
 | program/steps/mail/func.inc                                           |
 |                                                                       |
 | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client                     |
 | Copyright (C) 2005-2007, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland                 |
 | Licensed under the GNU GPL                                            |
 |                                                                       |
 | PURPOSE:                                                              |
 |   Provide webmail functionality and GUI objects                       |
 |                                                                       |
 | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com>                        |




$EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN = '/([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-\.\+\_]*@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-][.]?)*[a-z0-9]\\.[a-z]{2,5})/i';

if (empty($_SESSION['mbox']))
  $_SESSION['mbox'] = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name();

// set imap properties and session vars
if ($mbox = get_input_value('_mbox', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC))
  $_SESSION['mbox'] = $mbox;

if (!empty($_GET['_page']))
  $_SESSION['page'] = (int)$_GET['_page'];

// set mailbox to INBOX if not set
if (empty($_SESSION['mbox']))
  $_SESSION['mbox'] = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name();

// set default sort col/order to session
if (!isset($_SESSION['sort_col']))
  $_SESSION['sort_col'] = $CONFIG['message_sort_col'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['sort_order']))
  $_SESSION['sort_order'] = $CONFIG['message_sort_order'];

// set message set for search result
if (!empty($_REQUEST['_search']) && isset($_SESSION['search'][$_REQUEST['_search']]))

// define url for getting message parts
if (strlen($_GET['_uid']))
  $GET_URL = rcmail_url('get', array('_mbox'=>$IMAP->get_mailbox_name(), '_uid'=>get_input_value('_uid', RCUBE_INPUT_GET)));

// set current mailbox in client environment
$OUTPUT->set_env('mailbox', $IMAP->get_mailbox_name());
$OUTPUT->set_env('quota', $IMAP->get_capability('quota'));

if ($CONFIG['trash_mbox'])
  $OUTPUT->set_env('trash_mailbox', $CONFIG['trash_mbox']);
if ($CONFIG['drafts_mbox'])
  $OUTPUT->set_env('drafts_mailbox', $CONFIG['drafts_mbox']);
if ($CONFIG['junk_mbox'])
  $OUTPUT->set_env('junk_mailbox', $CONFIG['junk_mbox']);

if (!$OUTPUT->ajax_call)
  rcube_add_label('checkingmail', 'deletemessage', 'movemessagetotrash');

// set page title
if (empty($_action) || $_action == 'list')
  $OUTPUT->set_pagetitle(rcube_charset_convert($IMAP->get_mailbox_name(), 'UTF-7'));

// return the message list as HTML table
function rcmail_message_list($attrib)

  $skin_path = $CONFIG['skin_path'];
  $image_tag = '<img src="%s%s" alt="%s" border="0" />';

  // check to see if we have some settings for sorting
  $sort_col   = $_SESSION['sort_col'];
  $sort_order = $_SESSION['sort_order'];
  // add some labels to client
  rcube_add_label('from', 'to');

  // get message headers
  $a_headers = $IMAP->list_headers('', '', $sort_col, $sort_order);

  // add id to message list table if not specified
  if (!strlen($attrib['id']))
    $attrib['id'] = 'rcubemessagelist';

  // allow the following attributes to be added to the <table> tag
  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'border', 'summary'));

  $out = '<table' . $attrib_str . ">\n";

  // define list of cols to be displayed
  $a_show_cols = is_array($CONFIG['list_cols']) ? $CONFIG['list_cols'] : array('subject');
  $a_sort_cols = array('subject', 'date', 'from', 'to', 'size');

  $mbox = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name();
  // show 'to' instead of from in sent messages
  if (($mbox==$CONFIG['sent_mbox'] || $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox']) && ($f = array_search('from', $a_show_cols))
      && !array_search('to', $a_show_cols))
    $a_show_cols[$f] = 'to';
  // add col definition
  $out .= '<colgroup>';
  $out .= '<col class="icon" />';

  foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
    $out .= sprintf('<col class="%s" />', $col);

  $out .= '<col class="icon" />';
  $out .= "</colgroup>\n";

  // add table title
  $out .= "<thead><tr>\n<td class=\"icon\">&nbsp;</td>\n";

  $javascript = '';
  foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
    // get column name
    $col_name = Q(rcube_label($col));

    // make sort links
    $sort = '';
    if ($IMAP->get_capability('sort') && in_array($col, $a_sort_cols))
      // have buttons configured
      if (!empty($attrib['sortdescbutton']) || !empty($attrib['sortascbutton']))
        $sort = '&nbsp;&nbsp;';

        // asc link
        if (!empty($attrib['sortascbutton']))
          $sort .= $OUTPUT->button(array(
            'command' => 'sort',
            'prop' => $col.'_ASC',
            'image' => $attrib['sortascbutton'],
            'align' => 'absmiddle',
            'title' => 'sortasc'));
        // desc link
        if (!empty($attrib['sortdescbutton']))
          $sort .= $OUTPUT->button(array(
            'command' => 'sort',
            'prop' => $col.'_DESC',
            'image' => $attrib['sortdescbutton'],
            'align' => 'absmiddle',
            'title' => 'sortdesc'));
      // just add a link tag to the header
        $col_name = sprintf(
          '<a href="./#sort" onclick="return %s.command(\'sort\',\'%s\',this)" title="%s">%s</a>',
    $sort_class = $col==$sort_col ? " sorted$sort_order" : '';

