----------------------------------------------------------------------- Password Plugin for Roundcube ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Plugin that adds a possibility to change user password using many methods (drivers) via Settings/Password tab. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. @version @package_version@ @author Aleksander Machniak <alec@alec.pl> @author <see driver files for driver authors> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Configuration 2. Drivers 2.1. Database (sql) 2.2. Cyrus/SASL (sasl) 2.3. Poppassd/Courierpassd (poppassd) 2.4. LDAP (ldap) 2.5. DirectAdmin Control Panel (directadmin) 2.6. cPanel (cpanel) 2.7. XIMSS/Communigate (ximms) 2.8. Virtualmin (virtualmin) 2.9. hMailServer (hmail) 2.10. PAM (pam) 2.11. Chpasswd (chpasswd) 2.12. LDAP - no PEAR (ldap_simple) 2.13. XMail (xmail) 2.14. Pw (pw_usermod) 2.15. domainFACTORY (domainfactory) 2.16. DBMail (dbmail) 2.17. Expect (expect) 2.18. Samba (smb) 2.19. Vpopmail daemon (vpopmaild) 2.20. Plesk (Plesk RPC-API) 2.21. Kpasswd 3. Driver API 1. Configuration ---------------- Copy config.inc.php.dist to config.inc.php and set the options as described within the file. 2. Drivers ---------- Password plugin supports many password change mechanisms which are handled by included drivers. Just pass driver name in 'password_driver' option. 2.1. Database (sql) ------------------- You can specify which database to connect by 'password_db_dsn' option and what SQL query to execute by 'password_query'. See config.inc.php.dist file for more info. Example implementations of an update_passwd function: - This is for use with LMS (http://lms.org.pl) database and postgres: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_passwd(hash text, account text) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE res integer; BEGIN UPDATE passwd SET password = hash WHERE login = split_part(account, '@', 1) AND domainid = (SELECT id FROM domains WHERE name = split_part(account, '@', 2)) RETURNING id INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; - This is for use with a SELECT update_passwd(%o,%c,%u) query Updates the password only when the old password matches the MD5 password in the database CREATE FUNCTION update_password (oldpass text, cryptpass text, user text) RETURNS text MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE currentsalt varchar(20); DECLARE error text; SET error = 'incorrect current password'; SELECT substring_index(substr(user.password,4),_latin1'$',1) INTO currentsalt FROM users WHERE username=user; SELECT '' INTO error FROM users WHERE username=user AND password=ENCRYPT(oldpass,currentsalt); UPDATE users SET password=cryptpass WHERE username=user AND password=ENCRYPT(oldpass,currentsalt); RETURN error; END Example SQL UPDATEs: - Plain text passwords: UPDATE users SET password=%p WHERE username=%u AND password=%o AND domain=%h LIMIT 1 - Crypt text passwords: UPDATE users SET password=%c WHERE username=%u LIMIT 1 - Use a MYSQL crypt function (*nix only) with random 8 character salt UPDATE users SET password=ENCRYPT(%p,concat(_utf8'$1$',right(md5(rand()),8),_utf8'$')) WHERE username=%u LIMIT 1 - MD5 stored passwords: UPDATE users SET password=MD5(%p) WHERE username=%u AND password=MD5(%o) LIMIT 1 2.2. Cyrus/SASL (sasl) ---------------------- Cyrus SASL database authentication allows your Cyrus+Roundcube installation to host mail users without requiring a Unix Shell account! This driver only covers the "sasldb" case when using Cyrus SASL. Kerberos and PAM authentication mechanisms will require other techniques to enable user password manipulations. Cyrus SASL includes a shell utility called "saslpasswd" for manipulating user passwords in the "sasldb" database. This plugin attempts to use this utility to perform password manipulations required by your webmail users without any administrative interaction. Unfortunately, this scheme requires that the "saslpasswd" utility be run as the "cyrus" user - kind of a security problem since we have chosen to SUID a small script which will allow this to happen. This driver is based on the Squirrelmail Change SASL Password Plugin. See http://www.squirrelmail.org/plugin_view.php?id=107 for details. Installation: Change into the helpers directory. Edit the chgsaslpasswd.c file as is documented within it. Compile the wrapper program: gcc -o chgsaslpasswd chgsaslpasswd.c Chown the compiled chgsaslpasswd binary to the cyrus user and group that your browser runs as, then chmod them to 4550. For example, if your cyrus user is 'cyrus' and the apache server group is 'nobody' (I've been told Redhat runs Apache as user 'apache'): chown cyrus:nobody chgsaslpasswd chmod 4550 chgsaslpasswd Stephen Carr has suggested users should try to run the scripts on a test account as the cyrus user eg; su cyrus -c "./chgsaslpasswd -p test_account" This will allow you to make sure that the script will work for your setup. Should the script not work, make sure that: 1) the user the script runs as has access to the saslpasswd|saslpasswd2 file and proper permissions 2) make sure the user in the chgsaslpasswd.c file is set correctly. This could save you some headaches if you are the paranoid type. 2.3. Poppassd/Courierpassd (poppassd) ------------------------------------- You can specify which host to connect to via 'password_pop_host' and what port via 'password_pop_port'. See config.inc.php.dist file for more info. 2.4. LDAP (ldap) ---------------- See config.inc.php.dist file. Requires PEAR::Net_LDAP2 package. 