| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ // browser is not compatible with this application if ($ERROR_CODE==409) { $user_agent = $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $__error_title = 'Your browser does not suit the requirements for this application'; $__error_text = <<Supported browsers:
»  Netscape 7+
»  Microsoft Internet Explorer 6+
»  Mozilla Firefox 1.0+
»  Opera 8.0+
»  Safari 1.2+

»  JavaScript enabled

Your configuration:

EOF; } // authorization error else if ($ERROR_CODE==401) { $__error_title = "AUTHORIZATION FAILED"; $__error_text = "Could not verify that you are authorized to access this service!
\n". "Please contact your server-administrator."; } // failed request (wrong step in URL) else if ($ERROR_CODE==404) { $__error_title = "REQUEST FAILED/FILE NOT FOUND"; $request_url = $GLOBALS['HTTP_HOST'].$GLOBALS['REQUEST_URI']; $__error_text = << Please contact your server-administrator.

Failed request:

EOF; } // system error else { $__error_title = "SERVICE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE!"; $__error_text = "Please contact your server-administrator."; if (($CONFIG['debug_level'] & 4) && $ERROR_MESSAGE) $__error_text = $ERROR_MESSAGE; else $__error_text = 'Error No. '.dechex($ERROR_CODE).')'; } // compose page content $__page_content = <<



EOF; if (template_exists('error')) { $OUTPUT->scripts = array(); $OUTPUT->script_files = array(); parse_template('error'); } // print system error page print << RoundCube|Mail : ERROR $ERROR_CODE
EOF; ?>