<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2005-2014, The Roundcube Dev Team | | Copyright (C) 2011, Kolab Systems AG | | | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or | | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. | | See the README file for a full license statement. | | | | PURPOSE: | | Provide database supported session management | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | | Author: Aleksander Machniak <alec@alec.pl> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /** * Class to provide database supported session storage * * @package Framework * @subpackage Core * @author Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> * @author Aleksander Machniak <alec@alec.pl> */ class rcube_session { private $db; private $ip; private $start; private $changed; private $time_diff = 0; private $reloaded = false; private $appends = array(); private $unsets = array(); private $gc_handlers = array(); private $cookiename = 'roundcube_sessauth'; private $vars; private $key; private $now; private $secret = ''; private $ip_check = false; private $logging = false; private $storage; private $memcache; /** * Blocks session data from being written to database. * Can be used if write-race conditions are to be expected * @var boolean */ public $nowrite = false; /** * Default constructor */ public function __construct($db, $config) { $this->db = $db; $this->start = microtime(true); $this->ip = rcube_utils::remote_addr(); $this->logging = $config->get('log_session', false); $lifetime = $config->get('session_lifetime', 1) * 60; $this->set_lifetime($lifetime); // use memcache backend $this->storage = $config->get('session_storage', 'db'); if ($this->storage == 'memcache') { $this->memcache = rcube::get_instance()->get_memcache(); // set custom functions for PHP session management if memcache is available if ($this->memcache) { ini_set('session.serialize_handler', 'php'); session_set_save_handler( array($this, 'open'), array($this, 'close'), array($this, 'mc_read'), array($this, 'mc_write'), array($this, 'mc_destroy'), array($this, 'gc')); } else { rcube::raise_error(array('code' => 604, 'type' => 'db', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__, 'message' => "Failed to connect to memcached. Please check configuration"), true, true); } } else if ($this->storage != 'php') { ini_set('session.serialize_handler', 'php'); // set custom functions for PHP session management session_set_save_handler( array($this, 'open'), array($this, 'close'), array($this, 'db_read'), array($this, 'db_write'), array($this, 'db_destroy'), array($this, 'gc')); $this->table_name = $this->db->table_name('session', true); } } /** * Wrapper for session_start() */ public function start() { session_start(); // copy some session properties to object vars if ($this->storage == 'php') { $this->key = session_id(); $this->ip = $_SESSION['__IP']; $this->changed = $_SESSION['__MTIME']; } } public function open($save_path, $session_name) { return true; } public function close() { return true; } /** * Delete session data for the given key * * @param string Session ID */ public function destroy($key) { return $this->memcache ? $this->mc_destroy($key) : $this->db_destroy($key); } /** * Wrapper for session_write_close() */ public function write_close() { if ($this->storage == 'php') { $_SESSION['__IP'] = $this->ip; $_SESSION['__MTIME'] = time(); } session_write_close(); // write_close() is called on script shutdown, see rcube::shutdown() // execute cleanup functionality if enabled by session gc handler // we do this after closing the session for better performance $this->gc_shutdown(); } /** * Read session data from database * * @param string Session ID * * @return string Session vars */ public function db_read($key) { $sql_result = $this->db->query( "SELECT `vars`, `ip`, `changed`, " . $this->db->now() . " AS ts" . " FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE `sess_id` = ?", $key); if ($sql_result && ($sql_arr = $this->db->fetch_assoc($sql_result))) { $this->time_diff = time() - strtotime($sql_arr['ts']); $this->changed = strtotime($sql_arr['changed']); $this->ip = $sql_arr['ip']; $this->vars = base64_decode($sql_arr['vars']); $this->key = $key; return !empty($this->vars) ? (string) $this->vars : ''; } return null; } /** * Save session data. * handler for session_read() * * @param string Session ID * @param string Serialized session vars * * @return boolean True on success */ public function db_write($key, $vars) { $now = $this->db->now(); $ts = microtime(true); if ($this->nowrite) return true; // no session row in DB (db_read() returns false) if (!$this->key) { $oldvars = null; } // use internal data from read() for fast requests (up to 0.5 sec.) else if ($key == $this->key && (!$this->vars || $ts - $this->start < 0.5)) { $oldvars = $this->vars; } else { // else read data again from DB $oldvars = $this->db_read($key); } if ($oldvars !== null) { $newvars = $this->_fixvars($vars, $oldvars); if ($newvars !== $oldvars) { $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table_name} " . "SET `changed` = $now, `vars` = ? WHERE `sess_id` = ?", base64_encode($newvars), $key); } else if ($ts - $this->changed + $this->time_diff > $this->lifetime / 2) { $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table_name} SET `changed` = $now" . " WHERE `sess_id` = ?", $key); } } else { $this->db->query("INSERT INTO {$this->table_name}" . " (`sess_id`, `vars`, `ip`, `created`, `changed`)" . " VALUES (?, ?, ?, $now, $now)", $key, base64_encode($vars), (string)$this->ip); } return true; } /** * Merge vars with old vars and apply unsets */ private function _fixvars($vars, $oldvars) { if ($oldvars !