $this->script = $this->sieve->script->as_array(); $this->exts = $this->sieve->get_extensions(); } return $error; } function managesieve_init() { // Init plugin and handle managesieve connection $error = $this->managesieve_start(); // Handle user requests if ($action = get_input_value('_act', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)) { $fid = (int) get_input_value('_fid', RCUBE_INPUT_GET); if ($action=='up' && !$error) { if ($fid && isset($this->script[$fid]) && isset($this->script[$fid-1])) { if ($this->sieve->script->update_rule($fid, $this->script[$fid-1]) !== false && $this->sieve->script->update_rule($fid-1, $this->script[$fid]) !== false) $result = $this->sieve->save(); if ($result) { // $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filtersaved', 'confirmation'); $this->rc->output->command('managesieve_updatelist', 'up', '', $fid); } else $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filtersaveerror', 'error'); } } elseif ($action=='down' && !$error) { if (isset($this->script[$fid]) && isset($this->script[$fid+1])) { if ($this->sieve->script->update_rule($fid, $this->script[$fid+1]) !== false && $this->sieve->script->update_rule($fid+1, $this->script[$fid]) !== false) $result = $this->sieve->save(); if ($result) { // $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filtersaved', 'confirmation'); $this->rc->output->command('managesieve_updatelist', 'down', '', $fid); } else $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filtersaveerror', 'error'); } } elseif ($action=='delete' && !$error) { if (isset($this->script[$fid])) { if ($this->sieve->script->delete_rule($fid)) $result = $this->sieve->save(); if (!$result) $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filterdeleteerror', 'error'); else { $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filterdeleted', 'confirmation'); $this->rc->output->command('managesieve_updatelist', 'delete', '', $fid); } } } elseif ($action=='ruleadd') { $rid = get_input_value('_rid', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC); $id = $this->genid(); $content = $this->rule_div($fid, $id, false); $this->rc->output->command('managesieve_rulefill', $content, $id, $rid); } elseif ($action=='actionadd') { $aid = get_input_value('_aid', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC); $id = $this->genid(); $content = $this->action_div($fid, $id, false); $this->rc->output->command('managesieve_actionfill', $content, $id, $aid); } $this->rc->output->send(); } $this->managesieve_send(); } function managesieve_save() { // Init plugin and handle managesieve connection $error = $this->managesieve_start(); // add/edit action if (isset($_POST['_name'])) { $name = trim(get_input_value('_name', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)); $fid = trim(get_input_value('_fid', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)); $join = trim(get_input_value('_join', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)); // and arrays $headers = $_POST['_header']; $cust_headers = $_POST['_custom_header']; $ops = $_POST['_rule_op']; $sizeops = $_POST['_rule_size_op']; $sizeitems = $_POST['_rule_size_item']; $sizetargets = $_POST['_rule_size_target']; $targets = $_POST['_rule_target']; $act_types = $_POST['_action_type']; $mailboxes = $_POST['_action_mailbox']; $act_targets = $_POST['_action_target']; $area_targets = $_POST['_action_target_area']; $reasons = $_POST['_action_reason']; $addresses = $_POST['_action_addresses']; $days = $_POST['_action_days']; // we need a "hack" for radiobuttons foreach ($sizeitems as $item) $items[] = $item; $this->form['join'] = $join=='allof' ? true : false; $this->form['name'] = $name; $this->form['tests'] = array(); $this->form['actions'] = array(); if ($name == '') $this->errors['name'] = $this->gettext('cannotbeempty'); else foreach($this->script as $idx => $rule) if($rule['name'] == $name && $idx != $fid) { $this->errors['name'] = $this->gettext('ruleexist'); break; } $i = 0; // rules if ($join == 'any') { $this->form['tests'][0]['test'] = 'true'; } else foreach($headers as $idx => $header) { $header = $this->strip_value($header); $target = $this->strip_value($targets[$idx]); $op = $this->strip_value($ops[$idx]); // normal header if (in_array($header, $this->headers)) { if(preg_match('/^not/', $op)) $this->form['tests'][$i]['not'] = true; $type = preg_replace('/^not/', '', $op); if ($type == 'exists') { $this->form['tests'][$i]['test'] = 'exists'; $this->form['tests'][$i]['arg'] = $header; } else { $this->form['tests'][$i]['type'] = $type; $this->form['tests'][$i]['test'] = 'header'; $this->form['tests'][$i]['arg1'] = $header; $this->form['tests'][$i]['arg2'] = $target; if ($target == '') $this->errors['tests'][$i]['target'] = $this->gettext('cannotbeempty'); } } else switch ($header) { case 'size': $sizeop = $this->strip_value($sizeops[$idx]); $sizeitem = $this->strip_value($items[$idx]); $sizetarget = $this->strip_value($sizetargets[$idx]); $this->form['tests'][$i]['test'] = 'size'; $this->form['tests'][$i]['type'] = $sizeop; $this->form['tests'][$i]['arg'] = $sizetarget.$sizeitem; if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+(K|M|G)*$/i', $sizetarget)) $this->errors['tests'][$i]['sizetarget'] = $this->gettext('wrongformat'); break; case '...': $cust_header = $headers = $this->strip_value($cust_headers[$idx]); if(preg_match('/^not/', $op)) $this->form['tests'][$i]['not'] = true; $type = preg_replace('/^not/', '', $op); if ($cust_header == '') $this->errors['tests'][$i]['header'] = $this->gettext('cannotbeempty'); else { $headers = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $cust_header, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (!count($headers)) $this->errors['tests'][$i]['header'] = $this->gettext('cannotbeempty'); else { foreach ($headers as $hr) if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]+$/i', $hr)) $this->errors['tests'][$i]['header'] = $this->gettext('forbiddenchars'); } } if (empty($this->errors['tests'][$i]['header'])) $cust_header = $headers; if ($type == 'exists') { $this->form['tests'][$i]['test'] = 'exists'; $this->form['tests'][$i]['arg'] = $cust_header; } else { $this->form['tests'][$i]['test'] = 'header'; $this->form['tests'][$i]['type'] = $type; $this->form['tests'][$i]['arg1'] = $cust_header; $this->form['tests'][$i]['arg2'] = $target; if ($target == '') $this->errors['tests'][$i]['target'] = $this->gettext('cannotbeempty'); } break; } $i++; } $i = 0; // actions foreach($act_types as $idx => $type) { $type = $this->strip_value($type); $target = $this->strip_value($act_targets[$idx]); $this->form['actions'][$i]['type'] = $type; switch ($type) { case 'fileinto': $mailbox = $this->strip_value($mailboxes[$idx]); $this->form['actions'][$i]['target'] = $mailbox; break; case 'reject': case 'ereject': $target = $this->strip_value($area_targets[$idx]); $this->form['actions'][$i]['target'] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $target); // if ($target == '') // $this->errors['actions'][$i]['targetarea'] = $this->gettext('cannotbeempty'); break; case 'redirect': $this->form['actions'][$i]['target'] = $target; if ($this->form['actions'][$i]['target'] == '') $this->errors['actions'][$i]['target'] = $this->gettext('cannotbeempty'); else if (!$this->check_email($this->form['actions'][$i]['target'])) $this->errors['actions'][$i]['target'] = $this->gettext('noemailwarning'); break; case 'vacation': $reason = $this->strip_value($reasons[$idx]); $this->form['actions'][$i]['reason'] = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $reason); $this->form['actions'][$i]['days'] = $days[$idx]; $this->form['actions'][$i]['addresses'] = explode(',', $addresses[$idx]); // @TODO: vacation :subject, :mime, :from, :handle if ($this->form['actions'][$i]['addresses']) { foreach($this->form['actions'][$i]['addresses'] as $aidx => $address) { $address = trim($address); if (!$address) unset($this->form['actions'][$i]['addresses'][$aidx]); else if(!$this->check_email($address)) { $this->errors['actions'][$i]['addresses'] = $this->gettext('noemailwarning'); break; } else $this->form['actions'][$i]['addresses'][$aidx] = $address; } } if ($this->form['actions'][$i]['reason'] == '') $this->errors['actions'][$i]['reason'] = $this->gettext('cannotbeempty'); if ($this->form['actions'][$i]['days'] && !preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $this->form['actions'][$i]['days'])) $this->errors['actions'][$i]['days'] = $this->gettext('forbiddenchars'); break; } $i++; } if (!