
 | program/include/rcmail.php                                            |
 |                                                                       |
 | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client                     |
 | Copyright (C) 2008-2011, The Roundcube Dev Team                       |
 | Copyright (C) 2011, Kolab Systems AG                                  |
 |                                                                       |
 | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or            |
 | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins.                |
 | See the README file for a full license statement.                     |
 |                                                                       |
 | PURPOSE:                                                              |
 |   Application class providing core functions and holding              |
 |   instances of all 'global' objects like db- and imap-connections     |
 | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com>                        |



 * Application class of Roundcube Webmail
 * implemented as singleton
 * @package Core
class rcmail
   * Main tasks.
   * @var array
  static public $main_tasks = array('mail','settings','addressbook','login','logout','utils','dummy');

   * Singleton instace of rcmail
   * @var rcmail
  static private $instance;

   * Stores instance of rcube_config.
   * @var rcube_config
  public $config;

   * Stores rcube_user instance.
   * @var rcube_user
  public $user;

   * Instace of database class.
   * @var rcube_mdb2
  public $db;

   * Instace of Memcache class.
   * @var rcube_mdb2
  public $memcache;

   * Instace of rcube_session class.
   * @var rcube_session
  public $session;

   * Instance of rcube_smtp class.
   * @var rcube_smtp
  public $smtp;

   * Instance of rcube_storage class.
   * @var rcube_storage
  public $storage;

   * Instance of rcube_template class.
   * @var rcube_template
  public $output;

   * Instance of rcube_plugin_api.
   * @var rcube_plugin_api
  public $plugins;

   * Current task.
   * @var string
  public $task;

   * Current action.
   * @var string
  public $action = '';
  public $comm_path = './';

  private $texts;
  private $address_books = array();
  private $caches = array();
  private $action_map = array();
  private $shutdown_functions = array();

   * This implements the 'singleton' design pattern
   * @return rcmail The one and only instance
  static function get_instance()
    if (!self::$instance) {
      self::$instance = new rcmail();
      self::$instance->startup();  // init AFTER object was linked with self::$instance

    return self::$instance;

   * Private constructor
  private function __construct()
    // load configuration
    $this->config = new rcube_config();

    register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown'));

   * Initial startup function
   * to register session, create database and imap connections
  private function startup()
    // initialize syslog
    if ($this->config->get('log_driver') == 'syslog') {
      $syslog_id = $this->config->get('syslog_id', 'roundcube');
      $syslog_facility = $this->config->get('syslog_facility', LOG_USER);
      openlog($syslog_id, LOG_ODELAY, $syslog_facility);

    // connect to database

    // start session

    // create user object
    $this->set_user(new rcube_user($_SESSION['user_id']));

    // configure session (after user config merge!)

    // set task and action properties
    $this->set_task(get_input_value('_task', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));
    $this->action = asciiwords(get_input_value('_action', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));

    // reset some session parameters when changing task
    if ($this->task != 'utils') {
      if ($this->session && $_SESSION['task'] != $this->task)
      // set current task to session
      $_SESSION['task'] = $this->task;

    // init output class
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['_remote']))
      $GLOBALS['OUTPUT'] = $this->json_init();
      $GLOBALS['OUTPUT'] = $this->load_gui(!empty($_REQUEST['_framed']));

    // create plugin API and load plugins
    $this->plugins = rcube_plugin_api::get_instance();

    // init plugins

   * Setter for application task
   * @param string Task to set
  public function set_task($task)
    $task = asciiwords($task);

    if ($this->user && $this->user->ID)
      $task = !$task ? 'mail' : $task;
      $task = 'login';

    $this->task = $task;
    $this->comm_path = $this->url(array('task' => $this->task));

    if ($this->output)
      $this->output->set_env('task', $this->task);

   * Setter for system user object
   * @param rcube_user Current user instance
  public function set_user($user)
    if (is_object($user)) {
      $this->user = $user;

      // overwrite config with user preferences

    $_SESSION['language'] = $this->user->language = $this->language_prop($this->config->get('language', $_SESSION['language']));

    // set localization
    setlocale(LC_ALL, $_SESSION['language'] . '.utf8', 'en_US.utf8');

    // workaround for http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=18556
    if (in_array($_SESSION['language'], array('tr_TR', 'ku', 'az_AZ')))
      setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'en_US' . '.utf8');

   * Check the given string and return a valid language code
   * @param string Language code
   * @return string Valid language code
  private function language_prop($lang)
    static $rcube_languages, $rcube_language_aliases;

    // user HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE if no language is specified
    if (empty($lang) || $lang == 'auto') {
       $accept_langs = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
       $lang = str_replace('-', '_', $accept_langs[0]);

    if (empty($rcube_languages)) {
      @include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/index.inc');

    // check if we have an alias for that language
    if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) && isset($rcube_language_aliases[$lang])) {
      $lang = $rcube_language_aliases[$lang];
    // try the first two chars
    else if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang])) {
      $short = substr($lang, 0, 2);

      // check if we have an alias for the short language code
      if (!isset($rcube_languages[$short]) && isset($rcube_language_aliases[$short])) {
        $lang = $rcube_language_aliases[$short];
      // expand 'nn' to 'nn_NN'
      else if (!isset($rcube_languages[$short])) {
        $lang = $short.'_'.strtoupper($short);

    if (!isset($rcube_languages[$lang]) || !is_dir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang)) {
      $lang = 'en_US';

    return $lang;

