<?php /** * Detect VCard attachments and show a button to add them to address book * * @version @package_version@ * @author Thomas Bruederli, Aleksander Machniak */ class vcard_attachments extends rcube_plugin { public $task = 'mail'; private $message; private $vcard_parts = array(); private $vcard_bodies = array(); function init() { $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance(); if ($rcmail->action == 'show' || $rcmail->action == 'preview') { $this->add_hook('message_load', array($this, 'message_load')); $this->add_hook('template_object_messagebody', array($this, 'html_output')); } else if (!$rcmail->output->framed && (!$rcmail->action || $rcmail->action == 'list')) { $icon = 'plugins/vcard_attachments/' .$this->local_skin_path(). '/vcard.png'; $rcmail->output->set_env('vcard_icon', $icon); $this->include_script('vcardattach.js'); } $this->register_action('plugin.savevcard', array($this, 'save_vcard')); } /** * Check message bodies and attachments for vcards */ function message_load($p) { $this->message = $p['object']; // handle attachments vcard attachments foreach ((array)$this->message->attachments as $attachment) { if ($this->is_vcard($attachment)) { $this->vcard_parts[] = $attachment->mime_id; } } // the same with message bodies foreach ((array)$this->message->parts as $idx => $part) { if ($this->is_vcard($part)) { $this->vcard_parts[] = $part->mime_id; $this->vcard_bodies[] = $part->mime_id; } } if ($this->vcard_parts) $this->add_texts('localization'); } /** * This callback function adds a box below the message content * if there is a vcard attachment available */ function html_output($p) { $attach_script = false; $icon = 'plugins/vcard_attachments/' .$this->local_skin_path(). '/vcard_add_contact.png'; foreach ($this->vcard_parts as $part) { $vcards = rcube_vcard::import($this->message->get_part_content($part)); // successfully parsed vcards? if (empty($vcards)) continue; // remove part's body if (in_array($part, $this->vcard_bodies)) $p['content'] = ''; $style = 'margin:0.5em 1em; padding:0.2em 0.5em; border:1px solid #999; ' .'border-radius:4px; -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px; width: auto'; foreach ($vcards as $idx => $vcard) { $display = $vcard->displayname; if ($vcard->email[0]) $display .= ' <'.$vcard->email[0].'>'; // add box below messsage body $p['content'] .= html::p(array('style' => $style), html::a(array( 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => "return plugin_vcard_save_contact('".JQ($part.':'.$idx)."')", 'title' => $this->gettext('addvcardmsg')), html::img(array('src' => $icon, 'style' => "vertical-align:middle"))) . ' ' . html::span(null, Q($display))); } $attach_script = true; } if ($attach_script) $this->include_script('vcardattach.js'); return $p; } /** * Handler for request action */ function save_vcard() { $this->add_texts('localization', true); $uid = get_input_value('_uid', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $mbox = get_input_value('_mbox', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $mime_id = get_input_value('_part', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance(); if ($uid && $mime_id) { list($mime_id, $index) = explode(':', $mime_id); $part = $rcmail->imap->get_message_part($uid, $mime_id); } $error_msg = $this->gettext('vcardsavefailed'); if ($part && ($vcards = rcube_vcard::import($part)) && ($vcard = $vcards[$index]) && $vcard->displayname && $vcard->email) { $contacts = $rcmail->get_address_book(null, true); // check for existing contacts $existing = $contacts->search('email', $vcard->email[0], true, false); if ($existing->count) { $rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('contactexists'), 'warning'); } else { // add contact $contact = array( 'name' => $vcard->displayname, 'firstname' => $vcard->firstname, 'surname' => $vcard->surname, 'email' => $vcard->email[0], 'vcard' => $vcard->export(), ); $plugin = $rcmail->plugins->exec_hook('contact_create', array('record' => $contact, 'source' => null)); $contact = $plugin['record']; if (!$plugin['abort'] && ($done = $contacts->insert($contact))) $rcmail->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('addedsuccessfully'), 'confirmation'); else $rcmail->output->command('display_message', $error_msg, 'error'); } } else $rcmail->output->command('display_message', $error_msg, 'error'); $rcmail->output->send(); } /** * Checks if specified message part is a vcard data * * @param rcube_message_part Part object * * @return boolean True if part is of type vcard */ function is_vcard($part) { return ( // Content-Type: text/vcard; $part->mimetype == 'text/vcard' || // Content-Type: text/x-vcard; $part->mimetype == 'text/x-vcard' || // Content-Type: text/directory; profile=vCard; ($part->mimetype == 'text/directory' && ( ($part->ctype_parameters['profile'] && strtolower($part->ctype_parameters['profile']) == 'vcard') // Content-Type: text/directory; (with filename=*.vcf) || ($part->filename && preg_match('/\.vcf$/i', $part->filename)) ) ) ); } }