    // put it all together
    $out .= '<td class="'.$col.$sort_class.'" id="rcmHead'.$col.'">' . "$col_name$sort</td>\n";    

  $out .= '<td class="icon">'.($attrib['attachmenticon'] ? sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $attrib['attachmenticon'], '') : '')."</td>\n";
  $out .= "</tr></thead>\n<tbody>\n";

  // no messages in this mailbox
  if (!sizeof($a_headers))
    $OUTPUT->show_message('nomessagesfound', 'notice');

  $a_js_message_arr = array();

  // create row for each message
  foreach ($a_headers as $i => $header)  //while (list($i, $header) = each($a_headers))
    $message_icon = $attach_icon = '';
    $js_row_arr = array();
    $zebra_class = $i%2 ? 'even' : 'odd';

    // set messag attributes to javascript array
    if ($header->deleted)
      $js_row_arr['deleted'] = true;
    if (!$header->seen)
      $js_row_arr['unread'] = true;
    if ($header->answered)
      $js_row_arr['replied'] = true;
    // set message icon  
    if ($attrib['deletedicon'] && $header->deleted)
      $message_icon = $attrib['deletedicon'];
    else if ($attrib['unreadicon'] && !$header->seen)
      $message_icon = $attrib['unreadicon'];
    else if ($attrib['repliedicon'] && $header->answered)
      $message_icon = $attrib['repliedicon'];
    else if ($attrib['messageicon'])
      $message_icon = $attrib['messageicon'];
    // set attachment icon
    if ($attrib['attachmenticon'] && preg_match("/multipart\/[mr]/i", $header->ctype))
      $attach_icon = $attrib['attachmenticon'];
    $out .= sprintf('<tr id="rcmrow%d" class="message%s%s %s">'."\n",
                    $header->seen ? '' : ' unread',
                    $header->deleted ? ' deleted' : '',
    $out .= sprintf("<td class=\"icon\">%s</td>\n", $message_icon ? sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $message_icon, '') : '');
    // format each col
    foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
      if ($col=='from' || $col=='to')
        $cont = Q(rcmail_address_string($header->$col, 3, $attrib['addicon']), 'show');
      else if ($col=='subject')
        $action = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? 'compose' : 'show';
        $uid_param = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? '_draf_uid' : '_uid';
        $cont = Q(rcube_imap::decode_mime_string($header->$col, $header->charset));
        if (empty($cont)) $cont = Q(rcube_label('nosubject'));
        $cont = sprintf('<a href="%s" onclick="return rcube_event.cancel(event)">%s</a>', Q(rcmail_url($action, array($uid_param=>$header->uid, '_mbox'=>$mbox))), $cont);
      else if ($col=='size')
        $cont = show_bytes($header->$col);
      else if ($col=='date')
        $cont = format_date($header->date);
        $cont = Q($header->$col);
      $out .= '<td class="'.$col.'">' . $cont . "</td>\n";

    $out .= sprintf("<td class=\"icon\">%s</td>\n", $attach_icon ? sprintf($image_tag, $skin_path, $attach_icon, '') : '');
    $out .= "</tr>\n";
    if (sizeof($js_row_arr))
      $a_js_message_arr[$header->uid] = $js_row_arr;
  // complete message table
  $out .= "</tbody></table>\n";
  $message_count = $IMAP->messagecount();
  // set client env
  $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('mailcontframe', 'mailcontframe');
  $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('messagelist', $attrib['id']);
  $OUTPUT->set_env('messagecount', $message_count);
  $OUTPUT->set_env('current_page', $IMAP->list_page);
  $OUTPUT->set_env('pagecount', ceil($message_count/$IMAP->page_size));
  $OUTPUT->set_env('sort_col', $sort_col);
  $OUTPUT->set_env('sort_order', $sort_order);
  if ($attrib['messageicon'])
    $OUTPUT->set_env('messageicon', $skin_path . $attrib['messageicon']);
  if ($attrib['deletedicon'])
    $OUTPUT->set_env('deletedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['deletedicon']);
  if ($attrib['unreadicon'])
    $OUTPUT->set_env('unreadicon', $skin_path . $attrib['unreadicon']);
  if ($attrib['repliedicon'])
    $OUTPUT->set_env('repliedicon', $skin_path . $attrib['repliedicon']);
  if ($attrib['attachmenticon'])
    $OUTPUT->set_env('attachmenticon', $skin_path . $attrib['attachmenticon']);
  $OUTPUT->set_env('messages', $a_js_message_arr);
  return $out;

// return javascript commands to add rows to the message list
function rcmail_js_message_list($a_headers, $insert_top=FALSE)
  global $CONFIG, $IMAP, $OUTPUT;

  $a_show_cols = is_array($CONFIG['list_cols']) ? $CONFIG['list_cols'] : array('subject');
  $mbox = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name();

