/* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | RoundCube Webmail Client Script | | | | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2005-2009, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland | | Licensed under the GNU GPL | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | | Charles McNulty <charles@charlesmcnulty.com> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Requires: jquery.js, common.js, list.js | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ function rcube_webmail() { this.env = new Object(); this.labels = new Object(); this.buttons = new Object(); this.buttons_sel = new Object(); this.gui_objects = new Object(); this.gui_containers = new Object(); this.commands = new Object(); this.command_handlers = new Object(); this.onloads = new Array(); // create protected reference to myself this.ref = 'rcmail'; var ref = this; // webmail client settings this.dblclick_time = 500; this.message_time = 3000; this.identifier_expr = new RegExp('[^0-9a-z\-_]', 'gi'); // mimetypes supported by the browser (default settings) this.mimetypes = new Array('text/plain', 'text/html', 'text/xml', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'application/x-javascript', 'application/pdf', 'application/x-shockwave-flash'); // default environment vars this.env.keep_alive = 60; // seconds this.env.request_timeout = 180; // seconds this.env.draft_autosave = 0; // seconds this.env.comm_path = './'; this.env.bin_path = './bin/'; this.env.blankpage = 'program/blank.gif'; // set jQuery ajax options jQuery.ajaxSetup({ cache:false, error:function(request, status, err){ ref.http_error(request, status, err); }, beforeSend:function(xmlhttp){ xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X-RoundCube-Request', ref.env.request_token); } }); // set environment variable(s) this.set_env = function(p, value) { if (p != null && typeof(p) == 'object' && !value) for (var n in p) this.env[n] = p[n]; else this.env[p] = value; }; // add a localized label to the client environment this.add_label = function(key, value) { this.labels[key] = value; }; // add a button to the button list this.register_button = function(command, id, type, act, sel, over) { if (!this.buttons[command]) this.buttons[command] = new Array(); var button_prop = {id:id, type:type}; if (act) button_prop.act = act; if (sel) button_prop.sel = sel; if (over) button_prop.over = over; this.buttons[command][this.buttons[command].length] = button_prop; }; // register a specific gui object this.gui_object = function(name, id) { this.gui_objects[name] = id; }; // register a container object this.gui_container = function(name, id) { this.gui_containers[name] = id; }; // add a GUI element (html node) to a specified container this.add_element = function(elm, container) { if (this.gui_containers[container] && this.gui_containers[container].jquery) this.gui_containers[container].append(elm); }; // register an external handler for a certain command this.register_command = function(command, callback, enable) { this.command_handlers[command] = callback; if (enable) this.enable_command(command, true); }; // execute the given script on load this.add_onload = function(f) { this.onloads[this.onloads.length] = f; }; // initialize webmail client this.init = function() { var p = this; this.task = this.env.task; // check browser if (!bw.dom || !bw.xmlhttp_test()) { this.goto_url('error', '_code=0x199'); return; } // find all registered gui containers for (var n in this.gui_containers) this.gui_containers[n] = $('#'+this.gui_containers[n]); // find all registered gui objects for (var n in this.gui_objects) this.gui_objects[n] = rcube_find_object(this.gui_objects[n]); // init registered buttons this.init_buttons(); // tell parent window that this frame is loaded if (this.env.framed && parent.rcmail && parent.rcmail.set_busy) parent.rcmail.set_busy(false); // enable general commands this.enable_command('logout', 'mail', 'addressbook', 'settings', true); if (this.env.permaurl) this.enable_command('permaurl', true); switch (this.task) { case 'mail': if (this.gui_objects.messagelist) { this.message_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.messagelist, {multiselect:true, draggable:true, keyboard:true, dblclick_time:this.dblclick_time}); this.message_list.row_init = function(o){ p.init_message_row(o); }; this.message_list.addEventListener('dblclick', function(o){ p.msglist_dbl_click(o); }); this.message_list.addEventListener('keypress', function(o){ p.msglist_keypress(o); }); this.message_list.addEventListener('select', function(o){ p.msglist_select(o); }); this.message_list.addEventListener('dragstart', function(o){ p.drag_start(o); }); this.message_list.addEventListener('dragmove', function(e){ p.drag_move(e); }); this.message_list.addEventListener('dragend', function(e){ p.drag_end(e); }); document.onmouseup = function(e){ return p.doc_mouse_up(e); }; this.message_list.init(); this.enable_command('toggle_status', 'toggle_flag', true); if (this.gui_objects.mailcontframe) this.gui_objects.mailcontframe.onmousedown = function(e){ return p.click_on_list(e); }; else this.message_list.focus(); } if (this.env.coltypes) this.set_message_coltypes(this.env.coltypes); // enable mail commands this.enable_command('list', 'checkmail', 'compose', 'add-contact', 'search', 'reset-search', 'collapse-folder', true); if (this.env.search_text != null && document.getElementById('quicksearchbox') != null) document.getElementById('quicksearchbox').value = this.env.search_text; if (this.env.action=='show' || this.env.action=='preview') { this.enable_command('show', 'reply', 'reply-all', 'forward', 'moveto', 'delete', 'open', 'mark', 'edit', 'viewsource', 'download', 'print', 'load-attachment', 'load-headers', true); if (this.env.next_uid) { this.enable_command('nextmessage', true); this.enable_command('lastmessage', true); } if (this.env.prev_uid) { this.enable_command('previousmessage', true); this.enable_command('firstmessage', true); } if (this.env.blockedobjects) { if (this.gui_objects.remoteobjectsmsg) this.gui_objects.remoteobjectsmsg.style.display = 'block'; this.enable_command('load-images', 'always-load', true); } } if (this.env.trash_mailbox && this.env.mailbox != this.env.trash_mailbox) this.set_alttext('delete', 'movemessagetotrash'); // make preview/message frame visible if (this.env.action == 'preview' && this.env.framed && parent.rcmail) { this.enable_command('compose', 'add-contact', false); parent.rcmail.show_contentframe(true); } if (this.env.action=='compose') { this.enable_command('add-attachment', 'send-attachment', 'remove-attachment', 'send', true); if (this.env.spellcheck) { this.env.spellcheck.spelling_state_observer = function(s){ ref.set_spellcheck_state(s); }; this.set_spellcheck_state('ready'); if ($("input[name='_is_html']").val() == '1') this.display_spellcheck_controls(false); } if (this.env.drafts_mailbox) this.enable_command('savedraft', true); document.onmouseup = function(e){ return p.doc_mouse_up(e); }; // init message compose form this.init_messageform(); } if (this.env.messagecount) this.enable_command('select-all', 'select-none', 'expunge', true); if (this.purge_mailbox_test()) this.enable_command('purge', true); this.set_page_buttons(); // show printing dialog if (this.env.action=='print') window.print(); // get unread count for each mailbox if (this.gui_objects.mailboxlist) { this.env.unread_counts = {}; this.gui_objects.folderlist = this.gui_objects.mailboxlist; this.http_request('getunread', ''); } // ask user to send MDN if (this.env.mdn_request && this.env.uid) { var mdnurl = '_uid='+this.env.uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox); if (confirm(this.get_label('mdnrequest'))) this.http_post('sendmdn', mdnurl); else this.http_post('mark', mdnurl+'&_flag=mdnsent'); } break; case 'addressbook': if (this.gui_objects.contactslist) { this.contact_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.contactslist, {multiselect:true, draggable:true, keyboard:true}); this.contact_list.row_init = function(row){ p.triggerEvent('insertrow', { cid:row.uid, row:row }); }; this.contact_list.addEventListener('keypress', function(o){ p.contactlist_keypress(o); }); this.contact_list.addEventListener('select', function(o){ p.contactlist_select(o); }); this.contact_list.addEventListener('dragstart', function(o){ p.drag_start(o); }); this.contact_list.addEventListener('dragmove', function(e){ p.drag_move(e); }); this.contact_list.addEventListener('dragend', function(e){ p.drag_end(e); }); this.contact_list.init(); if (this.env.cid) this.contact_list.highlight_row(this.env.cid); if (this.gui_objects.contactslist.parentNode) { this.gui_objects.contactslist.parentNode.onmousedown = function(e){ return p.click_on_list(e); }; document.onmouseup = function(e){ return p.doc_mouse_up(e); }; } else this.contact_list.focus(); this.gui_objects.folderlist = this.gui_objects.contactslist; } this.set_page_buttons(); if (this.env.address_sources && this.env.address_sources[this.env.source] && !this.env.address_sources[this.env.source].readonly) this.enable_command('add', true); if (this.env.cid) this.enable_command('show', 'edit', true); if ((this.env.action=='add' || this.env.action=='edit') && this.gui_objects.editform) this.enable_command('save', true); else this.enable_command('search', 'reset-search', 'moveto', 'import', true); if (this.contact_list && this.contact_list.rowcount > 0) this.enable_command('export', true); this.enable_command('list', true); break; case 'settings': this.enable_command('preferences', 'identities', 'save', 'folders', true); if (this.env.action=='identities') { this.enable_command('add', this.env.identities_level < 2); } else if (this.env.action=='edit-identity' || this.env.action=='add-identity') { this.enable_command('add', this.env.identities_level < 2); this.enable_command('save', 'delete', 'edit', true); } else if (this.env.action=='folders') this.enable_command('subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'create-folder', 'rename-folder', 'delete-folder', true); if (this.gui_objects.identitieslist) { this.identity_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.identitieslist, {multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:false}); this.identity_list.addEventListener('select', function(o){ p.identity_select(o); }); this.identity_list.init(); this.identity_list.focus(); if (this.env.iid) this.identity_list.highlight_row(this.env.iid); } else if (this.gui_objects.sectionslist) { this.sections_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.sectionslist, {multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:false}); this.sections_list.addEventListener('select', function(o){ p.section_select(o); }); this.sections_list.init(); this.sections_list.focus(); this.sections_list.select('general'); // open first section by default } else if (this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist) this.init_subscription_list(); break; case 'login': var input_user = $('#rcmloginuser'); input_user.bind('keyup', function(e){ return rcmail.login_user_keyup(e); }); if (input_user.val() == '') input_user.focus(); else $('#rcmloginpwd').focus(); // detect client timezone $('#rcmlogintz').val(new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / -60); this.enable_command('login', true); break; default: break; } // flag object as complete this.loaded = true; // show message if (this.pending_message) this.display_message(this.pending_message[0], this.pending_message[1]); // map implicit containers if (this.gui_objects.folderlist) this.gui_containers.foldertray = $(this.gui_objects.folderlist); // trigger init event hook this.triggerEvent('init', { task:this.task, action:this.env.action }); // execute all foreign onload scripts // @deprecated for (var i=0; i<this.onloads.length; i++) { if (typeof(this.onloads[i]) == 'string') eval(this.onloads[i]); else if (typeof(this.onloads[i]) == 'function') this.onloads[i](); } // start keep-alive interval this.start_keepalive(); }; // start interval for keep-alive/recent_check signal this.start_keepalive = function() { if (this.env.keep_alive && !this.env.framed && this.task=='mail' && this.gui_objects.mailboxlist) this._int = setInterval(function(){ ref.check_for_recent(false); }, this.env.keep_alive * 1000); else if (this.env.keep_alive && !this.env.framed && this.task!='login') this._int = setInterval(function(){ ref.send_keep_alive(); }, this.env.keep_alive * 1000); } this.init_message_row = function(row) { var uid = row.uid; if (uid && this.env.messages[uid]) { row.deleted = this.env.messages[uid].deleted ? true : false; row.unread = this.env.messages[uid].unread ? true : false; row.replied = this.env.messages[uid].replied ? true : false; row.flagged = this.env.messages[uid].flagged ? true : false; row.forwarded = this.env.messages[uid].forwarded ? true : false; } // set eventhandler to message icon if (row.icon = row.obj.getElementsByTagName('td')[0].getElementsByTagName('img')[0]) { var p = this; row.icon.id = 'msgicn_'+row.uid; row.icon._row = row.obj; row.icon.onmousedown = function(e) { p.command('toggle_status', this); }; } // global variable 'flagged_col' may be not defined yet if (!this.env.flagged_col && this.env.coltypes) { var found; if((found = find_in_array('flag', this.env.coltypes)) >= 0) this.set_env('flagged_col', found+1); } // set eventhandler to flag icon, if icon found if (this.env.flagged_col && (row.flagged_icon = row.obj.getElementsByTagName('td')[this.env.flagged_col].getElementsByTagName('img')[0])) { var p = this; row.flagged_icon.id = 'flaggedicn_'+row.uid; row.flagged_icon._row = row.obj; row.flagged_icon.onmousedown = function(e) { p.command('toggle_flag', this); }; } this.triggerEvent('insertrow', { uid:uid, row:row }); }; // init message compose form: set focus and eventhandlers this.init_messageform = function() { if (!this.gui_objects.messageform) return false; //this.messageform = this.gui_objects.messageform; var input_from = $("[name='_from']"); var input_to = $("[name='_to']"); var input_subject = $("input[name='_subject']"); var input_message = $("[name='_message']").get(0); // init live search events this.init_address_input_events(input_to); this.init_address_input_events($("[name='_cc']")); this.init_address_input_events($("[name='_bcc']")); // add signature according to selected identity if (input_from.attr('type') == 'select-one' && $("input[name='_draft_saveid']").val() == '' && $("input[name='_is_html']").val() != '1') { // if we have HTML editor, signature is added in callback this.change_identity(input_from[0]); } if (input_to.val() == '') input_to.focus(); else if (input_subject.val() == '') input_subject.focus(); else if (input_message) input_message.focus(); // get summary of all field values this.compose_field_hash(true); // start the auto-save timer this.auto_save_start(); }; this.init_address_input_events = function(obj) { var handler = function(e){ return ref.ksearch_keypress(e,this); }; obj.bind((bw.safari || bw.ie ? 