   * Get the current database connection
   * @return rcube_mdb2  Database connection object
  public function get_dbh()
    if (!$this->db) {
      $config_all = $this->config->all();

      $this->db = new rcube_mdb2($config_all['db_dsnw'], $config_all['db_dsnr'], $config_all['db_persistent']);
      $this->db->sqlite_initials = INSTALL_PATH . 'SQL/sqlite.initial.sql';

    return $this->db;

   * Get global handle for memcache access
   * @return object Memcache
  public function get_memcache()
    if (!isset($this->memcache)) {
      // no memcache support in PHP
      if (!class_exists('Memcache')) {
        $this->memcache = false;
        return false;

      $this->memcache = new Memcache;
      $this->mc_available = 0;
      // add alll configured hosts to pool
      $pconnect = $this->config->get('memcache_pconnect', true);
      foreach ($this->config->get('memcache_hosts', array()) as $host) {
        list($host, $port) = explode(':', $host);
        if (!$port) $port = 11211;
        $this->mc_available += intval($this->memcache->addServer($host, $port, $pconnect, 1, 1, 15, false, array($this, 'memcache_failure')));
      // test connection and failover (will result in $this->mc_available == 0 on complete failure)
      $this->memcache->increment('__CONNECTIONTEST__', 1);  // NOP if key doesn't exist

      if (!$this->mc_available)
        $this->memcache = false;

    return $this->memcache;
   * Callback for memcache failure
  public function memcache_failure($host, $port)
    static $seen = array();
    // only report once
    if (!$seen["$host:$port"]++) {
      raise_error(array('code' => 604, 'type' => 'db',
        'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__,
        'message' => "Memcache failure on host $host:$port"),
        true, false);

   * Initialize and get cache object
   * @param string $name   Cache identifier
   * @param string $type   Cache type ('db', 'apc' or 'memcache')
   * @param int    $ttl    Expiration time for cache items in seconds
   * @param bool   $packed Enables/disables data serialization
   * @return rcube_cache Cache object
  public function get_cache($name, $type='db', $ttl=0, $packed=true)
    if (!isset($this->caches[$name])) {
      $this->caches[$name] = new rcube_cache($type, $_SESSION['user_id'], $name, $ttl, $packed);

    return $this->caches[$name];

   * Return instance of the internal address book class
   * @param string  Address book identifier
   * @param boolean True if the address book needs to be writeable
   * @return rcube_contacts Address book object
  public function get_address_book($id, $writeable = false)
    $contacts    = null;
    $ldap_config = (array)$this->config->get('ldap_public');
    $abook_type  = strtolower($this->config->get('address_book_type'));

    // 'sql' is the alias for '0' used by autocomplete
    if ($id == 'sql')
        $id = '0';

    // use existing instance
    if (isset($this->address_books[$id]) && is_object($this->address_books[$id])
      && is_a($this->address_books[$id], 'rcube_addressbook')
      && (!$writeable || !$this->address_books[$id]->readonly)
    ) {
      $contacts = $this->address_books[$id];
    else if ($id && $ldap_config[$id]) {
      $contacts = new rcube_ldap($ldap_config[$id], $this->config->get('ldap_debug'), $this->config->mail_domain($_SESSION['storage_host']));
    else if ($id === '0') {
      $contacts = new rcube_contacts($this->db, $this->user->ID);
    else {
      $plugin = $this->plugins->exec_hook('addressbook_get', array('id' => $id, 'writeable' => $writeable));

      // plugin returned instance of a rcube_addressbook
      if ($plugin['instance'] instanceof rcube_addressbook) {
        $contacts = $plugin['instance'];
      // get first source from the list
      else if (!$id) {
        $source = reset($this->get_address_sources($writeable));
        if (!empty($source)) {
          $contacts = $this->get_address_book($source['id']);
          if ($contacts)
            $id = $source['id'];

    if (!$contacts) {
        'code' => 700, 'type' => 'php',
        'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
        'message' => "Addressbook source ($id) not found!"),
        true, true);

    // set configured sort order
    if ($sort_col = $this->config->get('addressbook_sort_col'))

    // add to the 'books' array for shutdown function
    $this->address_books[$id] = $contacts;

    return $contacts;

   * Return address books list
   * @param boolean True if the address book needs to be writeable
   * @return array  Address books array
  public function get_address_sources($writeable = false)
    $abook_type = strtolower($this->config->get('address_book_type'));
    $ldap_config = $this->config->get('ldap_public');
    $autocomplete = (array) $this->config->get('autocomplete_addressbooks');
    $list = array();

    // We are using the DB address book
    if ($abook_type != 'ldap') {
      if (!isset($this->address_books['0']))
        $this->address_books['0'] = new rcube_contacts($this->db, $this->user->ID);
      $list['0'] = array(
        'id'       => '0',
        'name'     => rcube_label('personaladrbook'),
        'groups'   => $this->address_books['0']->groups,
        'readonly' => $this->address_books['0']->readonly,
        'autocomplete' => in_array('sql', $autocomplete),
        'undelete' => $this->address_books['0']->undelete && $this->config->get('undo_timeout'),

    if ($ldap_config) {
      $ldap_config = (array) $ldap_config;
      foreach ($ldap_config as $id => $prop) {
        // handle misconfiguration
        if (empty($prop) || !is_array($prop)) {
        $list[$id] = array(
          'id'       => $id,
          'name'     => $prop['name'],
          'groups'   => is_array($prop['groups']),
          'readonly' => !$prop['writable'],
          'hidden'   => $prop['hidden'],
          'autocomplete' => in_array($id, $autocomplete)