  // show 'to' instead of from in sent messages
  if (($mbox == $CONFIG['sent_mbox'] || $mbox == $CONFIG['drafts_mbox'])
      && (($f = array_search('from', $a_show_cols)) !== false) && array_search('to', $a_show_cols) === false)
    $a_show_cols[$f] = 'to';

  $OUTPUT->command('set_message_coltypes', $a_show_cols);

  // loop through message headers
  for ($n=0; $a_headers[$n]; $n++)
    $header = $a_headers[$n];
    $a_msg_cols = array();
    $a_msg_flags = array();

    // format each col; similar as in rcmail_message_list()
    foreach ($a_show_cols as $col)
      if ($col=='from' || $col=='to')
        $cont = Q(rcmail_address_string($header->$col, 3), 'show');
      else if ($col=='subject')
        $action = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? 'compose' : 'show';
        $uid_param = $mbox==$CONFIG['drafts_mbox'] ? '_draf_uid' : '_uid';
        $cont = Q(rcube_imap::decode_mime_string($header->$col, $header->charset));
        if (!$cont) $cont = Q(rcube_label('nosubject'));
        $cont = sprintf('<a href="%s" onclick="return rcube_event.cancel(event)">%s</a>', Q(rcmail_url($action, array($uid_param=>$header->uid, '_mbox'=>$mbox))), $cont);
      else if ($col=='size')
        $cont = show_bytes($header->$col);
      else if ($col=='date')
        $cont = format_date($header->date);
        $cont = Q($header->$col);
      $a_msg_cols[$col] = $cont;

    $a_msg_flags['deleted'] = $header->deleted ? 1 : 0;
    $a_msg_flags['unread'] = $header->seen ? 0 : 1;
    $a_msg_flags['replied'] = $header->answered ? 1 : 0;
      preg_match("/multipart\/m/i", $header->ctype),

// return an HTML iframe for loading mail content
function rcmail_messagecontent_frame($attrib)
  global $OUTPUT;
  if (empty($attrib['id']))
    $attrib['id'] = 'rcmailcontentwindow';

  // allow the following attributes to be added to the <iframe> tag
  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('id', 'class', 'style', 'src', 'width', 'height', 'frameborder'));
  $framename = $attrib['id'];

  $out = sprintf('<iframe name="%s"%s></iframe>'."\n",

  $OUTPUT->set_env('contentframe', $framename);
  $OUTPUT->set_env('blankpage', $attrib['src'] ? $OUTPUT->abs_url($attrib['src']) : 'program/blank.gif');

  return $out;

function rcmail_messagecount_display($attrib)
  global $IMAP, $OUTPUT;
  if (!$attrib['id'])
    $attrib['id'] = 'rcmcountdisplay';

  $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('countdisplay', $attrib['id']);

  // allow the following attributes to be added to the <span> tag
  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id'));

  $out = '<span' . $attrib_str . '>';
  $out .= rcmail_get_messagecount_text();
  $out .= '</span>';
  return $out;

function rcmail_quota_display($attrib)
  global $OUTPUT, $COMM_PATH;

  if (!$attrib['id'])
    $attrib['id'] = 'rcmquotadisplay';

  $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('quotadisplay', $attrib['id']);

  // allow the following attributes to be added to the <span> tag
  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id'));

  $out = '<span' . $attrib_str . '>';
  $out .= rcmail_quota_content($attrib['display']);
  $out .= '</span>';
  return $out;

function rcmail_quota_content($display)
  global $IMAP, $COMM_PATH;

  if (!$IMAP->get_capability('QUOTA'))
    $quota_text = rcube_label('unknown');
  else if ($quota = $IMAP->get_quota())
    $quota_text = sprintf("%s / %s (%.0f%%)",
                          show_bytes($quota["used"] * 1024),
                          show_bytes($quota["total"] * 1024),

    // show quota as image (by Brett Patterson)
    if ($display == 'image' && function_exists('imagegif'))
      $attrib = array('width' => 100, 'height' => 14);
      $quota_text = sprintf('<img src="./bin/quotaimg.php?u=%s&amp;q=%d&amp;w=%d&amp;h=%d" width="%d" height="%d" alt="%s" title="%s / %s" />',
                            $quota['used'], $quota['total'],
                            $attrib['width'], $attrib['height'],
                            $attrib['width'], $attrib['height'],
                            show_bytes($quota["used"] * 1024),
                            show_bytes($quota["total"] * 1024));
    $quota_text = rcube_label('unlimited');

  return $quota_text;

function rcmail_get_messagecount_text($count=NULL, $page=NULL)
  global $IMAP, $MESSAGE;
  if (isset($MESSAGE['index']))
    return rcube_label(array('name' => 'messagenrof',
                             'vars' => array('nr'  => $MESSAGE['index']+1,
                                             'count' => $count!==NULL ? $count : $IMAP->messagecount())));

  if ($page===NULL)
    $page = $IMAP->list_page;
  $start_msg = ($page-1) * $IMAP->page_size + 1;
  $max = $count!==NULL ? $count : $IMAP->messagecount();

  if ($max==0)
    $out = rcube_label('mailboxempty');
    $out = rcube_label(array('name' => 'messagesfromto',
                              'vars' => array('from'  => $start_msg,
                                              'to'    => min($max, $start_msg + $IMAP->page_size - 1),
                                              'count' => $max)));

  return Q($out);

function rcmail_print_body($part, $safe=FALSE, $plain=FALSE)
  $body = is_array($part->replaces) ? strtr($part->body, $part->replaces) : $part->body;