'keydown' : 'keypress'), handler); obj.attr('autocomplete', 'off'); }; /*********************************************************/ /********* client command interface *********/ /*********************************************************/ // execute a specific command on the web client this.command = function(command, props, obj) { if (obj && obj.blur) obj.blur(); if (this.busy) return false; // command not supported or allowed if (!this.commands[command]) { // pass command to parent window if (this.env.framed && parent.rcmail && parent.rcmail.command) parent.rcmail.command(command, props); return false; } // check input before leaving compose step if (this.task=='mail' && this.env.action=='compose' && (command=='list' || command=='mail' || command=='addressbook' || command=='settings')) { if (this.cmp_hash != this.compose_field_hash() && !confirm(this.get_label('notsentwarning'))) return false; } // process external commands if (typeof this.command_handlers[command] == 'function') { var ret = this.command_handlers[command](props, obj); return ret !== null ? ret : (obj ? false : true); } else if (typeof this.command_handlers[command] == 'string') { var ret = window[this.command_handlers[command]](props, obj); return ret !== null ? ret : (obj ? false : true); } // trigger plugin hook var event_ret = this.triggerEvent('before'+command, props); if (typeof event_ret != 'undefined') { // abort if one the handlers returned false if (event_ret === false) return false; else props = event_ret; } // process internal command switch (command) { case 'login': if (this.gui_objects.loginform) this.gui_objects.loginform.submit(); break; // commands to switch task case 'mail': case 'addressbook': case 'settings': case 'logout': this.switch_task(command); break; case 'permaurl': if (obj && obj.href && obj.target) return true; else if (this.env.permaurl) parent.location.href = this.env.permaurl; break; case 'open': var uid; if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) { obj.href = '?_task='+this.env.task+'&_action=show&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+'&_uid='+uid; return true; } break; // misc list commands case 'list': if (this.task=='mail') { if (this.env.search_request<0 || (props != '' && (this.env.search_request && props != this.env.mailbox))) this.reset_qsearch(); this.list_mailbox(props); if (this.env.trash_mailbox) this.set_alttext('delete', this.env.mailbox != this.env.trash_mailbox ? 'movemessagetotrash' : 'deletemessage'); } else if (this.task=='addressbook') { if (this.env.search_request<0 || (this.env.search_request && props != this.env.source)) this.reset_qsearch(); this.list_contacts(props); this.enable_command('add', (this.env.address_sources && !this.env.address_sources[props].readonly)); } break; case 'load-headers': this.load_headers(obj); break; case 'sort': var sort_order, sort_col = props; if (this.env.sort_col==sort_col) sort_order = this.env.sort_order=='ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; else sort_order = 'ASC'; // set table header class $('#rcm'+this.env.sort_col).removeClass('sorted'+(this.env.sort_order.toUpperCase())); $('#rcm'+sort_col).addClass('sorted'+sort_order); // save new sort properties this.env.sort_col = sort_col; this.env.sort_order = sort_order; // reload message list this.list_mailbox('', '', sort_col+'_'+sort_order); break; case 'nextpage': this.list_page('next'); break; case 'lastpage': this.list_page('last'); break; case 'previouspage': this.list_page('prev'); break; case 'firstpage': this.list_page('first'); break; case 'expunge': if (this.env.messagecount) this.expunge_mailbox(this.env.mailbox); break; case 'purge': case 'empty-mailbox': if (this.env.messagecount) this.purge_mailbox(this.env.mailbox); break; // common commands used in multiple tasks case 'show': if (this.task=='mail') { var uid = this.get_single_uid(); if (uid && (!this.env.uid || uid != this.env.uid)) { if (this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox) this.goto_url('compose', '_draft_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox), true); else this.show_message(uid); } } else if (this.task=='addressbook') { var cid = props ? props : this.get_single_cid(); if (cid && !(this.env.action=='show' && cid==this.env.cid)) this.load_contact(cid, 'show'); } break; case 'add': if (this.task=='addressbook') this.load_contact(0, 'add'); else if (this.task=='settings') { this.identity_list.clear_selection(); this.load_identity(0, 'add-identity'); } break; case 'edit': var cid; if (this.task=='addressbook' && (cid = this.get_single_cid())) this.load_contact(cid, 'edit'); else if (this.task=='settings' && props) this.load_identity(props, 'edit-identity'); else if (this.task=='mail' && (cid = this.get_single_uid())) { var url = (this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox) ? '_draft_uid=' : '_uid='; this.goto_url('compose', url+cid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox), true); } break; case 'save-identity': case 'save': if (this.gui_objects.editform) { var input_pagesize = $("input[name='_pagesize']"); var input_name = $("input[name='_name']"); var input_email = $("input[name='_email']"); // user prefs if (input_pagesize.length && isNaN(parseInt(input_pagesize.val()))) { alert(this.get_label('nopagesizewarning')); input_pagesize.focus(); break; } // contacts/identities else { if (input_name.length && input_name.val() == '') { alert(this.get_label('nonamewarning')); input_name.focus(); break; } else if (input_email.length && !rcube_check_email(input_email.val())) { alert(this.get_label('noemailwarning')); input_email.focus(); break; } } this.gui_objects.editform.submit(); } break; case 'delete': // mail task if (this.task=='mail') this.delete_messages(); // addressbook task else if (this.task=='addressbook') this.delete_contacts(); // user settings task else if (this.task=='settings') this.delete_identity(); break; // mail task commands case 'move': case 'moveto': if (this.task == 'mail') this.move_messages(props); else if (this.task == 'addressbook' && this.drag_active) this.copy_contact(null, props); break; case 'mark': if (props) this.mark_message(props); break; case 'toggle_status': if (props && !props._row) break; var uid; var flag = 'read'; if (props._row.uid) { uid = props._row.uid; // toggle read/unread if (this.message_list.rows[uid].deleted) { flag = 'undelete'; } else if (!this.message_list.rows[uid].unread) flag = 'unread'; } this.mark_message(flag, uid); break; case 'toggle_flag': if (props && !props._row) break; var uid; var flag = 'flagged'; if (props._row.uid) { uid = props._row.uid; // toggle flagged/unflagged if (this.message_list.rows[uid].flagged) flag = 'unflagged'; } this.mark_message(flag, uid); break; case 'always-load': if (this.env.uid && this.env.sender) { this.add_contact(urlencode(this.env.sender)); window.setTimeout(function(){ ref.command('load-images'); }, 300); break; } case 'load-images': if (this.env.uid) this.show_message(this.env.uid, true, this.env.action=='preview'); break; case 'load-attachment': var qstring = '_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+'&_uid='+this.env.uid+'&_part='+props.part; // open attachment in frame if it's of a supported mimetype if (this.env.uid && props.mimetype && find_in_array(props.mimetype, this.mimetypes)>=0) { if (props.mimetype == 'text/html') qstring += '&_safe=1'; this.attachment_win = window.open(this.env.comm_path+'&_action=get&'+qstring+'&_frame=1', 'rcubemailattachment'); if (this.attachment_win) { window.setTimeout(function(){ ref.attachment_win.focus(); }, 10); break; } } this.goto_url('get', qstring+'&_download=1', false); break; case 'select-all': if (props == 'invert') this.message_list.invert_selection(); else this.message_list.select_all(props); break; case 'select-none': this.message_list.clear_selection(); break; case 'nextmessage': if (this.env.next_uid) this.show_message(this.env.next_uid, false, this.env.action=='preview'); break; case 'lastmessage': if (this.env.last_uid) this.show_message(this.env.last_uid); break; case 'previousmessage': if (this.env.prev_uid) this.show_message(this.env.prev_uid, false, this.env.action=='preview'); break; case 'firstmessage': if (this.env.first_uid) this.show_message(this.env.first_uid); break; case 'checkmail': this.check_for_recent(true); break; case 'compose': var url = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=compose'; if (this.task=='mail') { url += '&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox); if (this.env.mailbox==this.env.drafts_mailbox) { var uid; if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) url += '&_draft_uid='+uid; } else if (props) url += '&_to='+urlencode(props); } // modify url if we're in addressbook else if (this.task=='addressbook') { // switch to mail compose step directly if (props && props.indexOf('@') > 0) { url = this.get_task_url('mail', url); this.redirect(url + '&_to='+urlencode(props)); break; } // use contact_id passed as command parameter var a_cids = new Array(); if (props) a_cids[a_cids.length] = props; // get selected contacts else if (this.contact_list) { var selection = this.contact_list.get_selection(); for (var n=0; n<selection.length; n++) a_cids[a_cids.length] = selection[n]; } if (a_cids.length) this.http_request('mailto', '_cid='+urlencode(a_cids.join(','))+'&_source='+urlencode(this.env.source), true); break; } // don't know if this is necessary... url = url.replace(/&_framed=1/, ""); this.redirect(url); break; case 'spellcheck': if (window.tinyMCE && tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody)) { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceSpellCheck', true); } else if (this.env.spellcheck && this.env.spellcheck.spellCheck && this.spellcheck_ready) { this.env.spellcheck.spellCheck(); this.set_spellcheck_state('checking'); } break; case 'savedraft': // Reset the auto-save timer self.clearTimeout(this.save_timer); if (!this.gui_objects.messageform) break; // if saving Drafts is disabled in main.inc.php // or if compose form did not change if (!this.env.drafts_mailbox || this.cmp_hash == this.compose_field_hash()) break; this.set_busy(true, 'savingmessage'); var form = this.gui_objects.messageform; form.target = "savetarget"; form._draft.value = '1'; form.submit(); break; case 'send': if (!this.gui_objects.messageform) break; if (!this.check_compose_input()) break; // Reset the auto-save timer self.clearTimeout(this.save_timer); // all checks passed, send message this.set_busy(true, 'sendingmessage'); var form = this.gui_objects.messageform; form.target = "savetarget"; form._draft.value = ''; form.submit(); // clear timeout (sending could take longer) clearTimeout(this.request_timer); break; case 'add-attachment': this.show_attachment_form(true); case 'send-attachment': // Reset the auto-save timer self.clearTimeout(this.save_timer); this.upload_file(props) break; case 'remove-attachment': this.remove_attachment(props); break; case 'reply-all': case 'reply': var uid; if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) this.goto_url('compose', '_reply_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+(command=='reply-all' ? '&_all=1' : ''), true); break; case 'forward': var uid; if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) this.goto_url('compose', '_forward_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox), true); break; case 'print': var uid; if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) { ref.printwin = window.open(this.env.comm_path+'&_action=print&_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+(this.env.safemode ? '&_safe=1' : '')); if (this.printwin) { window.setTimeout(function(){ ref.printwin.focus(); }, 20); if (this.env.action != 'show') this.mark_message('read', uid); } } break; case 'viewsource': var uid; if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) { ref.sourcewin = window.open(this.env.comm_path+'&_action=viewsource&_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)); if (this.sourcewin) window.setTimeout(function(){ ref.sourcewin.focus(); }, 20); } break; case 'download': var uid; if (uid = this.get_single_uid()) this.goto_url('viewsource', '&_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+'&_save=1'); break; case 'add-contact': this.add_contact(props); break; // quicksearch case 'search': if (!props && this.gui_objects.qsearchbox) props = this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value; if (props) { this.qsearch(props); break; } // reset quicksearch case 'reset-search': var s = this.env.search_request; this.reset_qsearch(); if (s && this.env.mailbox) this.list_mailbox(this.env.mailbox); else if (s && this.task == 'addressbook') this.list_contacts(this.env.source); break; case 'import': if (this.env.action == 'import' && this.gui_objects.importform) { var file = document.getElementById('rcmimportfile'); if (file && !file.value) { alert(this.get_label('selectimportfile')); break; } this.gui_objects.importform.submit(); this.set_busy(true, 'importwait'); this.lock_form(this.gui_objects.importform, true); } else this.goto_url('import'); break; case 'export': if (this.contact_list.rowcount > 0) { var add_url = (this.env.source ? '_source='+urlencode(this.env.source)+'&' : ''); if (this.env.search_request) add_url += '_search='+this.env.search_request; this.goto_url('export', add_url); } break; // collapse/expand folder case 'collapse-folder': if (props) this.collapse_folder(props); break; // user settings commands case 'preferences': this.goto_url(''); break; case 'identities': this.goto_url('identities'); break; case 'delete-identity': this.delete_identity(); case 'folders': this.goto_url('folders'); break; case 'subscribe': this.subscribe_folder(props); break; case 'unsubscribe': this.unsubscribe_folder(props); break; case 'create-folder': this.create_folder(props); break; case 'rename-folder': this.rename_folder(props); break; case 'delete-folder': this.delete_folder(props); break; } this.triggerEvent('after'+command, props); return obj ? false : true; }; // set command enabled or disabled this.enable_command = function() { var args = arguments; if(!args.length) return -1; var command; var enable = args[args.length-1]; for(var n=0; n<args.length-1; n++) { command = args[n]; this.commands[command] = enable; this.set_button(command, (enable ? 