| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ /** * RoundCube Webmail common functions * * @package Core * @author Thomas Bruederli */ require_once('lib/utf7.inc'); require_once('include/rcube_shared.inc'); // fallback if not PHP modules are available @include_once('lib/des.inc'); @include_once('lib/utf8.class.php'); // define constannts for input reading define('RCUBE_INPUT_GET', 0x0101); define('RCUBE_INPUT_POST', 0x0102); define('RCUBE_INPUT_GPC', 0x0103); /** * Return correct name for a specific database table * * @param string Table name * @return string Translated table name */ function get_table_name($table) { global $CONFIG; // return table name if configured $config_key = 'db_table_'.$table; if (strlen($CONFIG[$config_key])) return $CONFIG[$config_key]; return $table; } /** * Return correct name for a specific database sequence * (used for Postgres only) * * @param string Secuence name * @return string Translated sequence name */ function get_sequence_name($sequence) { // return table name if configured $config_key = 'db_sequence_'.$sequence; $opt = rcmail::get_instance()->config->get($config_key); if (!empty($opt)) { $db = &rcmail::get_instance()->db; if($db->db_provider=='pgsql') // just for sure { $db->db_handle->setOption('disable_smart_seqname', true); $db->db_handle->setOption('seqname_format', '%s'); } return $CONFIG[$opt]; } return $sequence; } /** * Get localized text in the desired language * It's a global wrapper for rcmail::gettext() * * @param mixed Named parameters array or label name * @return string Localized text * @see rcmail::gettext() */ function rcube_label($p) { return rcmail::get_instance()->gettext($p); } /** * Load virtuser table in array * * @return array Virtuser table entries */ function rcmail_getvirtualfile() { global $CONFIG; if (empty($CONFIG['virtuser_file']) || !is_file($CONFIG['virtuser_file'])) return FALSE; // read file $a_lines = file($CONFIG['virtuser_file']); return $a_lines; } /** * Find matches of the given pattern in virtuser table * * @param string Regular expression to search for * @return array Matching entries */ function rcmail_findinvirtual($pattern) { $result = array(); $virtual = rcmail_getvirtualfile(); if ($virtual==FALSE) return $result; // check each line for matches foreach ($virtual as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (empty($line) || $line{0}=='#') continue; if (eregi($pattern, $line)) $result[] = $line; } return $result; } /** * Overwrite action variable * * @param string New action value */ function rcmail_overwrite_action($action) { $app = rcmail::get_instance(); $app->action = $action; $app->output->set_env('action', $action); } /** * Compose an URL for a specific action * * @param string Request action * @param array More URL parameters * @param string Request task (omit if the same) * @return The application URL */ function rcmail_url($action, $p=array(), $task=null) { $app = rcmail::get_instance(); $qstring = ''; $base = $app->comm_path; if ($task && in_array($task, rcmail::$main_tasks)) $base = ereg_replace('_task=[a-z]+', '_task='.$task, $app->comm_path); if (is_array($p)) foreach ($p as $key => $val) $qstring .= '&'.urlencode($key).'='.urlencode($val); return $base . ($action ? '&_action='.$action : '') . $qstring; } /** * Add a localized label to the client environment * @deprecated */ function rcube_add_label() { global $OUTPUT; $arg_list = func_get_args(); foreach ($arg_list as $i => $name) $OUTPUT->add_label($name); } /** * Garbage collector function for temp files. * Remove temp files older than two days */ function rcmail_temp_gc() { $tmp = unslashify($CONFIG['temp_dir']); $expire = mktime() - 172800; // expire in 48 hours if ($dir = opendir($tmp)) { while (($fname = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if ($fname{0} == '.') continue; if (filemtime($tmp.'/'.$fname) < $expire) @unlink($tmp.'/'.$fname); } closedir($dir); } } /** * Garbage collector for cache entries. * Remove all expired message cache records */ function rcmail_message_cache_gc() { global $DB, $CONFIG; // no cache lifetime configured if (empty($CONFIG['message_cache_lifetime'])) return; // get target timestamp $ts = get_offset_time($CONFIG['message_cache_lifetime'], -1); $DB->query("DELETE FROM ".get_table_name('messages')." WHERE created < ".