  // convert html to text/plain
  if ($part->ctype_secondary=='html' && $plain)
    $txt = new html2text($body, false, true);
    $body = $txt->get_text();
    $part->ctype_secondary = 'plain';
  // text/html
  if ($part->ctype_secondary=='html')
    // remove charset specification in HTML message
    $body = preg_replace('/charset=[a-z0-9\-]+/i', '', $body);

    if (!$safe)  // remove remote images and scripts
      $remote_patterns = array('/<img\s+(.*)src=(["\']?)([hftps]{3,5}:\/{2}[^"\'\s]+)(\2|\s|>)/Ui',

      $remote_replaces = array('<img \\1src=\\2./program/blocked.gif\\4',
      // set flag if message containes remote obejcts that where blocked
      foreach ($remote_patterns as $pattern)
        if (preg_match($pattern, $body))

      $body = preg_replace($remote_patterns, $remote_replaces, $body);

    return Q($body, 'show', FALSE);

  // text/enriched
  if ($part->ctype_secondary=='enriched')
    return Q(enriched_to_html($body), 'show');
    // make links and email-addresses clickable
    $convert_patterns = $convert_replaces = $replace_strings = array();
    $url_chars = 'a-z0-9_\-\+\*\$\/&%=@#:;';
    $url_chars_within = '\?\.~,!';

    $convert_patterns[] = "/([\w]+):\/\/([a-z0-9\-\.]+[a-z]{2,4}([$url_chars$url_chars_within]*[$url_chars])?)/ie";
    $convert_replaces[] = "rcmail_str_replacement('<a href=\"\\1://\\2\" target=\"_blank\">\\1://\\2</a>', \$replace_strings)";

    $convert_patterns[] = "/([^\/:]|\s)(www\.)([a-z0-9\-]{2,}[a-z]{2,4}([$url_chars$url_chars_within]*[$url_chars])?)/ie";
    $convert_replaces[] = "rcmail_str_replacement('\\1<a href=\"http://\\2\\3\" target=\"_blank\">\\2\\3</a>', \$replace_strings)";
    $convert_patterns[] = '/([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-\.\+\_]*@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-][.]?)*[a-z0-9]\\.[a-z]{2,5})/ie';
    $convert_replaces[] = "rcmail_str_replacement('<a href=\"mailto:\\1\" onclick=\"return ".JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command(\'compose\',\'\\1\',this)\">\\1</a>', \$replace_strings)";
    if ($part->ctype_parameters['format'] != 'flowed')
      $body = wordwrap(trim($body), 80);

    $body = preg_replace($convert_patterns, $convert_replaces, $body);

    // split body into single lines
    $a_lines = preg_split('/\r?\n/', $body);
    $quote_level = 0;

    // colorize quoted parts
    for($n=0; $n<sizeof($a_lines); $n++)
      $line = $a_lines[$n];
      $quotation = '';
      $q = 0;
      if (preg_match('/^(>+\s*)/', $line, $regs))
        $q = strlen(preg_replace('/\s/', '', $regs[1]));
        $line = substr($line, strlen($regs[1]));

        if ($q > $quote_level)
          $quotation = str_repeat('<blockquote>', $q - $quote_level);
        else if ($q < $quote_level)
          $quotation = str_repeat("</blockquote>", $quote_level - $q);
      else if ($quote_level > 0)
        $quotation = str_repeat("</blockquote>", $quote_level);

      $quote_level = $q;
      $a_lines[$n] = $quotation . Q($line, 'replace', FALSE);

    // insert the links for urls and mailtos
    $body = preg_replace("/##string_replacement\{([0-9]+)\}##/e", "\$replace_strings[\\1]", join("\n", $a_lines));
    return "<div class=\"pre\">".$body."\n</div>";

// add a string to the replacement array and return a replacement string
function rcmail_str_replacement($str, &$rep)
  static $count = 0;
  $rep[$count] = stripslashes($str);
  return "##string_replacement{".($count++)."}##";

function rcmail_parse_message(&$structure, $arg=array(), $recursive=FALSE)
  global $IMAP;
  static $sa_inline_objects = array();

  // arguments are: (bool)$prefer_html, (string)$get_url

  $a_attachments = array();
  $a_return_parts = array();
  $out = '';

  $message_ctype_primary = strtolower($structure->ctype_primary);
  $message_ctype_secondary = strtolower($structure->ctype_secondary);

  // show message headers
  if ($recursive && is_array($structure->headers) && isset($structure->headers['subject']))
    $c = new stdClass;
    $c->type = 'headers';
    $c->headers = &$structure->headers;
    $a_return_parts[] = $c;

