| // | Bert Dawson | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Original PHP Author: Alan Richmond | // | David Huyck | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Special note concerning code documentation: | // | QuerySim was originally created for use during development of | // | applications built using the Fusebox framework. (www.fusebox.org) | // | Fusebox uses an XML style of documentation called Fusedoc. (Which | // | is admittedly not well suited to documenting classes and functions. | // | This short-coming is being addressed by the Fusebox community.) PEAR | // | uses a Javadoc style of documentation called PHPDoc. (www.phpdoc.de) | // | Since this class extension spans two groups of users, it is asked | // | that the members of each respect the documentation standard of the | // | other. So it is a further requirement that both documentation | // | standards be included and maintained. If assistance is required | // | please contact Alan Richmond. | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id$ // /* I take information and turn it into a recordset that can be accessed through the PEAR MDB2 API. Based on Hal Helms' QuerySim.cfm ColdFusion custom tag available at halhelms.com. Extensive revision that is backwardly compatible but eliminates the need for a separate .sim file. Rewrote in PHP as an extention to the PEAR DB API. Functions supported: connect, disconnect, query, fetchRow, freeResult, numCols, numRows, getSpecialQuery David Huyck (bombusbee.com) added ability to escape special characters (i.e., delimiters) using a '\'. Extended PEAR DB options[] for adding incoming parameters. Added options: columnDelim, dataDelim, eolDelim Added the ability to set the QuerySim options at runtime. Default options are: 'columnDelim' => ',', // Commas split the column names 'dataDelim' => '|', // Pipes split the data fields 'eolDelim' => chr(13).chr(10) // Carriage returns split the // lines of data Affected functions are: DB_querysim(): set the default options when the constructor method is called _parseQuerySim($query): altered the parsing of lines, column names, and data fields _empty2null: altered the way this function is called to simplify calling it Added error catching for malformed QuerySim text. Bug fix _empty2null(): altered version was returning unmodified lineData. Cleanup: PEAR compliant formatting, finished PHPDocs and added 'out' to Fusedoc 'io'. Broke up _parseQuerySim() into _buildResult() and _parseOnDelim() to containerize duplicate parse code. Edited the _buildResult() and _parseOnDelim() functions to improve reliability of special character escaping. Re-introduced a custom setOption() method to throw an error when a person tries to set one of the delimiters to '\'. Added '/' delimiter param to preg_quote() in _empty2null() and _parseOnDelim() so '/' can be used as a delimiter. Added error check for columnDelim == eolDelim or dataDelim == eolDelim. Renamed some variables for consistancy. Removed protected function _empty2null(). Turns out preg_split() deals with empty elemants by making them zero length strings, just what they ended up being anyway. This should speed things up a little. Affected functions: _parseOnDelim() perform trim on line here, instead of in _empty2null(). _buildResult() remove call to _empty2null(). _empty2null() removed function. Ported to PEAR MDB2. Methods supported: connect, query, getColumnNames, numCols, valid, fetch, numRows, free, fetchRow, nextResult, setLimit (inherited). Changed default eolDelim to a *nix file eol, since we're trimming the result anyway, it makes no difference for Windows. Now only Mac file eols should need to be set (and other kinds of chars). Got WAY too long. See querysim_readme.txt for instructions and some examples. io section only documents elements of DB_result that DB_querysim uses, adds or changes; see MDB2 and MDB2_Driver_Common for more info. io section uses some elements that are not Fusedoc 2.0 compliant: object and resource. */ /** * MDB2 QuerySim driver * * @package MDB2 * @category Database * @author Alan Richmond */ class MDB2_Driver_querysim extends MDB2_Driver_Common { // {{{ properties var $escape_quotes = "\\"; // }}} // {{{ constructor /** * Constructor */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->phptype = 'querysim'; $this->dbsyntax = 'querysim'; // Most of these are dummies to simulate availability if checked $this->supported['sequences'] = 'emulated'; $this->supported['indexes'] = true; $this->supported['affected_rows'] = false; $this->supported['summary_functions'] = false; $this->supported['order_by_text'] = false; $this->supported['current_id'] = 'emulated'; $this->supported['limit_queries'] = true;// this one is real $this->supported['LOBs'] = true; $this->supported['replace'] = 'emulated'; $this->supported['sub_selects'] = 'emulated'; $this->supported['transactions'] = false; $this->supported['auto_increment'] = false; $this->supported['primary_key'] = false; $this->options['columnDelim'] = ','; $this->options['dataDelim'] = '|'; $this->options['eolDelim'] = "\n"; } // }}} // {{{ connect() /** * Open a file or simulate a successful database connect * * @access