<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | program/include/rcube_user.inc | | | | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2005-2007, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland | | Licensed under the GNU GPL | | | | PURPOSE: | | This class represents a system user linked and provides access | | to the related database records. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id: rcube_user.inc 933 2007-11-29 14:17:32Z thomasb $ */ /** * Class representing a system user * * @package core * @author Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> */ class rcube_user { var $ID = null; var $data = null; /** * Object constructor * * @param object DB Database connection */ function __construct($id = null, $sql_arr = null) { global $DB; if ($id && !$sql_arr) { $sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM ".get_table_name('users')." WHERE user_id=?", $id); $sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result); } if (!empty($sql_arr)) { $this->ID = $sql_arr['user_id']; $this->data = $sql_arr; } } /** * PHP 4 object constructor * * @see rcube_user::__construct */ function rcube_user($id = null, $sql_arr = null) { $this->__construct($id, $sql_arr); } /** * Build a user name string (as e-mail address) * * @return string Full user name */ function get_username() { return $this->data['username'] ? $this->data['username'] . (!strpos($this->data['username'], '@') ? '@'.$this->data['mail_host'] : '') : false; } /** * Get the preferences saved for this user * * @return array Hash array with prefs */ function get_prefs() { if ($this->ID && $this->data['preferences']) return unserialize($this->data['preferences']); else return array(); } /** * Write the given user prefs to the user's record * * @param mixed User prefs to save * @return boolean True on success, False on failure */ function save_prefs($a_user_prefs) { global $DB, $CONFIG, $sess_user_lang; if (!$this->ID) return false; // merge (partial) prefs array with existing settings $a_user_prefs += (array)$this->get_prefs(); $DB->query( "UPDATE ".get_table_name('users')." SET preferences=?, language=? WHERE user_id=?", serialize($a_user_prefs), $sess_user_lang, $this->ID); if ($DB->affected_rows()) { $CONFIG = array_merge($CONFIG, $a_user_prefs); return true; } return false; } /** * Get default identity of this user * * @param int Identity ID. If empty, the default identity is returned * @return array Hash array with all cols of the */ function get_identity($id = null) { global $DB; $sql_result = $this->list_identities($id ? sprintf('AND identity_id=%d', $id) : ''); return $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result); } /** * Return a list of all identities linked with this user * * @return array List of identities */ function list_identities($sql_add = '') { global $DB; // get contacts from DB $sql_result = $DB->query( "SELECT * FROM ".get_table_name('identities')." WHERE del<>1 AND user_id=? $sql_add ORDER BY ".$DB->quoteIdentifier('standard')." DESC, name ASC", $this->ID); return $sql_result; } /** * Update a specific identity record * * @param int Identity ID * @param array Hash array with col->value pairs to save * @return boolean True if saved successfully, false if nothing changed */ function update_identity($iid, $data) { global $DB; if (!$this->ID) return false; $write_sql = array(); foreach ((array)$data as $col => $value) { $write_sql[] = sprintf("%s=%s", $DB->quoteIdentifier($col), $DB->quote($value)); } $DB->query( "UPDATE ".get_table_name('identities')." SET ".join(', ', $write_sql)." WHERE identity_id=? AND user_id=? AND del<>1", $iid, $this->ID); return $DB->affected_rows(); } /** * Create a new identity record linked with this user * * @param array Hash array with col->value pairs to save * @return int The inserted identity ID or false on error */ function insert_identity($data) { global $DB; if (!$this->ID) return false; $insert_cols = $insert_values = array(); foreach ((array)$data as $col => $value) { $insert_cols[] = $DB->quoteIdentifier($col); $insert_values[] = $DB->quote($value); } $DB->query( "INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('identities')." (user_id, ".join(', ', $insert_cols).") VALUES (?, ".join(', ', $insert_values).")", $this->ID); return $DB->insert_id(get_sequence_name('identities')); } /** * Mark the given identity as deleted * * @param int Identity ID * @return boolean True if deleted successfully, false if nothing changed */ function delete_identity($iid) { global $DB; if (!