  // print body if message doesn't have multiple parts
  if ($message_ctype_primary=='text')
    $structure->type = 'content';
    $a_return_parts[] = &$structure;

  // message contains alternative parts
  else if ($message_ctype_primary=='multipart' && $message_ctype_secondary=='alternative' && is_array($structure->parts))
    // get html/plaintext parts
    $plain_part = $html_part = $print_part = $related_part = NULL;
    foreach ($structure->parts as $p => $sub_part)
      $rel_parts = $attachmnts = null;
      $sub_ctype_primary = strtolower($sub_part->ctype_primary);
      $sub_ctype_secondary = strtolower($sub_part->ctype_secondary);

      // check if sub part is 
      if ($sub_ctype_primary=='text' && $sub_ctype_secondary=='plain')
        $plain_part = $p;
      else if ($sub_ctype_primary=='text' && $sub_ctype_secondary=='html')
        $html_part = $p;
      else if ($sub_ctype_primary=='text' && $sub_ctype_secondary=='enriched')
        $enriched_part = $p;
      else if ($sub_ctype_primary=='multipart' && ($sub_ctype_secondary=='related' || $sub_ctype_secondary=='mixed'))
        $related_part = $p;
    // parse related part (alternative part could be in here)
    if ($related_part!==NULL)
      list($rel_parts, $attachmnts) = rcmail_parse_message($structure->parts[$related_part], $arg, TRUE);
      $a_attachments = array_merge($a_attachments, $attachmnts);
    // merge related parts if any
    if ($rel_parts && $prefer_html && !$html_part)
      $a_return_parts = array_merge($a_return_parts, $rel_parts);

    // choose html/plain part to print
    else if ($html_part!==NULL && $prefer_html)
      $print_part = &$structure->parts[$html_part];
    else if ($enriched_part!==NULL)
      $print_part = &$structure->parts[$enriched_part];
    else if ($plain_part!==NULL)
      $print_part = &$structure->parts[$plain_part];

    // show message body
    if (is_object($print_part))
      $print_part->type = 'content';
      $a_return_parts[] = $print_part;
    // show plaintext warning
    else if ($html_part!==NULL && empty($a_return_parts))
      $c = new stdClass;
      $c->type = 'content';
      $c->body = rcube_label('htmlmessage');
      $c->ctype_primary = 'text';
      $c->ctype_secondary = 'plain';
      $a_return_parts[] = $c;
    // add html part as attachment
    if ($html_part!==NULL && $structure->parts[$html_part]!==$print_part)
      $html_part = &$structure->parts[$html_part];
      $html_part->filename = rcube_label('htmlmessage');
      $html_part->mimetype = 'text/html';
      $a_attachments[] = $html_part;

  // message contains multiple parts
  else if (is_array($structure->parts) && !empty($structure->parts))
    for ($i=0; $i<count($structure->parts); $i++)
      $mail_part = &$structure->parts[$i];
      $primary_type = strtolower($mail_part->ctype_primary);
      $secondary_type = strtolower($mail_part->ctype_secondary);

      // multipart/alternative
      if ($primary_type=='multipart')
        list($parts, $attachmnts) = rcmail_parse_message($mail_part, $arg, TRUE);

        $a_return_parts = array_merge($a_return_parts, $parts);
        $a_attachments = array_merge($a_attachments, $attachmnts);

      // part text/[plain|html] OR message/delivery-status
      else if (($primary_type=='text' && ($secondary_type=='plain' || $secondary_type=='html') && $mail_part->disposition!='attachment') ||
               ($primary_type=='message' && $secondary_type=='delivery-status'))
        $mail_part->type = 'content';
        $a_return_parts[] = $mail_part;

      // part message/*
      else if ($primary_type=='message')
        list($parts, $attachmnts) = rcmail_parse_message($mail_part, $arg, TRUE);
        $a_return_parts = array_merge($a_return_parts, $parts);
        $a_attachments = array_merge($a_attachments, $attachmnts);

      // part is file/attachment
      else if ($mail_part->disposition=='attachment' || $mail_part->disposition=='inline' || $mail_part->headers['content-id'] ||
               (empty($mail_part->disposition) && $mail_part->filename))
        // skip apple resource forks
        if ($message_ctype_secondary=='appledouble' && $secondary_type=='applefile')

        // part belongs to a related message
        if ($message_ctype_secondary=='related' && $mail_part->headers['content-id'])
          $mail_part->content_id = preg_replace(array('/^</', '/>$/'), '', $mail_part->headers['content-id']);
          $sa_inline_objects[] = $mail_part;
        // is regular attachment
          if (!$mail_part->filename)
            $mail_part->filename = 'file_'.$mail_part->mime_id;
          $a_attachments[] = $mail_part;