'act' : 'pas')); } return true; }; // lock/unlock interface this.set_busy = function(a, message) { if (a && message) { var msg = this.get_label(message); if (msg==message) msg = 'Loading...'; this.display_message(msg, 'loading', true); } else if (!a) this.hide_message(); this.busy = a; //document.body.style.cursor = a ? 'wait' : 'default'; if (this.gui_objects.editform) this.lock_form(this.gui_objects.editform, a); // clear pending timer if (this.request_timer) clearTimeout(this.request_timer); // set timer for requests if (a && this.env.request_timeout) this.request_timer = window.setTimeout(function(){ ref.request_timed_out(); }, this.env.request_timeout * 1000); }; // return a localized string this.get_label = function(name, domain) { if (domain && this.labels[domain+'.'+name]) return this.labels[domain+'.'+name]; else if (this.labels[name]) return this.labels[name]; else return name; }; // alias for convenience reasons this.gettext = this.get_label; // switch to another application task this.switch_task = function(task) { if (this.task===task && task!='mail') return; var url = this.get_task_url(task); if (task=='mail') url += '&_mbox=INBOX'; this.redirect(url); }; this.get_task_url = function(task, url) { if (!url) url = this.env.comm_path; return url.replace(/_task=[a-z]+/, '_task='+task); }; // called when a request timed out this.request_timed_out = function() { this.set_busy(false); this.display_message('Request timed out!', 'error'); }; this.reload = function(delay) { if (this.env.framed && parent.rcmail) parent.rcmail.reload(delay); else if (delay) window.setTimeout(function(){ rcmail.reload(); }, delay); else if (window.location) location.href = this.env.comm_path; }; /*********************************************************/ /********* event handling methods *********/ /*********************************************************/ this.doc_mouse_up = function(e) { var model, list, li; if (this.message_list) { if (!rcube_mouse_is_over(e, this.message_list.list)) this.message_list.blur(); list = this.message_list; model = this.env.mailboxes; } else if (this.contact_list) { if (!rcube_mouse_is_over(e, this.contact_list.list)) this.contact_list.blur(); list = this.contact_list; model = this.env.address_sources; } else if (this.ksearch_value) { this.ksearch_blur(); } // handle mouse release when dragging if (this.drag_active && model && this.env.last_folder_target) { $(this.get_folder_li(this.env.last_folder_target)).removeClass('droptarget'); this.command('moveto', model[this.env.last_folder_target].id); this.env.last_folder_target = null; list.draglayer.hide(); } // reset 'pressed' buttons if (this.buttons_sel) { for (var id in this.buttons_sel) if (typeof id != 'function') this.button_out(this.buttons_sel[id], id); this.buttons_sel = {}; } }; this.drag_start = function(list) { var model = this.task == 'mail' ? this.env.mailboxes : this.env.address_sources; this.drag_active = true; if (this.preview_timer) clearTimeout(this.preview_timer); // save folderlist and folders location/sizes for droptarget calculation in drag_move() if (this.gui_objects.folderlist && model) { this.initialBodyScrollTop = bw.ie ? 0 : window.pageYOffset; this.initialListScrollTop = this.gui_objects.folderlist.parentNode.scrollTop; var li, pos, list, height; list = $(this.gui_objects.folderlist); pos = list.offset(); this.env.folderlist_coords = { x1:pos.left, y1:pos.top, x2:pos.left + list.width(), y2:pos.top + list.height() }; this.env.folder_coords = new Array(); for (var k in model) { if (li = this.get_folder_li(k)) { // only visible folders if (height = li.firstChild.offsetHeight) { pos = $(li.firstChild).offset(); this.env.folder_coords[k] = { x1:pos.left, y1:pos.top, x2:pos.left + li.firstChild.offsetWidth, y2:pos.top + height, on:0 }; } } } } }; this.drag_end = function(e) { this.drag_active = false; this.env.last_folder_target = null; if (this.folder_auto_timer) { window.clearTimeout(this.folder_auto_timer); this.folder_auto_timer = null; this.folder_auto_expand = null; } // over the folders if (this.gui_objects.folderlist && this.env.folder_coords) { for (var k in this.env.folder_coords) { if (this.env.folder_coords[k].on) $(this.get_folder_li(k)).removeClass('droptarget'); } } }; this.drag_move = function(e) { if (this.gui_objects.folderlist && this.env.folder_coords) { // offsets to compensate for scrolling while dragging a message var boffset = bw.ie ? -document.documentElement.scrollTop : this.initialBodyScrollTop; var moffset = this.initialListScrollTop-this.gui_objects.folderlist.parentNode.scrollTop; var toffset = -moffset-boffset; var li, div, pos, mouse; mouse = rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(e); pos = this.env.folderlist_coords; mouse.y += toffset; // if mouse pointer is outside of folderlist if (mouse.x < pos.x1 || mouse.x >= pos.x2 || mouse.y < pos.y1 || mouse.y >= pos.y2) { if (this.env.last_folder_target) { $(this.get_folder_li(this.env.last_folder_target)).removeClass('droptarget'); this.env.folder_coords[this.env.last_folder_target].on = 0; this.env.last_folder_target = null; } return; } // over the folders for (var k in this.env.folder_coords) { pos = this.env.folder_coords[k]; if (mouse.x >= pos.x1 && mouse.x < pos.x2 && mouse.y >= pos.y1 && mouse.y < pos.y2 && this.check_droptarget(k)) { li = this.get_folder_li(k); div = $(li.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]); // if the folder is collapsed, expand it after 1sec and restart the drag & drop process. if (div.hasClass('collapsed')) { if (this.folder_auto_timer) window.clearTimeout(this.folder_auto_timer); this.folder_auto_expand = k; this.folder_auto_timer = window.setTimeout(function() { rcmail.command("collapse-folder", rcmail.folder_auto_expand); rcmail.drag_start(null); }, 1000); } else if (this.folder_auto_timer) { window.clearTimeout(this.folder_auto_timer); this.folder_auto_timer = null; this.folder_auto_expand = null; } $(li).addClass('droptarget'); this.env.last_folder_target = k; this.env.folder_coords[k].on = 1; } else if (pos.on) { $(this.get_folder_li(k)).removeClass('droptarget'); this.env.folder_coords[k].on = 0; } } } }; this.collapse_folder = function(id) { var div; if ((li = this.get_folder_li(id)) && (div = $(li.getElementsByTagName("div")[0])) && (div.hasClass('collapsed') || div.hasClass('expanded'))) { var ul = $(li.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0]); if (div.hasClass('collapsed')) { ul.show(); div.removeClass('collapsed').addClass('expanded'); var reg = new RegExp('&'+urlencode(id)+'&'); this.set_env('collapsed_folders', this.env.collapsed_folders.replace(reg, '')); } else { ul.hide(); div.removeClass('expanded').addClass('collapsed'); this.set_env('collapsed_folders', this.env.collapsed_folders+'&'+urlencode(id)+'&'); // select parent folder if one of its childs is currently selected if (this.env.mailbox.indexOf(id + this.env.delimiter) == 0) this.command('list', id); } // Work around a bug in IE6 and IE7, see #1485309 if ((bw.ie6 || bw.ie7) && li.nextSibling && (li.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName("ul").length>0) && li.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0].style && (li.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0].style.display!='none')) { li.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0].style.display = 'none'; li.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0].style.display = ''; } this.http_post('save-pref', '_name=collapsed_folders&_value='+urlencode(this.env.collapsed_folders)); this.set_unread_count_display(id, false); } } this.click_on_list = function(e) { if (this.gui_objects.qsearchbox) this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.blur(); if (this.message_list) this.message_list.focus(); else if (this.contact_list) this.contact_list.focus(); return rcube_event.get_button(e) == 2 ? true : rcube_event.cancel(e); }; this.msglist_select = function(list) { if (this.preview_timer) clearTimeout(this.preview_timer); var selected = list.selection.length==1; // Hide certain command buttons when Drafts folder is selected if (this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox) { this.enable_command('reply', 'reply-all', 'forward', false); this.enable_command('show', 'print', 'open', 'edit', 'download', 'viewsource', selected); this.enable_command('delete', 'moveto', 'mark', (list.selection.length > 0 ? true : false)); } else { this.enable_command('show', 'reply', 'reply-all', 'forward', 'print', 'edit', 'open', 'download', 'viewsource', selected); this.enable_command('delete', 'moveto', 'mark', (list.selection.length > 0 ? true : false)); } // start timer for message preview (wait for double click) if (selected && this.env.contentframe && !list.multi_selecting) this.preview_timer = window.setTimeout(function(){ ref.msglist_get_preview(); }, 200); else if (this.env.contentframe) this.show_contentframe(false); }; this.msglist_dbl_click = function(list) { if (this.preview_timer) clearTimeout(this.preview_timer); var uid = list.get_single_selection(); if (uid && this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox) this.goto_url('compose', '_draft_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox), true); else if (uid) this.show_message(uid, false, false); }; this.msglist_keypress = function(list) { if (list.key_pressed == list.ENTER_KEY) this.command('show'); else if (list.key_pressed == list.DELETE_KEY) this.command('delete'); else if (list.key_pressed == list.BACKSPACE_KEY) this.command('delete'); else list.shiftkey = false; }; this.msglist_get_preview = function() { var uid = this.get_single_uid(); if (uid && this.env.contentframe && !this.drag_active) this.show_message(uid, false, true); else if (this.env.contentframe) this.show_contentframe(false); }; this.check_droptarget = function(id) { if (this.task == 'mail') return (this.env.mailboxes[id] && this.env.mailboxes[id].id != this.env.mailbox && !this.env.mailboxes[id].virtual); else if (this.task == 'addressbook') return (id != this.env.source && this.env.address_sources[id] && !this.env.address_sources[id].readonly); else if (this.task == 'settings') return (id != this.env.folder); }; /*********************************************************/ /********* (message) list functionality *********/ /*********************************************************/ // when user doble-clicks on a row this.show_message = function(id, safe, preview) { if (!id) return; var add_url = ''; var action = preview ? 'preview': 'show'; var target = window; if (preview && this.env.contentframe && window.frames && window.frames[this.env.contentframe]) { target = window.frames[this.env.contentframe]; add_url = '&_framed=1'; } if (safe) add_url = '&_safe=1'; // also send search request to get the right messages if (this.env.search_request) add_url += '&_search='+this.env.search_request; var url = '&_action='+action+'&_uid='+id+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+add_url; if (action == 'preview' && String(target.location.href).indexOf(url) >= 0) this.show_contentframe(true); else { this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); target.location.href = this.env.comm_path+url; // mark as read and change mbox unread counter if (action == 'preview' && this.message_list && this.message_list.rows[id] && this.message_list.rows[id].unread) { this.set_message(id, 'unread', false); if (this.env.unread_counts[this.env.mailbox]) { this.env.unread_counts[this.env.mailbox] -= 1; this.set_unread_count(this.env.mailbox, this.env.unread_counts[this.env.mailbox], this.env.mailbox == 'INBOX'); } } } }; this.show_contentframe = function(show) { var frm; if (this.env.contentframe && (frm = $('#'+this.env.contentframe)) && frm.length) { if (!show && window.frames[this.env.contentframe]) { if (window.frames[this.env.contentframe].location.href.indexOf(this.env.blankpage)<0) window.frames[this.env.contentframe].location.href = this.env.blankpage; } else if (!bw.safari && !bw.konq) frm[show ? 