| | Jeroen van Meeuwen | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /** * Model class representing an LDAP search result * * @package LDAP */ class Net_LDAP3_Result implements Iterator { protected $conn; protected $base_dn; protected $filter; protected $scope; private $count; private $current; private $iteratorkey = 0; /** * Default constructor * * @param resource $conn LDAP link identifier * @param string $base_dn Base DN used to get this result * @param string $filter Filter query used to get this result * @param string $scope Scope of the result * @param resource $result LDAP result entry identifier */ function __construct($conn, $base_dn, $filter, $scope, $result) { $this->conn = $conn; $this->base_dn = $base_dn; $this->filter = $filter; $this->scope = $scope; $this->result = $result; } public function get($property, $default = null) { if (isset($this->$property)) { return $this->$property; } else { return $default; } } public function set($property, $value) { $this->$property = $value; } /** * */ public function sort($attr) { return ldap_sort($this->conn, $this->result, $attr); } /** * */ public function count() { if (!isset($this->count)) $this->count = ldap_count_entries($this->conn, $this->result); return $this->count; } /** * */ public function entries($normalize = false) { $entries = ldap_get_entries($this->conn, $this->result); if ($normalize) { return Net_LDAP3::normalize_result($entries); } return $entries; } /*** Implement PHP 5 Iterator interface to make foreach work ***/ function current() { $attrib = ldap_get_attributes($this->conn, $this->current); $attrib['dn'] = ldap_get_dn($this->conn, $this->current); return $attrib; } function key() { return $this->iteratorkey; } function rewind() { $this->iteratorkey = 0; $this->current = ldap_first_entry($this->conn, $this->result); } function next() { $this->iteratorkey++; $this->current = ldap_next_entry($this->conn, $this->current); } function valid() { return (bool)$this->current; } }