    $plugin = $this->plugins->exec_hook('addressbooks_list', array('sources' => $list));
    $list = $plugin['sources'];

    foreach ($list as $idx => $item) {
      // register source for shutdown function
      if (!is_object($this->address_books[$item['id']]))
        $this->address_books[$item['id']] = $item;
      // remove from list if not writeable as requested
      if ($writeable && $item['readonly'])

    return $list;

   * Init output object for GUI and add common scripts.
   * This will instantiate a rcmail_template object and set
   * environment vars according to the current session and configuration
   * @param boolean True if this request is loaded in a (i)frame
   * @return rcube_template Reference to HTML output object
  public function load_gui($framed = false)
    // init output page
    if (!($this->output instanceof rcube_template))
      $this->output = new rcube_template($this->task, $framed);

    // set keep-alive/check-recent interval
    if ($this->session && ($keep_alive = $this->session->get_keep_alive())) {
      $this->output->set_env('keep_alive', $keep_alive);

    if ($framed) {
      $this->comm_path .= '&_framed=1';
      $this->output->set_env('framed', true);

    $this->output->set_env('task', $this->task);
    $this->output->set_env('action', $this->action);
    $this->output->set_env('comm_path', $this->comm_path);

    // add some basic labels to client
    $this->output->add_label('loading', 'servererror');

    return $this->output;

   * Create an output object for JSON responses
   * @return rcube_json_output Reference to JSON output object
  public function json_init()
    if (!($this->output instanceof rcube_json_output))
      $this->output = new rcube_json_output($this->task);

    return $this->output;

   * Create SMTP object and connect to server
   * @param boolean True if connection should be established
  public function smtp_init($connect = false)
    $this->smtp = new rcube_smtp();

    if ($connect)

   * Initialize and get storage object
   * @return rcube_storage Storage object
  public function get_storage()
    // already initialized
    if (!is_object($this->storage)) {

    return $this->storage;

   * Connect to the IMAP server with stored session data.
   * @return bool True on success, False on error
   * @deprecated
  public function imap_connect()
    return $this->storage_connect();

   * Initialize IMAP object.
   * @deprecated
  public function imap_init()

   * Initialize storage object
  public function storage_init()
    // already initialized
    if (is_object($this->storage)) {

    $driver = $this->config->get('storage_driver', 'imap');
    $driver_class = "rcube_{$driver}";

    if (!class_exists($driver_class)) {
        'code' => 700, 'type' => 'php',
        'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
        'message' => "Storage driver class ($driver) not found!"),
        true, true);

    // Initialize storage object
    $this->storage = new $driver_class;

    // for backward compat. (deprecated, will be removed)
    $this->imap = $this->storage;

    // enable caching of mail data
    $storage_cache  = $this->config->get("{$driver}_cache");
    $messages_cache = $this->config->get('messages_cache');
    // for backward compatybility
    if ($storage_cache === null && $messages_cache === null && $this->config->get('enable_caching')) {
        $storage_cache  = 'db';
        $messages_cache = true;

    if ($storage_cache)
    if ($messages_cache)

    // set pagesize from config
    $pagesize = $this->config->get('mail_pagesize');
    if (!$pagesize) {
        $pagesize = $this->config->get('pagesize', 50);

    // set class options
    $options = array(
      'auth_type'   => $this->config->get("{$driver}_auth_type", 'check'),
      'auth_cid'    => $this->config->get("{$driver}_auth_cid"),
      'auth_pw'     => $this->config->get("{$driver}_auth_pw"),
      'debug'       => (bool) $this->config->get("{$driver}_debug"),
      'force_caps'  => (bool) $this->config->get("{$driver}_force_caps"),
      'timeout'     => (int) $this->config->get("{$driver}_timeout"),
      'skip_deleted' => (bool) $this->config->get('skip_deleted'),
      'driver'      => $driver,

    if (!empty($_SESSION['storage_host'])) {
      $options['host']     = $_SESSION['storage_host'];
      $options['user']     = $_SESSION['username'];
      $options['port']     = $_SESSION['storage_port'];
      $options['ssl']      = $_SESSION['storage_ssl'];
      $options['password'] = $this->decrypt($_SESSION['password']);
      // set 'imap_host' for backwards compatibility
      $_SESSION[$driver.'_host'] = &$_SESSION['storage_host'];

    $options = $this->plugins->exec_hook("storage_init", $options);


   * Connect to the mail storage server with stored session data
   * @return bool True on success, False on error
  public function storage_connect()
    $storage = $this->get_storage();

    if ($_SESSION['storage_host'] && !$storage->is_connected()) {
      $host = $_SESSION['storage_host'];
      $user = $_SESSION['username'];
      $port = $_SESSION['storage_port'];
      $ssl  = $_SESSION['storage_ssl'];
      $pass = $this->decrypt($_SESSION['password']);

      if (!$storage->connect($host, $user, $pass, $port, $ssl)) {
        if ($this->output)
          $this->output->show_message($storage->get_error_code() == -1 ? 'storageerror' : 'sessionerror', 'error');
      else {
        return $storage->is_connected();

    return false;