    // if this was a related part try to resolve references
    if ($message_ctype_secondary=='related' && sizeof($sa_inline_objects))
      $a_replaces = array();
      foreach ($sa_inline_objects as $inline_object)
        $a_replaces['cid:'.$inline_object->content_id] = htmlspecialchars(sprintf($get_url, $inline_object->mime_id));
      // add replace array to each content part
      // (will be applied later when part body is available)
      for ($i=0; $i<count($a_return_parts); $i++)
        if ($a_return_parts[$i]->type=='content')
          $a_return_parts[$i]->replaces = $a_replaces;

  // message is single part non-text
  else if ($structure->filename)
    $a_attachments[] = $structure;

  return array($a_return_parts, $a_attachments);

// return table with message headers
function rcmail_message_headers($attrib, $headers=NULL)
  global $IMAP, $OUTPUT, $MESSAGE;
  static $sa_attrib;
  // keep header table attrib
  if (is_array($attrib) && !$sa_attrib)
    $sa_attrib = $attrib;
  else if (!is_array($attrib) && is_array($sa_attrib))
    $attrib = $sa_attrib;
  if (!isset($MESSAGE))
    return FALSE;

  // get associative array of headers object
  if (!$headers)
    $headers = is_object($MESSAGE['headers']) ? get_object_vars($MESSAGE['headers']) : $MESSAGE['headers'];
  $header_count = 0;
  // allow the following attributes to be added to the <table> tag
  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'border', 'summary'));
  $out = '<table' . $attrib_str . ">\n";

  // show these headers
  $standard_headers = array('subject', 'from', 'organization', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'reply-to', 'date');
  foreach ($standard_headers as $hkey)
    if (!$headers[$hkey])

    if ($hkey=='date' && !empty($headers[$hkey]))
      $header_value = format_date(strtotime($headers[$hkey]));
    else if (in_array($hkey, array('from', 'to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'reply-to')))
      $header_value = Q(rcmail_address_string($headers[$hkey], NULL, $attrib['addicon']), 'show');
      $header_value = Q(rcube_imap::decode_mime_string($headers[$hkey], $headers['charset']));

    $out .= "\n<tr>\n";
    $out .= '<td class="header-title">'.Q(rcube_label($hkey)).":&nbsp;</td>\n";
    $out .= '<td class="'.$hkey.'" width="90%">'.$header_value."</td>\n</tr>";

  $out .= "\n</table>\n\n";

  return $header_count ? $out : '';  

function rcmail_message_body($attrib)
  if (!is_array($MESSAGE['parts']) && !$MESSAGE['body'])
    return '';
  if (!$attrib['id'])
    $attrib['id'] = 'rcmailMsgBody';

  $safe_mode = (bool)$_GET['_safe'];
  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id'));
  $out = '<div '. $attrib_str . ">\n";
  $header_attrib = array();
  foreach ($attrib as $attr => $value)
    if (preg_match('/^headertable([a-z]+)$/i', $attr, $regs))
      $header_attrib[$regs[1]] = $value;

  // this is an ecrypted message
  // -> create a plaintext body with the according message
  if (!sizeof($MESSAGE['parts']) && $MESSAGE['headers']->ctype=='multipart/encrypted')
    $p = new stdClass;
    $p->type = 'content';
    $p->ctype_primary = 'text';
    $p->ctype_secondary = 'plain';
    $p->body = rcube_label('encryptedmessage');
    $MESSAGE['parts'][0] = $p;
  if ($MESSAGE['parts'])
    foreach ($MESSAGE['parts'] as $i => $part)
      if ($part->type=='headers')
        $out .= rcmail_message_headers(sizeof($header_attrib) ? $header_attrib : NULL, $part->headers);
      else if ($part->type=='content')
        if (empty($part->ctype_parameters) || empty($part->ctype_parameters['charset']))
          $part->ctype_parameters['charset'] = $MESSAGE['headers']->charset;

        // fetch part if not available
        if (!isset($part->body))
          $part->body = $IMAP->get_message_part($MESSAGE['UID'], $part->mime_id, $part);

        $body = rcmail_print_body($part, $safe_mode, !$CONFIG['prefer_html']);
        $out .= '<div class="message-part">';
        if ($part->ctype_secondary != 'plain')
          $out .= rcmail_sanitize_html($body, $attrib['id']);
          $out .= $body;

        $out .= "</div>\n";
    $out .= $MESSAGE['body'];

  $ctype_primary = strtolower($MESSAGE['structure']->ctype_primary);
  $ctype_secondary = strtolower($MESSAGE['structure']->ctype_secondary);
  // list images after mail body
  if (get_boolean($attrib['showimages']) && $ctype_primary=='multipart' &&
      !empty($MESSAGE['attachments']) && !strstr($message_body, '<html') && strlen($GET_URL))
    foreach ($MESSAGE['attachments'] as $attach_prop)
      if (strpos($attach_prop->mimetype, 'image/')===0)
        $out .= sprintf("\n<hr />\n<p align=\"center\"><img src=\"%s&amp;_part=%s\" alt=\"%s\" title=\"%s\" /></p>\n",
                        htmlspecialchars($GET_URL), $attach_prop->mime_id,
  // tell client that there are blocked remote objects
  if ($REMOTE_OBJECTS && !$safe_mode)
    $OUTPUT->set_env('blockedobjects', true);

