<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | program/include/html.php | | | | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2005-2010, The Roundcube Dev Team | | Licensed under the GNU GPL | | | | PURPOSE: | | Helper class to create valid XHTML code | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ /** * Class for HTML code creation * * @package HTML */ class html { protected $tagname; protected $attrib = array(); protected $allowed = array(); protected $content; public static $lc_tags = true; public static $common_attrib = array('id','class','style','title','align'); public static $containers = array('iframe','div','span','p','h1','h2','h3','form','textarea','table','thead','tbody','tr','th','td','style','script'); /** * Constructor * * @param array $attrib Hash array with tag attributes */ public function __construct($attrib = array()) { if (is_array($attrib)) { $this->attrib = $attrib; } } /** * Return the tag code * * @return string The finally composed HTML tag */ public function show() { return self::tag($this->tagname, $this->attrib, $this->content, array_merge(self::$common_attrib, $this->allowed)); } /****** STATIC METHODS *******/ /** * Generic method to create a HTML tag * * @param string $tagname Tag name * @param array $attrib Tag attributes as key/value pairs * @param string $content Optinal Tag content (creates a container tag) * @param array $allowed_attrib List with allowed attributes, omit to allow all * @return string The XHTML tag */ public static function tag($tagname, $attrib = array(), $content = null, $allowed_attrib = null) { if (is_string($attrib)) $attrib = array('class' => $attrib); $inline_tags = array('a','span','img'); $suffix = $attrib['nl'] || ($content && $attrib['nl'] !== false && !in_array($tagname, $inline_tags)) ? "\n" : ''; $tagname = self::$lc_tags ? strtolower($tagname) : $tagname; if (isset($content) || in_array($tagname, self::$containers)) { $templ = $attrib['noclose'] ? "<%s%s>%s" : "<%s%s>%s</%s>%s"; unset($attrib['noclose']); return sprintf($templ, $tagname, self::attrib_string($attrib, $allowed_attrib), $content, $tagname, $suffix); } else { return sprintf("<%s%s />%s", $tagname, self::attrib_string($attrib, $allowed_attrib), $suffix); } } /** * Derrived method for <div> containers * * @param mixed $attr Hash array with tag attributes or string with class name * @param string $cont Div content * @return string HTML code * @see html::tag() */ public static function div($attr = null, $cont = null) { if (is_string($attr)) { $attr = array('class' => $attr); } return self::tag('div', $attr, $cont, array_merge(self::$common_attrib, array('onclick'))); } /** * Derrived method for <p> blocks * * @param mixed $attr Hash array with tag attributes or string with class name * @param string $cont Paragraph content * @return string HTML code * @see html::tag() */ public static function p($attr = null, $cont = null) { if (is_string($attr)) { $attr = array('class' => $attr); } return self::tag('p', $attr, $cont, self::$common_attrib); } /** * Derrived method to create <img /> * * @param mixed $attr Hash array with tag attributes or string with image source (src) * @return string HTML code * @see html::tag() */ public static function img($attr = null) { if (is_string($attr)) { $attr = array('src' => $attr); } return self::tag('img', $attr + array('alt' => ''), null, array_merge(self::$common_attrib, array('src','alt','width','height','border','usemap'))); } /** * Derrived method for link tags * * @param mixed $attr Hash array with tag attributes or string with link location (href) * @param string $cont Link content * @return string HTML code * @see html::tag() */ public static function a($attr, $cont) { if (is_string($attr)) { $attr = array('href' => $attr); } return self::tag('a', $attr, $cont, array_merge(self::$common_attrib, array('href','target','name','rel','onclick','onmouseover','onmouseout','onmousedown','onmouseup'))); } /** * Derrived method for inline span tags * * @param mixed $attr Hash array with tag attributes or string with class name * @param string $cont Tag content * @return string HTML code * @see html::tag() */ public static function span($attr, $cont) { if (is_string($attr)) { $attr = array('class' => $attr); } return self::tag('span', $attr, $cont, self::$common_attrib); } /** * Derrived method for form element labels * * @param mixed $attr Hash array with tag attributes or string with 'for' attrib * @param string $cont Tag content * @return string HTML code * @see html::tag() */ public static function label($attr, $cont) { if (is_string($attr)) { $attr = array('for' => $attr); } return self::tag('label', $attr, $cont, array_merge(self::$common_attrib, array('for'))); } /** * Derrived method to create <iframe></iframe> * * @param mixed $attr Hash array with tag attributes or string with frame source (src) * @return string HTML code * @see html::tag() */ public static function iframe($attr = null, $cont = null) { if (is_string($attr)) { $attr = array('src' => $attr); } return self::tag('iframe', $attr, $cont, array_merge(self::$common_attrib, array('src','name','width','height','border','frameborder'))); } /** * Derrived method for line breaks * * @return string HTML code * @see html::tag() */ public static function br() { return self::tag('br'); } /** * Create string with attributes * * @param array $attrib Associative arry with tag attributes * @param array $allowed List of allowed attributes * @return string Valid attribute string */ public static function attrib_string($attrib = array(), $allowed = null) { if (empty($attrib)) { return ''; } $allowed_f = array_flip((array)$allowed); $attrib_arr = array(); foreach ($attrib as $key => $value) { // skip size if not numeric if (($key=='size' && !is_numeric($value))) { continue; } // ignore "internal" or not allowed attributes if ($key == 'nl' || ($allowed && !isset($allowed_f[$key])) || $value === null) { continue; } // skip empty eventhandlers if (preg_match('/^on[a-z]+/', $key) && !