   * Create session object and start the session.
  public function session_init()
    // session started (Installer?)
    if (session_id())

    $sess_name   = $this->config->get('session_name');
    $sess_domain = $this->config->get('session_domain');
    $lifetime    = $this->config->get('session_lifetime', 0) * 60;

    // set session domain
    if ($sess_domain) {
      ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $sess_domain);
    // set session garbage collecting time according to session_lifetime
    if ($lifetime) {
      ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $lifetime * 2);

    ini_set('session.cookie_secure', rcube_https_check());
    ini_set('session.name', $sess_name ? $sess_name : 'roundcube_sessid');
    ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1);
    ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);
    ini_set('session.serialize_handler', 'php');

    // use database for storing session data
    $this->session = new rcube_session($this->get_dbh(), $this->config);

    if ($this->config->get('enable_caching'))

    // start PHP session (if not in CLI mode)
    if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])

    // set initial session vars
    if (!$_SESSION['user_id'])
      $_SESSION['temp'] = true;

   * Configure session object internals
  public function session_configure()
    if (!$this->session)

    $lifetime = $this->config->get('session_lifetime', 0) * 60;

    // set keep-alive/check-recent interval
    if ($keep_alive = $this->config->get('keep_alive')) {
      // be sure that it's less than session lifetime
      if ($lifetime)
        $keep_alive = min($keep_alive, $lifetime - 30);
      $keep_alive = max(60, $keep_alive);

    $this->session->set_secret($this->config->get('des_key') . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);

   * Perfom login to the mail server and to the webmail service.
   * This will also create a new user entry if auto_create_user is configured.
   * @param string Mail storage (IMAP) user name
   * @param string Mail storage (IMAP) password
   * @param string Mail storage (IMAP) host
   * @return boolean True on success, False on failure
  function login($username, $pass, $host=NULL)
    if (empty($username)) {
      return false;

    $config = $this->config->all();

    if (!$host)
      $host = $config['default_host'];

    // Validate that selected host is in the list of configured hosts
    if (is_array($config['default_host'])) {
      $allowed = false;
      foreach ($config['default_host'] as $key => $host_allowed) {
        if (!is_numeric($key))
          $host_allowed = $key;
        if ($host == $host_allowed) {
          $allowed = true;
      if (!$allowed)
        return false;
    else if (!empty($config['default_host']) && $host != rcube_parse_host($config['default_host']))
      return false;

    // parse $host URL
    $a_host = parse_url($host);
    if ($a_host['host']) {
      $host = $a_host['host'];
      $ssl = (isset($a_host['scheme']) && in_array($a_host['scheme'], array('ssl','imaps','tls'))) ? $a_host['scheme'] : null;
      if (!empty($a_host['port']))
        $port = $a_host['port'];
      else if ($ssl && $ssl != 'tls' && (!$config['default_port'] || $config['default_port'] == 143))
        $port = 993;

    if (!$port) {
        $port = $config['default_port'];

    /* Modify username with domain if required
       Inspired by Marco <P0L0_notspam_binware.org>
    // Check if we need to add domain
    if (!empty($config['username_domain']) && strpos($username, '@') === false) {
      if (is_array($config['username_domain']) && isset($config['username_domain'][$host]))
        $username .= '@'.rcube_parse_host($config['username_domain'][$host], $host);
      else if (is_string($config['username_domain']))
        $username .= '@'.rcube_parse_host($config['username_domain'], $host);

    // Convert username to lowercase. If storage backend
    // is case-insensitive we need to store always the same username (#1487113)
    if ($config['login_lc']) {
      $username = mb_strtolower($username);

    // try to resolve email address from virtuser table
    if (strpos($username, '@') && ($virtuser = rcube_user::email2user($username))) {
      $username = $virtuser;

    // Here we need IDNA ASCII
    // Only rcube_contacts class is using domain names in Unicode
    $host = rcube_idn_to_ascii($host);
    if (strpos($username, '@')) {
      // lowercase domain name
      list($local, $domain) = explode('@', $username);
      $username = $local . '@' . mb_strtolower($domain);
      $username = rcube_idn_to_ascii($username);

    // user already registered -> overwrite username
    if ($user = rcube_user::query($username, $host))
      $username = $user->data['username'];

    if (!$this->storage)

    // try to log in
    if (!($login = $this->storage->connect($host, $username, $pass, $port, $ssl))) {
      // try with lowercase
      $username_lc = mb_strtolower($username);
      if ($username_lc != $username) {
        // try to find user record again -> overwrite username
        if (!$user && ($user = rcube_user::query($username_lc, $host)))
          $username_lc = $user->data['username'];

        if ($login = $this->storage->connect($host, $username_lc, $pass, $port, $ssl))
          $username = $username_lc;

    // exit if login failed
    if (!$login) {
      return false;