== null) { $a_oldvars = $this->unserialize($oldvars); if (is_array($a_oldvars)) { // remove unset keys on oldvars foreach ((array)$this->unsets as $var) { if (isset($a_oldvars[$var])) { unset($a_oldvars[$var]); } else { $path = explode('.', $var); $k = array_pop($path); $node = &$this->get_node($path, $a_oldvars); unset($node[$k]); } } $newvars = $this->serialize(array_merge( (array)$a_oldvars, (array)$this->unserialize($vars))); } else { $newvars = $vars; } } $this->unsets = array(); return $newvars; } /** * Handler for session_destroy() * * @param string Session ID * * @return boolean True on success */ public function db_destroy($key) { if ($key) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE `sess_id` = ?", $key); } return true; } /** * Read session data from memcache * * @param string Session ID * @return string Session vars */ public function mc_read($key) { if ($value = $this->memcache->get($key)) { $arr = unserialize($value); $this->changed = $arr['changed']; $this->ip = $arr['ip']; $this->vars = $arr['vars']; $this->key = $key; return !empty($this->vars) ? (string) $this->vars : ''; } return null; } /** * Save session data. * handler for session_read() * * @param string Session ID * @param string Serialized session vars * * @return boolean True on success */ public function mc_write($key, $vars) { $ts = microtime(true); // no session data in cache (mc_read() returns false) if (!$this->key) $oldvars = null; // use internal data for fast requests (up to 0.5 sec.) else if ($key == $this->key && (!$this->vars || $ts - $this->start < 0.5)) $oldvars = $this->vars; else // else read data again $oldvars = $this->mc_read($key); $newvars = $oldvars !== null ? $this->_fixvars($vars, $oldvars) : $vars; if ($newvars !== $oldvars || $ts - $this->changed > $this->lifetime / 3) { return $this->memcache->set($key, serialize(array('changed' => time(), 'ip' => $this->ip, 'vars' => $newvars)), MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, $this->lifetime + 60); } return true; } /** * Handler for session_destroy() with memcache backend * * @param string Session ID * * @return boolean True on success */ public function mc_destroy($key) { if ($key) { // #1488592: use 2nd argument $this->memcache->delete($key, 0); } return true; } /** * Execute registered garbage collector routines */ public function gc($maxlifetime) { // move gc execution to the script shutdown function // see rcube::shutdown() and rcube_session::write_close() return $this->gc_enabled = $maxlifetime; } /** * Register additional garbage collector functions * * @param mixed Callback function */ public function register_gc_handler($func) { foreach ($this->gc_handlers as $handler) { if ($handler == $func) { return; } } $this->gc_handlers[] = $func; } /** * Garbage collector handler to run on script shutdown */ protected function gc_shutdown() { if ($this->gc_enabled) { // just delete all expired sessions if ($this->storage == 'db') { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table_name}" . " WHERE `changed` < " . $this->db->now(-$this->gc_enabled)); } foreach ($this->gc_handlers as $fct) { call_user_func($fct); } } } /** * Generate and set new session id * * @param boolean $destroy If enabled the current session will be destroyed */ public function regenerate_id($destroy=true) { session_regenerate_id($destroy); $this->vars = null; $this->key = session_id(); return true; } /** * Append the given value to the certain node in the session data array * * @param string Path denoting the session variable where to append the value * @param string Key name under which to append the new value (use null for appending to an indexed list) * @param mixed Value to append to the session data array */ public function append($path, $key, $value) { // re-read session data from DB because it might be outdated if (!$this->reloaded && microtime(true) - $this->start > 0.5) { $this->reload(); $this->reloaded = true; $this->start = microtime(true); } $node = &$this->get_node(explode('.', $path), $_SESSION); if ($key !== null) { $node[$key] = $value; $path .= '.' . $key; } else { $node[] = $value; } $this->appends[] = $path; // when overwriting a previously unset variable if ($this->unsets[$path]) unset($this->unsets[$path]); } /** * Unset a session variable * * @param string Variable name (can be a path denoting a certain node in the session array, e.g. compose.attachments.5) * @return boolean True on success */ public function remove($var=null) { if (empty($var)) { return $this->destroy(session_id()); } $this->unsets[] = $var; if (isset($_SESSION[$var])) { unset($_SESSION[$var]); } else { $path = explode('.', $var); $key = array_pop($path); $node = &$this->get_node($path, $_SESSION); unset($node[$key]); } return true; } /** * Kill this session */ public function kill() { $this->vars = null; $this->ip = rcube_utils::remote_addr(); // update IP (might have changed) $this->destroy(session_id()); rcube_utils::setcookie($this->cookiename, '-del-', time() - 60); } /** * Re-read session data from storage backend */ public function reload() { // collect updated data from previous