| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id: $ */ require_once('include/rcube_shared.inc'); class rcmail_template extends rcube_html_page { var $config; var $task = ''; var $framed = false; var $ajax_call = false; var $pagetitle = ''; var $env = array(); var $js_env = array(); var $js_commands = array(); var $object_handlers = array(); // PHP 5 constructor function __construct(&$config, $task) { parent::__construct(); $this->task = $task; $this->config = $config; $this->ajax_call = !empty($_GET['_remote']) || !empty($_POST['_remote']); // add common javascripts if (!$this->ajax_call) { $javascript = "var ".JS_OBJECT_NAME." = new rcube_webmail();"; // don't wait for page onload. Call init at the bottom of the page (delayed) $javascript_foot = "if (window.call_init)\n call_init('".JS_OBJECT_NAME."');"; $this->add_script($javascript, 'head_top'); $this->add_script($javascript_foot, 'foot'); $this->scripts_path = 'program/js/'; $this->include_script('common.js'); $this->include_script('app.js'); } } // PHP 4 compatibility function rcmail_template(&$config, $task) { $this->__construct($config, $task); } /** * Set environment variable */ function set_env($name, $value, $addtojs=true) { $this->env[$name] = $value; if ($addtojs || isset($this->js_env[$name])) $this->js_env[$name] = $value; } /** * Set page title variable */ function set_pagetitle($title) { $this->pagetitle = $title; } /** * Register a template object handler * * @param string Object name * @param string Function name to call */ function add_handler($obj, $func) { $this->object_handlers[$obj] = $func; } /** * Register a list of template object handlers * * @param array Hash array with object=>handler pairs */ function add_handlers($arr) { $this->object_handlers = array_merge($this->object_handlers, $arr); } /** * Register a GUI object to the client script * * @param string Object name * @param string Object ID */ function add_gui_object($obj, $id) { $this->add_script(JS_OBJECT_NAME.".gui_object('$obj', '$id');"); } /** * Call a client method * * @param string Method to call * @param ... Additional arguments */ function command() { $this->js_commands[] = func_get_args(); } /** * Invoke display_message command */ function show_message($message, $type='notice', $vars=NULL) { $this->command( 'display_message', rcube_label(array('name' => $message, 'vars' => $vars)), $type); } /** * Delete all stored env variables and commands */ function reset() { $this->env = array(); $this->js_env = array(); $this->js_commands = array(); $this->object_handlers = array(); parent::reset(); } /** * Send the request output to the client. * This will either parse a skin tempalte or send an AJAX response * * @param string Template name * @param boolean True if script should terminate (default) */ function send($templ=null, $exit=true) { if ($this->ajax_call) $this->remote_response('', !$exit); else if ($templ != 'iframe') $this->parse($templ, false); else { $this->framed = $templ == 'iframe' ? true : $this->framed; $this->write(); } if ($exit) exit; } /** * Send an AJAX response with executable JS code * * @param string Additional JS code * @param boolean True if output buffer should be flushed */ function remote_response($add='', $flush=false) { static $s_header_sent = FALSE; if (!$s_header_sent) { $s_header_sent = TRUE; send_nocacheing_headers(); header('Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset='.RCMAIL_CHARSET); print '/** ajax response ['.date('d/M/Y h:i:s O')."] **/\n"; } // unset default env vars unset($this->js_env['task'], $this->js_env['action'], $this->js_env['comm_path']); // send response code print rcube_charset_convert($this->get_js_commands() . $add, RCMAIL_CHARSET, $this->get_charset()); if ($flush) // flush the output buffer flush(); } /** * @override */ function write($template='') { // write all env variables to client $js = $this->framed ? "if(window.parent) {\n" : ''; $js .= $this->get_js_commands() . ($this->framed ? ' }' : ''); $this->add_script($js, 'head_top'); // call super method parent::write($template, $this->config['skin_path']); } /** * Parse a specific skin template and deliver to stdout * * @param string Template name * @param boolean Exit script */ function parse($name='main', $exit=true) { $skin_path = $this->config['skin_path']; // read template file $templ = ''; $path = "$skin_path/templates/$name.html"; if($fp = @fopen($path, 'r')) { $templ = fread($fp, filesize($path)); fclose($fp); } else { raise_error(array( 'code' => 501, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Error loading template for '$name'"), TRUE, TRUE); return FALSE; } // parse for specialtags $output = $this->parse_xml($this->parse_conditions($templ)); // add debug console if ($this->config['debug_level'] & 8) $this->add_footer('