$this->errors) { // zapis skryptu if (!isset($this->script[$fid])) { $fid = $this->sieve->script->add_rule($this->form); $new = true; } else $fid = $this->sieve->script->update_rule($fid, $this->form); if ($fid !== false) $save = $this->sieve->save(); if ($save && $fid !== false) { $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filtersaved', 'confirmation'); $this->rc->output->add_script(sprintf("rcmail.managesieve_updatelist('%s', '%s', %d);", isset($new) ? 'add' : 'update', $this->form['name'], $fid), 'foot'); // $this->rc->output->command('managesieve_updatelist', isset($new) ? 'add' : 'update', $this->form['name'], $fid); // $this->rc->output->send(); } else { $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filtersaveerror', 'error'); // $this->rc->output->send(); } } } $this->managesieve_send(); } private function managesieve_send() { // Handle form action if (isset($_GET['_framed']) || isset($_POST['_framed'])) $this->rc->output->send('managesieve.managesieveedit'); else { $this->rc->output->set_pagetitle($this->gettext('filters')); $this->rc->output->send('managesieve.managesieve'); } } // return the filters list as HTML table function filters_list($attrib) { // add id to message list table if not specified if (!strlen($attrib['id'])) $attrib['id'] = 'rcmfilterslist'; // define list of cols to be displayed $a_show_cols = array('managesieve.filtername'); foreach($this->script as $idx => $filter) $result[] = array('managesieve.filtername' => $filter['name'], 'id' => $idx); // create XHTML table $out = rcube_table_output($attrib, $result, $a_show_cols, 'id'); // set client env $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('filterslist', $attrib['id']); $this->rc->output->include_script('list.js'); // add some labels to client $this->rc->output->add_label('managesieve.filterconfirmdelete'); return $out; } function filter_frame($attrib) { if (!$attrib['id']) $attrib['id'] = 'rcmfilterframe'; $attrib['name'] = $attrib['id']; $this->rc->output->set_env('contentframe', $attrib['name']); $this->rc->output->set_env('blankpage', $attrib['src'] ? $this->rc->output->abs_url($attrib['src']) : 'program/blank.gif'); return html::tag('iframe', $attrib); } function filter_form($attrib) { if (!$attrib['id']) $attrib['id'] = 'rcmfilterform'; $fid = get_input_value('_fid', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC); $scr = isset($this->form) ? $this->form : $this->script[$fid]; $hiddenfields = new html_hiddenfield(array('name' => '_task', 'value' => $this->rc->task)); $hiddenfields->add(array('name' => '_action', 'value' => 'plugin.managesieve-save')); $hiddenfields->add(array('name' => '_framed', 'value' => ($_POST['_framed'] || $_GET['_framed'] ? 1 : 0))); $hiddenfields->add(array('name' => '_fid', 'value' => $fid)); $out = '
'."\n"; $out .= $hiddenfields->show(); // 'any' flag if (sizeof($scr['tests']) == 1 && $scr['tests'][0]['test'] == 'true' && !$scr['tests'][0]['not']) $any = true; // filter name input $field_id = '_name'; $input_name = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_name', 'id' => $field_id, 'size' => 30, 'class' => ($this->errors['name'] ? 'error' : ''))); if (isset($scr)) $input_name = $input_name->show($scr['name']); else $input_name = $input_name->show(); $out .= sprintf("\n %s

\n", $field_id, Q($this->gettext('filtername')), $input_name); $out .= '
