<?php /** * Virtualmin Password Driver * * Driver that adds functionality to change the users Virtualmin password. * The code is derrived from the Squirrelmail "Change Cyrus/SASL Password" Plugin * by Thomas Bruederli. * * It only works with virtualmin on the same host where Roundcube runs * and requires shell access and gcc in order to compile the binary. * * @version 3.0 * @author Martijn de Munnik */ class rcube_virtualmin_password { function save($currpass, $newpass) { $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance(); $format = $rcmail->config->get('password_virtualmin_format', 0); $username = $_SESSION['username']; switch ($format) { case 1: // username%domain $domain = substr(strrchr($username, "%"), 1); break; case 2: // username.domain (could be bogus) $pieces = explode(".", $username); $domain = $pieces[count($pieces)-2]. "." . end($pieces); break; case 3: // domain.username (could be bogus) $pieces = explode(".", $username); $domain = $pieces[0]. "." . $pieces[1]; break; case 4: // username-domain $domain = substr(strrchr($username, "-"), 1); break; case 5: // domain-username $domain = str_replace(strrchr($username, "-"), "", $username); break; case 6: // username_domain $domain = substr(strrchr($username, "_"), 1); break; case 7: // domain_username $pieces = explode("_", $username); $domain = $pieces[0]; break; case 8: // domain taken from alias, username left as it was $email = $rcmail->user->data['alias']; $domain = substr(strrchr($email, "@"), 1); break; default: // username@domain $domain = substr(strrchr($username, "@"), 1); } $username = escapeshellcmd($username); $domain = escapeshellcmd($domain); $newpass = escapeshellcmd($newpass); $curdir = RCUBE_PLUGINS_DIR . 'password/helpers'; exec("$curdir/chgvirtualminpasswd modify-user --domain $domain --user $username --pass $newpass", $output, $returnvalue); if ($returnvalue == 0) { return PASSWORD_SUCCESS; } else { rcube::raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: Unable to execute $curdir/chgvirtualminpasswd" ), true, false); } return PASSWORD_ERROR; } }