    // user already registered -> update user's record
    if (is_object($user)) {
      // update last login timestamp
    // create new system user
    else if ($config['auto_create_user']) {
      if ($created = rcube_user::create($username, $host)) {
        $user = $created;
      else {
          'code' => 620, 'type' => 'php',
          'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
          'message' => "Failed to create a user record. Maybe aborted by a plugin?"
          ), true, false);
    else {
        'code' => 621, 'type' => 'php',
        'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
        'message' => "Access denied for new user $username. 'auto_create_user' is disabled"
        ), true, false);

    // login succeeded
    if (is_object($user) && $user->ID) {
      // Configure environment

      // fix some old settings according to namespace prefix

      // create default folders on first login
      if ($config['create_default_folders'] && (!empty($created) || empty($user->data['last_login']))) {

      // set session vars
      $_SESSION['user_id']      = $user->ID;
      $_SESSION['username']     = $user->data['username'];
      $_SESSION['storage_host'] = $host;
      $_SESSION['storage_port'] = $port;
      $_SESSION['storage_ssl']  = $ssl;
      $_SESSION['password']     = $this->encrypt($pass);
      $_SESSION['login_time']   = mktime();

      if (isset($_REQUEST['_timezone']) && $_REQUEST['_timezone'] != '_default_')
        $_SESSION['timezone'] = floatval($_REQUEST['_timezone']);
      if (isset($_REQUEST['_dstactive']) && $_REQUEST['_dstactive'] != '_default_')
        $_SESSION['dst_active'] = intval($_REQUEST['_dstactive']);

      // force reloading complete list of subscribed mailboxes
      $this->storage->clear_cache('mailboxes', true);

      return true;

    return false;

   * Set storage parameters.
   * This must be done AFTER connecting to the server!
  private function set_storage_prop()
    $storage = $this->get_storage();

    $storage->set_charset($this->config->get('default_charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET));

    if ($default_folders = $this->config->get('default_folders')) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['mbox'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['page'])) {

   * Auto-select IMAP host based on the posted login information
   * @return string Selected IMAP host
  public function autoselect_host()
    $default_host = $this->config->get('default_host');
    $host = null;

    if (is_array($default_host)) {
      $post_host = get_input_value('_host', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);

      // direct match in default_host array
      if ($default_host[$post_host] || in_array($post_host, array_values($default_host))) {
        $host = $post_host;

      // try to select host by mail domain
      list($user, $domain) = explode('@', get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_POST));
      if (!empty($domain)) {
        foreach ($default_host as $storage_host => $mail_domains) {
          if (is_array($mail_domains) && in_array_nocase($domain, $mail_domains)) {
            $host = $storage_host;
          else if (stripos($storage_host, $domain) !== false || stripos(strval($mail_domains), $domain) !== false) {
            $host = is_numeric($storage_host) ? $mail_domains : $storage_host;

      // take the first entry if $host is still not set
      if (empty($host)) {
        list($key, $val) = each($default_host);
        $host = is_numeric($key) ? $val : $key;
    else if (empty($default_host)) {
      $host = get_input_value('_host', RCUBE_INPUT_POST);
      $host = rcube_parse_host($default_host);

    return $host;

   * Get localized text in the desired language
   * @param mixed   $attrib  Named parameters array or label name
   * @param string  $domain  Label domain (plugin) name
   * @return string Localized text
  public function gettext($attrib, $domain=null)
    // load localization files if not done yet
    if (empty($this->texts))

    // extract attributes
    if (is_string($attrib))
      $attrib = array('name' => $attrib);

    $name = $attrib['name'] ? $attrib['name'] : '';

    // attrib contain text values: use them from now
    if (($setval = $attrib[strtolower($_SESSION['language'])]) || ($setval = $attrib['en_us']))
        $this->texts[$name] = $setval;

    // check for text with domain
    if ($domain && ($text = $this->texts[$domain.'.'.$name]))
    // text does not exist
    else if (!($text = $this->texts[$name])) {
      return "[$name]";

    // replace vars in text
    if (is_array($attrib['vars'])) {
      foreach ($attrib['vars'] as $var_key => $var_value)
        $text = str_replace($var_key[0]!='$' ? '$'.$var_key : $var_key, $var_value, $text);

    // format output
    if (($attrib['uppercase'] && strtolower($attrib['uppercase']=='first')) || $attrib['ucfirst'])
      return ucfirst($text);
    else if ($attrib['uppercase'])
      return mb_strtoupper($text);
    else if ($attrib['lowercase'])
      return mb_strtolower($text);

    return strtr($text, array('\n' => "\n"));

   * Check if the given text label exists
   * @param string  $name       Label name
   * @param string  $domain     Label domain (plugin) name or '*' for all domains
   * @param string  $ref_domain Sets domain name if label is found
   * @return boolean True if text exists (either in the current language or in en_US)
  public function text_exists($name, $domain = null, &$ref_domain = null)
    // load localization files if not done yet
    if (empty($this->texts))

    if (isset($this->texts[$name])) {
        $ref_domain = '';
        return true;

    // any of loaded domains (plugins)
    if ($domain == '*') {
      foreach ($this->plugins->loaded_plugins() as $domain)
        if (isset($this->texts[$domain.'.'.$name])) {
          $ref_domain = $domain;
          return true;
    // specified domain
    else if ($domain) {
      $ref_domain = $domain;
      return isset($this->texts[$domain.'.'.$name]);

    return false;