  $out .= "\n</div>";
  return $out;

// modify a HTML message that it can be displayed inside a HTML page
function rcmail_sanitize_html($body, $container_id)
  // remove any null-byte characters before parsing
  $body = preg_replace('/\x00/', '', $body);
  $last_style_pos = 0;
  $body_lc = strtolower($body);
  // find STYLE tags
  while (($pos = strpos($body_lc, '<style', $last_style_pos)) && ($pos2 = strpos($body_lc, '</style>', $pos)))
    $pos = strpos($body_lc, '>', $pos)+1;

    // replace all css definitions with #container [def]
    $styles = rcmail_mod_css_styles(substr($body, $pos, $pos2-$pos), $container_id);

    $body = substr($body, 0, $pos) . $styles . substr($body, $pos2);
    $body_lc = strtolower($body);
    $last_style_pos = $pos2;

  // remove SCRIPT tags
  foreach (array('script', 'applet', 'object', 'embed', 'iframe') as $tag)
    while (($pos = strpos($body_lc, '<'.$tag)) && ($pos2 = strpos($body_lc, '</'.$tag.'>', $pos)))
      $pos2 += strlen('</'.$tag.'>');
      $body = substr($body, 0, $pos) . substr($body, $pos2, strlen($body)-$pos2);
      $body_lc = strtolower($body);

  // replace event handlers on any object
  while ($body != $prev_body)
    $prev_body = $body;
    $body = preg_replace('/(<[^!][^>]*\s)(on[^=>]+)=([^>]+>)/im', '$1__removed=$3', $body);
    $body = preg_replace('/(<[^!][^>]*\shref=["\']?)(javascript:)([^>]*?>)/im', '$1null:$3', $body);

  // resolve <base href>
  $base_reg = '/(<base.*href=["\']?)([hftps]{3,5}:\/{2}[^"\'\s]+)([^<]*>)/i';
  if (preg_match($base_reg, $body, $regs))
    $base_url = $regs[2];
    $body = preg_replace('/(src|background|href)=(["\']?)([\.\/]+[^"\'\s]+)(\2|\s|>)/Uie', "'\\1=\"'.make_absolute_url('\\3', '$base_url').'\"'", $body);
    $body = preg_replace('/(url\s*\()(["\']?)([\.\/]+[^"\'\)\s]+)(\2)\)/Uie', "'\\1\''.make_absolute_url('\\3', '$base_url').'\')'", $body);
    $body = preg_replace($base_reg, '', $body);
  // modify HTML links to open a new window if clicked
  $body = preg_replace('/<a\s+([^>]+)>/Uie', "rcmail_alter_html_link('\\1');", $body);

  // add comments arround html and other tags
  $out = preg_replace(array(

  $out = preg_replace(array('/<body([^>]*)>/i',
                      array('<div class="rcmBody"\\1>',

  // quote <? of php and xml files that are specified as text/html
  $out = preg_replace(array('/<\?/', '/\?>/'), array('&lt;?', '?&gt;'), $out);

  return $out;

// parse link attributes and set correct target
function rcmail_alter_html_link($in)
  $in = preg_replace('/=([^("|\'|\s)]+)(\s|$)/', '="\1"', $in);
  $attrib = parse_attrib_string($in);

  if (stristr((string)$attrib['href'], 'mailto:'))
    $attrib['onclick'] = sprintf("return %s.command('compose','%s',this)",
                                 JQ(substr($attrib['href'], 7)));
  else if (!empty($attrib['href']) && $attrib['href']{0}!='#')
    $attrib['target'] = '_blank';
  return '<a' . create_attrib_string($attrib, array('href', 'name', 'target', 'onclick', 'id', 'class', 'style', 'title')) . '>';

// replace all css definitions with #container [def]
function rcmail_mod_css_styles($source, $container_id)
  $a_css_values = array();
  $last_pos = 0;
  // cut out all contents between { and }
  while (($pos = strpos($source, '{', $last_pos)) && ($pos2 = strpos($source, '}', $pos)))
    $key = sizeof($a_css_values);
    $a_css_values[$key] = substr($source, $pos+1, $pos2-($pos+1));
    $source = substr($source, 0, $pos+1) . "<<str_replacement[$key]>>" . substr($source, $pos2, strlen($source)-$pos2);
    $last_pos = $pos+2;

  // remove html commends and add #container to each tag selector.
  // also replace body definition because we also stripped off the <body> tag
  $styles = preg_replace(array('/(^\s*<!--)|(-->\s*$)/', '/(^\s*|,\s*|\}\s*)([a-z0-9\._][a-z0-9\.\-_]*)/im', '/<<str_replacement\[([0-9]+)\]>>/e', "/$container_id\s+body/i"),
                         array('', "\\1#$container_id \\2", "\$a_css_values[\\1]", "$container_id div.rcmBody"),

  return $styles;

function rcmail_has_html_part($message_parts)
   if (!is_array($message_parts))
      return FALSE;

   // check all message parts
   foreach ($message_parts as $pid => $part)
      $mimetype = strtolower($part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary);
      if ($mimetype=='text/html')
         return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

