<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | localization/<lang>/csv2vcard.inc | | | | Localization file of the Roundcube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2005-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team | | | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or | | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. | | See the README file for a full license statement. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Aleksander Machniak <alec@alec.pl> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ $map = array(); $map['anniversary'] = "Anniversaire de mariage ou fête"; $map['assistants_name'] = "Nom de l''assistant(e)"; $map['assistants_phone'] = "Téléphone de l''assistant(e)"; $map['birthday'] = "Anniversaire"; $map['business_city'] = "Ville (bureau)"; $map['business_countryregion'] = "Pays/Région (bureau)"; $map['business_fax'] = "Télécopie (bureau)"; $map['business_phone'] = "Téléphone (bureau)"; $map['business_phone_2'] = "Téléphone 2 (bureau)"; $map['business_postal_code'] = "Code postal (bureau)"; $map['business_state'] = "Dép/Région (bureau)"; $map['business_street'] = "Rue (bureau)"; $map['car_phone'] = "Téléphone (voiture)"; $map['categories'] = "Catégories"; $map['company'] = "Société"; $map['department'] = "Service"; $map['email_address'] = "Adresse de messagerie"; $map['first_name'] = "Prénom"; $map['gender'] = "Sexe"; $map['home_city'] = "Ville (domicile)"; $map['home_countryregion'] = "Pays/Région (domicile)"; $map['home_fax'] = "Télécopie (domicile)"; $map['home_phone'] = "Téléphone (domicile)"; $map['home_phone_2'] = "Téléphone 2 (domicile)"; $map['home_postal_code'] = "Code postal (domicile)"; $map['home_state'] = "Dép/Région (domicile)"; $map['home_street'] = "Rue (domicile)"; $map['job_title'] = "Profession"; $map['last_name'] = "Nom"; $map['managers_name'] = "Manager's Name"; $map['middle_name'] = "Deuxième prénom"; $map['mobile_phone'] = "Tél. mobile"; $map['notes'] = "Notes"; $map['other_city'] = "Ville (autre)"; $map['other_countryregion'] = "Pays/Région (autre)"; $map['other_fax'] = "Télécopie (autre)"; $map['other_phone'] = "Téléphone (autre)"; $map['other_postal_code'] = "Code postal (autre)"; $map['other_state'] = "Dép/Région (autre)"; $map['other_street'] = "Rue (autre)"; $map['pager'] = "Récepteur de radiomessagerie"; $map['primary_phone'] = "Téléphone principal"; $map['spouse'] = "Conjoint(e)"; $map['suffix'] = "Suffixe"; $map['title'] = "Titre"; $map['web_page'] = "Page Web"; $map['birth_day'] = "Jour"; $map['birth_month'] = "Mois"; $map['birth_year'] = "Année de naissance"; $map['display_name'] = "Nom à afficher"; $map['fax_number'] = "Fax"; $map['home_address'] = "Adresse privée"; $map['home_country'] = "Région"; $map['home_zipcode'] = "Code postal"; $map['mobile_number'] = "Portable"; $map['nickname'] = "Surnom"; $map['organization'] = "Société"; $map['pager_number'] = "Pager"; $map['primary_email'] = "Adresse électronique principale"; $map['secondary_email'] = "Adresse électronique secondaire"; $map['web_page_1'] = "Site Web 1"; $map['web_page_2'] = "Site Web 2"; $map['work_phone'] = "Tél. professionnel"; $map['work_address'] = "Adresse professionnelle"; $map['work_country'] = "Région"; $map['work_zipcode'] = "Code postal"; $map['_home_city'] = "Ville";