
 | program/include/rcube_mdb2.php                                        |
 |                                                                       |
 | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client                     |
 | Copyright (C) 2005-2009, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland                 |
 | Licensed under the GNU GPL                                            |
 |                                                                       |
 | PURPOSE:                                                              |
 |   PEAR:DB wrapper class that implements PEAR MDB2 functions           |
 |   See http://pear.php.net/package/MDB2                                |
 |                                                                       |
 | Author: Lukas Kahwe Smith <smith@pooteeweet.org>                      |



 * Database independent query interface
 * This is a wrapper for the PEAR::MDB2 class
 * @package    Database
 * @author     David Saez Padros <david@ols.es>
 * @author     Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com>
 * @author     Lukas Kahwe Smith <smith@pooteeweet.org>
 * @version    1.16
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/MDB2
class rcube_mdb2
  var $db_dsnw;               // DSN for write operations
  var $db_dsnr;               // DSN for read operations
  var $db_connected = false;  // Already connected ?
  var $db_mode = '';          // Connection mode
  var $db_handle = 0;         // Connection handle
  var $db_error = false;
  var $db_error_msg = '';
  var $debug_mode = false;

  var $a_query_results = array('dummy');
  var $last_res_id = 0;

   * Object constructor
   * @param  string  DSN for read/write operations
   * @param  string  Optional DSN for read only operations
  function __construct($db_dsnw, $db_dsnr='', $pconn=false)
    if ($db_dsnr=='')

    $this->db_dsnw = $db_dsnw;
    $this->db_dsnr = $db_dsnr;
    $this->db_pconn = $pconn;
    $dsn_array = MDB2::parseDSN($db_dsnw);
    $this->db_provider = $dsn_array['phptype'];

   * Connect to specific database
   * @param  string  DSN for DB connections
   * @return object  PEAR database handle
   * @access private
  function dsn_connect($dsn)
    // Use persistent connections if available
    $db_options = array(
        'persistent' => $this->db_pconn,
        'emulate_prepared' => $this->debug_mode,
        'debug' => $this->debug_mode,
        'debug_handler' => 'mdb2_debug_handler',

    if ($this->db_provider == 'pgsql') {
      $db_options['disable_smart_seqname'] = true;
      $db_options['seqname_format'] = '%s';

    $dbh = MDB2::connect($dsn, $db_options);

    if (MDB2::isError($dbh))
      $this->db_error = TRUE;
      $this->db_error_msg = $dbh->getMessage();
      raise_error(array('code' => 500, 'type' => 'db', 'line' => __LINE__,
        'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => $dbh->getUserInfo()), TRUE, FALSE);
    else if ($this->db_provider=='sqlite')
      $dsn_array = MDB2::parseDSN($dsn);
      if (!filesize($dsn_array['database']) && !empty($this->sqlite_initials))
        $this->_sqlite_create_database($dbh, $this->sqlite_initials);
    else if ($this->db_provider!='mssql')

    return $dbh;

   * Connect to appropiate databse
   * depending on the operation
   * @param  string  Connection mode (r|w)
   * @access public
  function db_connect($mode)
    $this->db_mode = $mode;

    // Already connected
    if ($this->db_connected)
      // no replication, current connection is ok
      if ($this->db_dsnw==$this->db_dsnr)

      // connected to master, current connection is ok
      if ($this->db_mode=='w')

      // Same mode, current connection is ok
      if ($this->db_mode==$mode)

    if ($mode=='r')
      $dsn = $this->db_dsnr;
      $dsn = $this->db_dsnw;

    $this->db_handle = $this->dsn_connect($dsn);
    $this->db_connected = true;

   * Activate/deactivate debug mode
   * @param boolean True if SQL queries should be logged
  function set_debug($dbg = true)
    $this->debug_mode = $dbg;
    if ($this->db_connected)
      $this->db_handle->setOption('debug', $dbg);
      $this->db_handle->setOption('emulate_prepared', $dbg);

   * Getter for error state
   * @param  boolean  True on error
  function is_error()
    return $this->db_error ? $this->db_error_msg : FALSE;

   * Connection state checker
   * @param  boolean  True if in connected state
  function is_connected()
    return PEAR::isError($this->db_handle) ? false : true;

   * Execute a SQL query
   * @param  string  SQL query to execute
   * @param  mixed   Values to be inserted in query
   * @return number  Query handle identifier
   * @access public
  function query()
    if (!$this->is_connected())
      return NULL;
    $params = func_get_args();
    $query = array_shift($params);

    return $this->_query($query, 0, 0, $params);

   * Execute a SQL query with limits
   * @param  string  SQL query to execute
   * @param  number  Offset for LIMIT statement
   * @param  number  Number of rows for LIMIT statement
   * @param  mixed   Values to be inserted in query
   * @return number  Query handle identifier
   * @access public
  function limitquery()
    $params = func_get_args();
    $query = array_shift($params);
    $offset = array_shift($params);
    $numrows = array_shift($params);

    return $this->_query($query, $offset, $numrows, $params);