$DB->fromunixtime($ts)); } /** * Convert a string from one charset to another. * Uses mbstring and iconv functions if possible * * @param string Input string * @param string Suspected charset of the input string * @param string Target charset to convert to; defaults to RCMAIL_CHARSET * @return Converted string */ function rcube_charset_convert($str, $from, $to=NULL) { static $mbstring_loaded = null, $convert_warning = false; $from = strtoupper($from); $to = $to==NULL ? strtoupper(RCMAIL_CHARSET) : strtoupper($to); $error = false; $conv = null; if ($from==$to || $str=='' || empty($from)) return $str; $aliases = array( 'UNKNOWN-8BIT' => 'ISO-8859-15', 'X-UNKNOWN' => 'ISO-8859-15', 'X-USER-DEFINED' => 'ISO-8859-15', 'ISO-8859-8-I' => 'ISO-8859-8', 'KS_C_5601-1987' => 'EUC-KR', ); // convert charset using iconv module if (function_exists('iconv') && $from != 'UTF-7' && $to != 'UTF-7') { $aliases['GB2312'] = 'GB18030'; return iconv(($aliases[$from] ? $aliases[$from] : $from), ($aliases[$to] ? $aliases[$to] : $to) . "//IGNORE", $str); } // settings for mbstring module (by Tadashi Jokagi) if (is_null($mbstring_loaded)) { if ($mbstring_loaded = extension_loaded("mbstring")) mb_internal_encoding(RCMAIL_CHARSET); } // convert charset using mbstring module if ($mbstring_loaded) { $aliases['UTF-7'] = 'UTF7-IMAP'; $aliases['WINDOWS-1257'] = 'ISO-8859-13'; // return if convert succeeded if (($out = mb_convert_encoding($str, ($aliases[$to] ? $aliases[$to] : $to), ($aliases[$from] ? $aliases[$from] : $from))) != '') return $out; } if (class_exists('utf8')) $conv = new utf8(); // convert string to UTF-8 if ($from == 'UTF-7') $str = utf7_to_utf8($str); else if (($from == 'ISO-8859-1') && function_exists('utf8_encode')) $str = utf8_encode($str); else if ($from != 'UTF-8' && $conv) { $conv->loadCharset($from); $str = $conv->strToUtf8($str); } else if ($from != 'UTF-8') $error = true; // encode string for output if ($to == 'UTF-7') return utf8_to_utf7($str); else if ($to == 'ISO-8859-1' && function_exists('utf8_decode')) return utf8_decode($str); else if ($to != 'UTF-8' && $conv) { $conv->loadCharset($to); return $conv->utf8ToStr($str); } else if ($to != 'UTF-8') $error = true; // report error if ($error && !$convert_warning) { raise_error(array( 'code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Could not convert string charset. Make sure iconv is installed or lib/utf8.class is available" ), true, false); $convert_warning = true; } // return UTF-8 string return $str; } /** * Replacing specials characters to a specific encoding type * * @param string Input string * @param string Encoding type: text|html|xml|js|url * @param string Replace mode for tags: show|replace|remove * @param boolean Convert newlines * @return The quoted string */ function rep_specialchars_output($str, $enctype='', $mode='', $newlines=TRUE) { global $OUTPUT; static $html_encode_arr = false; static $js_rep_table = false; static $xml_rep_table = false; $charset = $OUTPUT->get_charset(); $is_iso_8859_1 = false; if ($charset == 'ISO-8859-1') { $is_iso_8859_1 = true; } if (!$enctype) $enctype = $GLOBALS['OUTPUT_TYPE']; // encode for plaintext if ($enctype=='text') return str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $mode=='remove' ? strip_tags($str) : $str); // encode for HTML output if ($enctype=='html') { if (!$html_encode_arr) { $html_encode_arr = get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS); unset($html_encode_arr['?']); } $ltpos = strpos($str, '<'); $encode_arr = $html_encode_arr; // don't replace quotes and html tags if (($mode=='show' || $mode=='') && $ltpos!==false && strpos($str, '>', $ltpos)!