<?php /* * tnef_decoder.php * Graham Norbury <gnorbury@bondcar.com> * (c) 2002 (GNU GPL - see ../../COPYING) * * Functions for decoding TNEF attachments in native PHP * * Adapted from original designs by: * Thomas Boll <tb@boll.ch> [tnef.c] * Mark Simpson <damned@world.std.com> [tnef-1.1.1] * */ define("TNEF_SIGNATURE", 0x223e9f78); define("TNEF_LVL_MESSAGE", 0x01); define("TNEF_LVL_ATTACHMENT", 0x02); define("TNEF_STRING", 0x00010000); define("TNEF_TEXT", 0x00020000); define("TNEF_BYTE", 0x00060000); define("TNEF_WORD", 0x00070000); define("TNEF_DWORD", 0x00080000); define("TNEF_ASUBJECT", TNEF_DWORD | 0x8004); define("TNEF_AMCLASS", TNEF_WORD | 0x8008); define("TNEF_BODYTEXT", TNEF_TEXT | 0x800c); define("TNEF_ATTACHDATA", TNEF_BYTE | 0x800f); define("TNEF_AFILENAME", TNEF_STRING | 0x8010); define("TNEF_ARENDDATA", TNEF_BYTE | 0x9002); define("TNEF_AMAPIATTRS", TNEF_BYTE | 0x9005); define("TNEF_AVERSION", TNEF_DWORD | 0x9006); define("TNEF_MAPI_NULL", 0x0001); define("TNEF_MAPI_SHORT", 0x0002); define("TNEF_MAPI_INT", 0x0003); define("TNEF_MAPI_FLOAT", 0x0004); define("TNEF_MAPI_DOUBLE", 0x0005); define("TNEF_MAPI_CURRENCY", 0x0006); define("TNEF_MAPI_APPTIME", 0x0007); define("TNEF_MAPI_ERROR", 0x000a); define("TNEF_MAPI_BOOLEAN", 0x000b); define("TNEF_MAPI_OBJECT", 0x000d); define("TNEF_MAPI_INT8BYTE", 0x0014); define("TNEF_MAPI_STRING", 0x001e); define("TNEF_MAPI_UNICODE_STRING", 0x001f); define("TNEF_MAPI_SYSTIME", 0x0040); define("TNEF_MAPI_CLSID", 0x0048); define("TNEF_MAPI_BINARY", 0x0102); define("TNEF_MAPI_ATTACH_MIME_TAG", 0x370E); define("TNEF_MAPI_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME", 0x3707); define("TNEF_MAPI_ATTACH_DATA", 0x3701); function tnef_getx($size, &$buf) { $value = null; if (strlen($buf) >= $size) { $value = substr($buf, 0, $size); $buf = substr_replace($buf, '', 0, $size); } return $value; } function tnef_geti8(&$buf) { $value = null; if (strlen($buf) >= 1) { $value = ord($buf{0}); $buf = substr_replace($buf, '', 0, 1); } return $value; } function tnef_geti16(&$buf) { $value = null; if (strlen($buf) >= 2) { $value = ord($buf{0}) + (ord($buf{1}) << 8); $buf = substr_replace($buf, '', 0, 2); } return $value; } function tnef_geti32(&$buf) { $value = null; if (strlen($buf) >= 4) { $value = ord($buf{0}) + (ord($buf{1}) << 8) + (ord($buf{2}) << 16) + (ord($buf{3}) << 24); $buf = substr_replace($buf, '', 0, 4); } return $value; } function tnef_decode_attribute($attribute, &$buf) { global $debug; $length = tnef_geti32($buf); $value = tnef_getx($length, $buf); //data tnef_geti16($buf); //checksum if ($debug) { printf("ATTRIBUTE[%08x] %d bytes\n", $attribute, $length); } switch($attribute) { case TNEF_BODYTEXT: if ($debug) { printf("<b>Embedded message:</b><pre>%s</pre>", $value); } break; default: } } function extract_mapi_attrs($buf, &$attachment_data) { global $debug; tnef_geti32($buf); // number of attributes while(strlen($buf) > 0) { $value = null; $length = 0; $attr_type = tnef_geti16($buf); $attr_name = tnef_geti16($buf); if ($debug) { printf("mapi attribute: %04x:%04x\n", $attr_type, $attr_name); } switch($attr_type) { case TNEF_MAPI_SHORT: $value = tnef_geti16($buf); break; case TNEF_MAPI_INT: case TNEF_MAPI_BOOLEAN: $value = tnef_geti32($buf); break; case TNEF_MAPI_FLOAT: $value = tnef_getx(4, $buf); break; case TNEF_MAPI_DOUBLE: case TNEF_MAPI_SYSTIME: $value = tnef_getx(8, $buf); break; case TNEF_MAPI_STRING: case TNEF_MAPI_UNICODE_STRING: case TNEF_MAPI_BINARY: case TNEF_MAPI_OBJECT: $num_vals = tnef_geti32($buf); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_vals; $i++) // usually just 1 { $length = tnef_geti32($buf); $buflen = $length + ((4 - ($length % 4)) % 4); // pad to next 4 byte boundary $value = substr(tnef_getx($buflen, $buf), 0, $length); // read and truncate to length } break; default: if ($debug) { echo("Unknown mapi attribute!