   * Execute a SQL query with limits
   * @param  string  SQL query to execute
   * @param  number  Offset for LIMIT statement
   * @param  number  Number of rows for LIMIT statement
   * @param  array   Values to be inserted in query
   * @return number  Query handle identifier
   * @access private
  function _query($query, $offset, $numrows, $params)
    // Read or write ?
    if (strtolower(substr(trim($query),0,6))=='select')


    if ($this->db_provider == 'sqlite')

    if ($numrows || $offset)
      $result = $this->db_handle->setLimit($numrows,$offset);

    if (empty($params))
        $result = $this->db_handle->query($query);
      $params = (array)$params;
      $q = $this->db_handle->prepare($query);
      if ($this->db_handle->isError($q))
        $this->db_error = TRUE;
        $this->db_error_msg = $q->userinfo;

        raise_error(array('code' => 500, 'type' => 'db', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__,
                          'message' => $this->db_error_msg), TRUE, TRUE);
        $result = $q->execute($params);

    // add result, even if it's an error
    return $this->_add_result($result);

   * Get number of rows for a SQL query
   * If no query handle is specified, the last query will be taken as reference
   * @param  number  Optional query handle identifier
   * @return mixed   Number of rows or FALSE on failure
   * @access public
  function num_rows($res_id=NULL)
    if (!$this->db_handle)
      return FALSE;

    if ($result = $this->_get_result($res_id))
      return $result->numRows();
      return FALSE;

   * Get number of affected rows for the last query
   * @param  number  Optional query handle identifier
   * @return mixed   Number of rows or FALSE on failure
   * @access public
  function affected_rows($res_id = null)
    if (!$this->db_handle)
      return FALSE;

    return (int) $this->_get_result($res_id);

   * Get last inserted record ID
   * For Postgres databases, a sequence name is required
   * @param  string  Table name (to find the incremented sequence)
   * @return mixed   ID or FALSE on failure
   * @access public
  function insert_id($table = '')
    if (!$this->db_handle || $this->db_mode=='r')
      return FALSE;

    // find sequence name
    if ($table && $this->db_provider == 'pgsql')
      $table = get_sequence_name($table);

    $id = $this->db_handle->lastInsertID($table);
    return $this->db_handle->isError($id) ? null : $id;

   * Get an associative array for one row
   * If no query handle is specified, the last query will be taken as reference
   * @param  number  Optional query handle identifier
   * @return mixed   Array with col values or FALSE on failure
   * @access public
  function fetch_assoc($res_id=NULL)
    $result = $this->_get_result($res_id);
    return $this->_fetch_row($result, MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);

   * Get an index array for one row
   * If no query handle is specified, the last query will be taken as reference
   * @param  number  Optional query handle identifier
   * @return mixed   Array with col values or FALSE on failure
   * @access public
  function fetch_array($res_id=NULL)
    $result = $this->_get_result($res_id);
    return $this->_fetch_row($result, MDB2_FETCHMODE_ORDERED);

   * Get col values for a result row
   * @param  object  Query result handle
   * @param  number  Fetch mode identifier
   * @return mixed   Array with col values or FALSE on failure
   * @access private
  function _fetch_row($result, $mode)
    if ($result === FALSE || PEAR::isError($result) || !$this->is_connected())
      return FALSE;

    return $result->fetchRow($mode);

   * Formats input so it can be safely used in a query
   * @param  mixed   Value to quote
   * @return string  Quoted/converted string for use in query
   * @access public
  function quote($input, $type = null)
    // create DB handle if not available
    if (!$this->db_handle)

    // escape pear identifier chars
    $rep_chars = array('?' => '\?',
                       '!' => '\!',
                       '&' => '\&');

    return $this->db_handle->quote($input, $type);

   * Quotes a string so it can be safely used as a table or column name
   * @param  string  Value to quote
   * @return string  Quoted string for use in query
   * @deprecated     Replaced by rcube_MDB2::quote_identifier
   * @see            rcube_mdb2::quote_identifier
   * @access public
  function quoteIdentifier($str)
    return $this->quote_identifier($str);

   * Quotes a string so it can be safely used as a table or column name
   * @param  string  Value to quote
   * @return string  Quoted string for use in query
   * @access public
  function quote_identifier($str)
    if (!$this->db_handle)

    return $this->db_handle->quoteIdentifier($str);

   * Escapes a string
   * @param  string  The string to be escaped
   * @return string  The escaped string
   * @access public
   * @since  0.1.1
  function escapeSimple($str)
    if (!$this->db_handle)
    return $this->db_handle->escape($str);

   * Return SQL function for current time and date
   * @return string SQL function to use in query
   * @access public
  function now()
      case 'mssql':
        return "getdate()";

        return "now()";

   * Return list of elements for use with SQL's IN clause
   * @param  string Input array
   * @return string Elements list string
   * @access public
  function array2list($arr, $type=null)
    if (!is_array($arr))
      return $this->quote($arr, $type);
    $res = array();
    foreach ($arr as $item)
      $res[] = $this->quote($item, $type);

    return implode(',', $res);