==false) { unset($encode_arr['"']); unset($encode_arr['<']); unset($encode_arr['>']); unset($encode_arr['&']); } else if ($mode=='remove') $str = strip_tags($str); // avoid douple quotation of & $out = preg_replace('/&([a-z]{2,5}|#[0-9]{2,4});/', '&\\1;', strtr($str, $encode_arr)); return $newlines ? nl2br($out) : $out; } if ($enctype=='url') return rawurlencode($str); // if the replace tables for XML and JS are not yet defined if ($js_rep_table===false) { $js_rep_table = $xml_rep_table = array(); $xml_rep_table['&'] = '&'; for ($c=160; $c<256; $c++) // can be increased to support more charsets { $xml_rep_table[Chr($c)] = "&#$c;"; if ($is_iso_8859_1) $js_rep_table[Chr($c)] = sprintf("\\u%04x", $c); } $xml_rep_table['"'] = '"'; } // encode for XML if ($enctype=='xml') return strtr($str, $xml_rep_table); // encode for javascript use if ($enctype=='js') { if ($charset!='UTF-8') $str = rcube_charset_convert($str, RCMAIL_CHARSET,$charset); return preg_replace(array("/\r?\n/", "/\r/", '/<\\//'), array('\n', '\n', '<\\/'), addslashes(strtr($str, $js_rep_table))); } // no encoding given -> return original string return $str; } /** * Quote a given string. * Shortcut function for rep_specialchars_output * * @return string HTML-quoted string * @see rep_specialchars_output() */ function Q($str, $mode='strict', $newlines=TRUE) { return rep_specialchars_output($str, 'html', $mode, $newlines); } /** * Quote a given string for javascript output. * Shortcut function for rep_specialchars_output * * @return string JS-quoted string * @see rep_specialchars_output() */ function JQ($str) { return rep_specialchars_output($str, 'js'); } /** * Read input value and convert it for internal use * Performs stripslashes() and charset conversion if necessary * * @param string Field name to read * @param int Source to get value from (GPC) * @param boolean Allow HTML tags in field value * @param string Charset to convert into * @return string Field value or NULL if not available */ function get_input_value($fname, $source, $allow_html=FALSE, $charset=NULL) { global $OUTPUT; $value = NULL; if ($source==RCUBE_INPUT_GET && isset($_GET[$fname])) $value = $_GET[$fname]; else if ($source==RCUBE_INPUT_POST && isset($_POST[$fname])) $value = $_POST[$fname]; else if ($source==RCUBE_INPUT_GPC) { if (isset($_POST[$fname])) $value = $_POST[$fname]; else if (isset($_GET[$fname])) $value = $_GET[$fname]; else if (isset($_COOKIE[$fname])) $value = $_COOKIE[$fname]; } // strip slashes if magic_quotes enabled if ((bool)get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $value = stripslashes($value); // remove HTML tags if not allowed if (!$allow_html) $value = strip_tags($value); // convert to internal charset if (is_object($OUTPUT)) return rcube_charset_convert($value, $OUTPUT->get_charset(), $charset); else return $value; } /** * Remove all non-ascii and non-word chars * except . and - */ function asciiwords($str) { return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9.-_]/i', '', $str); } /** * Remove single and double quotes from given string * * @param string Input value * @return string Dequoted string */ function strip_quotes($str) { return preg_replace('/[\'"]/', '', $str); } /** * Remove new lines characters from given string * * @param string Input value * @return string Stripped string */ function strip_newlines($str) { return preg_replace('/[\r\n]/', '', $str); } /** * Check if a specific template exists * * @param string Template name * @return boolean True if template exists */ function template_exists($name) { global $CONFIG; $skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path']; // check template file return is_file("$skin_path/templates/$name.html"); } /** * Create a HTML table based on the given data * * @param array Named table attributes * @param mixed Table row data. Either a two-dimensional array or a valid SQL result set * @param array List of cols to show * @param string Name of the identifier col * @return string HTML table code */ function rcube_table_output($attrib, $table_data, $a_show_cols, $id_col) { global $DB; // allow the following attributes to be added to the tag $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'border', 'summary')); $table = '\n"; // add table title $table .= "\n"; foreach ($a_show_cols as $col) $table .= '\n"; $table .= "\n\n"; $c = 0; if (!is_array($table_data)) { while ($table_data && ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($table_data))) { $zebra_class = $c%2 ? 'even' : 'odd'; $table .= sprintf(''."\n", $sql_arr[$id_col]); // format each col foreach ($a_show_cols as $col) { $cont = Q($sql_arr[$col]); $table .= '\n"; } $table .= "\n"; $c++; } } else { foreach ($table_data as $row_data) { $zebra_class = $c%2 ? 'even' : 'odd'; $table .= sprintf(''."\n", $row_data[$id_col]); // format each col foreach ($a_show_cols as $col) { $cont = Q($row_data[$col]); $table .= '\n"; } $table .= "\n"; $c++; } } // complete message table $table .= "