\n"); } } // store any interesting attributes switch($attr_name) { case TNEF_MAPI_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME: // used in preference to AFILENAME value $attachment_data[0]['name'] = preg_replace('/.*[\/](.*)$/', '\1', $value); // strip path break; case TNEF_MAPI_ATTACH_MIME_TAG: // Is this ever set, and what is format? $attachment_data[0]['type0'] = preg_replace('/^(.*)\/.*/', '\1', $value); $attachment_data[0]['type1'] = preg_replace('/.*\/(.*)$/', '\1', $value); break; case TNEF_MAPI_ATTACH_DATA: tnef_getx(16, $value); // skip the next 16 bytes (unknown data) array_shift($attachment_data); // eliminate the current (bogus) attachment do_tnef_decode($value, $attachment_data); // recursively process the attached message break; default: } } } function tnef_decode_message(&$buf) { global $debug; if ($debug) { echo("MESSAGE "); } $attribute = tnef_geti32($buf); tnef_decode_attribute($attribute, $buf); } function tnef_decode_attachment(&$buf, &$attachment_data) { global $debug; if ($debug) { echo("ATTACHMENT "); } $attribute = tnef_geti32($buf); switch($attribute) { case TNEF_ARENDDATA: // marks start of new attachment $length = tnef_geti32($buf); tnef_getx($length, $buf); tnef_geti16($buf); //checksum if ($debug) { printf("ARENDDATA[%08x]: %d bytes\n", $attribute, $length); } // add a new default data block to hold details of this attachment // reverse order is easier to handle later! array_unshift($attachment_data, array('type0' => 'application', 'type1' => 'octet-stream', 'name' => 'unknown', 'stream' => '')); break; case TNEF_AFILENAME: // filename $length = tnef_geti32($buf); $attachment_data[0]['name'] = preg_replace('/.*[\/](.*)$/', '\1', tnef_getx($length, $buf)); // strip path tnef_geti16($buf); //checksum if ($debug) { printf("AFILENAME[%08x]: %s\n", $attribute, $attachment_data[0]['name']); } break; case TNEF_ATTACHDATA: // the attachment itself $length = tnef_geti32($buf); $attachment_data[0]['size'] = $length; $attachment_data[0]['stream'] = tnef_getx($length, $buf); tnef_geti16($buf); //checksum if ($debug) { printf("ATTACHDATA[%08x]: %d bytes\n", $attribute, $length); } break; case TNEF_AMAPIATTRS: $length = tnef_geti32($buf); $value = tnef_getx($length, $buf); tnef_geti16($buf); //checksum if ($debug) { printf("AMAPIATTRS[%08x]: %d bytes\n", $attribute, $length); } extract_mapi_attrs($value, $attachment_data); break; default: tnef_decode_attribute($attribute, $buf); } } function do_tnef_decode(&$buf, &$attachment_data) { global $debug; $tnef_signature = tnef_geti32($buf); if ($tnef_signature == TNEF_SIGNATURE) { $tnef_key = tnef_geti16($buf); if ($debug) { printf("Signature: 0x%08x\nKey: 0x%04x\n", $tnef_signature, $tnef_key); } while (strlen($buf) > 0) { $lvl_type = tnef_geti8($buf); switch($lvl_type) { case TNEF_LVL_MESSAGE: tnef_decode_message($buf); break; case TNEF_LVL_ATTACHMENT: tnef_decode_attachment($buf, $attachment_data); break; default: if ($debug) { echo("Invalid file format!"); } break 2; } } } else { if ($debug) { echo("Invalid file format!"); } } } function tnef_decode($buf) { global $debug; $attachment_data = array(); if ($debug) { echo("<pre>"); } do_tnef_decode($buf, $attachment_data); if ($debug) { echo("</pre>"); } return array_reverse($attachment_data); } ?>