'); $this->write(trim($this->parse_with_globals($output)), $skin_path); if ($exit) exit; } /** * Return executable javascript code for all registered commands * @private */ function get_js_commands() { $out = ''; if (!$this->framed) $out .= ($this->ajax_call ? 'this' : JS_OBJECT_NAME) . '.set_env('.json_serialize($this->js_env).");\n"; foreach ($this->js_commands as $i => $args) { $method = array_shift($args); foreach ($args as $i => $arg) $args[$i] = json_serialize($arg); $parent = $this->framed || preg_match('/^parent\./', $method); $out .= sprintf( "%s.%s(%s);\n", $this->ajax_call ? 'this' : ($parent ? 'parent.' : '') . JS_OBJECT_NAME, preg_replace('/^parent\./', '', $method), join(',', $args)); } return $out; } /** * Make URLs starting with a slash point to skin directory */ function abs_url($str) { return preg_replace('/^\//', $this->config['skin_path'].'/', $str); } /***** Template parsing methods *****/ /** * Replace all strings ($varname) with the content * of the according global variable. */ function parse_with_globals($input) { $GLOBALS['__comm_path'] = $GLOBALS['COMM_PATH']; return preg_replace('/\$(__[a-z0-9_\-]+)/e', '$GLOBALS["\\1"]', $input); } /** * Parse for conditional tags */ function parse_conditions($input) { if (($matches = preg_split('/]+)>/is', $input, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE)) && count($matches)==4) { if (preg_match('/^(else|endif)$/i', $matches[1])) return $matches[0] . $this->parse_conditions($matches[3]); else { $attrib = parse_attrib_string($matches[2]); if (isset($attrib['condition'])) { $condmet = $this->check_condition($attrib['condition']); $submatches = preg_split('/]+)>/is', $matches[3], 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if ($condmet) $result = $submatches[0] . ($submatches[1] != 'endif' ? preg_replace('/.*]+>/Uis', '', $submatches[3], 1) : $submatches[3]); else $result = "" . $submatches[3]; return $matches[0] . $this->parse_conditions($result); } else { raise_error(array('code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Unable to parse conditional tag " . $matches[2]), TRUE, FALSE); } } } return $input; } /** * Determines if a given condition is met * * @return True if condition is valid, False is not */ function check_condition($condition) { $condition = preg_replace( array('/session:([a-z0-9_]+)/i', '/config:([a-z0-9_]+)/i', '/env:([a-z0-9_]+)/i', '/request:([a-z0-9_]+)/ie'), array("\$_SESSION['\\1']", "\$this->config['\\1']", "\$this->env['\\1']", "get_input_value('\\1', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)"), $condition); return @eval("return (".$condition.");"); } /** * Search for special tags in input and replace them * with the appropriate content * * @param string Input string to parse * @return Altered input string */ function parse_xml($input) { return preg_replace('/]+)>/Uie', "\$this->xml_command('\\1', '\\2')", $input); } /** * Convert a xml command tag into real content * * @param string Tag command: object,button,label, etc. * @param string Attribute string * @return Tag/Object content string */ function xml_command($command, $str_attrib, $add_attrib=array()) { $command = strtolower($command); $attrib = parse_attrib_string($str_attrib) + $add_attrib; // empty output if required condition is not met if (!empty($attrib['condition']) && !$this->check_condition($attrib['condition'])) return ''; // execute command switch ($command) { // return a button case 'button': if ($attrib['command']) return $this->button($attrib); break; // show a label case 'label': if ($attrib['name'] || $attrib['command']) return Q(rcube_label($attrib + array('vars' => array('product' => $this->config['product_name'])))); break; // include a file case 'include': $path = realpath($this->config['skin_path'].$attrib['file']); if ($fp = @fopen($path, 'r')) { $incl = fread($fp, filesize($path)); fclose($fp); return $this->parse_xml($incl); } break; // return code for a specific application object case 'object': $object = strtolower($attrib['name']); // execute object handler function if ($this->object_handlers[$object] && function_exists($this->object_handlers[$object])) return call_user_func($this->object_handlers[$object], $attrib); else if ($object=='productname') { $name = !empty($this->config['product_name']) ? $this->config['product_name'] : 'RoundCube Webmail'; return Q($name); } else if ($object=='version') { return (string)RCMAIL_VERSION; } else if ($object=='pagetitle') { $task = $this->task; $title = !empty($this->config['product_name']) ? $this->config['product_name'].' :: ' : ''; if (!empty($this->pagetitle)) $title .= $this->pagetitle; else if ($task == 'login') $title = rcube_label(array('name' => 'welcome', 'vars' => array('product' => $this->config['product_name']))); else $title .