Successfully imported $inserted contacts, $skipped existing entries skipped:


'; $messages['opnotpermitted'] = 'Operation not permitted!'; $messages['nofromaddress'] = 'Missing e-mail address in selected identity'; $messages['editorwarning'] = 'Switching to the plain text editor will cause all text formatting to be lost. Do you wish to continue?'; $messages['httpreceivedencrypterror'] = 'A fatal configuration error occurred. Contact your administrator immediately. Your message can not be sent.'; $messages['smtpconnerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Connection to server failed'; $messages['smtpautherror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Authentication failed'; $messages['smtpfromerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Failed to set sender "$from" ($msg)'; $messages['smtptoerror'] = 'SMTP Error ($code): Failed to add recipient "$to" ($msg)'; $messages['smtprecipientserror'] = 'SMTP Error: Unable to parse recipients list'; $messages['smtperror'] = 'SMTP Error: $msg'; $messages['emailformaterror'] = 'Incorrect e-mail address: $email'; $messages['toomanyrecipients'] = 'Too many recipients. Reduce the number of recipients to $max.'; $messages['maxgroupmembersreached'] = 'The number of group members exceeds the maximum of $max'; ?>