' . Q($this->gettext('messagesrules')) . "\n"; // any, allof, anyof radio buttons $field_id = '_allof'; $input_join = new html_radiobutton(array('name' => '_join', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 'allof', 'onclick' => 'rule_join_radio(\'allof\')', 'class' => 'radio')); if (isset($scr) && !$any) $input_join = $input_join->show($scr['join'] ? 'allof' : ''); else $input_join = $input_join->show(); $out .= sprintf("%s \n", $input_join, $field_id, Q($this->gettext('filterallof'))); $field_id = '_anyof'; $input_join = new html_radiobutton(array('name' => '_join', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 'anyof', 'onclick' => 'rule_join_radio(\'anyof\')', 'class' => 'radio')); if (isset($scr) && !$any) $input_join = $input_join->show($scr['join'] ? '' : 'anyof'); else $input_join = $input_join->show('anyof'); // default $out .= sprintf("%s\n", $input_join, $field_id, Q($this->gettext('filteranyof'))); $field_id = '_any'; $input_join = new html_radiobutton(array('name' => '_join', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 'any', 'onclick' => 'rule_join_radio(\'any\')', 'class' => 'radio')); $input_join = $input_join->show($any ? 'any' : ''); $out .= sprintf("%s\n", $input_join, $field_id, Q($this->gettext('filterany'))); $rows_num = isset($scr) ? sizeof($scr['tests']) : 1; $out .= '\n"; $out .= "
\n"; // actions $out .= '
' . Q($this->gettext('messagesactions')) . "\n"; $rows_num = isset($scr) ? sizeof($scr['actions']) : 1; $out .= '
'; for ($x=0; $x<$rows_num; $x++) $out .= $this->action_div($fid, $x); $out .= "
\n"; $out .= "
\n"; $this->rc->output->add_label('managesieve.ruledeleteconfirm'); $this->rc->output->add_label('managesieve.actiondeleteconfirm'); $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('sieveform', 'filterform'); return $out; } function rule_div($fid, $id, $div=true) { $rule = isset($this->form) ? $this->form['tests'][$id] : $this->script[$fid]['tests'][$id]; $rows_num = isset($this->form) ? sizeof($this->form['tests']) : sizeof($this->script[$fid]['tests']); $out = $div ? '
'."\n" : ''; $out .= ''; // add/del buttons $out .= '
'; // headers select $select_header = new html_select(array('name' => "_header[]", 'id' => 'header'.$id, 'onchange' => 'header_select(' .$id .')')); foreach($this->headers as $name => $val) $select_header->add(Q($this->gettext($name)), Q($val)); $select_header->add(Q($this->gettext('size')), 'size'); $select_header->add(Q($this->gettext('...')), '...'); // TODO: list arguments if ((isset($rule['test']) && $rule['test'] == 'header') && !is_array($rule['arg1']) && in_array($rule['arg1'], $this->headers)) $out .= $select_header->show($rule['arg1']); elseif ((isset($rule['test']) && $rule['test'] == 'exists') && !is_array($rule['arg']) && in_array($rule['arg'], $this->headers)) $out .= $select_header->show($rule['arg']); elseif (isset($rule['test']) && $rule['test'] == 'size') $out .= $select_header->show('size'); elseif (isset($rule['test']) && $rule['test'] != 'true') $out .= $select_header->show('...'); else $out .= $select_header->show(); $out .= ''; if ((isset($rule['test']) && $rule['test'] == 'header') && (is_array($rule['arg1']) || !in_array($rule['arg1'], $this->headers))) $custom = is_array($rule['arg1']) ? implode(', ', $rule['arg1']) : $rule['arg1']; elseif ((isset($rule['test']) && $rule['test'] == 'exists') && (is_array($rule['arg']) || !in_array($rule['arg'], $this->headers))) $custom = is_array($rule['arg']) ? implode(', ', $rule['arg']) : $rule['arg']; $out .= '
error_class($id, 'test', 'header') .' value="' .Q($custom). '" size="20" /> 
' . "\n"; // matching type select (operator) $select_op = new html_select(array('name' => "_rule_op[]", 'id' => 'rule_op'.$id, 'style' => 'display:' .($rule['test']!='size' ? 'inline' : 'none'), 'onchange' => 'rule_op_select('.$id.')')); $select_op->add(Q($this->gettext('filtercontains')), 'contains'); $select_op->add(Q($this->gettext('filternotcontains')), 'notcontains'); $select_op->add(Q($this->gettext('filteris')), 'is'); $select_op->add(Q($this->gettext('filterisnot')), 'notis'); $select_op->add(Q($this->gettext('filterexists')), 'exists'); $select_op->add(Q($this->gettext('filternotexists')), 'notexists'); // $select_op->add(Q($this->gettext('filtermatches')), 'matches'); // $select_op->add(Q($this->gettext('filternotmatches')), 'notmatches'); // target input (TODO: lists) if ($rule['test'] == 'header') { $out .= $select_op->show(($rule['not'] ? 'not' : '').$rule['type']); $target = $rule['arg2']; } elseif ($rule['test'] == 'size') { $out .= $select_op->show(); if(preg_match('/^([0-9]+)(K|M|G)*$/', $rule['arg'], $matches)) { $sizetarget = $matches[1]; $sizeitem = $matches[2]; } } else { $out .= $select_op->show(($rule['not'] ? 'not' : '').$rule['test']); $target = ''; } $out .= 'error_class($id, 'test', 'target') . ' style="display:' . ($rule['test']!='size' && $rule['test'] != 'exists' ? 'inline' : 'none') . '" />'."\n"; $select_size_op = new html_select(array('name' => "_rule_size_op[]", 'id' => 'rule_size_op'.$id)); $select_size_op->add(Q($this->gettext('filterunder')), 'under'); $select_size_op->add(Q($this->gettext('filterover')), 'over'); $out .= '