   * Load a localization package
   * @param string Language ID
  public function load_language($lang = null, $add = array())
    $lang = $this->language_prop(($lang ? $lang : $_SESSION['language']));

    // load localized texts
    if (empty($this->texts) || $lang != $_SESSION['language']) {
      $this->texts = array();

      // handle empty lines after closing PHP tag in localization files

      // get english labels (these should be complete)
      @include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/en_US/labels.inc');
      @include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/en_US/messages.inc');

      if (is_array($labels))
        $this->texts = $labels;
      if (is_array($messages))
        $this->texts = array_merge($this->texts, $messages);

      // include user language files
      if ($lang != 'en' && is_dir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang)) {
        include_once(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang . '/labels.inc');
        include_once(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $lang . '/messages.inc');

        if (is_array($labels))
          $this->texts = array_merge($this->texts, $labels);
        if (is_array($messages))
          $this->texts = array_merge($this->texts, $messages);


      $_SESSION['language'] = $lang;

    // append additional texts (from plugin)
    if (is_array($add) && !empty($add))
      $this->texts += $add;

   * Read directory program/localization and return a list of available languages
   * @return array List of available localizations
  public function list_languages()
    static $sa_languages = array();

    if (!sizeof($sa_languages)) {
      @include(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/index.inc');

      if ($dh = @opendir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization')) {
        while (($name = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
          if ($name[0] == '.' || !is_dir(INSTALL_PATH . 'program/localization/' . $name))

          if ($label = $rcube_languages[$name])
            $sa_languages[$name] = $label;

    return $sa_languages;

   * Destroy session data and remove cookie
  public function kill_session()

    $_SESSION = array('language' => $this->user->language, 'temp' => true);

   * Do server side actions on logout
  public function logout_actions()
    $config = $this->config->all();

    // on logout action we're not connected to imap server
    if (($config['logout_purge'] && !empty($config['trash_mbox'])) || $config['logout_expunge']) {
      if (!$this->session->check_auth())


    if ($config['logout_purge'] && !empty($config['trash_mbox'])) {

    if ($config['logout_expunge']) {

    // Try to save unsaved user preferences
    if (!empty($_SESSION['preferences'])) {

   * Function to be executed in script shutdown
   * Registered with register_shutdown_function()
  public function shutdown()
    foreach ($this->shutdown_functions as $function)

    if (is_object($this->smtp))

    foreach ($this->address_books as $book) {
      if (is_object($book) && is_a($book, 'rcube_addressbook'))

    foreach ($this->caches as $cache) {
        if (is_object($cache))

    if (is_object($this->storage))

    // before closing the database connection, write session data
    if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && is_object($this->session)) {

    // write performance stats to logs/console
    if ($this->config->get('devel_mode')) {
      if (function_exists('memory_get_usage'))
        $mem = show_bytes(memory_get_usage());
      if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage'))
        $mem .= '/'.show_bytes(memory_get_peak_usage());

      $log = $this->task . ($this->action ? '/'.$this->action : '') . ($mem ? " [$mem]" : '');
      if (defined('RCMAIL_START'))
        rcube_print_time(RCMAIL_START, $log);

   * Registers shutdown function to be executed on shutdown.
   * The functions will be executed before destroying any
   * objects like smtp, imap, session, etc.
   * @param callback Function callback
  public function add_shutdown_function($function)
    $this->shutdown_functions[] = $function;

   * Generate a unique token to be used in a form request
   * @return string The request token
  public function get_request_token()
    $sess_id = $_COOKIE[ini_get('session.name')];
    if (!$sess_id) $sess_id = session_id();
    $plugin = $this->plugins->exec_hook('request_token', array('value' => md5('RT' . $this->user->ID . $this->config->get('des_key') . $sess_id)));
    return $plugin['value'];

   * Check if the current request contains a valid token
   * @param int Request method
   * @return boolean True if request token is valid false if not
  public function check_request($mode = RCUBE_INPUT_POST)
    $token = get_input_value('_token', $mode);
    $sess_id = $_COOKIE[ini_get('session.name')];
    return !empty($sess_id) && $token == $this->get_request_token();

   * Create unique authorization hash
   * @param string Session ID
   * @param int Timestamp
   * @return string The generated auth hash
  private function get_auth_hash($sess_id, $ts)
    $auth_string = sprintf('rcmail*sess%sR%s*Chk:%s;%s',
      $this->config->get('ip_check') ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '***.***.***.***',

    if (function_exists('sha1'))
      return sha1($auth_string);
      return md5($auth_string);

   * Encrypt using 3DES
   * @param string $clear clear text input
   * @param string $key encryption key to retrieve from the configuration, defaults to 'des_key'
   * @param boolean $base64 whether or not to base64_encode() the result before returning
   * @return string encrypted text
  public function encrypt($clear, $key = 'des_key', $base64 = true)
    if (!$clear)
      return '';
     * Add a single canary byte to the end of the clear text, which
     * will help find out how much of padding will need to be removed
     * upon decryption; see http://php.net/mcrypt_generic#68082
    $clear = pack("a*H2", $clear, "80");

    if (function_exists('mcrypt_module_open') &&
        ($td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_TripleDES, "", MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, "")))
      $iv = $this->create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td));
      mcrypt_generic_init($td, $this->config->get_crypto_key($key), $iv);
      $cipher = $iv . mcrypt_generic($td, $clear);
    else {
      @include_once 'des.inc';

      if (function_exists('des')) {
        $des_iv_size = 8;
        $iv = $this->create_iv($des_iv_size);
        $cipher = $iv . des($this->config->get_crypto_key($key), $clear, 1, 1, $iv);
      else {
          'code' => 500, 'type' => 'php',
          'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
          'message' => "Could not perform encryption; make sure Mcrypt is installed or lib/des.inc is available"
        ), true, true);

    return $base64 ? base64_encode($cipher) : $cipher;