'show' : 'hide'](); } if (!show && this.busy) this.set_busy(false); }; // list a specific page this.list_page = function(page) { if (page=='next') page = this.env.current_page+1; if (page=='last') page = this.env.pagecount; if (page=='prev' && this.env.current_page>1) page = this.env.current_page-1; if (page=='first' && this.env.current_page>1) page = 1; if (page > 0 && page <= this.env.pagecount) { this.env.current_page = page; if (this.task=='mail') this.list_mailbox(this.env.mailbox, page); else if (this.task=='addressbook') this.list_contacts(this.env.source, page); } }; // list messages of a specific mailbox using filter this.filter_mailbox = function(filter) { var search; if (this.gui_objects.qsearchbox) search = this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value; this.message_list.clear(); // reset vars this.env.current_page = 1; this.set_busy(true, 'searching'); this.http_request('search', '_filter='+filter + (search ? '&_q='+urlencode(search) : '') + (this.env.mailbox ? '&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox) : ''), true); } // list messages of a specific mailbox this.list_mailbox = function(mbox, page, sort) { var add_url = ''; var target = window; if (!mbox) mbox = this.env.mailbox; // add sort to url if set if (sort) add_url += '&_sort=' + sort; // also send search request to get the right messages if (this.env.search_request) add_url += '&_search='+this.env.search_request; // set page=1 if changeing to another mailbox if (!page) { page = 1; this.env.current_page = page; this.show_contentframe(false); } if (mbox != this.env.mailbox || (mbox == this.env.mailbox && !page && !sort)) add_url += '&_refresh=1'; // unselect selected messages this.last_selected = 0; if (this.message_list) this.message_list.clear_selection(); this.select_folder(mbox, this.env.mailbox); this.env.mailbox = mbox; // load message list remotely if (this.gui_objects.messagelist) { this.list_mailbox_remote(mbox, page, add_url); return; } if (this.env.contentframe && window.frames && window.frames[this.env.contentframe]) { target = window.frames[this.env.contentframe]; add_url += '&_framed=1'; } // load message list to target frame/window if (mbox) { this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); target.location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_mbox='+urlencode(mbox)+(page ? '&_page='+page : '')+add_url; } }; // send remote request to load message list this.list_mailbox_remote = function(mbox, page, add_url) { // clear message list first this.message_list.clear(); // send request to server var url = '_mbox='+urlencode(mbox)+(page ? '&_page='+page : ''); this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); this.http_request('list', url+add_url, true); }; this.expunge_mailbox = function(mbox) { var lock = false; var add_url = ''; // lock interface if it's the active mailbox if (mbox == this.env.mailbox) { lock = true; this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); add_url = '&_reload=1'; } // send request to server var url = '_mbox='+urlencode(mbox); this.http_post('expunge', url+add_url, lock); }; this.purge_mailbox = function(mbox) { var lock = false; var add_url = ''; if (!confirm(this.get_label('purgefolderconfirm'))) return false; // lock interface if it's the active mailbox if (mbox == this.env.mailbox) { lock = true; this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); add_url = '&_reload=1'; } // send request to server var url = '_mbox='+urlencode(mbox); this.http_post('purge', url+add_url, lock); return true; }; // test if purge command is allowed this.purge_mailbox_test = function() { return (this.env.messagecount && (this.env.mailbox == this.env.trash_mailbox || this.env.mailbox == this.env.junk_mailbox || this.env.mailbox.match('^' + RegExp.escape(this.env.trash_mailbox) + RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)) || this.env.mailbox.match('^' + RegExp.escape(this.env.junk_mailbox) + RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)))); }; // set message icon this.set_message_icon = function(uid) { var icn_src; var rows = this.message_list.rows; if (!rows[uid]) return false; if (rows[uid].deleted && this.env.deletedicon) icn_src = this.env.deletedicon; else if (rows[uid].replied && this.env.repliedicon) { if (rows[uid].forwarded && this.env.forwardedrepliedicon) icn_src = this.env.forwardedrepliedicon; else icn_src = this.env.repliedicon; } else if (rows[uid].forwarded && this.env.forwardedicon) icn_src = this.env.forwardedicon; else if (rows[uid].unread && this.env.unreadicon) icn_src = this.env.unreadicon; else if (this.env.messageicon) icn_src = this.env.messageicon; if (icn_src && rows[uid].icon) rows[uid].icon.src = icn_src; icn_src = ''; if (rows[uid].flagged && this.env.flaggedicon) icn_src = this.env.flaggedicon; else if (!rows[uid].flagged && this.env.unflaggedicon) icn_src = this.env.unflaggedicon; if (rows[uid].flagged_icon && icn_src) rows[uid].flagged_icon.src = icn_src; } // set message status this.set_message_status = function(uid, flag, status) { var rows = this.message_list.rows; if (!rows[uid]) return false; if (flag == 'unread') rows[uid].unread = status; else if(flag == 'deleted') rows[uid].deleted = status; else if (flag == 'replied') rows[uid].replied = status; else if (flag == 'forwarded') rows[uid].forwarded = status; else if (flag == 'flagged') rows[uid].flagged = status; this.env.messages[uid] = rows[uid]; } // set message row status, class and icon this.set_message = function(uid, flag, status) { var rows = this.message_list.rows; if (!rows[uid]) return false; if (flag) this.set_message_status(uid, flag, status); var rowobj = $(rows[uid].obj); if (rows[uid].unread && rows[uid].classname.indexOf('unread')<0) { rows[uid].classname += ' unread'; rowobj.addClass('unread'); } else if (!rows[uid].unread && rows[uid].classname.indexOf('unread')>=0) { rows[uid].classname = rows[uid].classname.replace(/\s*unread/, ''); rowobj.removeClass('unread'); } if (rows[uid].deleted && rows[uid].classname.indexOf('deleted')<0) { rows[uid].classname += ' deleted'; rowobj.addClass('deleted'); } else if (!rows[uid].deleted && rows[uid].classname.indexOf('deleted')>=0) { rows[uid].classname = rows[uid].classname.replace(/\s*deleted/, ''); rowobj.removeClass('deleted'); } if (rows[uid].flagged && rows[uid].classname.indexOf('flagged')<0) { rows[uid].classname += ' flagged'; rowobj.addClass('flagged'); } else if (!rows[uid].flagged && rows[uid].classname.indexOf('flagged')>=0) { rows[uid].classname = rows[uid].classname.replace(/\s*flagged/, ''); rowobj.removeClass('flagged'); } this.set_message_icon(uid); } // move selected messages to the specified mailbox this.move_messages = function(mbox) { // exit if current or no mailbox specified or if selection is empty if (!mbox || mbox == this.env.mailbox || (!this.env.uid && (!this.message_list || !this.message_list.get_selection().length))) return; var lock = false; var add_url = '&_target_mbox='+urlencode(mbox)+'&_from='+(this.env.action ? this.env.action : ''); // show wait message if (this.env.action=='show') { lock = true; this.set_busy(true, 'movingmessage'); } else this.show_contentframe(false); // Hide message command buttons until a message is selected this.enable_command('reply', 'reply-all', 'forward', 'delete', 'mark', 'print', 'open', 'edit', 'viewsource', 'download', false); this._with_selected_messages('moveto', lock, add_url); }; // delete selected messages from the current mailbox this.delete_messages = function() { var selection = this.message_list ? this.message_list.get_selection() : new Array(); // exit if no mailbox specified or if selection is empty if (!this.env.uid && !selection.length) return; // if config is set to flag for deletion if (this.env.flag_for_deletion) this.mark_message('delete'); // if there isn't a defined trash mailbox or we are in it else if (!this.env.trash_mailbox || String(this.env.mailbox).toLowerCase() == String(this.env.trash_mailbox).toLowerCase()) this.permanently_remove_messages(); // if there is a trash mailbox defined and we're not currently in it else { // if shift was pressed delete it immediately if (this.message_list && this.message_list.shiftkey) { if (confirm(this.get_label('deletemessagesconfirm'))) this.permanently_remove_messages(); } else this.move_messages(this.env.trash_mailbox); } }; // delete the selected messages permanently this.permanently_remove_messages = function() { // exit if no mailbox specified or if selection is empty if (!this.env.uid && (!this.message_list || !this.message_list.get_selection().length)) return; this.show_contentframe(false); this._with_selected_messages('delete', false, '&_from='+(this.env.action ? this.env.action : '')); }; // Send a specifc request with UIDs of all selected messages // @private this._with_selected_messages = function(action, lock, add_url, remove) { var a_uids = new Array(); if (this.env.uid) a_uids[0] = this.env.uid; else { var selection = this.message_list.get_selection(); var rows = this.message_list.rows; var id; for (var n=0; n<selection.length; n++) { id = selection[n]; a_uids[a_uids.length] = id; this.message_list.remove_row(id, (this.env.display_next && n == selection.length-1)); } // make sure there are no selected rows if (!this.env.display_next) this.message_list.clear_selection(); } // also send search request to get the right messages if (this.env.search_request) add_url += '&_search='+this.env.search_request; if (this.env.display_next && this.env.next_uid) add_url += '&_next_uid='+this.env.next_uid; // send request to server this.http_post(action, '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+add_url, lock); }; // set a specific flag to one or more messages this.mark_message = function(flag, uid) { var a_uids = new Array(); var r_uids = new Array(); var selection = this.message_list ? this.message_list.get_selection() : new Array(); if (uid) a_uids[0] = uid; else if (this.env.uid) a_uids[0] = this.env.uid; else if (this.message_list) { for (var n=0; n<selection.length; n++) { a_uids[a_uids.length] = selection[n]; } } if (!this.message_list) r_uids = a_uids; else for (var id, n=0; n<a_uids.length; n++) { id = a_uids[n]; if ((flag=='read' && this.message_list.rows[id].unread) || (flag=='unread' && !this.message_list.rows[id].unread) || (flag=='delete' && !this.message_list.rows[id].deleted) || (flag=='undelete' && this.message_list.rows[id].deleted) || (flag=='flagged' && !this.message_list.rows[id].flagged) || (flag=='unflagged' && this.message_list.rows[id].flagged)) { r_uids[r_uids.length] = id; } } // nothing to do if (!r_uids.length) return; switch (flag) { case 'read': case 'unread': this.toggle_read_status(flag, r_uids); break; case 'delete': case 'undelete': this.toggle_delete_status(r_uids); break; case 'flagged': case 'unflagged': this.toggle_flagged_status(flag, a_uids); break; } }; // set class to read/unread this.toggle_read_status = function(flag, a_uids) { // mark all message rows as read/unread for (var i=0; i<a_uids.length; i++) this.set_message(a_uids[i], 'unread', (flag=='unread' ? true : false)); this.http_post('mark', '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_flag='+flag); }; // set image to flagged or unflagged this.toggle_flagged_status = function(flag, a_uids) { // mark all message rows as flagged/unflagged for (var i=0; i<a_uids.length; i++) this.set_message(a_uids[i], 'flagged', (flag=='flagged' ? true : false)); this.http_post('mark', '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_flag='+flag); }; // mark all message rows as deleted/undeleted this.toggle_delete_status = function(a_uids) { var rows = this.message_list ? this.message_list.rows : new Array(); if (a_uids.length==1) { if (!rows.length || (rows[a_uids[0]] && !rows[a_uids[0]].deleted)) this.flag_as_deleted(a_uids); else this.flag_as_undeleted(a_uids); return true; } var all_deleted = true; for (var i=0; i<a_uids.length; i++) { uid = a_uids[i]; if (rows[uid]) { if (!rows[uid].deleted) { all_deleted = false; break; } } } if (all_deleted) this.flag_as_undeleted(a_uids); else this.flag_as_deleted(a_uids); return true; }; this.flag_as_undeleted = function(a_uids) { for (var i=0; i<a_uids.length; i++) this.set_message(a_uids[i], 'deleted', false); this.http_post('mark', '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_flag=undelete'); return true; }; this.flag_as_deleted = function(a_uids) { var add_url = ''; var r_uids = new Array(); var rows = this.message_list ? this.message_list.rows : new Array(); for (var i=0; i<a_uids.length; i++) { uid = a_uids[i]; if (rows[uid]) { if (rows[uid].unread) r_uids[r_uids.length] = uid; if (this.env.skip_deleted) this.message_list.remove_row(uid, (this.env.display_next && i == this.message_list.selection.length-1)); else this.set_message(uid, 'deleted', true); } } // make sure there are no selected rows if (this.env.skip_deleted && !this.env.display_next && this.message_list) this.message_list.clear_selection(); add_url = '&_from='+(this.env.action ? this.env.action : ''); if (r_uids.length) add_url += '&_ruid='+r_uids.join(','); if (this.env.skip_deleted) { // also send search request to get the right messages if (this.env.search_request) add_url += '&_search='+this.env.search_request; if (this.env.display_next && this.env.next_uid) add_url += '&_next_uid='+this.env.next_uid; } this.http_post('mark', '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_flag=delete'+add_url); return true; }; // flag as read without mark request (called from backend) // argument should be a coma-separated list of uids this.flag_deleted_as_read = function(uids) { var icn_src; var rows = this.message_list ? this.message_list.rows : new Array(); var str = String(uids); var a_uids = new Array(); a_uids = str.split(','); for (var uid, i=0; i<a_uids.length; i++) { uid = a_uids[i]; if (rows[uid]) this.set_message(uid, 'unread', false); } }; /*********************************************************/ /********* login form methods *********/ /*********************************************************/ // handler for keyboard events on the _user field this.login_user_keyup = function(e) { var key = rcube_event.get_keycode(e); var passwd = $('#rcmloginpwd'); // enter if (key == 13 && passwd.length && !passwd.val()) { passwd.focus(); return rcube_event.cancel(e); } return true; }; /*********************************************************/ /********* message compose methods *********/ /*********************************************************/ // checks the input fields before sending a message this.check_compose_input = function() { // check input fields var input_to = $("[name='_to']"); var input_cc = $("[name='_cc']"); var input_bcc = $("[name='_bcc']"); var input_from = $("[name='_from']"); var input_subject = $("[name='_subject']"); var input_message = $("[name='_message']"); // check sender (if have no identities) if (input_from.attr('type') == 'text' && !rcube_check_email(input_from.val(), true)) { alert(this.get_label('nosenderwarning')); input_from.focus(); return false; } // check for empty recipient var recipients = input_to.val() ? input_to.val() : (input_cc.val() ? input_cc.val() : input_bcc.val()); if (!rcube_check_email(recipients.