$value) { continue; } // attributes with no value if (in_array($key, array('checked', 'multiple', 'disabled', 'selected'))) { if ($value) { $attrib_arr[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $key, $key); } } else if ($key=='value') { $attrib_arr[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $key, Q($value, 'strict', false)); } else { $attrib_arr[] = sprintf('%s="%s"', $key, Q($value)); } } return count($attrib_arr) ? ' '.implode(' ', $attrib_arr) : ''; } } /** * Class to create an HTML input field * * @package HTML */ class html_inputfield extends html { protected $tagname = 'input'; protected $type = 'text'; protected $allowed = array('type','name','value','size','tabindex', 'autocomplete','checked','onchange','onclick','disabled','readonly', 'spellcheck','results','maxlength','src','multiple'); /** * Object constructor * * @param array $attrib Associative array with tag attributes */ public function __construct($attrib = array()) { if (is_array($attrib)) { $this->attrib = $attrib; } if ($attrib['type']) { $this->type = $attrib['type']; } if ($attrib['newline']) { $this->newline = true; } } /** * Compose input tag * * @param string $value Field value * @param array $attrib Additional attributes to override * @return string HTML output */ public function show($value = null, $attrib = null) { // overwrite object attributes if (is_array($attrib)) { $this->attrib = array_merge($this->attrib, $attrib); } // set value attribute if ($value !== null) { $this->attrib['value'] = $value; } // set type $this->attrib['type'] = $this->type; return parent::show(); } } /** * Class to create an HTML password field * * @package HTML */ class html_passwordfield extends html_inputfield { protected $type = 'password'; } /** * Class to create an hidden HTML input field * * @package HTML */ class html_hiddenfield extends html_inputfield { protected $type = 'hidden'; protected $fields_arr = array(); protected $newline = true; /** * Constructor * * @param array $attrib Named tag attributes */ public function __construct($attrib = null) { if (is_array($attrib)) { $this->add($attrib); } } /** * Add a hidden field to this instance * * @param array $attrib Named tag attributes */ public function add($attrib) { $this->fields_arr[] = $attrib; } /** * Create HTML code for the hidden fields * * @return string Final HTML code */ public function show() { $out = ''; foreach ($this->fields_arr as $attrib) { $out .= self::tag($this->tagname, array('type' => $this->type) + $attrib); } return $out; } } /** * Class to create HTML radio buttons * * @package HTML */ class html_radiobutton extends html_inputfield { protected $type = 'radio'; /** * Get HTML code for this object * * @param string $value Value of the checked field * @param array $attrib Additional attributes to override * @return string HTML output */ public function show($value = '', $attrib = null) { // overwrite object attributes if (is_array($attrib)) { $this->attrib = array_merge($this->attrib, $attrib); } // set value attribute $this->attrib['checked'] = ((string)$value == (string)$this->attrib['value']); return parent::show(); } } /** * Class to create HTML checkboxes * * @package HTML */ class html_checkbox extends html_inputfield { protected $type = 'checkbox'; /** * Get HTML code for this object * * @param string $value Value of the checked field * @param array $attrib Additional attributes to override * @return string HTML output */ public function show($value = '', $attrib = null) { // overwrite object attributes if (is_array($attrib)) { $this->attrib = array_merge($this->attrib, $attrib); } // set value attribute $this->attrib['checked'] = ((string)$value == (string)$this->attrib['value']); return parent::show(); } } /** * Class to create an HTML textarea * * @package HTML */ class html_textarea extends html { protected $tagname = 'textarea'; protected $allowed = array('name','rows','cols','wrap','tabindex', 'onchange','disabled','readonly','spellcheck'); /** * Get HTML code for this object * * @param string $value Textbox value * @param array $attrib Additional attributes to override * @return string HTML output */ public function show($value = '', $attrib = null) { // overwrite object attributes if (is_array($attrib)) { $this->attrib = array_merge($this->attrib, $attrib); } // take value attribute as content if (empty($value) && !empty($this->attrib['value'])) { $value = $this->attrib['value']; } // make shure we don't print the value attribute if (isset($this->attrib['value'])) { unset($this->attrib['value']); } if (!empty($value) && !preg_match('/mce_editor/', $this->attrib['class'])) { $value = Q($value, 'strict', false); } return