   * Decrypt 3DES-encrypted string
   * @param string $cipher encrypted text
   * @param string $key encryption key to retrieve from the configuration, defaults to 'des_key'
   * @param boolean $base64 whether or not input is base64-encoded
   * @return string decrypted text
  public function decrypt($cipher, $key = 'des_key', $base64 = true)
    if (!$cipher)
      return '';

    $cipher = $base64 ? base64_decode($cipher) : $cipher;

    if (function_exists('mcrypt_module_open') &&
        ($td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_TripleDES, "", MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, "")))
      $iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td);
      $iv = substr($cipher, 0, $iv_size);

      // session corruption? (#1485970)
      if (strlen($iv) < $iv_size)
        return '';

      $cipher = substr($cipher, $iv_size);
      mcrypt_generic_init($td, $this->config->get_crypto_key($key), $iv);
      $clear = mdecrypt_generic($td, $cipher);
    else {
      @include_once 'des.inc';

      if (function_exists('des')) {
        $des_iv_size = 8;
        $iv = substr($cipher, 0, $des_iv_size);
        $cipher = substr($cipher, $des_iv_size);
        $clear = des($this->config->get_crypto_key($key), $cipher, 0, 1, $iv);
      else {
          'code' => 500, 'type' => 'php',
          'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__,
          'message' => "Could not perform decryption; make sure Mcrypt is installed or lib/des.inc is available"
        ), true, true);

     * Trim PHP's padding and the canary byte; see note in
     * rcmail::encrypt() and http://php.net/mcrypt_generic#68082
    $clear = substr(rtrim($clear, "\0"), 0, -1);

    return $clear;

   * Generates encryption initialization vector (IV)
   * @param int Vector size
   * @return string Vector string
  private function create_iv($size)
    // mcrypt_create_iv() can be slow when system lacks entrophy
    // we'll generate IV vector manually
    $iv = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)
        $iv .= chr(mt_rand(0, 255));
    return $iv;

   * Build a valid URL to this instance of Roundcube
   * @param mixed Either a string with the action or url parameters as key-value pairs
   * @return string Valid application URL
  public function url($p)
    if (!is_array($p))
      $p = array('_action' => @func_get_arg(0));

    $task = $p['_task'] ? $p['_task'] : ($p['task'] ? $p['task'] : $this->task);
    $p['_task'] = $task;

    $url = './';
    $delm = '?';
    foreach (array_reverse($p) as $key => $val) {
      if ($val !== '' && $val !== null) {
        $par = $key[0] == '_' ? $key : '_'.$key;
        $url .= $delm.urlencode($par).'='.urlencode($val);
        $delm = '&';
    return $url;

   * Use imagemagick or GD lib to read image properties
   * @param string Absolute file path
   * @return mixed Hash array with image props like type, width, height or False on error
  public static function imageprops($filepath)
    $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
    if ($cmd = $rcmail->config->get('im_identify_path', false)) {
      list(, $type, $size) = explode(' ', strtolower(rcmail::exec($cmd. ' 2>/dev/null {in}', array('in' => $filepath))));
      if ($size)
        list($width, $height) = explode('x', $size);
    else if (function_exists('getimagesize')) {
      $imsize = @getimagesize($filepath);
      $width = $imsize[0];
      $height = $imsize[1];
      $type = preg_replace('!image/!', '', $imsize['mime']);

    return $type ? array('type' => $type, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height) : false;

   * Convert an image to a given size and type using imagemagick (ensures input is an image)
   * @param $p['in']  Input filename (mandatory)
   * @param $p['out'] Output filename (mandatory)
   * @param $p['size']  Width x height of resulting image, e.g. "160x60"
   * @param $p['type']  Output file type, e.g. "jpg"
   * @param $p['-opts'] Custom command line options to ImageMagick convert
   * @return Success of convert as true/false
  public static function imageconvert($p)
    $result = false;
    $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
    $convert  = $rcmail->config->get('im_convert_path', false);
    $identify = $rcmail->config->get('im_identify_path', false);

    // imagemagick is required for this
    if (!$convert)
        return false;

    if (!(($imagetype = @exif_imagetype($p['in'])) && ($type = image_type_to_extension($imagetype, false))))
      list(, $type) = explode(' ', strtolower(rcmail::exec($identify . ' 2>/dev/null {in}', $p))); # for things like eps