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/[\s,;]+$/, ''), true)) { alert(this.get_label('norecipientwarning')); input_to.focus(); return false; } // display localized warning for missing subject if (input_subject.val() == '') { var subject = prompt(this.get_label('nosubjectwarning'), this.get_label('nosubject')); // user hit cancel, so don't send if (!subject && subject !== '') { input_subject.focus(); return false; } else { input_subject.val((subject ? subject : this.get_label('nosubject'))); } } // check for empty body if ((!window.tinyMCE || !tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody)) && input_message.val() == '' && !confirm(this.get_label('nobodywarning'))) { input_message.focus(); return false; } else if (window.tinyMCE && tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody) && !tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody).getContent() && !confirm(this.get_label('nobodywarning'))) { tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody).focus(); return false; } // Apply spellcheck changes if spell checker is active this.stop_spellchecking(); // move body from html editor to textarea (just to be sure, #1485860) if (window.tinyMCE && tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody)) tinyMCE.triggerSave(); return true; }; this.stop_spellchecking = function() { if (this.env.spellcheck && !this.spellcheck_ready) { $(this.env.spellcheck.spell_span).trigger('click'); this.set_spellcheck_state('ready'); } }; this.display_spellcheck_controls = function(vis) { if (this.env.spellcheck) { // stop spellchecking process if (!vis) this.stop_spellchecking(); $(this.env.spellcheck.spell_container).css('visibility', vis ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); } }; this.set_spellcheck_state = function(s) { this.spellcheck_ready = (s == 'ready' || s == 'no_error_found'); this.enable_command('spellcheck', this.spellcheck_ready); }; this.set_draft_id = function(id) { $("input[name='_draft_saveid']").val(id); }; this.auto_save_start = function() { if (this.env.draft_autosave) this.save_timer = self.setTimeout(function(){ ref.command("savedraft"); }, this.env.draft_autosave * 1000); // Unlock interface now that saving is complete this.busy = false; }; this.compose_field_hash = function(save) { // check input fields var value_to = $("[name='_to']").val(); var value_cc = $("[name='_cc']").val(); var value_bcc = $("[name='_bcc']").val(); var value_subject = $("[name='_subject']").val(); var str = ''; if (value_to) str += value_to+':'; if (value_cc) str += value_cc+':'; if (value_bcc) str += value_bcc+':'; if (value_subject) str += value_subject+':'; var editor = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody); if (editor) str += editor.getContent(); else str += $("[name='_message']").val(); if (save) this.cmp_hash = str; return str; }; this.change_identity = function(obj) { if (!obj || !obj.options) return false; var id = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value; var input_message = $("[name='_message']"); var message = input_message.val(); var is_html = ($("input[name='_is_html']").val() == '1'); var sig, p, len; if (!this.env.identity) this.env.identity = id if (!is_html) { // remove the 'old' signature if (this.env.identity && this.env.signatures && this.env.signatures[this.env.identity]) { if (this.env.signatures[this.env.identity]['is_html']) sig = this.env.signatures[this.env.identity]['plain_text']; else sig = this.env.signatures[this.env.identity]['text']; if (sig.indexOf('-- ')!=0) sig = '-- \n'+sig; p = message.lastIndexOf(sig); if (p>=0) message = message.substring(0, p-1) + message.substring(p+sig.length, message.length); } message = message.replace(/[\r\n]+$/, ''); len = message.length; // add the new signature string if (this.env.signatures && this.env.signatures[id]) { sig = this.env.signatures[id]['text']; if (this.env.signatures[id]['is_html']) { sig = this.env.signatures[id]['plain_text']; } if (sig.indexOf('-- ')!=0) sig = '-- \n'+sig; message += '\n\n'+sig; if (len) len += 1; } } else { var editor = tinyMCE.get(this.env.composebody); if (this.env.signatures) { // Append the signature as a div within the body var sigElem = editor.dom.get('_rc_sig'); var newsig = ''; var htmlsig = true; if (!sigElem) { // add empty line before signature on IE if (bw.ie) editor.getBody().appendChild(editor.getDoc().createElement('br')); sigElem = editor.getDoc().createElement('div'); sigElem.setAttribute('id', '_rc_sig'); editor.getBody().appendChild(sigElem); } if (this.env.signatures[id]) { newsig = this.env.signatures[id]['text']; htmlsig = this.env.signatures[id]['is_html']; if (newsig) { if (htmlsig && this.env.signatures[id]['plain_text'].indexOf('-- ')!=0) newsig = '<p>-- </p>' + newsig; else if (!htmlsig && newsig.indexOf('-- ')!=0) newsig = '-- \n' + newsig; } } if (htmlsig) sigElem.innerHTML = newsig; else sigElem.innerHTML = '<pre>' + newsig + '</pre>'; } } input_message.val(message); // move cursor before the signature if (!is_html) this.set_caret_pos(input_message.get(0), len); this.env.identity = id; return true; }; this.show_attachment_form = function(a) { if (!this.gui_objects.uploadbox) return false; var elm, list; if (elm = this.gui_objects.uploadbox) { if (a && (list = this.gui_objects.attachmentlist)) { var pos = $(list).offset(); elm.style.top = (pos.top + list.offsetHeight + 10) + 'px'; elm.style.left = pos.left + 'px'; } elm.style.visibility = a ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; } // clear upload form try { if (!a && this.gui_objects.attachmentform != this.gui_objects.messageform) this.gui_objects.attachmentform.reset(); } catch(e){} // ignore errors return true; }; // upload attachment file this.upload_file = function(form) { if (!form) return false; // get file input fields var send = false; for (var n=0; n<form.elements.length; n++) if (form.elements[n].type=='file' && form.elements[n].value) { send = true; break; } // create hidden iframe and post upload form if (send) { var ts = new Date().getTime(); var frame_name = 'rcmupload'+ts; // have to do it this way for IE // otherwise the form will be posted to a new window if(document.all) { var html = '<iframe name="'+frame_name+'" src="program/blank.gif" style="width:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;"></iframe>'; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('BeforeEnd',html); } else // for standards-compilant browsers { var frame = document.createElement('iframe'); frame.name = frame_name; frame.style.border = 'none'; frame.style.width = 0; frame.style.height = 0; frame.style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.body.appendChild(frame); } form.target = frame_name; form.action = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=upload'; form.setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data'); form.submit(); } // set reference to the form object this.gui_objects.attachmentform = form; return true; }; // add file name to attachment list // called from upload page this.add2attachment_list = function(name, content) { if (!this.gui_objects.attachmentlist) return false; $('<li>').attr('id', name).html(content).appendTo(this.gui_objects.attachmentlist); return true; }; this.remove_from_attachment_list = function(name) { if (!this.gui_objects.attachmentlist) return false; var list = this.gui_objects.attachmentlist.getElementsByTagName("li"); for (i=0;i<list.length;i++) if (list[i].id == name) this.gui_objects.attachmentlist.removeChild(list[i]); }; this.remove_attachment = function(name) { if (name) this.http_post('remove-attachment', '_file='+urlencode(name)); return true; }; // send remote request to add a new contact this.add_contact = function(value) { if (value) this.http_post('addcontact', '_address='+value); return true; }; // send remote request to search mail or contacts this.qsearch = function(value) { if (value != '') { var addurl = ''; if (this.message_list) { this.message_list.clear(); if (this.env.search_mods) { var head_arr = new Array(); for (var n in this.env.search_mods) head_arr.push(n); addurl += '&_headers='+head_arr.join(','); } } else if (this.contact_list) { this.contact_list.clear(true); this.show_contentframe(false); } if (this.gui_objects.search_filter) addurl += '&_filter=' + this.gui_objects.search_filter.value; // reset vars this.env.current_page = 1; this.set_busy(true, 'searching'); this.http_request('search', '_q='+urlencode(value) + (this.env.mailbox ? '&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox) : '') + (this.env.source ? '&_source='+urlencode(this.env.source) : '') + (addurl ? addurl : ''), true); } return true; }; // reset quick-search form this.reset_qsearch = function() { if (this.gui_objects.qsearchbox) this.gui_objects.qsearchbox.value = ''; this.env.search_request = null; return true; }; this.sent_successfully = function(type, msg) { this.list_mailbox(); this.display_message(msg, type, true); } /*********************************************************/ /********* keyboard live-search methods *********/ /*********************************************************/ // handler for keyboard events on address-fields this.ksearch_keypress = function(e, obj) { if (this.ksearch_timer) clearTimeout(this.ksearch_timer); var highlight; var key = rcube_event.get_keycode(e); var mod = rcube_event.get_modifier(e); switch (key) { case 38: // key up case 40: // key down if (!this.ksearch_pane) break; var dir = key==38 ? 1 : 0; highlight = document.getElementById('rcmksearchSelected'); if (!highlight) highlight = this.ksearch_pane.__ul.firstChild; if (highlight) this.ksearch_select(dir ? highlight.previousSibling : highlight.nextSibling); return rcube_event.cancel(e); case 9: // tab if(mod == SHIFT_KEY) break; case 13: // enter if (this.ksearch_selected===null || !this.ksearch_input || !this.ksearch_value) break; // insert selected address and hide ksearch pane this.insert_recipient(this.ksearch_selected); this.ksearch_hide(); return rcube_event.cancel(e); case 27: // escape this.ksearch_hide(); break; case 37: // left case 39: // right if (mod != SHIFT_KEY) return; } // start timer this.ksearch_timer = window.setTimeout(function(){ ref.ksearch_get_results(); }, 200); this.ksearch_input = obj; return true; }; this.ksearch_select = function(node) { var current = $('#rcmksearchSelected'); if (current[0] && node) { current.removeAttr('id').removeClass('selected'); } if (node) { $(node).attr('id', 'rcmksearchSelected').addClass('selected'); this.ksearch_selected = node._rcm_id; } }; this.insert_recipient = function(id) { if (!this.env.contacts[id] || !this.ksearch_input) return; // get cursor pos var inp_value = this.ksearch_input.value; var cpos = this.get_caret_pos(this.ksearch_input); var p = inp_value.lastIndexOf(this.ksearch_value, cpos); // replace search string with full address var pre = this.ksearch_input.value.substring(0, p); var end = this.ksearch_input.value.substring(p+this.ksearch_value.length, this.ksearch_input.value.length); var insert = this.env.contacts[id]+', '; this.ksearch_input.value = pre + insert + end; // set caret to insert pos cpos = p+insert.length; if (this.ksearch_input.setSelectionRange) this.ksearch_input.setSelectionRange(cpos, cpos); }; // address search processor this.ksearch_get_results = function() { var inp_value = this.ksearch_input ? this.ksearch_input.value : null; if (inp_value === null) return; if (this.ksearch_pane && this.ksearch_pane.is(":visible")) this.ksearch_pane.hide(); // get string from current cursor pos to last comma var cpos = this.get_caret_pos(this.ksearch_input); var p = inp_value.lastIndexOf(',', cpos-1); var q = inp_value.substring(p+1, cpos); // trim query string q = q.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ''); // Don't (re-)search if the last results are still active if (q == this.ksearch_value) return; var old_value = this.ksearch_value; this.ksearch_value = q; // ...string is empty if (!q.length) return; // ...new search value contains old one and previous search result was empty if (old_value && old_value.length && this.env.contacts && !this.env.contacts.length && q.indexOf(old_value) == 0) return; this.display_message(this.get_label('searching'), 'loading', true); this.http_post('autocomplete', '_search='+urlencode(q)); }; this.ksearch_query_results = function(results, search) { // ignore this outdated search response if (this.ksearch_value && search != this.ksearch_value) return; this.hide_message(); this.env.contacts = results ? results : []; this.ksearch_display_results(this.env.contacts); }; this.ksearch_display_results = function (a_results) { // display search results if (a_results.length && this.ksearch_input) { var p, ul, li; // create results pane if not present if (!this.ksearch_pane) { ul = $('<ul>'); this.ksearch_pane = $('<div>').attr('id', 'rcmKSearchpane').css({ position:'absolute', 'z-index':30000 }).append(ul).appendTo(document.body); this.ksearch_pane.