= ucfirst($task); return Q($title); } break; } return ''; } /** * Create and register a button * * @param array Button attributes * @return HTML button */ function button($attrib) { global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT, $BROWSER, $MAIN_TASKS; static $sa_buttons = array(); static $s_button_count = 100; // these commands can be called directly via url $a_static_commands = array('compose', 'list'); $skin_path = $this->config['skin_path']; if (!($attrib['command'] || $attrib['name'])) return ''; // try to find out the button type if ($attrib['type']) $attrib['type'] = strtolower($attrib['type']); else $attrib['type'] = ($attrib['image'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $attrib['imageact']) ? 'image' : 'link'; $command = $attrib['command']; // take the button from the stack if($attrib['name'] && $sa_buttons[$attrib['name']]) $attrib = $sa_buttons[$attrib['name']]; // add button to button stack else if($attrib['image'] || $attrib['imageact'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $attrib['class']) { if (!$attrib['name']) $attrib['name'] = $command; if (!$attrib['image']) $attrib['image'] = $attrib['imagepas'] ? $attrib['imagepas'] : $attrib['imageact']; $sa_buttons[$attrib['name']] = $attrib; } // get saved button for this command/name else if ($command && $sa_buttons[$command]) $attrib = $sa_buttons[$command]; //else // return ''; // set border to 0 because of the link arround the button if ($attrib['type']=='image' && !isset($attrib['border'])) $attrib['border'] = 0; if (!$attrib['id']) $attrib['id'] = sprintf('rcmbtn%d', $s_button_count++); // get localized text for labels and titles if ($attrib['title']) $attrib['title'] = Q(rcube_label($attrib['title'])); if ($attrib['label']) $attrib['label'] = Q(rcube_label($attrib['label'])); if ($attrib['alt']) $attrib['alt'] = Q(rcube_label($attrib['alt'])); // set title to alt attribute for IE browsers if ($BROWSER['ie'] && $attrib['title'] && !$attrib['alt']) { $attrib['alt'] = $attrib['title']; unset($attrib['title']); } // add empty alt attribute for XHTML compatibility if (!isset($attrib['alt'])) $attrib['alt'] = ''; // register button in the system if ($attrib['command']) { $this->add_script(sprintf( "%s.register_button('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');", JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id'], $attrib['type'], $attrib['imageact'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imageact'] : $attrib['classact'], $attrib['imagesel'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imagesel'] : $attrib['classsel'], $attrib['imageover'] ? $skin_path.$attrib['imageover'] : '') ); // make valid href to specific buttons if (in_array($attrib['command'], $MAIN_TASKS)) $attrib['href'] = Q(rcmail_self_url(null, null, $attrib['command'])); else if (in_array($attrib['command'], $a_static_commands)) $attrib['href'] = Q(rcmail_self_url($attrib['command'])); } // overwrite attributes if (!$attrib['href']) $attrib['href'] = '#'; if ($command) $attrib['onclick'] = sprintf("return %s.command('%s','%s',this)", JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['prop']); if ($command && $attrib['imageover']) { $attrib['onmouseover'] = sprintf("return %s.button_over('%s','%s')", JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']); $attrib['onmouseout'] = sprintf("return %s.button_out('%s','%s')", JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']); } if ($command && $attrib['imagesel']) { $attrib['onmousedown'] = sprintf("return %s.button_sel('%s','%s')", JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']); $attrib['onmouseup'] = sprintf("return %s.button_out('%s','%s')", JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id']); } $out = ''; // generate image tag if ($attrib['type']=='image') { $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'width', 'height', 'border', 'hspace', 'vspace', 'align', 'alt')); $img_tag = sprintf('', $attrib_str); $btn_content = sprintf($img_tag, $skin_path.$attrib['image']); if ($attrib['label']) $btn_content .= ' '.$attrib['label']; $link_attrib = array('href', 'onclick', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseup', 'title'); } else if ($attrib['type']=='link') { $btn_content = $attrib['label'] ? $attrib['label'] : $attrib['command']; $link_attrib = array('href', 'onclick', 'title', 'id', 'class', 'style'); } else if ($attrib['type']=='input') { $attrib['type'] = 'button'; if ($attrib['label']) $attrib['value'] = $attrib['label']; $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('type', 'value', 'onclick', 'id', 'class', 'style')); $out = sprintf('', $attrib_str); } // generate html code for button if ($btn_content) { $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, $link_attrib); $out = sprintf('%s', $attrib_str, $btn_content); } return $out; } } ?>