password Password Change for Roundcube Plugin that adds a possibility to change user password using many methods (drivers) via Settings/Password tab. Aleksander Machniak alec yes 2010-09-10 1.7 1.5 stable stable GNU GPLv2 - Added XMail driver - Improve security of chpasswd driver using popen instead of exec+echo (#1486987) - Added script to improve security (#1486987) 5.2.1 1.7.0 2010-04-29 1.4 1.4 stable stable GNU GPLv2 - Use mail_domain value for domain variables when there is no domain in username: sql and ldap drivers (#1486694) - Created package.xml 2010-06-20 1.5 1.5 stable stable GNU GPLv2 - Removed user_login/username_local/username_domain methods, use rcube_user::get_username instead (#1486707) 2010-08-01 1.6 1.5 stable stable GNU GPLv2 - Added ldap_simple driver