__ul = ul[0]; } // remove all search results ul = this.ksearch_pane.__ul; ul.innerHTML = ''; // add each result line to list for (i=0; i<a_results.length; i++) { li = document.createElement('LI'); li.innerHTML = a_results[i].replace(new RegExp('('+this.ksearch_value+')', 'ig'), '##$1%%').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/##([^%]+)%%/g, '<b>$1</b>'); li.onmouseover = function(){ ref.ksearch_select(this); }; li.onmouseup = function(){ ref.ksearch_click(this) }; li._rcm_id = i; ul.appendChild(li); } // select the first $(ul.firstChild).attr('id', 'rcmksearchSelected').addClass('selected'); this.ksearch_selected = 0; // move the results pane right under the input box and make it visible var pos = $(this.ksearch_input).offset(); this.ksearch_pane.css({ left:pos.left+'px', top:(pos.top + this.ksearch_input.offsetHeight)+'px' }).show(); } // hide results pane else this.ksearch_hide(); }; this.ksearch_click = function(node) { if (this.ksearch_input) this.ksearch_input.focus(); this.insert_recipient(node._rcm_id); this.ksearch_hide(); }; this.ksearch_blur = function() { if (this.ksearch_timer) clearTimeout(this.ksearch_timer); this.ksearch_value = ''; this.ksearch_input = null; this.ksearch_hide(); }; this.ksearch_hide = function() { this.ksearch_selected = null; if (this.ksearch_pane) this.ksearch_pane.hide(); }; /*********************************************************/ /********* address book methods *********/ /*********************************************************/ this.contactlist_keypress = function(list) { if (list.key_pressed == list.DELETE_KEY) this.command('delete'); }; this.contactlist_select = function(list) { if (this.preview_timer) clearTimeout(this.preview_timer); var id, frame, ref = this; if (id = list.get_single_selection()) this.preview_timer = window.setTimeout(function(){ ref.load_contact(id, 'show'); }, 200); else if (this.env.contentframe) this.show_contentframe(false); this.enable_command('compose', list.selection.length > 0); this.enable_command('edit', (id && this.env.address_sources && !this.env.address_sources[this.env.source].readonly) ? true : false); this.enable_command('delete', list.selection.length && this.env.address_sources && !this.env.address_sources[this.env.source].readonly); return false; }; this.list_contacts = function(src, page) { var add_url = ''; var target = window; if (!src) src = this.env.source; if (page && this.current_page==page && src == this.env.source) return false; if (src != this.env.source) { page = 1; this.env.current_page = page; this.reset_qsearch(); } this.select_folder(src, this.env.source); this.env.source = src; // load contacts remotely if (this.gui_objects.contactslist) { this.list_contacts_remote(src, page); return; } if (this.env.contentframe && window.frames && window.frames[this.env.contentframe]) { target = window.frames[this.env.contentframe]; add_url = '&_framed=1'; } // also send search request to get the correct listing if (this.env.search_request) add_url += '&_search='+this.env.search_request; this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); target.location.href = this.env.comm_path+(src ? '&_source='+urlencode(src) : '')+(page ? '&_page='+page : '')+add_url; }; // send remote request to load contacts list this.list_contacts_remote = function(src, page) { // clear message list first this.contact_list.clear(true); this.show_contentframe(false); this.enable_command('delete', 'compose', false); // send request to server var url = (src ? '_source='+urlencode(src) : '') + (page ? (src?'&':'') + '_page='+page : ''); this.env.source = src; // also send search request to get the right messages if (this.env.search_request) url += '&_search='+this.env.search_request; this.set_busy(true, 'loading'); this.http_request('list', url, true); }; // load contact record this.load_contact = function(cid, action, framed) { var add_url = ''; var target = window; if (this.env.contentframe && window.frames && window.frames[this.env.contentframe]) { add_url = '&_framed=1'; target = window.frames[this.env.contentframe]; this.show_contentframe(true); } else if (framed) return false; if (action && (cid || action=='add') && !this.drag_active) { this.set_busy(true); target.location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action='+action+'&_source='+urlencode(this.env.source)+'&_cid='+urlencode(cid) + add_url; } return true; }; // copy a contact to the specified target (group or directory) this.copy_contact = function(cid, to) { if (!cid) cid = this.contact_list.get_selection().join(','); if (to != this.env.source && cid && this.env.address_sources[to] && !this.env.address_sources[to].readonly) this.http_post('copy', '_cid='+urlencode(cid)+'&_source='+urlencode(this.env.source)+'&_to='+urlencode(to)); }; this.delete_contacts = function() { // exit if no mailbox specified or if selection is empty var selection = this.contact_list.get_selection(); if (!(selection.length || this.env.cid) || !confirm(this.get_label('deletecontactconfirm'))) return; var a_cids = new Array(); var qs = ''; if (this.env.cid) a_cids[a_cids.length] = this.env.cid; else { var id; for (var n=0; n<selection.length; n++) { id = selection[n]; a_cids[a_cids.length] = id; this.contact_list.remove_row(id, (n == selection.length-1)); } // hide content frame if we delete the currently displayed contact if (selection.length == 1) this.show_contentframe(false); } // also send search request to get the right records from the next page if (this.env.search_request) qs += '&_search='+this.env.search_request; // send request to server this.http_post('delete', '_cid='+urlencode(a_cids.join(','))+'&_source='+urlencode(this.env.source)+'&_from='+(this.env.action ? this.env.action : '')+qs); return true; }; // update a contact record in the list this.update_contact_row = function(cid, cols_arr, newcid) { var row; if (this.contact_list.rows[cid] && (row = this.contact_list.rows[cid].obj)) { for (var c=0; c<cols_arr.length; c++) if (row.cells[c]) $(row.cells[c]).html(cols_arr[c]); // cid change if (newcid) { row.id = 'rcmrow' + newcid; this.contact_list.remove_row(cid); this.contact_list.init_row(row); this.contact_list.selection[0] = newcid; row.style.display = ''; } return true; } return false; }; // add row to contacts list this.add_contact_row = function(cid, cols, select) { if (!this.gui_objects.contactslist || !this.gui_objects.contactslist.tBodies[0]) return false; var tbody = this.gui_objects.contactslist.tBodies[0]; var rowcount = tbody.rows.length; var even = rowcount%2; var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.id = 'rcmrow'+cid; row.className = 'contact '+(even ? 'even' : 'odd'); if (this.contact_list.in_selection(cid)) row.className += ' selected'; // add each submitted col for (var c in cols) { col = document.createElement('td'); col.className = String(c).toLowerCase(); col.innerHTML = cols[c]; row.appendChild(col); } this.contact_list.insert_row(row); this.enable_command('export', (this.contact_list.rowcount > 0)); }; /*********************************************************/ /********* user settings methods *********/ /*********************************************************/ this.init_subscription_list = function() { var p = this; this.subscription_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist, {multiselect:false, draggable:true, keyboard:false, toggleselect:true}); this.subscription_list.addEventListener('select', function(o){ p.subscription_select(o); }); this.subscription_list.addEventListener('dragstart', function(o){ p.drag_active = true; }); this.subscription_list.addEventListener('dragend', function(o){ p.subscription_move_folder(o); }); this.subscription_list.row_init = function (row) { var anchors = row.obj.getElementsByTagName('a'); if (anchors[0]) anchors[0].onclick = function() { p.rename_folder(row.id); return false; }; if (anchors[1]) anchors[1].onclick = function() { p.delete_folder(row.id); return false; }; row.obj.onmouseover = function() { p.focus_subscription(row.id); }; row.obj.onmouseout = function() { p.unfocus_subscription(row.id); }; } this.subscription_list.init(); } // preferences section select and load options frame this.section_select = function(list) { var id = list.get_single_selection(); if (id) { var add_url = ''; var target = window; this.set_busy(true); if (this.env.contentframe && window.frames && window.frames[this.env.contentframe]) { add_url = '&_framed=1'; target = window.frames[this.env.contentframe]; } target.location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=edit-prefs&_section='+id+add_url; } return true; }; this.identity_select = function(list) { var id; if (id = list.get_single_selection()) this.load_identity(id, 'edit-identity'); }; // load identity record this.load_identity = function(id, action) { if (action=='edit-identity' && (!id || id==this.env.iid)) return false; var add_url = ''; var target = window; if (this.env.contentframe && window.frames && window.frames[this.env.contentframe]) { add_url = '&_framed=1'; target = window.frames[this.env.contentframe]; document.getElementById(this.env.contentframe).style.visibility = 'inherit'; } if (action && (id || action=='add-identity')) { this.set_busy(true); target.location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action='+action+'&_iid='+id+add_url; } return true; }; this.delete_identity = function(id) { // exit if no mailbox specified or if selection is empty var selection = this.identity_list.get_selection(); if (!(selection.length || this.env.iid)) return; if (!id) id = this.env.iid ? this.env.iid : selection[0]; // append token to request this.goto_url('delete-identity', '_iid='+id+'&_token='+this.env.request_token, true); return true; }; this.focus_subscription = function(id) { var row, folder; var reg = RegExp('['+RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)+']?[^'+RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)+']+$'); if (this.drag_active && this.env.folder && (row = document.getElementById(id))) if (this.env.subscriptionrows[id] && (folder = this.env.subscriptionrows[id][0])) { if (this.check_droptarget(folder) && !this.env.subscriptionrows[this.get_folder_row_id(this.env.folder)][2] && (folder != this.env.folder.replace(reg, '')) && (!folder.match(new RegExp('^'+RegExp.escape(this.env.folder+this.env.delimiter))))) { this.set_env('dstfolder', folder); $(row).addClass('droptarget'); } } else if (this.env.folder.match(new RegExp(RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)))) { this.set_env('dstfolder', this.env.delimiter); $(this.subscription_list.frame).addClass('droptarget'); } } this.unfocus_subscription = function(id) { var row = $('#'+id); this.set_env('dstfolder', null); if (this.env.subscriptionrows[id] && row[0]) row.removeClass('droptarget'); else $(this.subscription_list.frame).removeClass('droptarget'); } this.subscription_select = function(list) { var id, folder; if ((id = list.get_single_selection()) && this.env.subscriptionrows['rcmrow'+id] && (folder = this.env.subscriptionrows['rcmrow'+id][0])) this.set_env('folder', folder); else this.set_env('folder', null); if (this.gui_objects.createfolderhint) $(this.gui_objects.createfolderhint).html(this.env.folder ? this.get_label('addsubfolderhint') : ''); }; this.subscription_move_folder = function(list) { var reg = RegExp('['+RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)+']?[^'+RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)+']+$'); if (this.env.folder && this.env.dstfolder && (this.env.dstfolder != this.env.folder) && (this.env.dstfolder != this.env.folder.replace(reg, ''))) { var reg = new RegExp('[^'+RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)+']*['+RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)+']', 'g'); var basename = this.env.folder.replace(reg, ''); var newname = this.env.dstfolder==this.env.delimiter ? basename : this.env.dstfolder+this.env.delimiter+basename; this.set_busy(true, 'foldermoving'); this.http_post('rename-folder', '_folder_oldname='+urlencode(this.env.folder)+'&_folder_newname='+urlencode(newname), true); } this.drag_active = false; this.unfocus_subscription(this.get_folder_row_id(this.env.dstfolder)); }; // tell server to create and subscribe a new mailbox this.create_folder = function(name) { if (this.edit_folder) this.reset_folder_rename(); var form; if ((form = this.gui_objects.editform) && form.elements['_folder_name']) { name = form.elements['_folder_name'].value; if (name.indexOf(this.env.delimiter)>=0) { alert(this.get_label('forbiddencharacter')+' ('+this.env.delimiter+')'); return false; } if (this.env.folder && name != '') name = this.env.folder+this.env.delimiter+name; this.set_busy(true, 'foldercreating'); this.http_post('create-folder', '_name='+urlencode(name), true); } else if (form.elements['_folder_name']) form.elements['_folder_name'].focus(); }; // start renaming the mailbox name. // this will replace the name string with an input field this.rename_folder = function(id) { var temp, row, form; // reset current renaming if (temp = this.edit_folder) { this.reset_folder_rename(); if (temp == id) return; } if (id && this.env.subscriptionrows[id] && (row = document.getElementById(id))) { var reg = new RegExp('.*['+RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)+']'); this.name_input = document.createElement('input'); this.name_input.type = 'text'; this.name_input.value = this.env.subscriptionrows[id][0].replace(reg, ''); reg = new RegExp('['+RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)+']?