
 | program/steps/addressbook/func.inc                                    |
 |                                                                       |
 | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client                     |
 | Copyright (C) 2005-2007, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland                 |
 | Licensed under the GNU GPL                                            |
 |                                                                       |
 | PURPOSE:                                                              |
 |   Provide addressbook functionality and GUI objects                   |
 |                                                                       |
 | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com>                        |



// add list of address sources to client env
$js_list = $RCMAIL->get_address_sources();

// select source
$source = get_input_value('_source', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC);

// if source is not set use first directory
if (empty($source))
  $source = $js_list[key($js_list)]['id'];

// instantiate a contacts object according to the given source
$CONTACTS = $RCMAIL->get_address_book($source);


// set list properties and session vars
if (!empty($_GET['_page']))
  $CONTACTS->set_page(($_SESSION['page'] = intval($_GET['_page'])));
  $CONTACTS->set_page(isset($_SESSION['page']) ?$_SESSION['page'] : 1);
if (!empty($_REQUEST['_gid']))
  $CONTACTS->set_group(get_input_value('_gid', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));

// set message set for search result
if (!empty($_REQUEST['_search']) && isset($_SESSION['search'][$_REQUEST['_search']]))

// set data source env
$OUTPUT->set_env('source', $source ? $source : '0');
$OUTPUT->set_env('readonly', $CONTACTS->readonly, false);
if(! $OUTPUT->ajax_call) {
  $OUTPUT->set_env('address_sources', $js_list);

function rcmail_directory_list($attrib)
  global $RCMAIL, $OUTPUT;
  if (!$attrib['id'])
    $attrib['id'] = 'rcmdirectorylist';

  $out = '';
  $local_id = '0';
  $jsdata = array();
  $current = get_input_value('_source', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC);
  $line_templ = html::tag('li', array('id' => 'rcmli%s', 'class' => 'addressbook %s'),
    html::a(array('href' => '%s', 'onclick' => "return ".JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('list','%s',this)"), '%s'));

  if (!$current && strtolower($RCMAIL->config->get('address_book_type', 'sql')) != 'ldap') {
    $current = '0';
  else if (!$current) {
    // DB address book not used, see if a source is set, if not use the
    // first LDAP directory.
    $current = key((array)$RCMAIL->config->get('ldap_public', array()));

  foreach ((array)$OUTPUT->env['address_sources'] as $j => $source) {
    $id = $source['id'] ? $source['id'] : $j;
    $js_id = JQ($id);
    $dom_id = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\-_]/i', '', $id);
    $out .= sprintf($line_templ, $dom_id, ($current == $id ? 'selected' : ''),
      Q(rcmail_url(null, array('_source' => $id))), $js_id, (!empty($source['name']) ? Q($source['name']) : Q($id)));
    $groupdata = rcmail_contact_groups(array('out' => $out, 'jsdata' => $jsdata, 'source' => $id));
    $jsdata = $groupdata['jsdata'];
    $out = $groupdata['out'];

  $OUTPUT->set_env('contactgroups', $jsdata); 
  $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('folderlist', $attrib['id']);
  return html::tag('ul', $attrib, $out, html::$common_attrib);

function rcmail_contact_groups($args)
  global $RCMAIL;

  $groups = $RCMAIL->get_address_book($args['source'])->list_groups();

  if (!empty($groups)) {
    $line_templ = html::tag('li', array('id' => 'rcmliG%s%s', 'class' => 'contactgroup'),
      html::a(array('href' => '#', 'onclick' => "return ".JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command('listgroup',{'source':'%s','id':'%s'},this)"), '%s'));

    $jsdata = array();
    foreach ($groups as $group) {
      $args['out'] .= sprintf($line_templ, $args['source'], $group['ID'], $args['source'], $group['ID'], Q($group['name']));
      $args['jsdata']['G'.$args['source'].$group['ID']] = array(
        'source' => $args['source'], 'id' => $group['ID'], 'name' => $group['name'], 'type' => 'group');

  return $args;

// return the message list as HTML table
function rcmail_contacts_list($attrib)
  global $CONTACTS, $OUTPUT;
  // count contacts for this user
  $result = $CONTACTS->list_records();
  // add id to message list table if not specified
  if (!strlen($attrib['id']))
    $attrib['id'] = 'rcmAddressList';
  // define list of cols to be displayed
  $a_show_cols = array('name');

  // create XHTML table
  $out = rcube_table_output($attrib, $result->records, $a_show_cols, $CONTACTS->primary_key);
  // set client env
  $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('contactslist', $attrib['id']);
  $OUTPUT->set_env('current_page', (int)$CONTACTS->list_page);
  $OUTPUT->set_env('pagecount', ceil($result->count/$CONTACTS->page_size));
  // add some labels to client
  return $out;

function rcmail_js_contacts_list($result, $prefix='')
  global $OUTPUT;

  if (empty($result) || $result->count == 0)

  // define list of cols to be displayed
  $a_show_cols = array('name');
  while ($row = $result->next())
    $a_row_cols = array();
    // format each col
    foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
      $a_row_cols[$col] = Q($row[$col]);
    $OUTPUT->command($prefix.'add_contact_row', $row['ID'], $a_row_cols);

// similar function as /steps/settings/identities.inc::rcmail_identity_frame()
function rcmail_contact_frame($attrib)
  global $OUTPUT;

  if (!$attrib['id'])
    $attrib['id'] = 'rcmcontactframe';
  $attrib['name'] = $attrib['id'];

  $OUTPUT->set_env('contentframe', $attrib['name']);
  $OUTPUT->set_env('blankpage', $attrib['src'] ? $OUTPUT->abs_url($attrib['src']) : 'program/blank.gif');

  return html::iframe($attrib);

function rcmail_rowcount_display($attrib)
  global $OUTPUT;
  if (!$attrib['id'])
    $attrib['id'] = 'rcmcountdisplay';

  $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('countdisplay', $attrib['id']);

  return html::span($attrib, rcmail_get_rowcount_text());

function rcmail_get_rowcount_text()
  global $CONTACTS;
  // read nr of contacts
  $result = $CONTACTS->get_result();
  if (!$result)
    $result = $CONTACTS->count();
  if ($result->count == 0)
    $out = rcube_label('nocontactsfound');
    $out = rcube_label(array(
      'name' => 'contactsfromto',
      'vars' => array(
        'from'  => $result->first + 1,
        'to'    => min($result->count, $result->first + $CONTACTS->page_size),
        'count' => $result->count)

  return $out;
// register UI objects
  'directorylist' => 'rcmail_directory_list',
//  'groupslist' => 'rcmail_contact_groups',
  'addresslist' => 'rcmail_contacts_list',
  'addressframe' => 'rcmail_contact_frame',
  'recordscountdisplay' => 'rcmail_rowcount_display',
  'searchform' => array($OUTPUT, 'search_form')