| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id: rcube_browser.php 328 2006-08-30 17:41:21Z thomasb $ */ /** * Application class of RoundCube Webmail * implemented as singleton * * @package Core */ class rcmail { static public $main_tasks = array('mail','settings','addressbook','logout'); static private $instance; public $config; public $user; public $db; public $imap; public $output; public $task = 'mail'; public $action = ''; public $comm_path = './'; private $texts; /** * This implements the 'singleton' design pattern * * @return object qvert The one and only instance */ static function get_instance() { if (!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new rcmail(); self::$instance->startup(); // init AFTER object was linked with self::$instance } return self::$instance; } /** * Private constructor * * @todo Remove global $CONFIG */ private function __construct() { // load configuration $this->config = new rcube_config(); $GLOBALS['CONFIG'] = $this->config->all(); register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown')); } /** * Initial startup function * to register session, create database and imap connections * * @todo Remove global vars $DB, $USER */ private function startup() { $config_all = $this->config->all(); // set task and action properties $this->set_task(strip_quotes(get_input_value('_task', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC))); $this->action = strip_quotes(get_input_value('_action', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)); // connect to database $GLOBALS['DB'] = $this->get_dbh(); // use database for storing session data include_once('include/session.inc'); // set session domain if (!empty($config_all['session_domain'])) { ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $config_all['session_domain']); } // set session garbage collecting time according to session_lifetime if (!empty($config_all['session_lifetime'])) { ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', ($config_all['session_lifetime']) * 120); } // start PHP session session_start(); // set initial session vars if (!isset($_SESSION['auth_time'])) { $_SESSION['auth_time'] = time(); $_SESSION['temp'] = true; } // create user object $this->set_user(new rcube_user($_SESSION['user_id'])); // reset some session parameters when changing task if ($_SESSION['task'] != $this->task) unset($_SESSION['page']); // set current task to session $_SESSION['task'] = $this->task; // create IMAP object if ($this->task == 'mail') $this->imap_init(); } /** * Setter for application task * * @param string Task to set */ public function set_task($task) { if (!in_array($task, self::$main_tasks)) $task = 'mail'; $this->task = $task; $this->comm_path = './?_task=' . $task; if ($this->output) $this->output->set_env('task', $task); } /** * Setter for system user object * * @param object rcube_user Current user instance */ public function set_user($user) { if (is_object($user)) { $this->user = $user; $GLOBALS['USER'] = $this->user; // overwrite config with user preferences $this->config->merge((array)$this->user->get_prefs()); } $_SESSION['language'] = $this->user->language = $this->language_prop($this->config->get('language')); // set localization setlocale(LC_ALL, $_SESSION['language']); } /** * Check the given string and return a valid language code * * @param string Language code * @return string Valid language code */ private function language_prop($lang) { static $rcube_languages, $rcube_language_aliases; if (empty($rcube_languages)) { @include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/index.inc'); } // check if we have an alias for that language if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) && isset($rcube_language_aliases[$lang])) { $lang = $rcube_language_aliases[$lang]; } // try the first two chars if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) && strlen($lang)>2) { $lang = $this->language_prop(substr($lang, 0, 2)); } if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang])) { $lang = 'en_US'; } return $lang; } /** * Get the current database connection * * @return object rcube_db Database connection object */ public function get_dbh() { if (!$this->db) { $dbclass = "rcube_" . $this->config->get('db_backend', 'mdb2'); $config_all = $this->config->all(); $this->db = new $dbclass($config_all['db_dsnw'], $config_all['db_dsnr'], $config_all['db_persistent']); $this->db->sqlite_initials = INSTALL_PATH . 'SQL/sqlite.initial.sql'; $this->db->set_debug((bool)$config_all['sql_debug']); $this->db->db_connect('w'); } return $this->db; } /** * Init output object for GUI and add common scripts. * This will instantiate a rcmail_template object and set * environment vars according to the current session and configuration */ public function load_gui($framed = false) { // init output page $this->output = new rcube_template($this->task, $framed); foreach (array('flag_for_deletion') as $js_config_var) { $this->output->set_env($js_config_var, $this->config->get($js_config_var)); } if ($framed) { $this->comm_path .