' . Q(rcube_label($col)) . "
' . $cont . "
' . $cont . "
\n"; return $table; } /** * Create an edit field for inclusion on a form * * @param string col field name * @param string value field value * @param array attrib HTML element attributes for field * @param string type HTML element type (default 'text') * @return string HTML field definition */ function rcmail_get_edit_field($col, $value, $attrib, $type='text') { $fname = '_'.$col; $attrib['name'] = $fname; if ($type=='checkbox') { $attrib['value'] = '1'; $input = new html_checkbox($attrib); } else if ($type=='textarea') { $attrib['cols'] = $attrib['size']; $input = new html_textarea($attrib); } else $input = new html_inputfield($attrib); // use value from post if (!empty($_POST[$fname])) $value = get_input_value($fname, RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $out = $input->show($value); return $out; } /** * Return the mail domain configured for the given host * * @param string IMAP host * @return string Resolved SMTP host */ function rcmail_mail_domain($host) { global $CONFIG; $domain = $host; if (is_array($CONFIG['mail_domain'])) { if (isset($CONFIG['mail_domain'][$host])) $domain = $CONFIG['mail_domain'][$host]; } else if (!empty($CONFIG['mail_domain'])) $domain = $CONFIG['mail_domain']; return $domain; } /** * Replace all css definitions with #container [def] * and remove css-inlined scripting * * @param string CSS source code * @param string Container ID to use as prefix * @return string Modified CSS source */ function rcmail_mod_css_styles($source, $container_id, $base_url = '') { $a_css_values = array(); $last_pos = 0; // ignore the whole block if evil styles are detected if (stristr($source, 'expression') || stristr($source, 'behavior')) return ''; // cut out all contents between { and } while (($pos = strpos($source, '{', $last_pos)) && ($pos2 = strpos($source, '}', $pos))) { $key = sizeof($a_css_values); $a_css_values[$key] = substr($source, $pos+1, $pos2-($pos+1)); $source = substr($source, 0, $pos+1) . "<>" . substr($source, $pos2, strlen($source)-$pos2); $last_pos = $pos+2; } // remove html comments and add #container to each tag selector. // also replace body definition because we also stripped off the tag $styles = preg_replace( array( '/(^\s*\s*$)/', '/(^\s*|,\s*|\}\s*)([a-z0-9\._#][a-z0-9\.\-_]*)/im', '/@import\s+(url\()?[\'"]?([^\)\'"]+)[\'"]?(\))?/ime', '/<>/e', "/$container_id\s+body/i" ), array( '', "\\1#$container_id \\2", "sprintf(\"@import url('./bin/modcss.php?u=%s&c=%s')\", urlencode(make_absolute_url('\\2','$base_url')), urlencode($container_id))", "\$a_css_values[\\1]", "$container_id div.rcmBody" ), $source); return $styles; } /** * Try to autodetect operating system and find the correct line endings * * @return string The appropriate mail header delimiter */ function rcmail_header_delm() { global $CONFIG; // use the configured delimiter for headers if (!empty($CONFIG['mail_header_delimiter'])) return $CONFIG['mail_header_delimiter']; else if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)=='win')) return "\r\n"; else if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)=='mac')) return "\r\n"; else return "\n"; } /** * Compose a valid attribute string for HTML tags * * @param array Named tag attributes * @param array List of allowed attributes * @return string HTML formatted attribute string */ function create_attrib_string($attrib, $allowed_attribs=array('id', 'class', 'style')) { // allow the following attributes to be added to the