public * * @return mixed MDB2_OK string on success, a MDB2 error object on failure */ function connect() { if (is_resource($this->connection)) { if ($this->connected_database_name == $this->database_name && ($this->opened_persistent == $this->options['persistent']) ) { return MDB2_OK; } if ($this->connected_database_name) { $this->_close($this->connection); } $this->disconnect(); } $connection = 1;// sim connect // if external, check file... if ($this->database_name) { $file = $this->database_name; if (!file_exists($file)) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, null, null, 'file not found'); } if (!is_file($file)) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null, 'not a file'); } if (!is_readable($file)) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION, null, null, 'could not open file - check permissions'); } // ...and open if persistent if ($this->options['persistent']) { $connection = @fopen($file, 'r'); } } $this->connection = $connection; $this->connected_database_name = $this->database_name; $this->opened_persistent = $this->options['persistent']; $this->dbsyntax = $this->dsn['dbsyntax'] ? $this->dsn['dbsyntax'] : $this->phptype; return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ disconnect() /** * Log out and disconnect from the database. * * @return mixed true on success, false if not connected and error * object on error * @access public */ function disconnect() { if (is_resource($this->connection)) { if (($this->opened_persistent) && (is_resource($this->connection))) { if (!@fclose($this->connection)) { return $this->raiseError(); } } $this->connection = 0; } return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ _doQuery() /** * Execute a query * @param string $query query * @param boolean $isManip if the query is a manipulation query * @param resource $connection * @param string $database_name * @return result or error object * @access protected */ function _doQuery($query, $isManip = false, $connection = null, $database_name = null) { if ($isManip) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED); } $this->last_query = $query; $this->debug($query, 'query'); if ($this->options['disable_query']) { return null; } $result = $this->_buildResult($query); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { return $result; } if ($limit > 0) { $result[1] = array_slice($result[1], $offset-1, $limit); } return $result; } // }}} // {{{ _readFile() /** * Read an external file * * @param string filepath/filename * * @access protected * * @return string the contents of a file */ function _readFile() { $buffer = ''; if ($this->opened_persistent) { while (!feof($this->connection)) { $buffer.= fgets($this->connection, 1024); } } else { $this->connection = @fopen($this->connected_database_name, 'r'); while (!feof($this->connection)) { $buffer.= fgets($this->connection, 1024); } $this->connection = @fclose($this->connection); } return $buffer; } // }}} // {{{ _buildResult() /** * Convert QuerySim text into an array * * @param string Text of simulated query * * @access protected * * @return multi-dimensional array containing the column names and data * from the QuerySim */ function _buildResult($query) { $eolDelim = $this->options['eolDelim']; $columnDelim = $this->options['columnDelim']; $dataDelim = $this->options['dataDelim']; $columnNames = array(); $data = array(); if ($columnDelim == $eolDelim) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null, 'columnDelim and eolDelim must be different'); } elseif ($dataDelim == $eolDelim){ return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_INVALID, null, null, 'dataDelim and eolDelim must be different'); } $query = trim($query); //tokenize escaped slashes $query = str_replace('\\\\', '[$double-slash$]', $query); if (!strlen($query)) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_SYNTAX, null, null, 'empty querysim text'); } $lineData = $this->_parseOnDelim($query, $eolDelim); //kill the empty last row created by final eol char if it exists if (!strlen(trim($lineData[count($lineData) - 1]))) { unset($lineData[count($lineData) - 1]); } //populate columnNames array $thisLine = each($lineData); $columnNames = $this->_parseOnDelim($thisLine[1], $columnDelim); if ((in_array('', $columnNames)) || (in_array('NULL', $columnNames))) { return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_SYNTAX, null, null, 'all column names must be defined'); } //replace double-slash tokens with single-slash $columnNames = str_replace('[$double-slash$]', '\\', $columnNames); $columnCount = count($columnNames); $rowNum = 0; //loop through data lines if (count($lineData) > 1) { while ($thisLine = each($lineData)) { $thisData = $this->_parseOnDelim($thisLine[1], $dataDelim); $thisDataCount = count($thisData); if ($thisDataCount != $columnCount) { $fileLineNo = $rowNum + 2; return $this->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_SYNTAX, null, null, "number of data elements ($thisDataCount) in line $fileLineNo not equal to number of defined columns ($columnCount)"); } //loop through data elements in data line foreach ($thisData as $thisElement) { if (strtoupper($thisElement) == 'NULL'){ $thisElement = ''; } //replace