    $type = strtr($type, array("jpeg" => "jpg", "tiff" => "tif", "ps" => "eps", "ept" => "eps"));
    $p += array('type' => $type, 'types' => "bmp,eps,gif,jp2,jpg,png,svg,tif", 'quality' => 75);
    $p['-opts'] = array('-resize' => $p['size'].'>') + (array)$p['-opts'];

    if (in_array($type, explode(',', $p['types']))) # Valid type?
      $result = rcmail::exec($convert . ' 2>&1 -flatten -auto-orient -colorspace RGB -quality {quality} {-opts} {in} {type}:{out}', $p) === "";

    return $result;

   * Construct shell command, execute it and return output as string.
   * Keywords {keyword} are replaced with arguments
   * @param $cmd Format string with {keywords} to be replaced
   * @param $values (zero, one or more arrays can be passed)
   * @return output of command. shell errors not detectable
  public static function exec(/* $cmd, $values1 = array(), ... */)
    $args = func_get_args();
    $cmd = array_shift($args);
    $values = $replacements = array();

    // merge values into one array
    foreach ($args as $arg)
      $values += (array)$arg;

    preg_match_all('/({(-?)([a-z]\w*)})/', $cmd, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    foreach ($matches as $tags) {
      list(, $tag, $option, $key) = $tags;
      $parts = array();

      if ($option) {
        foreach ((array)$values["-$key"] as $key => $value) {
          if ($value === true || $value === false || $value === null)
            $parts[] = $value ? $key : "";
          else foreach ((array)$value as $val)
            $parts[] = "$key " . escapeshellarg($val);
      else {
        foreach ((array)$values[$key] as $value)
          $parts[] = escapeshellarg($value);

      $replacements[$tag] = join(" ", $parts);

    // use strtr behaviour of going through source string once
    $cmd = strtr($cmd, $replacements);

    return (string)shell_exec($cmd);

   * Helper method to set a cookie with the current path and host settings
   * @param string Cookie name
   * @param string Cookie value
   * @param string Expiration time
  public static function setcookie($name, $value, $exp = 0)
    if (headers_sent())

    $cookie = session_get_cookie_params();

    setcookie($name, $value, $exp, $cookie['path'], $cookie['domain'],
      rcube_https_check(), true);

   * Registers action aliases for current task
   * @param array $map Alias-to-filename hash array
  public function register_action_map($map)
    if (is_array($map)) {
      foreach ($map as $idx => $val) {
        $this->action_map[$idx] = $val;

   * Returns current action filename
   * @param array $map Alias-to-filename hash array
  public function get_action_file()
    if (!empty($this->action_map[$this->action])) {
      return $this->action_map[$this->action];

    return strtr($this->action, '-', '_') . '.inc';

   * Fixes some user preferences according to namespace handling change.
   * Old Roundcube versions were using folder names with removed namespace prefix.
   * Now we need to add the prefix on servers where personal namespace has prefix.
   * @param rcube_user $user User object
  private function fix_namespace_settings($user)
    $prefix     = $this->storage->get_namespace('prefix');
    $prefix_len = strlen($prefix);

    if (!$prefix_len)

    $prefs = $this->config->all();
    if (!empty($prefs['namespace_fixed']))

    // Build namespace prefix regexp
    $ns     = $this->storage->get_namespace();
    $regexp = array();

    foreach ($ns as $entry) {
      if (!empty($entry)) {
        foreach ($entry as $item) {
          if (strlen($item[0])) {
            $regexp[] = preg_quote($item[0], '/');
    $regexp = '/^('. implode('|', $regexp).')/';

    // Fix preferences
    $opts = array('drafts_mbox', 'junk_mbox', 'sent_mbox', 'trash_mbox', 'archive_mbox');
    foreach ($opts as $opt) {
      if ($value = $prefs[$opt]) {
        if ($value != 'INBOX' && !preg_match($regexp, $value)) {
          $prefs[$opt] = $prefix.$value;

    if (!empty($prefs['default_folders'])) {
      foreach ($prefs['default_folders'] as $idx => $name) {
        if ($name != 'INBOX' && !preg_match($regexp, $name)) {
          $prefs['default_folders'][$idx] = $prefix.$name;

    if (!empty($prefs['search_mods'])) {
      $folders = array();
      foreach ($prefs['search_mods'] as $idx => $value) {
        if ($idx != 'INBOX' && $idx != '*' && !preg_match($regexp, $idx)) {
          $idx = $prefix.$idx;
        $folders[$idx] = $value;
      $prefs['search_mods'] = $folders;

    if (!empty($prefs['message_threading'])) {
      $folders = array();
      foreach ($prefs['message_threading'] as $idx => $value) {
        if ($idx != 'INBOX' && !preg_match($regexp, $idx)) {
          $idx = $prefix.$idx;
        $folders[$prefix.$idx] = $value;
      $prefs['message_threading'] = $folders;

    if (!empty($prefs['collapsed_folders'])) {
      $folders     = explode('&&', $prefs['collapsed_folders']);
      $count       = count($folders);
      $folders_str = '';

      if ($count) {
          $folders[0]        = substr($folders[0], 1);
          $folders[$count-1] = substr($folders[$count-1], 0, -1);

      foreach ($folders as $value) {
        if ($value != 'INBOX' && !preg_match($regexp, $value)) {
          $value = $prefix.$value;
        $folders_str .= '&'.$value.'&';
      $prefs['collapsed_folders'] = $folders_str;

    $prefs['namespace_fixed'] = true;

    // save updated preferences and reset imap settings (default folders)