appends $merge_data = array(); foreach ((array)$this->appends as $var) { $path = explode('.', $var); $value = $this->get_node($path, $_SESSION); $k = array_pop($path); $node = &$this->get_node($path, $merge_data); $node[$k] = $value; } if ($this->key && $this->memcache) $data = $this->mc_read($this->key); else if ($this->key) $data = $this->db_read($this->key); if ($data) { session_decode($data); // apply appends and unsets to reloaded data $_SESSION = array_merge_recursive($_SESSION, $merge_data); foreach ((array)$this->unsets as $var) { if (isset($_SESSION[$var])) { unset($_SESSION[$var]); } else { $path = explode('.', $var); $k = array_pop($path); $node = &$this->get_node($path, $_SESSION); unset($node[$k]); } } } } /** * Returns a reference to the node in data array referenced by the given path. * e.g. ['compose','attachments'] will return $_SESSION['compose']['attachments'] */ private function &get_node($path, &$data_arr) { $node = &$data_arr; if (!empty($path)) { foreach ((array)$path as $key) { if (!isset($node[$key])) $node[$key] = array(); $node = &$node[$key]; } } return $node; } /** * Serialize session data */ private function serialize($vars) { $data = ''; if (is_array($vars)) { foreach ($vars as $var=>$value) $data .= $var.'|'.serialize($value); } else { $data = 'b:0;'; } return $data; } /** * Unserialize session data * http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-decode.php#56106 */ private function unserialize($str) { $str = (string)$str; $endptr = strlen($str); $p = 0; $serialized = ''; $items = 0; $level = 0; while ($p < $endptr) { $q = $p; while ($str[$q] != '|') if (++$q >= $endptr) break 2; if ($str[$p] == '!') { $p++; $has_value = false; } else { $has_value = true; } $name = substr($str, $p, $q - $p); $q++; $serialized .= 's:' . strlen($name) . ':"' . $name . '";'; if ($has_value) { for (;;) { $p = $q; switch (strtolower($str[$q])) { case 'n': // null case 'b': // boolean case 'i': // integer case 'd': // decimal do $q++; while ( ($q < $endptr) && ($str[$q] != ';') ); $q++; $serialized .= substr($str, $p, $q - $p); if ($level == 0) break 2; break; case 'r': // reference $q+= 2; for ($id = ''; ($q < $endptr) && ($str[$q] != ';'); $q++) $id .= $str[$q]; $q++; // increment pointer because of outer array $serialized .= 'R:' . ($id + 1) . ';'; if ($level == 0) break 2; break; case 's': // string $q+=2; for ($length=''; ($q < $endptr) && ($str[$q] != ':'); $q++) $length .= $str[$q]; $q+=2; $q+= (int)$length + 2; $serialized .= substr($str, $p, $q - $p); if ($level == 0) break 2; break; case 'a': // array case 'o': // object do $q++; while ($q < $endptr && $str[$q] != '{'); $q++; $level++; $serialized .= substr($str, $p, $q - $p); break; case '}': // end of array|object $q++; $serialized .= substr($str, $p, $q - $p); if (--$level == 0) break 2; break; default: return false; } } } else { $serialized .= 'N;'; $q += 2; } $items++; $p = $q; } return unserialize( 'a:' . $items . ':{' . $serialized . '}' ); } /** * Setter for session lifetime */ public function set_lifetime($lifetime) { $this->lifetime = max(120, $lifetime); // valid time range is now - 1/2 lifetime to now + 1/2 lifetime $now = time(); $this->now = $now - ($now % ($this->lifetime / 2)); } /** * Getter for remote IP saved with this session */ public function get_ip() { return $this->ip; } /** * Setter for cookie encryption secret */ function set_secret($secret) { $this->secret = $secret; } /** * Enable/disable IP check */ function set_ip_check($check) { $this->ip_check = $check; } /** * Setter for the cookie name used for session cookie */ function set_cookiename($cookiename) { if ($cookiename) { $this->cookiename = $cookiename; } } /** * Check session authentication cookie * * @return boolean True if valid, False if not */ function check_auth() { $this->cookie = $_COOKIE[$this->cookiename]; $result = $this->ip_check ? rcube_utils::remote_addr() == $this->ip : true; if (!$result) { $this->log("IP check failed for " . $this->key . "; expected " . $this->ip . "; got " . rcube_utils::remote_addr()); } if ($result && $this->_mkcookie($this->now) != $this->cookie) { $this->log("Session auth check failed for " . $this->key . "; timeslot = " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->now)); $result = false; // Check if using id from a previous time slot for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) { $prev = $this->now - ($this->lifetime / 2) * $i; if ($this->_mkcookie($prev) == $this->cookie) { $this->log("Send new auth cookie for " . $this->key . ": " . $this->cookie); $this->set_auth_cookie(); $result = true; } } } if (!$result) { $this->log("Session authentication failed for " . $this->key . "; invalid auth cookie sent; timeslot = " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $prev)); } return $result; } /** * Set session authentication cookie */ function set_auth_cookie() { $this->cookie = $this->_mkcookie($this->now); rcube_utils::setcookie($this->cookiename, $this->cookie, 0); $_COOKIE[$this->cookiename] = $this->cookie; } /** * Create session cookie from session data * * @param int Time slot to use */ function _mkcookie($timeslot) { $auth_string = "$this->key,$this->secret,$timeslot"; return "S" . (function_exists('sha1') ? sha1($auth_string) : md5($auth_string)); } /** * Writes debug information to the log */ function log($line) { if ($this->logging) { rcube::write_log('session', $line); } } }