double-slash tokens with single-slash $data[$rowNum][] = str_replace('[$double-slash$]', '\\', $thisElement); }//end foreach ++$rowNum; }//end while }//end if return array($columnNames, $data); }//end function _buildResult() // }}} // {{{ _parseOnDelim() /** * Split QuerySim string into an array on a delimiter * * @param string $thisLine Text of simulated query * @param string $delim The delimiter to split on * * @access protected * * @return array containing parsed string */ function _parseOnDelim($thisLine, $delim) { $delimQuoted = preg_quote($delim, '/'); $thisLine = trim($thisLine); $parsed = preg_split('/(?options['eolDelim']) { //replaces escape chars $parsed = preg_replace('/\\\\/', '', $parsed); } return $parsed; } // }}} } class MDB2_Result_querysim extends MDB2_Result_Common { // }}} // {{{ fetchRow() /** * Fetch a row and insert the data into an existing array. * * @param int $fetchmode how the array data should be indexed * @param int $rownum number of the row where the data can be found * @return int data array on success, a MDB2 error on failure * @access public */ function &fetchRow($fetchmode = MDB2_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, $rownum = null) { if (is_null($this->result)) { $err =& $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA, null, null, 'fetchRow: resultset has already been freed'); return $err; } if (!is_null($rownum)) { $seek = $this->seek($rownum); if (PEAR::isError($seek)) { return $seek; } } $target_rownum = $this->rownum + 1; if ($fetchmode == MDB2_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT) { $fetchmode = $this->db->fetchmode; } if (!isset($this->result[1][$target_rownum])) { $null = null; return $null; } $row = $this->result[1][$target_rownum]; // make row associative if ($fetchmode & MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC) { $column_names = $this->getColumnNames(); foreach ($column_names as $name => $i) { $column_names[$name] = $row[$i]; } $row = $column_names; } if (($mode = ($this->db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_RTRIM) + ($this->db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_EMPTY_TO_NULL)) ) { $this->db->_fixResultArrayValues($row, $mode); } if (!empty($this->values)) { $this->_assignBindColumns($row); } if (!empty($this->types)) { $row = $this->db->datatype->convertResultRow($this->types, $row); } if ($fetchmode === MDB2_FETCHMODE_OBJECT) { $object_class = $this->db->options['fetch_class']; if ($object_class == 'stdClass') { $row = (object) $row; } else { $row = &new $object_class($row); } } ++$this->rownum; return $row; } // }}} // {{{ _getColumnNames() /** * Retrieve the names of columns returned by the DBMS in a query result. * * @return mixed an associative array variable * that will hold the names of columns. The * indexes of the array are the column names * mapped to lower case and the values are the * respective numbers of the columns starting * from 0. Some DBMS may not return any * columns when the result set does not * contain any rows. * * a MDB2 error on failure * @access private */ function _getColumnNames() { if (is_null($this->result)) { return $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA, null, null, 'getColumnNames: resultset has already been freed'); } $columns = array_flip($this->result[0]); if ($this->db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE) { $columns = array_change_key_case($columns, $this->db->options['field_case']); } return $columns; } // }}} // {{{ numCols() /** * Count the number of columns returned by the DBMS in a query result. * * @access public * @return mixed integer value with the number of columns, a MDB2 error * on failure */ function numCols() { if (is_null($this->result)) { return $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA, null, null, 'numCols: resultset has already been freed'); } $cols = count($this->result[0]); return $cols; } } class MDB2_BufferedResult_querysim extends MDB2_Result_querysim { // {{{ seek() /** * seek to a specific row in a result set * * @param int $rownum number of the row where the data can be found * @return mixed MDB2_OK on success, a MDB2 error on failure * @access public */ function seek($rownum = 0) { if (is_null($this->result)) { return $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA, null, null, 'seek: resultset has already been freed'); } $this->rownum = $rownum - 1; return MDB2_OK; } // }}} // {{{ valid() /** * check if the end of the result set has been reached * * @return mixed true or false on sucess, a MDB2 error on failure * @access public */ function valid() { $numrows = $this->numRows(); if (PEAR::isError($numrows)) { return $numrows; } return $this->rownum < ($numrows - 1); } // }}} // {{{ numRows() /** * returns the number of rows in a result object * * @return mixed MDB2 Error Object or the number of rows * @access public */ function numRows() { if (is_null($this->result)) { return $this->db->raiseError(MDB2_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA, null, null, 'numRows: resultset has already been freed'); } $rows = count($this->result[1]); return $rows; } } class MDB2_Statement_querysim extends MDB2_Statement_Common { } ?>