<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | program/include/rcube_shared.inc | | | | This file is part of the Roundcube PHP suite | | Copyright (C) 2005-2012, The Roundcube Dev Team | | | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or | | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. | | See the README file for a full license statement. | | | | CONTENTS: | | Shared functions used by Roundcube Framework | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ /** * Roundcube shared functions * * @package Core */ /** * Similar function as in_array() but case-insensitive * * @param string $needle Needle value * @param array $heystack Array to search in * * @return boolean True if found, False if not */ function in_array_nocase($needle, $haystack) { $needle = mb_strtolower($needle); foreach ($haystack as $value) { if ($needle === mb_strtolower($value)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Find out if the string content means true or false * * @param string $str Input value * * @return boolean Boolean value */ function get_boolean($str) { $str = strtolower($str); return !in_array($str, array('false', '0', 'no', 'off', 'nein', ''), true); } /** * Parse a human readable string for a number of bytes. * * @param string $str Input string * * @return float Number of bytes */ function parse_bytes($str) { if (is_numeric($str)) { return floatval($str); } if (preg_match('/([0-9\.]+)\s*([a-z]*)/i', $str, $regs)) { $bytes = floatval($regs[1]); switch (strtolower($regs[2])) { case 'g': case 'gb': $bytes *= 1073741824; break; case 'm': case 'mb': $bytes *= 1048576; break; case 'k': case 'kb': $bytes *= 1024; break; } } return floatval($bytes); } /** * Read a specific HTTP request header. * * @param string $name Header name * * @return mixed Header value or null if not available */ function rcube_request_header($name) { if (function_exists('getallheaders')) { $hdrs = array_change_key_case(getallheaders(), CASE_UPPER); $key = strtoupper($name); } else { $key = 'HTTP_' . strtoupper(strtr($name, '-', '_')); $hdrs = array_change_key_case($_SERVER, CASE_UPPER); } return $hdrs[$key]; } /** * Make sure the string ends with a slash */ function slashify($str) { return unslashify($str).'/'; } /** * Remove slash at the end of the string */ function unslashify($str) { return preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $str); } /** * Delete all files within a folder * * @param string Path to directory * * @return boolean True on success, False if directory was not found */ function clear_directory($dir_path) { $dir = @opendir($dir_path); if (!$dir) { return false; } while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if (strlen($file) > 2) { unlink("$dir_path/$file"); } } closedir($dir); return true; } /** * Create a unix timestamp with a specified offset from now. * * @param string $offset_str String representation of the offset (e.g. 20min, 5h, 2days) * @param int $factor Factor to multiply with the offset * * @return int Unix timestamp */ function get_offset_time($offset_str, $factor=1) { if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)\s*([smhdw])/i', $offset_str, $regs)) { $amount = (int)$regs[1]; $unit = strtolower($regs[2]); } else { $amount = (int)$offset_str; $unit = 's'; } $ts = mktime(); switch ($unit) { case 'w': $amount *= 7; case 'd': $amount *= 24; case 'h': $amount *= 60; case 'm': $amount *= 60; case 's': $ts += $amount * $factor; } return $ts; } /** * Truncate string if it is longer than the allowed length. * Replace the middle or the ending part of a string with a placeholder. * * @param string $str Input string * @param int $maxlength Max. length * @param string $placeholder Replace removed chars with this * @param bool $ending Set to True if string should be truncated from the end * * @return string Abbreviated string */ function abbreviate_string($str, $maxlength, $placeholder='...', $ending=false) { $length = mb_strlen($str); if ($length > $maxlength) { if ($ending) { return mb_substr($str, 0, $maxlength) . $placeholder; } $placeholder_length = mb_strlen($placeholder); $first_part_length = floor(($maxlength - $placeholder_length)/2); $second_starting_location = $length - $maxlength + $first_part_length + $placeholder_length; $str = mb_substr($str, 0, $first_part_length) . $placeholder . mb_substr($str, $second_starting_location); } return $str; } /** * Explode quoted string * * @param string Delimiter expression string for preg_match() * @param string Input string */ function rcube_explode_quoted_string($delimiter, $string) { $result = array(); $strlen = strlen($string); for ($q=$p=$i=0; $i < $strlen; $i++) { if ($string[$i] == "\"" && $string[$i-1] != "\\") { $q = $q ? false : true; } else if (!