'; $out .= $select_size_op->show($rule['test']=='size' ? $rule['type'] : ''); $out .= 'error_class($id, 'test', 'sizetarget') .' /> B kB MB GB'; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; $out .= ' '; $out .= ''; $out .= '
'; $out .= $div ? "
\n" : ''; return $out; } function action_div($fid, $id, $div=true) { $action = isset($this->form) ? $this->form['actions'][$id] : $this->script[$fid]['actions'][$id]; $rows_num = isset($this->form) ? sizeof($this->form['actions']) : sizeof($this->script[$fid]['actions']); $out = $div ? '
'."\n" : ''; $out .= ''; // actions target inputs $out .= ''; // add/del buttons $out .= ''; $out .= '
'; // action select $select_action = new html_select(array('name' => "_action_type[]", 'id' => 'action_type'.$id, 'onchange' => 'action_type_select(' .$id .')')); if (in_array('fileinto', $this->exts)) $select_action->add(Q($this->gettext('messagemoveto')), 'fileinto'); $select_action->add(Q($this->gettext('messageredirect')), 'redirect'); if (in_array('reject', $this->exts)) $select_action->add(Q($this->gettext('messagediscard')), 'reject'); elseif (in_array('ereject', $this->exts)) $select_action->add(Q($this->gettext('messagediscard')), 'ereject'); if (in_array('vacation', $this->exts)) $select_action->add(Q($this->gettext('messagereply')), 'vacation'); $select_action->add(Q($this->gettext('messagedelete')), 'discard'); $select_action->add(Q($this->gettext('rulestop')), 'stop'); $out .= $select_action->show($action['type']); $out .= ''; // shared targets $out .= 'error_class($id, 'action', 'target') .' />'; $out .= '\n"; // vacation $out .= '
'; $out .= ''. Q($this->gettext('vacationreason')) .'
' .'\n"; $out .= '
' .Q($this->gettext('vacationaddresses')) . '
' .'error_class($id, 'action', 'addresses') .' />'; $out .= '
' . Q($this->gettext('vacationdays')) . '
' .'error_class($id, 'action', 'days') .' />'; $out .= '
'; // mailbox select $out .= ''; $out .= '
'; $out .= ' '; $out .= ''; $out .= '
'; $out .= $div ? "
\n" : ''; return $out; } private function genid() { $result = intval(rcube_timer()); return $result; } private function strip_value($str) { return trim(strip_tags($str)); } private function error_class($id, $type, $target, $name_only=false) { // TODO: tooltips if ($type == 'test' && isset($this->errors['tests'][$id][$target])) return ($name_only ? 'error' : ' class="error"'); elseif ($type == 'action' && isset($this->errors['actions'][$id][$target])) return ($name_only ? 'error' : ' class="error"'); return ''; } private function check_email($email) { // Check for invalid characters if (preg_match('/[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\xFF]/', $email)) return false; // Check that there's one @ symbol, and that the lengths are right if (!preg_match('/^[^@]{1,64}@[^@]{1,255}$/', $email)) return false; // Split it into sections to make life easier $email_array = explode('@', $email); // Check local part $local_array = explode('.', $email_array[0]); foreach ($local_array as $local_part) if (!preg_match('/^(([A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)|("[^"]+"))$/', $local_part)) return false; // Check domain part if (preg_match('/^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])){3}$/', $email_array[1]) || preg_match('/^\[(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])){3}\]$/', $email_array[1])) return true; // If an IP address else { // If not an IP address $domain_array = explode('.', $email_array[1]); if (sizeof($domain_array) < 2) return false; // Not enough parts to be a valid domain foreach ($domain_array as $domain_part) if (!preg_match('/^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|([A-Za-z0-9]))$/', $domain_part)) return false; return true; } return false; } } ?>