| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ /** * Class to create HTML page output using a skin template * * @package View * @todo Documentation * @uses rcube_html_page */ class rcube_template extends rcube_html_page { private $app; private $config; private $pagetitle = ''; private $message = null; private $js_env = array(); private $js_commands = array(); private $object_handlers = array(); private $plugin_skin_path; public $browser; public $framed = false; public $env = array(); public $type = 'html'; public $ajax_call = false; // deprecated names of templates used before 0.5 private $deprecated_templates = array( 'contact' => 'showcontact', 'contactadd' => 'addcontact', 'contactedit' => 'editcontact', 'identityedit' => 'editidentity', 'messageprint' => 'printmessage', ); /** * Constructor * * @todo Replace $this->config with the real rcube_config object */ public function __construct($task, $framed = false) { parent::__construct(); $this->app = rcmail::get_instance(); $this->config = $this->app->config->all(); $this->browser = new rcube_browser(); //$this->framed = $framed; $this->set_env('task', $task); // load the correct skin (in case user-defined) $this->set_skin($this->config['skin']); // add common javascripts $this->add_script('var '.JS_OBJECT_NAME.' = new rcube_webmail();', 'head_top'); // don't wait for page onload. Call init at the bottom of the page (delayed) $this->add_script(JS_OBJECT_NAME.'.init();', 'docready'); $this->scripts_path = 'program/js/'; $this->include_script('jquery.min.js'); $this->include_script('common.js'); $this->include_script('app.js'); // register common UI objects $this->add_handlers(array( 'loginform' => array($this, 'login_form'), 'preloader' => array($this, 'preloader'), 'username' => array($this, 'current_username'), 'message' => array($this, 'message_container'), 'charsetselector' => array($this, 'charset_selector'), )); } /** * Set environment variable * * @param string Property name * @param mixed Property value * @param boolean True if this property should be added to client environment */ public function set_env($name, $value, $addtojs = true) { $this->env[$name] = $value; if ($addtojs || isset($this->js_env[$name])) { $this->js_env[$name] = $value; } } /** * Set page title variable */ public function set_pagetitle($title) { $this->pagetitle = $title; } /** * Getter for the current page title * * @return string The page title */ public function get_pagetitle() { if (!empty($this->pagetitle)) { $title = $this->pagetitle; } else if ($this->env['task'] == 'login') { $title = rcube_label(array('name' => 'welcome', 'vars' => array('product' => $this->config['product_name']))); } else { $title = ucfirst($this->env['task']); } return $title; } /** * Set skin */ public function set_skin($skin) { $valid = false; if (!empty($skin) && is_dir('skins/'.$skin) && is_readable('skins/'.$skin)) { $skin_path = 'skins/'.$skin; $valid = true; } else { $skin_path = $this->config['skin_path'] ? $this->config['skin_path'] : 'skins/default'; $valid = !$skin; } $this->app->config->set('skin_path', $skin_path); $this->config['skin_path'] = $skin_path; return $valid; } /** * Check if a specific template exists * * @param string Template name * @return boolean True if template exists */ public function template_exists($name) { $filename = $this->config['skin_path'] . '/templates/' . $name . '.html'; return (is_file($filename) && is_readable($filename)) || ($this->deprecated_templates[$name] && $this->template_exists($this->deprecated_templates[$name])); } /** * Register a template object handler * * @param string Object name * @param string Function name to call * @return void */ public function add_handler($obj, $func) { $this->object_handlers[$obj] = $func; } /** * Register a list of template object handlers * * @param array Hash array with object=>handler pairs * @return void */ public function add_handlers($arr) { $this->object_handlers = array_merge($this->object_handlers, $arr); } /** * Register a GUI object to the client script * * @param string Object name * @param string Object ID * @return void */ public function add_gui_object($obj, $id) { $this->add_script(JS_OBJECT_NAME.".gui_object('$obj', '$id');"); } /** * Call a client method * * @param string Method to call * @param ... Additional arguments */ public function command() { $cmd = func_get_args(); if (strpos($cmd[0], 'plugin.') === false) $this->js_commands[] = $cmd; } /** * Add a localized label to the client environment */ public function add_label() { $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) == 1 && is_array($args[0])) $args = $args[0]; foreach ($args as $name) { $this->command('add_label', $name, rcube_label($name)); } } /** * Invoke display_message command * * @param string Message to display * @param string Message type [notice|confirm|error] * @param array Key-value pairs to be replaced in localized text * @param boolean Override last set message * @uses self::command() */ public function show_message($message, $type='notice', $vars=null, $override=true) { if ($override || !$this->message) { $this->message = $message; $msgtext = rcube_label_exists($message) ? rcube_label(array('name' => $message, 'vars' => $vars)) : $message; $this->command('display_message', $msgtext, $type); } } /** * Delete all stored env variables and commands * * @return void * @uses rcube_html::reset() * @uses self::$env * @uses self::$js_env * @uses self::$js_commands * @uses self::$object_handlers */ public function reset() { $this->env = array(); $this->js_env = array(); $this->js_commands = array(); $this->object_handlers = array(); parent::reset(); } /** * Redirect to a certain url * * @param mixed Either a string with the action or url parameters as key-value pairs * @see rcmail::url() */ public function redirect($p = array()) { $location = $this->app->url($p); header('Location: ' . $location); exit; } /** * Send the request output to the client. * This will either parse a skin tempalte or send an AJAX response * * @param string Template name * @param boolean True if script should terminate (default) */ public function send($templ = null, $exit = true) { if ($templ != 'iframe') { // prevent from endless loops if ($exit != 'recur' && $this->app->plugins->is_processing('render_page')) { raise_error(array('code' => 505, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => 'Recursion alert: ignoring output->send()'), true, false); return; } $this->parse($templ, false); } else { $this->framed = $templ == 'iframe' ? true : $this->framed; $this->write(); } // set output asap ob_flush(); flush(); if ($exit) { exit; } } /** * Process template and write to stdOut * * @param string HTML template * @see rcube_html_page::write() * @override */ public function write($template = '') { // unlock interface after iframe load $unlock = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $_GET['_unlock']); if ($this->framed) { array_unshift($this->js_commands, array('set_busy', false, null, $unlock)); } else if ($unlock) { array_unshift($this->js_commands, array('hide_message', $unlock)); } if (!empty($this->script_files)) $this->set_env('request_token', $this->app->get_request_token()); // write all env variables to client $js = $this->framed ? "if(window.parent) {\n" : ''; $js .= $this->get_js_commands() . ($this->framed ? ' }' : ''); $this->add_script($js, 'head_top'); // make sure all