= '&_framed=1'; $this->output->set_env('framed', true); } $this->output->set_env('task', $this->task); $this->output->set_env('action', $this->action); $this->output->set_env('comm_path', $this->comm_path); $this->output->set_charset($this->config->get('charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET)); // add some basic label to client $this->output->add_label('loading'); return $this->output; } /** * Create an output object for JSON responses */ public function init_json() { $this->output = new rcube_json_output($this->task); return $this->output; } /** * Create global IMAP object and connect to server * * @param boolean True if connection should be established * @todo Remove global $IMAP */ function imap_init($connect = false) { $this->imap = new rcube_imap($this->db); $this->imap->debug_level = $this->config->get('debug_level'); $this->imap->skip_deleted = $this->config->get('skip_deleted'); // connect with stored session data if ($connect && $_SESSION['imap_host']) { if (!($conn = $this->imap->connect($_SESSION['imap_host'], $_SESSION['username'], decrypt_passwd($_SESSION['password']), $_SESSION['imap_port'], $_SESSION['imap_ssl']))) ; #$OUTPUT->show_message('imaperror', 'error'); $this->set_imap_prop(); } // enable caching of imap data if ($this->config->get('enable_caching')) { $this->imap->set_caching(true); } // set pagesize from config $this->imap->set_pagesize($this->config->get('pagesize', 50)); // set global object for backward compatibility $GLOBALS['IMAP'] = $this->imap; } /** * Perfom login to the IMAP server and to the webmail service. * This will also create a new user entry if auto_create_user is configured. * * @param string IMAP user name * @param string IMAP password * @param string IMAP host * @return boolean True on success, False on failure */ function login($username, $pass, $host=NULL) { $user = NULL; $config = $this->config->all(); if (!$host) $host = $config['default_host']; // Validate that selected host is in the list of configured hosts if (is_array($config['default_host'])) { $allowed = false; foreach ($config['default_host'] as $key => $host_allowed) { if (!is_numeric($key)) $host_allowed = $key; if ($host == $host_allowed) { $allowed = true; break; } } if (!$allowed) return false; } else if (!empty($config['default_host']) && $host != $config['default_host']) return false; // parse $host URL $a_host = parse_url($host); if ($a_host['host']) { $host = $a_host['host']; $imap_ssl = (isset($a_host['scheme']) && in_array($a_host['scheme'], array('ssl','imaps','tls'))) ? $a_host['scheme'] : null; $imap_port = isset($a_host['port']) ? $a_host['port'] : ($imap_ssl ? 993 : $config['default_port']); } else $imap_port = $config['default_port']; /* Modify username with domain if required Inspired by Marco */ // Check if we need to add domain if (!empty($config['username_domain']) && !strpos($username, '@')) { if (is_array($config['username_domain']) && isset($config['username_domain'][$host])) $username .= '@'.$config['username_domain'][$host]; else if (is_string($config['username_domain'])) $username .= '@'.$config['username_domain']; } // try to resolve email address from virtuser table if (!empty($config['virtuser_file']) && strpos($username, '@')) $username = rcube_user::email2user($username); // lowercase username if it's an e-mail address (#1484473) if (strpos($username, '@')) $username = strtolower($username); // user already registered -> overwrite username if ($user = rcube_user::query($username, $host)) $username = $user->data['username']; // exit if IMAP login failed if (!($imap_login = $this->imap->connect($host, $username, $pass, $imap_port, $imap_ssl))) return false; // user already registered -> update user's record if (is_object($user)) { $user->touch(); } // create new system user else if ($config['auto_create_user']) { if ($created = rcube_user::create($username, $host)) { $user = $created; // get existing mailboxes (but why?) // $a_mailboxes = $this->imap->list_mailboxes(); } } else { raise_error(array( 'code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => "config/main.inc.php", 'message' => "Acces denied for new user $username. 'auto_create_user' is disabled" ), true, false); } // login succeeded if (is_object($user) && $user->ID) { $this->set_user($user); // set session vars $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->ID; $_SESSION['username'] = $user->data['username']; $_SESSION['imap_host'] = $host; $_SESSION['imap_port'] = $imap_port; $_SESSION['imap_ssl'] = $imap_ssl; $_SESSION['password'] = encrypt_passwd($pass); $_SESSION['login_time'] = mktime(); // force reloading complete list of subscribed mailboxes $this->set_imap_prop(); $this->imap->clear_cache('mailboxes'); if ($config['create_default_folders']) $this->imap->create_default_folders(); return true; } return false; } /** * Set root dir and last stored mailbox * This must be done AFTER connecting to the server! */ public function set_imap_prop() { $this->imap->set_charset($this->config->get('default_charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET)); // set root dir from config if ($imap_root = $this->config->get('imap_root')) { $this->imap->set_rootdir($imap_root); } if ($default_folders = $this->config->get('default_imap_folders')) { $this->imap->set_default_mailboxes($default_folders); } if (!empty($_SESSION['mbox'])) { $this->imap->set_mailbox($_SESSION['mbox']); } if (isset($_SESSION['page'])) { $this->imap->set_page($_SESSION['page']); } } public function shutdown() { if (is_object($this->imap)) { $this->imap->close(); $this->imap->write_cache(); } if (is_object($this->contacts)) $this->contacts->close(); // before closing the database connection, write session data session_write_close(); } }