self::tag($this->tagname, $this->attrib, $value, array_merge(self::$common_attrib, $this->allowed)); } } /** * Builder for HTML drop-down menus * Syntax:<pre> * // create instance. arguments are used to set attributes of select-tag * $select = new html_select(array('name' => 'fieldname')); * * // add one option * $select->add('Switzerland', 'CH'); * * // add multiple options * $select->add(array('Switzerland','Germany'), array('CH','DE')); * * // generate pulldown with selection 'Switzerland' and return html-code * // as second argument the same attributes available to instanciate can be used * print $select->show('CH'); * </pre> * * @package HTML */ class html_select extends html { protected $tagname = 'select'; protected $options = array(); protected $allowed = array('name','size','tabindex','autocomplete', 'multiple','onchange','disabled','rel'); /** * Add a new option to this drop-down * * @param mixed $names Option name or array with option names * @param mixed $values Option value or array with option values */ public function add($names, $values = null) { if (is_array($names)) { foreach ($names as $i => $text) { $this->options[] = array('text' => $text, 'value' => $values[$i]); } } else { $this->options[] = array('text' => $names, 'value' => $values); } } /** * Get HTML code for this object * * @param string $select Value of the selection option * @param array $attrib Additional attributes to override * @return string HTML output */ public function show($select = array(), $attrib = null) { // overwrite object attributes if (is_array($attrib)) { $this->attrib = array_merge($this->attrib, $attrib); } $this->content = "\n"; $select = (array)$select; foreach ($this->options as $option) { $attr = array( 'value' => $option['value'], 'selected' => (in_array($option['value'], $select, true) || in_array($option['text'], $select, true)) ? 1 : null); $this->content .= self::tag('option', $attr, Q($option['text'])); } return parent::show(); } } /** * Class to build an HTML table * * @package HTML */ class html_table extends html { protected $tagname = 'table'; protected $allowed = array('id','class','style','width','summary', 'cellpadding','cellspacing','border'); private $header = array(); private $rows = array(); private $rowindex = 0; private $colindex = 0; /** * Constructor * * @param array $attrib Named tag attributes */ public function __construct($attrib = array()) { $this->attrib = array_merge($attrib, array('summary' => '', 'border' => 0)); } /** * Add a table cell * * @param array $attr Cell attributes * @param string $cont Cell content */ public function add($attr, $cont) { if (is_string($attr)) { $attr = array('class' => $attr); } $cell = new stdClass; $cell->attrib = $attr; $cell->content = $cont; $this->rows[$this->rowindex]->cells[$this->colindex] = $cell; $this->colindex++; if ($this->attrib['cols'] && $this->colindex == $this->attrib['cols']) { $this->add_row(); } } /** * Add a table header cell * * @param array $attr Cell attributes * @param string $cont Cell content */ public function add_header($attr, $cont) { if (is_string($attr)) $attr = array('class' => $attr); $cell = new stdClass; $cell->attrib = $attr; $cell->content = $cont; $this->header[] = $cell; } /** * Remove a column from a table * Useful for plugins making alterations * * @param string $class */ public function remove_column($class) { // Remove the header foreach($this->header as $index=>$header){ if($header->attrib['class'] == $class){ unset($this->header[$index]); break; } } // Remove cells from rows foreach($this->rows as $i=>$row){ foreach($row->cells as $j=>$cell){ if($cell->attrib['class'] == $class){ unset($this->rows[$i]->cells[$j]); break; } } } } /** * Jump to next row * * @param array $attr Row attributes */ public function add_row($attr = array()) { $this->rowindex++; $this->colindex = 0; $this->rows[$this->rowindex] = new stdClass; $this->rows[$this->rowindex]->attrib = $attr; $this->rows[$this->rowindex]->cells = array(); } /** * Set current row attrib * * @param array $attr Row attributes */ public function set_row_attribs($attr = array()) { if (is_string($attr)) $attr = array('class' => $attr); $this->rows[$this->rowindex]->attrib = $attr; } /** * Build HTML output of the table data * * @param array $attrib Table attributes * @return string The final table HTML code */ public function show($attrib = null) { if (is_array($attrib)) $this->attrib = array_merge($this->attrib, $attrib); $thead = $tbody = ""; // include <thead> if (!empty($this->header)) { $rowcontent = ''; foreach ($this->header as $c => $col) { $rowcontent .= self::tag('td', $col->attrib, $col->content); } $thead = self::tag('thead', null, self::tag('tr', null, $rowcontent)); } foreach ($this->rows as $r => $row) { $rowcontent = ''; foreach ($row->cells as $c => $col) { $rowcontent .= self::tag('td', $col->attrib, $col->content); } if ($r < $this->rowindex || count($row->cells)) { $tbody .= self::tag('tr', $row->attrib, $rowcontent); } } if ($this->attrib['rowsonly']) { return $tbody; } // add <tbody> $this->content = $thead . self::tag('tbody', null, $tbody); unset($this->attrib['cols'], $this->attrib['rowsonly']); return parent::show(); } /** * Count number of rows * * @return The number of rows */ public function size() { return count($this->rows); } /** * Remove table body (all rows) */ public function remove_body() { $this->rows = array(); $this->rowindex = 0; } }