   * Return SQL statement to convert a field value into a unix timestamp
   * @param  string  Field name
   * @return string  SQL statement to use in query
   * @access public
  function unixtimestamp($field)
      case 'pgsql':
        return "EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM $field)";

      case 'mssql':
	return "DATEDIFF(second, '19700101', $field) + DATEDIFF(second, GETDATE(), GETUTCDATE())";

        return "UNIX_TIMESTAMP($field)";

   * Return SQL statement to convert from a unix timestamp
   * @param  string  Field name
   * @return string  SQL statement to use in query
   * @access public
  function fromunixtime($timestamp)
      case 'mysqli':
      case 'mysql':
      case 'sqlite':
        return sprintf("FROM_UNIXTIME(%d)", $timestamp);

        return date("'Y-m-d H:i:s'", $timestamp);

   * Return SQL statement for case insensitive LIKE
   * @param  string  Field name
   * @param  string  Search value
   * @return string  SQL statement to use in query
   * @access public
  function ilike($column, $value)
    // TODO: use MDB2's matchPattern() function
      case 'pgsql':
        return $this->quote_identifier($column).' ILIKE '.$this->quote($value);
        return $this->quote_identifier($column).' LIKE '.$this->quote($value);

   * Encodes non-UTF-8 characters in string/array/object (recursive)
   * @param  mixed  Data to fix
   * @return mixed  Properly UTF-8 encoded data
   * @access public
  function encode($input)
    if (is_object($input)) {
      foreach (get_object_vars($input) as $idx => $value)
        $input->$idx = $this->encode($value);
      return $input;
    else if (is_array($input)) {
      foreach ($input as $idx => $value)
        $input[$idx] = $this->encode($value);
      return $input;	

    return utf8_encode($input);

   * Decodes encoded UTF-8 string/object/array (recursive)
   * @param  mixed  Input data
   * @return mixed  Decoded data
   * @access public
  function decode($input)
    if (is_object($input)) {
      foreach (get_object_vars($input) as $idx => $value)
        $input->$idx = $this->decode($value);
      return $input;
    else if (is_array($input)) {
      foreach ($input as $idx => $value)
        $input[$idx] = $this->decode($value);
      return $input;	

    return utf8_decode($input);

   * Adds a query result and returns a handle ID
   * @param  object  Query handle
   * @return mixed   Handle ID
   * @access private
  function _add_result($res)
    // sql error occured
    if (PEAR::isError($res))
      $this->db_error = TRUE;
      $this->db_error_msg = $res->getMessage();
      raise_error(array('code' => 500, 'type' => 'db', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__,
    	    'message' => $res->getMessage() . " Query: " 
	    . substr(preg_replace('/[\r\n]+\s*/', ' ', $res->userinfo), 0, 512)),
	    TRUE, FALSE);
    $res_id = sizeof($this->a_query_results);
    $this->last_res_id = $res_id;
    $this->a_query_results[$res_id] = $res;
    return $res_id;

   * Resolves a given handle ID and returns the according query handle
   * If no ID is specified, the last resource handle will be returned
   * @param  number  Handle ID
   * @return mixed   Resource handle or FALSE on failure
   * @access private
  function _get_result($res_id=NULL)
    if ($res_id==NULL)
      $res_id = $this->last_res_id;

    if (isset($this->a_query_results[$res_id]))
      if (!PEAR::isError($this->a_query_results[$res_id]))
        return $this->a_query_results[$res_id];
    return FALSE;

   * Create a sqlite database from a file
   * @param  object  SQLite database handle
   * @param  string  File path to use for DB creation
   * @access private
  function _sqlite_create_database($dbh, $file_name)
    if (empty($file_name) || !is_string($file_name))

    $data = file_get_contents($file_name);

    if (strlen($data))
      if (!sqlite_exec($dbh->connection, $data, $error) || MDB2::isError($dbh)) 
        raise_error(array('code' => 500, 'type' => 'db',
	    'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => $error), TRUE, FALSE); 

   * Add some proprietary database functions to the current SQLite handle
   * in order to make it MySQL compatible
   * @access private
  function _sqlite_prepare()

    // we emulate via callback some missing MySQL function
    sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, "from_unixtime", "rcube_sqlite_from_unixtime");
    sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, "unix_timestamp", "rcube_sqlite_unix_timestamp");
    sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, "now", "rcube_sqlite_now");
    sqlite_create_function($this->db_handle->connection, "md5", "rcube_sqlite_md5");

  }  // end class rcube_db

/* this is our own debug handler for the MDB2 connection */
function mdb2_debug_handler(&$db, $scope, $message, $context = array())
  if ($scope != 'prepare')
    $debug_output = $scope . '('.$db->db_index.'): ';
    $debug_output .= $message . $db->getOption('log_line_break');
    write_log('sql', $debug_output);