[^'+RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter)+']+$'); this.name_input.__parent = this.env.subscriptionrows[id][0].replace(reg, ''); this.name_input.onkeypress = function(e){ rcmail.name_input_keypress(e); }; row.cells[0].replaceChild(this.name_input, row.cells[0].firstChild); this.edit_folder = id; this.name_input.select(); if (form = this.gui_objects.editform) form.onsubmit = function(){ return false; }; } }; // remove the input field and write the current mailbox name to the table cell this.reset_folder_rename = function() { var cell = this.name_input ? this.name_input.parentNode : null; if (cell && this.edit_folder && this.env.subscriptionrows[this.edit_folder]) $(cell).html(this.env.subscriptionrows[this.edit_folder][1]); this.edit_folder = null; }; // handler for keyboard events on the input field this.name_input_keypress = function(e) { var key = rcube_event.get_keycode(e); // enter if (key==13) { var newname = this.name_input ? this.name_input.value : null; if (this.edit_folder && newname) { if (newname.indexOf(this.env.delimiter)>=0) { alert(this.get_label('forbiddencharacter')+' ('+this.env.delimiter+')'); return false; } if (this.name_input.__parent) newname = this.name_input.__parent + this.env.delimiter + newname; this.set_busy(true, 'folderrenaming'); this.http_post('rename-folder', '_folder_oldname='+urlencode(this.env.subscriptionrows[this.edit_folder][0])+'&_folder_newname='+urlencode(newname), true); } } // escape else if (key==27) this.reset_folder_rename(); }; // delete a specific mailbox with all its messages this.delete_folder = function(id) { var folder = this.env.subscriptionrows[id][0]; if (this.edit_folder) this.reset_folder_rename(); if (folder && confirm(this.get_label('deletefolderconfirm'))) { this.set_busy(true, 'folderdeleting'); this.http_post('delete-folder', '_mboxes='+urlencode(folder), true); this.set_env('folder', null); $(this.gui_objects.createfolderhint).html(''); } }; // add a new folder to the subscription list by cloning a folder row this.add_folder_row = function(name, display_name, replace, before) { if (!this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist) return false; // find not protected folder for (var refid in this.env.subscriptionrows) if (this.env.subscriptionrows[refid]!=null && !this.env.subscriptionrows[refid][2]) break; var refrow, form; var tbody = this.gui_objects.subscriptionlist.tBodies[0]; var id = 'rcmrow'+(tbody.childNodes.length+1); var selection = this.subscription_list.get_single_selection(); if (replace && replace.id) { id = replace.id; refid = replace.id; } if (!id || !(refrow = document.getElementById(refid))) { // Refresh page if we don't have a table row to clone this.goto_url('folders'); } else { // clone a table row if there are existing rows var row = this.clone_table_row(refrow); row.id = id; if (before && (before = this.get_folder_row_id(before))) tbody.insertBefore(row, document.getElementById(before)); else tbody.appendChild(row); if (replace) tbody.removeChild(replace); } // add to folder/row-ID map this.env.subscriptionrows[row.id] = [name, display_name, 0]; // set folder name row.cells[0].innerHTML = display_name; // set messages count to zero if (!replace) row.cells[1].innerHTML = '*'; if (!replace && row.cells[2] && row.cells[2].firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase()=='input') { row.cells[2].firstChild.value = name; row.cells[2].firstChild.checked = true; } // add new folder to rename-folder list and clear input field if (!replace && (form = this.gui_objects.editform)) { if (form.elements['_folder_oldname']) form.elements['_folder_oldname'].options[form.elements['_folder_oldname'].options.length] = new Option(name,name); if (form.elements['_folder_name']) form.elements['_folder_name'].value = ''; } this.init_subscription_list(); if (selection && document.getElementById('rcmrow'+selection)) this.subscription_list.select_row(selection); if (document.getElementById(id).scrollIntoView) document.getElementById(id).scrollIntoView(); }; // replace an existing table row with a new folder line this.replace_folder_row = function(oldfolder, newfolder, display_name, before) { var id = this.get_folder_row_id(oldfolder); var row = document.getElementById(id); // replace an existing table row (if found) this.add_folder_row(newfolder, display_name, row, before); // rename folder in rename-folder dropdown var form, elm; if ((form = this.gui_objects.editform) && (elm = form.elements['_folder_oldname'])) { for (var i=0;i<elm.options.length;i++) { if (elm.options[i].value == oldfolder) { elm.options[i].text = display_name; elm.options[i].value = newfolder; break; } } form.elements['_folder_newname'].value = ''; } }; // remove the table row of a specific mailbox from the table // (the row will not be removed, just hidden) this.remove_folder_row = function(folder) { var row; var id = this.get_folder_row_id(folder); if (id && (row = document.getElementById(id))) row.style.display = 'none'; // remove folder from rename-folder list var form; if ((form = this.gui_objects.editform) && form.elements['_folder_oldname']) { for (var i=0;i<form.elements['_folder_oldname'].options.length;i++) { if (form.elements['_folder_oldname'].options[i].value == folder) { form.elements['_folder_oldname'].options[i] = null; break; } } } if (form && form.elements['_folder_newname']) form.elements['_folder_newname'].value = ''; }; this.subscribe_folder = function(folder) { if (folder) this.http_post('subscribe', '_mbox='+urlencode(folder)); }; this.unsubscribe_folder = function(folder) { if (folder) this.http_post('unsubscribe', '_mbox='+urlencode(folder)); }; // helper method to find a specific mailbox row ID this.get_folder_row_id = function(folder) { for (var id in this.env.subscriptionrows) if (this.env.subscriptionrows[id] && this.env.subscriptionrows[id][0] == folder) break; return id; }; // duplicate a specific table row this.clone_table_row = function(row) { var cell, td; var new_row = document.createElement('tr'); for(var n=0; n<row.cells.length; n++) { cell = row.cells[n]; td = document.createElement('td'); if (cell.className) td.className = cell.className; if (cell.align) td.setAttribute('align', cell.align); td.innerHTML = cell.innerHTML; new_row.appendChild(td); } return new_row; }; /*********************************************************/ /********* GUI functionality *********/ /*********************************************************/ // eable/disable buttons for page shifting this.set_page_buttons = function() { this.enable_command('nextpage', (this.env.pagecount > this.env.current_page)); this.enable_command('lastpage', (this.env.pagecount > this.env.current_page)); this.enable_command('previouspage', (this.env.current_page > 1)); this.enable_command('firstpage', (this.env.current_page > 1)); }; // set event handlers on registered buttons this.init_buttons = function() { for (var cmd in this.buttons) { if (typeof cmd != 'string') continue; for (var i=0; i< this.buttons[cmd].length; i++) { var prop = this.buttons[cmd][i]; var elm = document.getElementById(prop.id); if (!elm) continue; var preload = false; if (prop.type == 'image') { elm = elm.parentNode; preload = true; } elm._command = cmd; elm._id = prop.id; if (prop.sel) { elm.onmousedown = function(e){ return rcmail.button_sel(this._command, this._id); }; elm.onmouseup = function(e){ return rcmail.button_out(this._command, this._id); }; if (preload) new Image().src = prop.sel; } if (prop.over) { elm.onmouseover = function(e){ return rcmail.button_over(this._command, this._id); }; elm.onmouseout = function(e){ return rcmail.button_out(this._command, this._id); }; if (preload) new Image().src = prop.over; } } } }; // set button to a specific state this.set_button = function(command, state) { var a_buttons = this.buttons[command]; var button, obj; if(!a_buttons || !a_buttons.length) return false; for(var n=0; n<a_buttons.length; n++) { button = a_buttons[n]; obj = document.getElementById(button.id); // get default/passive setting of the button if (obj && button.type=='image' && !button.status) { button.pas = obj._original_src ? obj._original_src : obj.src; // respect PNG fix on IE browsers if (obj.runtimeStyle && obj.runtimeStyle.filter && obj.runtimeStyle.filter.match(/src=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/)) button.pas = RegExp.$1; } else if (obj && !button.status) button.pas = String(obj.className); // set image according to button state if (obj && button.type=='image' && button[state]) { button.status = state; obj.src = button[state]; } // set class name according to button state else if (obj && typeof(button[state])!='undefined') { button.status = state; obj.className = button[state]; } // disable/enable input buttons if (obj && button.type=='input') { button.status = state; obj.disabled = !state; } } }; // display a specific alttext this.set_alttext = function(command, label) { if (!this.buttons[command] || !this.buttons[command].length) return; var button, obj, link; for (var n=0; n<this.buttons[command].length; n++) { button = this.buttons[command][n]; obj = document.getElementById(button.id); if (button.type=='image' && obj) { obj.setAttribute('alt', this.get_label(label)); if ((link = obj.parentNode) && link.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a') link.setAttribute('title', this.get_label(label)); } else if (obj) obj.setAttribute('title', this.get_label(label)); } }; // mouse over button this.button_over = function(command, id) { var a_buttons = this.buttons[command]; var button, elm; if(!a_buttons || !a_buttons.length) return false; for(var n=0; n<a_buttons.length; n++) { button = a_buttons[n]; if(button.id==id && button.status=='act') { elm = document.getElementById(button.id); if (elm && button.over) { if (button.type == 'image') elm.src = button.over; else elm.className = button.over; } } } }; // mouse down on button this.button_sel = function(command, id) { var a_buttons = this.buttons[command]; var button, elm; if(!a_buttons || !a_buttons.length) return; for(var n=0; n<a_buttons.length; n++) { button = a_buttons[n]; if(button.id==id && button.status=='act') { elm = document.getElementById(button.id); if (elm && button.sel) { if (button.type == 'image') elm.src = button.sel; else elm.className = button.sel; } this.buttons_sel[id] = command; } } }; // mouse out of button this.button_out = function(command, id) { var a_buttons = this.buttons[command]; var button, elm; if(!a_buttons || !a_buttons.length) return; for(var n=0; n<a_buttons.length; n++) { button = a_buttons[n]; if(button.id==id && button.status=='act') { elm = document.getElementById(button.id); if (elm && button.act) { if (button.type == 'image') elm.src = button.act; else elm.className = button.act; } } } }; // write to the document/window title this.set_pagetitle = function(title) { if (title && document.title) document.title = title; } // display a system message this.display_message = function(msg, type, hold) { if (!this.loaded) // save message in order to display after page loaded { this.pending_message = new Array(msg, type); return true; } // pass command to parent window if (this.env.framed && parent.rcmail) return parent.rcmail.display_message(msg, type, hold); if (!this.gui_objects.message) return false; if (this.message_timer) clearTimeout(this.message_timer); var cont = msg; if (type) cont = '<div class="'+type+'">'+cont+'</div>'; var obj = $(this.gui_objects.message).html(cont).show(); if (type!='loading') obj.bind('mousedown', function(){ ref.hide_message(); return true; }); if (!hold) this.message_timer = window.setTimeout(function(){ ref.hide_message(true); }, this.message_time); }; // make a message row disapear this.hide_message = function(fade) { if (this.gui_objects.message) $(this.gui_objects.message).unbind()[(fade?'fadeOut':'hide')](); }; // mark a mailbox as selected and set environment variable this.select_folder = function(name, old) { if (this.gui_objects.folderlist) { var current_li, target_li; if ((current_li = this.get_folder_li(old))) { $(current_li).removeClass('selected').removeClass('unfocused'); } if ((target_li = this.get_folder_li(name))) { $(target_li).removeClass('unfocused').addClass('selected'); } // trigger event hook this.triggerEvent('selectfolder', { folder:name, old:old }); } }; // helper method to find a folder list item this.get_folder_li = function(name) { if (this.gui_objects.folderlist) { name = String(name).replace(this.identifier_expr, '_'); return document.getElementById('rcmli'+name); } return null; }; // for reordering column array, Konqueror workaround this.set_message_coltypes = function(coltypes) { this.coltypes = coltypes; // set correct list titles var cell, col; var thead = this.gui_objects.messagelist ? this.gui_objects.messagelist.tHead : null; for (var n=0; thead && n<this.coltypes.length; n++) { col = this.coltypes[n]; if ((cell = thead.rows[0].cells[n+1]) && (col=='from' || col=='to')) { // if we have links for sorting, it's a bit more complicated... if (cell.firstChild && cell.firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase()=='a') { cell.firstChild.innerHTML = this.get_label(this.coltypes[n]); cell.firstChild.onclick = function(){ return rcmail.command('sort', this.__col, this); }; cell.firstChild.