// return first HTML part of a message
function rcmail_first_html_part($message_struct)
  global $IMAP;

  if (!is_array($message_struct['parts']))
    return FALSE;
  $html_part = NULL;

  // check all message parts
  foreach ($message_struct['parts'] as $pid => $part)
    $mimetype = strtolower($part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary);
    if ($mimetype=='text/html')
      $html_part = $IMAP->get_message_part($message_struct['UID'], $pid, $part);

  if ($html_part)
    // remove special chars encoding
    //$trans = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES));
    //$html_part = strtr($html_part, $trans);

    return $html_part;

  return FALSE;

// return first text part of a message
function rcmail_first_text_part($message_struct)
  global $IMAP;

  if (empty($message_struct['parts']))
    return $message_struct['UID'] ? $IMAP->get_body($message_struct['UID']) : false;

  // check all message parts
  foreach ($message_struct['parts'] as $pid => $part)
    $mimetype = strtolower($part->ctype_primary.'/'.$part->ctype_secondary);

    if ($mimetype=='text/plain')
      return $IMAP->get_message_part($message_struct['UID'], $pid, $part);

    else if ($mimetype=='text/html')
      $html_part = $IMAP->get_message_part($message_struct['UID'], $pid, $part);
      // remove special chars encoding
      $trans = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES));
      $html_part = strtr($html_part, $trans);

      // create instance of html2text class
      $txt = new html2text($html_part);
      return $txt->get_text();

  return FALSE;

// decode address string and re-format it as HTML links
function rcmail_address_string($input, $max=NULL, $addicon=NULL)
  $a_parts = $IMAP->decode_address_list($input);

  if (!sizeof($a_parts))
    return $input;

  $c = count($a_parts);
  $j = 0;
  $out = '';

  foreach ($a_parts as $part)
    if ($PRINT_MODE)
      $out .= sprintf('%s &lt;%s&gt;', Q($part['name']), $part['mailto']);
    else if (preg_match($EMAIL_ADDRESS_PATTERN, $part['mailto']))
      $out .= sprintf('<a href="mailto:%s" onclick="return %s.command(\'compose\',\'%s\',this)" class="rcmContactAddress" title="%s">%s</a>',
      if ($addicon)
        $out .= sprintf('&nbsp;<a href="#add" onclick="return %s.command(\'add-contact\',\'%s\',this)" title="%s"><img src="%s%s" alt="add" border="0" /></a>',
      if ($part['name'])
        $out .= Q($part['name']);
      if ($part['mailto'])
        $out .= (strlen($out) ? ' ' : '') . sprintf('&lt;%s&gt;', Q($part['mailto']));
    if ($c>$j)
      $out .= ','.($max ? '&nbsp;' : ' ');
    if ($max && $j==$max && $c>$j)
      $out .= '...';
  return $out;

function rcmail_message_part_controls()
  global $CONFIG, $IMAP, $MESSAGE;
  if (!is_array($MESSAGE) || !is_array($MESSAGE['parts']) || !($_GET['_uid'] && $_GET['_part']) || !$MESSAGE['parts'][$_GET['_part']])
    return '';
  $part = &$MESSAGE['parts'][$_GET['_part']];
  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('id', 'class', 'style', 'cellspacing', 'cellpadding', 'border', 'summary'));
  $out = '<table '. $attrib_str . ">\n";
  if ($filename)
    $out .= sprintf('<tr><td class="title">%s</td><td>%s</td><td>[<a href="./?%s">%s</a>]</tr>'."\n",
                    str_replace('_frame=', '_download=', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']),
  if ($part->size)
    $out .= sprintf('<tr><td class="title">%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>'."\n",
  $out .= "\n</table>";
  return $out;

function rcmail_message_part_frame($attrib)
  global $MESSAGE;
  $part = $MESSAGE['parts'][$_GET['_part']];
  $ctype_primary = strtolower($part->ctype_primary);

  $attrib['src'] = Q('./?'.str_replace('_frame=', ($ctype_primary=='text' ? '_show=' : '_preload='), $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));

  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('id', 'class', 'style', 'src', 'width', 'height'));
  $out = '<iframe '. $attrib_str . "></iframe>";
  return $out;

// clear message composing settings
function rcmail_compose_cleanup()
  if (!isset($_SESSION['compose']))

  // remove attachment files from temp dir
  if (is_array($_SESSION['compose']['attachments']))
    foreach ($_SESSION['compose']['attachments'] as $attachment)

// register UI objects
  'mailboxlist' => 'rcmail_mailbox_list',
  'messages' => 'rcmail_message_list',
  'messagecountdisplay' => 'rcmail_messagecount_display',
  'quotadisplay' => 'rcmail_quota_display',
  'messageheaders' => 'rcmail_message_headers',
  'messagebody' => 'rcmail_message_body',
  'messagecontentframe' => 'rcmail_messagecontent_frame',
  'messagepartframe' => 'rcmail_message_part_frame',
  'messagepartcontrols' => 'rcmail_message_part_controls',
  'searchform' => 'rcmail_search_form'
