<?php $labels = array(); $labels['changepasswd'] = 'Change Password'; $labels['curpasswd'] = 'Current Password:'; $labels['newpasswd'] = 'New Password:'; $labels['confpasswd'] = 'Confirm New Password:'; $messages = array(); $messages['nopassword'] = 'Please input new password.'; $messages['nocurpassword'] = 'Please input current password.'; $messages['passwordincorrect'] = 'Current password incorrect.'; $messages['passwordinconsistency'] = 'Passwords do not match, please try again.'; $messages['crypterror'] = 'Could not save new password. Encrypt function missing.'; $messages['connecterror'] = 'Could not save new password. Connection error.'; $messages['internalerror'] = 'Could not save new password.'; $messages['passwordshort'] = 'Your password must be at least $length characters long.'; $messages['passwordweak'] = 'Your new password must include at least one number and one punctuation character.'; ?>