__col = col; } else cell.innerHTML = this.get_label(this.coltypes[n]); cell.id = 'rcm'+col; } else if (col == 'subject' && this.message_list) this.message_list.subject_col = n+1; } }; // create a table row in the message list this.add_message_row = function(uid, cols, flags, attachment, attop) { if (!this.gui_objects.messagelist || !this.message_list) return false; if (this.message_list.background) var tbody = this.message_list.background; else var tbody = this.gui_objects.messagelist.tBodies[0]; var rowcount = tbody.rows.length; var even = rowcount%2; this.env.messages[uid] = { deleted: flags.deleted?1:0, replied: flags.replied?1:0, unread: flags.unread?1:0, forwarded: flags.forwarded?1:0, flagged:flags.flagged?1:0 }; var css_class = 'message' + (even ? ' even' : ' odd') + (flags.unread ? ' unread' : '') + (flags.deleted ? ' deleted' : '') + (flags.flagged ? ' flagged' : '') + (this.message_list.in_selection(uid) ? ' selected' : ''); // for performance use DOM instead of jQuery here var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.id = 'rcmrow'+uid; row.className = css_class; var icon = this.env.messageicon; if (flags.deleted && this.env.deletedicon) icon = this.env.deletedicon; else if (flags.replied && this.env.repliedicon) { if (flags.forwarded && this.env.forwardedrepliedicon) icon = this.env.forwardedrepliedicon; else icon = this.env.repliedicon; } else if (flags.forwarded && this.env.forwardedicon) icon = this.env.forwardedicon; else if(flags.unread && this.env.unreadicon) icon = this.env.unreadicon; // add icon col var col = document.createElement('td'); col.className = 'icon'; col.innerHTML = icon ? '<img src="'+icon+'" alt="" />' : ''; row.appendChild(col); // add each submitted col for (var n = 0; n < this.coltypes.length; n++) { var c = this.coltypes[n]; col = document.createElement('td'); col.className = String(c).toLowerCase(); if (c=='flag') { if (flags.flagged && this.env.flaggedicon) col.innerHTML = '<img src="'+this.env.flaggedicon+'" alt="" />'; else if(!flags.flagged && this.env.unflaggedicon) col.innerHTML = '<img src="'+this.env.unflaggedicon+'" alt="" />'; } else if (c=='attachment') col.innerHTML = (attachment && this.env.attachmenticon ? '<img src="'+this.env.attachmenticon+'" alt="" />' : ' '); else col.innerHTML = cols[c]; row.appendChild(col); } this.message_list.insert_row(row, attop); // remove 'old' row if (attop && this.env.pagesize && this.message_list.rowcount > this.env.pagesize) { var uid = this.message_list.get_last_row(); this.message_list.remove_row(uid); this.message_list.clear_selection(uid); } }; // messages list handling in background (for performance) this.offline_message_list = function(flag) { if (this.message_list) this.message_list.set_background_mode(flag); }; // replace content of row count display this.set_rowcount = function(text) { $(this.gui_objects.countdisplay).html(text); // update page navigation buttons this.set_page_buttons(); }; // replace content of mailboxname display this.set_mailboxname = function(content) { if (this.gui_objects.mailboxname && content) this.gui_objects.mailboxname.innerHTML = content; }; // replace content of quota display this.set_quota = function(content) { if (content && this.gui_objects.quotadisplay) $(this.gui_objects.quotadisplay).html(content); }; // update the mailboxlist this.set_unread_count = function(mbox, count, set_title) { if (!this.gui_objects.mailboxlist) return false; this.env.unread_counts[mbox] = count; this.set_unread_count_display(mbox, set_title); } // update the mailbox count display this.set_unread_count_display = function(mbox, set_title) { var reg, text_obj, item, mycount, childcount, div; if (item = this.get_folder_li(mbox)) { mycount = this.env.unread_counts[mbox] ? this.env.unread_counts[mbox] : 0; text_obj = item.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; reg = /\s+\([0-9]+\)$/i; childcount = 0; if ((div = item.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]) && div.className.match(/collapsed/)) { // add children's counters for (var k in this.env.unread_counts) if (k.indexOf(mbox + this.env.delimiter) == 0) childcount += this.env.unread_counts[k]; } if (mycount && text_obj.innerHTML.match(reg)) text_obj.innerHTML = text_obj.innerHTML.replace(reg, ' ('+mycount+')'); else if (mycount) text_obj.innerHTML += ' ('+mycount+')'; else text_obj.innerHTML = text_obj.innerHTML.replace(reg, ''); // set parent's display reg = new RegExp(RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter) + '[^' + RegExp.escape(this.env.delimiter) + ']+$'); if (mbox.match(reg)) this.set_unread_count_display(mbox.replace(reg, ''), false); // set the right classes if ((mycount+childcount)>0) $(item).addClass('unread'); else $(item).removeClass('unread'); } // set unread count to window title reg = /^\([0-9]+\)\s+/i; if (set_title && document.title) { var doc_title = String(document.title); var new_title = ""; if (mycount && doc_title.match(reg)) new_title = doc_title.replace(reg, '('+mycount+') '); else if (mycount) new_title = '('+mycount+') '+doc_title; else new_title = doc_title.replace(reg, ''); this.set_pagetitle(new_title); } }; // notifies that a new message(s) has hit the mailbox this.new_message_focus = function() { // focus main window if (this.env.framed && window.parent) window.parent.focus(); else window.focus(); } this.toggle_prefer_html = function(checkbox) { var addrbook_show_images; if (addrbook_show_images = document.getElementById('rcmfd_addrbook_show_images')) addrbook_show_images.disabled = !checkbox.checked; } // display fetched raw headers this.set_headers = function(content) { if (this.gui_objects.all_headers_row && this.gui_objects.all_headers_box && content) { $(this.gui_objects.all_headers_box).html(content).show(); if (this.env.framed && parent.rcmail) parent.rcmail.set_busy(false); else this.set_busy(false); } }; // display all-headers row and fetch raw message headers this.load_headers = function(elem) { if (!this.gui_objects.all_headers_row || !this.gui_objects.all_headers_box || !this.env.uid) return; $(elem).removeClass('show-headers').addClass('hide-headers'); $(this.gui_objects.all_headers_row).show(); elem.onclick = function() { rcmail.hide_headers(elem); } // fetch headers only once if (!this.gui_objects.all_headers_box.innerHTML) { this.display_message(this.get_label('loading'), 'loading', true); this.http_post('headers', '_uid='+this.env.uid); } } // hide all-headers row this.hide_headers = function(elem) { if (!this.gui_objects.all_headers_row || !this.gui_objects.all_headers_box) return; $(elem).removeClass('hide-headers').addClass('show-headers'); $(this.gui_objects.all_headers_row).hide(); elem.onclick = function() { rcmail.load_headers(elem); } } /********************************************************/ /********* html to text conversion functions *********/ /********************************************************/ this.html2plain = function(htmlText, id) { var url = this.env.bin_path+'html2text.php'; var rcmail = this; this.set_busy(true, 'converting'); console.log('HTTP POST: '+url); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: htmlText, contentType: 'application/octet-stream', error: function(o) { rcmail.http_error(o); }, success: function(data) { rcmail.set_busy(false); $(document.getElementById(id)).val(data); console.log(data); } }); } this.plain2html = function(plainText, id) { this.set_busy(true, 'converting'); $(document.getElementById(id)).val('<pre>'+plainText+'</pre>'); this.set_busy(false); } /********************************************************/ /********* remote request methods *********/ /********************************************************/ this.redirect = function(url, lock) { if (lock || lock === null) this.set_busy(true); if (this.env.framed && window.parent) parent.location.href = url; else location.href = url; }; this.goto_url = function(action, query, lock) { var querystring = query ? '&'+query : ''; this.redirect(this.env.comm_path+'&_action='+action+querystring, lock); }; // send a http request to the server this.http_request = function(action, querystring, lock) { querystring += (querystring ? '&' : '') + '_remote=1'; var url = this.env.comm_path + '&_action=' + action + '&' + querystring // send request console.log('HTTP POST: ' + url); jQuery.get(url, { _unlock:(lock?1:0) }, function(data){ ref.http_response(data); }, 'json'); }; // send a http POST request to the server this.http_post = function(action, postdata, lock) { var url = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=' + action; if (postdata && typeof(postdata) == 'object') { postdata._remote = 1; postdata._unlock = (lock ? 1 : 0); } else postdata += (postdata ? '&' : '') + '_remote=1' + (lock ? '&_unlock=1' : ''); // send request console.log('HTTP POST: ' + url); jQuery.post(url, postdata, function(data){ ref.http_response(data); }, 'json'); }; // handle HTTP response this.http_response = function(response) { var console_msg = ''; if (response.unlock) this.set_busy(false); // set env vars if (response.env) this.set_env(response.env); // we have labels to add if (typeof response.texts == 'object') { for (var name in response.texts) if (typeof response.texts[name] == 'string') this.add_label(name, response.texts[name]); } // if we get javascript code from server -> execute it if (response.exec) { console.log(response.exec); eval(response.exec); } // execute callback functions of plugins if (response.callbacks && response.callbacks.length) { for (var i=0; i < response.callbacks.length; i++) this.triggerEvent(response.callbacks[i][0], response.callbacks[i][1]); } // process the response data according to the sent action switch (response.action) { case 'delete': if (this.task == 'addressbook') { var uid = this.contact_list.get_selection(); this.enable_command('compose', (uid && this.contact_list.rows[uid])); this.enable_command('delete', 'edit', (uid && this.contact_list.rows[uid] && this.env.address_sources && !this.env.address_sources[this.env.source].readonly)); this.enable_command('export', (this.contact_list && this.contact_list.rowcount > 0)); } case 'moveto': if (this.env.action == 'show') { // re-enable commands on move/delete error this.enable_command('reply', 'reply-all', 'forward', 'delete', 'mark', 'print', 'open', 'edit', 'viewsource', 'download', true); } else if (this.message_list) this.message_list.init(); break; case 'purge': case 'expunge': if (!this.env.messagecount && this.task == 'mail') { // clear preview pane content if (this.env.contentframe) this.show_contentframe(false); // disable commands useless when mailbox is empty this.enable_command('show', 'reply', 'reply-all', 'forward', 'moveto', 'delete', 'mark', 'viewsource', 'open', 'edit', 'download', 'print', 'load-attachment', 'purge', 'expunge', 'select-all', 'select-none', 'sort', false); } break; case 'check-recent': case 'getunread': case 'list': if (this.task == 'mail') { if (this.message_list && response.action == 'list') this.msglist_select(this.message_list); this.enable_command('show', 'expunge', 'select-all', 'select-none', 'sort', (this.env.messagecount > 0)); this.enable_command('purge', this.purge_mailbox_test()); if (response.action == 'list') this.triggerEvent('listupdate', { folder:this.env.mailbox, rowcount:this.message_list.rowcount }); } else if (this.task == 'addressbook') { this.enable_command('export', (this.contact_list && this.contact_list.rowcount > 0)); if (response.action == 'list') this.triggerEvent('listupdate', { folder:this.env.source, rowcount:this.contact_list.rowcount }); } break; } }; // handle HTTP request errors this.http_error = function(request, status, err) { var errmsg = request.statusText; this.set_busy(false); request.abort(); if (errmsg) this.display_message(this.get_label('servererror') + ' (' + errmsg + ')', 'error'); }; // use an image to send a keep-alive siganl to the server this.send_keep_alive = function() { var d = new Date(); this.http_request('keep-alive', '_t='+d.getTime()); }; // send periodic request to check for recent messages this.check_for_recent = function(setbusy) { if (this.busy) return; if (setbusy) this.set_busy(true, 'checkingmail'); var addurl = '_t=' + (new Date().getTime()); if (this.gui_objects.messagelist) addurl += '&_list=1'; if (this.gui_objects.quotadisplay) addurl += '&_quota=1'; if (this.env.search_request) addurl += '&_search=' + this.env.search_request; this.http_request('check-recent', addurl, true); }; /********************************************************/ /********* helper methods *********/ /********************************************************/ // check if we're in show mode or if we have a unique selection // and return the message uid this.get_single_uid = function() { return this.env.uid ? this.env.uid : (this.message_list ? this.message_list.get_single_selection() : null); }; // same as above but for contacts this.get_single_cid = function() { return this.env.cid ? this.env.cid : (this.contact_list ? this.contact_list.get_single_selection() : null); }; this.get_caret_pos = function(obj) { if (typeof(obj.selectionEnd)!='undefined') return obj.selectionEnd; else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { var range = document.selection.createRange(); if (range.parentElement()!=obj) return 0; var gm = range.duplicate(); if (obj.tagName=='TEXTAREA') gm.moveToElementText(obj); else gm.expand('textedit'); gm.setEndPoint('EndToStart', range); var p = gm.text.length; return p<=obj.value.length ? p : -1; } else return obj.value.length; }; this.set_caret_pos = function(obj, pos) { if (obj.setSelectionRange) obj.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); else if (obj.createTextRange) { var range = obj.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', pos); range.moveStart('character', pos); range.select(); } } // set all fields of a form disabled this.lock_form = function(form, lock) { if (!form || !form.elements) return; var type; for (var n=0; n<form.elements.length; n++) { type = form.elements[n]; if (type=='hidden') continue; form.elements[n].disabled = lock; } }; } // end object rcube_webmail // copy event engine prototype rcube_webmail.prototype.addEventListener = rcube_event_engine.prototype.addEventListener; rcube_webmail.prototype.removeEventListener = rcube_event_engine.prototype.removeEventListener; rcube_webmail.prototype.triggerEvent = rcube_event_engine.prototype.triggerEvent;