<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | program/steps/mail/move_del.inc | | | | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2005-2007, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland | | Licensed under the GNU GPL | | | | PURPOSE: | | Move the submitted messages to a specific mailbox or delete them | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ // move messages if ($_action=='moveto' && !empty($_POST['_uid']) && !empty($_POST['_target_mbox'])) { $count = sizeof(explode(',', ($uids = get_input_value('_uid', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)))); $target = get_input_value('_target_mbox', RCUBE_INPUT_POST); $moved = $IMAP->move_message($uids, $target, get_input_value('_mbox', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)); if (!$moved) { // send error message $OUTPUT->command('list_mailbox'); $OUTPUT->show_message('errormoving', 'error'); $OUTPUT->send(); exit; } } // delete messages else if ($_action=='delete' && !empty($_POST['_uid'])) { $count = sizeof(explode(',', ($uids = get_input_value('_uid', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)))); $del = $IMAP->delete_message($uids, get_input_value('_mbox', RCUBE_INPUT_POST)); if (!$del) { // send error message $OUTPUT->command('list_mailbox'); $OUTPUT->show_message('errordeleting', 'error'); $OUTPUT->send(); exit; } } // unknown action or missing query param else exit; // refresh saved seach set after moving some messages if (($search_request = get_input_value('_search', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC)) && $IMAP->search_set) $_SESSION['search'][$search_request] = $IMAP->refresh_search(); // update message count display $msg_count = $IMAP->messagecount(); $pages = ceil($msg_count / $IMAP->page_size); $OUTPUT->set_env('pagecount', $pages); $OUTPUT->command('set_rowcount', rcmail_get_messagecount_text($msg_count)); // update mailboxlist $mbox = $IMAP->get_mailbox_name(); $OUTPUT->command('set_unread_count', $mbox, $IMAP->messagecount($mbox, 'UNSEEN')); if ($_action=='moveto' && $target) $OUTPUT->command('set_unread_count', $target, $IMAP->messagecount($target, 'UNSEEN')); $OUTPUT->command('set_quota', $IMAP->get_quota()); // add new rows from next page (if any) if ($_POST['_from']!='show' && $pages>1 && $IMAP->list_page < $pages) { $sort_col = isset($_SESSION['sort_col']) ? $_SESSION['sort_col'] : $CONFIG['message_sort_col']; $sort_order = isset($_SESSION['sort_order']) ? $_SESSION['sort_order'] : $CONFIG['message_sort_order']; $a_headers = $IMAP->list_headers($mbox, NULL, $sort_col, $sort_order); $a_headers = array_slice($a_headers, -$count, $count); rcmail_js_message_list($a_headers); } // send response $OUTPUT->send(); ?>