2.5. DirectAdmin Control Panel (directadmin) -------------------------------------------- You can specify which host to connect to via 'password_directadmin_host' (don't forget to use tcp:// or ssl://) and what port via 'password_direactadmin_port'. The password enforcement with plenty customization can be done directly by DirectAdmin, please see http://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=910 See config.inc.php.dist file for more info. 2.6. cPanel (cpanel) -------------------- Install cPanel XMLAPI Client Class into Roundcube program/lib directory or any other place in PHP include path. You can get the class from https://raw.github.com/CpanelInc/xmlapi-php/master/xmlapi.php You can configure parameters for connection to cPanel's API interface. See config.inc.php.dist file for more info. 2.7. XIMSS/Communigate (ximms) ------------------------------ You can specify which host and port to connect to via 'password_ximss_host' and 'password_ximss_port'. See config.inc.php.dist file for more info. 2.8. Virtualmin (virtualmin) ---------------------------- As in sasl driver this one allows to change password using shell utility called "virtualmin". See helpers/chgvirtualminpasswd.c for installation instructions. See also config.inc.php.dist file. 2.9. hMailServer (hmail) ------------------------ Requires PHP COM (Windows only). For access to hMail server on remote host you'll need to define 'hmailserver_remote_dcom' and 'hmailserver_server'. See config.inc.php.dist file for more info. 2.10. PAM (pam) --------------- This driver is for changing passwords of shell users authenticated with PAM. Requires PECL's PAM exitension to be installed (http://pecl.php.net/package/PAM). 2.11. Chpasswd (chpasswd) ------------------------- Driver that adds functionality to change the systems user password via the 'chpasswd' command. See config.inc.php.dist file. Attached wrapper script (helpers/chpass-wrapper.py) restricts password changes to uids >= 1000 and can deny requests based on a blacklist. 2.12. LDAP - no PEAR (ldap_simple) ----------------------------------- It's rewritten ldap driver that doesn't require the Net_LDAP2 PEAR extension. It uses directly PHP's ldap module functions instead (as Roundcube does). This driver is fully compatible with the ldap driver, but does not require (or uses) the $config['password_ldap_force_replace'] variable. Other advantages: * Connects only once with the LDAP server when using the search user. * Does not read the DN, but only replaces the password within (that is why the 'force replace' is always used). 2.13. XMail (xmail) ----------------------------------- Driver for XMail (www.xmailserver.org). See config.inc.php.dist file for configuration description. 2.14. Pw (pw_usermod) ----------------------------------- Driver to change the systems user password via the 'pw usermod' command. See config.inc.php.dist file for configuration description. 2.15. domainFACTORY (domainfactory) ----------------------------------- Driver for the hosting provider domainFACTORY (www.df.eu). No configuration options. 2.16. DBMail (dbmail) ----------------------------------- Driver that adds functionality to change the users DBMail password. It only works with dbmail-users on the same host where Roundcube runs and requires shell access and gcc in order to compile the binary (see instructions in chgdbmailusers.c file). See config.inc.php.dist file for configuration description. Note: DBMail users can also use sql driver. 2.17. Expect (expect) ----------------------------------- Driver to change user password via the 'expect' command. See config.inc.php.dist file for configuration description. 2.18. Samba (smb) ----------------------------------- Driver to change Samba user password via the 'smbpasswd' command. See config.inc.php.dist file for configuration description. 2.19. Vpopmail daemon (vpopmaild) ----------------------------------- Driver for the daemon of vpopmail. Vpopmail is used with qmail to enable virtual users that are saved in a database and not in /etc/passwd. Set $config['password_vpopmaild_host'] to the host where vpopmaild runs. Set $config['password_vpopmaild_port'] to the port of vpopmaild. Set $config['password_vpopmaild_timeout'] to the timeout used for the TCP connection to vpopmaild (You may want to set it higher on busy servers). 2.20. Plesk (Plesk RPC-API) --------------------------- Driver for changing Passwords via Plesk RPC-API. This Driver also works with Parallels Plesk Automation (PPA). You need to allow the IP of the Roundcube-Server for RPC-Calls in the Panel. Set $config['password_plesk_host'] to the Hostname / IP where Plesk runs Set your Admin or RPC User: $config['password_plesk_user'] Set the Password of the User: $config['password_plesk_pass'] Set $config['password_plesk_rpc_port'] for the RPC-Port. Usually its 8443 Set the RPC-Path in $config['password_plesk_rpc_path']. Normally this is: enterprise/control/agent.php. 2.21. Kpasswd ----------------------------------- Driver to change the password in Kerberos environments via the 'kpasswd' command. See config.inc.php.dist file for configuration description. 3. Driver API ------------- Driver file (<driver_name>.php) must define rcube_<driver_name>_password class with public save() method that has two arguments. First - current password, second - new password. This method should return PASSWORD_SUCCESS on success or any of PASSWORD_CONNECT_ERROR, PASSWORD_CRYPT_ERROR, PASSWORD_ERROR when driver was unable to change password. Extended result (as a hash-array with 'message' and 'code' items) can be returned too. See existing drivers in drivers/ directory for examples.