$q && preg_match("/$delimiter/", $string[$i])) { $result[] = substr($string, $p, $i - $p); $p = $i + 1; } } $result[] = substr($string, $p); return $result; } /** * Get all keys from array (recursive). * * @param array $array Input array * * @return array List of array keys */ function array_keys_recursive($array) { $keys = array(); if (!empty($array)) { foreach ($array as $key => $child) { $keys[] = $key; foreach (array_keys_recursive($child) as $val) { $keys[] = $val; } } } return $keys; } /** * Remove all non-ascii and non-word chars except ., -, _ */ function asciiwords($str, $css_id = false, $replace_with = '') { $allowed = 'a-z0-9\_\-' . (!$css_id ? '\.' : ''); return preg_replace("/[^$allowed]/i", $replace_with, $str); } /** * Remove single and double quotes from given string * * @param string Input value * * @return string Dequoted string */ function strip_quotes($str) { return str_replace(array("'", '"'), '', $str); } /** * Remove new lines characters from given string * * @param string $str Input value * * @return string Stripped string */ function strip_newlines($str) { return preg_replace('/[\r\n]/', '', $str); } /** * Improved equivalent to strtotime() * * @param string $date Date string * * @return int Unix timestamp */ function rcube_strtotime($date) { // check for MS Outlook vCard date format YYYYMMDD if (preg_match('/^([12][90]\d\d)([01]\d)(\d\d)$/', trim($date), $matches)) { return mktime(0,0,0, intval($matches[2]), intval($matches[3]), intval($matches[1])); } else if (is_numeric($date)) { return $date; } // support non-standard "GMTXXXX" literal $date = preg_replace('/GMT\s*([+-][0-9]+)/', '\\1', $date); // if date parsing fails, we have a date in non-rfc format. // remove token from the end and try again while ((($ts = @strtotime($date)) === false) || ($ts < 0)) { $d = explode(' ', $date); array_pop($d); if (!$d) { break; } $date = implode(' ', $d); } return $ts; } /** * Compose a valid representation of name and e-mail address * * @param string $email E-mail address * @param string $name Person name * * @return string Formatted string */ function format_email_recipient($email, $name = '') { $email = trim($email); if ($name && $name != $email) { // Special chars as defined by RFC 822 need to in quoted string (or escaped). if (preg_match('/[\(\)\<\>\\\.\[\]@,;:"]/', $name)) { $name = '"'.addcslashes($name, '"').'"'; } return "$name <$email>"; } return $email; } /** * mbstring replacement functions */ if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) { function mb_strlen($str) { return strlen($str); } function mb_strtolower($str) { return strtolower($str); } function mb_strtoupper($str) { return strtoupper($str); } function mb_substr($str, $start, $len=null) { return substr($str, $start, $len); } function mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset=0) { return strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } function mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset=0) { return strrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } } /** * intl replacement functions */ if (!function_exists('idn_to_utf8')) { function idn_to_utf8($domain, $flags=null) { static $idn, $loaded; if (!$loaded) { $idn = new Net_IDNA2(); $loaded = true; } if ($idn && $domain && preg_match('/(^|\.)xn--/i', $domain)) { try { $domain = $idn->decode($domain); } catch (Exception $e) { } } return $domain; } } if (!function_exists('idn_to_ascii')) { function idn_to_ascii($domain, $flags=null) { static $idn, $loaded; if (!$loaded) { $idn = new Net_IDNA2(); $loaded = true; } if ($idn && $domain && preg_match('/[^\x20-\x7E]/', $domain)) { try { $domain = $idn->encode($domain); } catch (Exception $e) { } } return $domain; } } /* * Idn_to_ascii wrapper. * Intl/Idn modules version of this function doesn't work with e-mail address */ function rcube_idn_to_ascii($str) { return rcube_idn_convert($str, true); } /* * Idn_to_ascii wrapper. * Intl/Idn modules version of this function doesn't work with e-mail address */ function rcube_idn_to_utf8($str) { return rcube_idn_convert($str, false); } function rcube_idn_convert($input, $is_utf=false) { if ($at = strpos($input, '@')) { $user = substr($input, 0, $at); $domain = substr($input, $at+1); } else { $domain = $input; } $domain = $is_utf ? idn_to_ascii($domain) : idn_to_utf8($domain); if ($domain === false) { return ''; } return $at ? $user . '@' . $domain : $domain; } /** * Use PHP5 autoload for dynamic class loading * * @todo Make Zend, PEAR etc play with this * @todo Make our classes conform to a more straight forward CS. */ function rcube_autoload($classname) { $filename = preg_replace( array( '/MDB2_(.+)/', '/Mail_(.+)/', '/Net_(.+)/', '/Auth_(.+)/', '/^html_.+/', '/^utf8$/', ), array( 'MDB2/\\1', 'Mail/\\1', 'Net/\\1', 'Auth/\\1', 'html', 'utf8.class', ), $classname ); if ($fp = @fopen("$filename.php", 'r', true)) { fclose($fp); include_once("$filename.php"); return true; } return false; } /** * Local callback function for PEAR errors */ function rcube_pear_error($err) { error_log(sprintf("%s (%s): %s", $err->getMessage(), $err->getCode(), $err->getUserinfo()), 0); }