$this->ID) return false; $DB->query( "UPDATE ".get_table_name('identities')." SET del=1 WHERE user_id=? AND identity_id=?", $this->ID, $iid); return $DB->affected_rows(); } /** * Make this identity the default one for this user * * @param int The identity ID */ function set_default($iid) { global $DB; if ($this->ID && $iid) { $DB->query( "UPDATE ".get_table_name('identities')." SET ".$DB->quoteIdentifier('standard')."='0' WHERE user_id=? AND identity_id<>? AND del<>1", $this->ID, $iid); } } /** * Update user's last_login timestamp */ function touch() { global $DB; if ($this->ID) { $DB->query( "UPDATE ".get_table_name('users')." SET last_login=".$DB->now()." WHERE user_id=?", $this->ID); } } /** * Clear the saved object state */ function reset() { $this->ID = null; $this->data = null; } /** * Find a user record matching the given name and host * * @param string IMAP user name * @param string IMAP host name * @return object rcube_user New user instance * @static */ function query($user, $host) { global $DB; // query if user already registered $sql_result = $DB->query( "SELECT * FROM ".get_table_name('users')." WHERE mail_host=? AND (username=? OR alias=?)", $host, $user, $user); // user already registered -> overwrite username if ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) return new rcube_user($sql_arr['user_id'], $sql_arr); else return false; } /** * Create a new user record and return a rcube_user instance * * @param string IMAP user name * @param string IMAP host * @return object rcube_user New user instance * @static */ function create($user, $host) { global $DB, $CONFIG; $user_email = ''; // try to resolve user in virtusertable if (!empty($CONFIG['virtuser_file']) && !strpos($user, '@')) $user_email = self::user2email($user); $DB->query( "INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('users')." (created, last_login, username, mail_host, alias, language) VALUES (".$DB->now().", ".$DB->now().", ?, ?, ?, ?)", strip_newlines($user), strip_newlines($host), strip_newlines($user_email), $_SESSION['user_lang']); if ($user_id = $DB->insert_id(get_sequence_name('users'))) { $mail_domain = rcmail_mail_domain($host); if ($user_email=='') $user_email = strpos($user, '@') ? $user : sprintf('%s@%s', $user, $mail_domain); $user_name = $user != $user_email ? $user : ''; // try to resolve the e-mail address from the virtuser table if (!empty($CONFIG['virtuser_query']) && ($sql_result = $DB->query(preg_replace('/%u/', $DB->escapeSimple($user), $CONFIG['virtuser_query']))) && ($DB->num_rows()>0)) { while ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_array($sql_result)) { $DB->query( "INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('identities')." (user_id, del, standard, name, email) VALUES (?, 0, 1, ?, ?)", $user_id, strip_newlines($user_name), preg_replace('/^@/', $user . '@', $sql_arr[0])); } } else { // also create new identity records $DB->query( "INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('identities')." (user_id, del, standard, name, email) VALUES (?, 0, 1, ?, ?)", $user_id, strip_newlines($user_name), strip_newlines($user_email)); } } else { raise_error(array( 'code' => 500, 'type' => 'php', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Failed to create new user"), true, false); } return $user_id ? new rcube_user($user_id) : false; } /** * Resolve username using a virtuser table * * @param string E-mail address to resolve * @return string Resolved IMAP username * @static */ function email2user($email) { $user = $email; $r = rcmail_findinvirtual("^$email"); for ($i=0; $i<count($r); $i++) { $data = $r[$i]; $arr = preg_split('/\s+/', $data); if (count($arr) > 0) { $user = trim($arr[count($arr)-1]); break; } } return $user; } /** * Resolve e-mail address from virtuser table * * @param string User name * @return string Resolved e-mail address * @static */ function user2email($user) { $email = ""; $r = rcmail_findinvirtual("$user$"); for ($i=0; $i<count($r); $i++) { $data = $r[$i]; $arr = preg_split('/\s+/', $data); if (count($arr) > 0) { $email = trim($arr[0]); break; } } return $email; } } ?>