<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | steps/mail/search.inc | | | | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2005-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team | | | | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or | | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. | | See the README file for a full license statement. | | | | PURPOSE: | | Mail messages search action | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Benjamin Smith <defitro@gmail.com> | | Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ $REMOTE_REQUEST = TRUE; @set_time_limit(170); // extend default max_execution_time to ~3 minutes // reset list_page and old search results $RCMAIL->storage->set_page(1); $RCMAIL->storage->set_search_set(NULL); $_SESSION['page'] = 1; // using encodeURI with javascript "should" give us // a correctly encoded query string $imap_charset = RCUBE_CHARSET; // get search string $str = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_q', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET, true); $mbox = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_mbox', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET, true); $filter = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_filter', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET); $headers = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_headers', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET); $scope = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_scope', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET); $continue = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_continue', rcube_utils::INPUT_GET); $subject = array(); $filter = trim($filter); $search_request = md5($mbox.$scope.$filter.$str); // add list filter string $search_str = $filter && $filter != 'ALL' ? $filter : ''; $_SESSION['search_filter'] = $filter; // Check the search string for type of search if (preg_match("/^from:.*/i", $str)) { list(,$srch) = explode(":", $str); $subject['from'] = "HEADER FROM"; } else if (preg_match("/^to:.*/i", $str)) { list(,$srch) = explode(":", $str); $subject['to'] = "HEADER TO"; } else if (preg_match("/^cc:.*/i", $str)) { list(,$srch) = explode(":", $str); $subject['cc'] = "HEADER CC"; } else if (preg_match("/^bcc:.*/i", $str)) { list(,$srch) = explode(":", $str); $subject['bcc'] = "HEADER BCC"; } else if (preg_match("/^subject:.*/i", $str)) { list(,$srch) = explode(":", $str); $subject['subject'] = "HEADER SUBJECT"; } else if (preg_match("/^body:.*/i", $str)) { list(,$srch) = explode(":", $str); $subject['body'] = "BODY"; } else if (strlen(trim($str))) { if ($headers) { foreach (explode(',', $headers) as $header) { if ($header == 'text') { // #1488208: get rid of other headers when searching by "TEXT" $subject = array('text' => 'TEXT'); break; } else { $subject[$header] = ($header != 'body' ? 'HEADER ' : '') . strtoupper($header); } } // save search modifiers for the current folder to user prefs $mkey = $scope == 'all' ? '*' : $mbox; $search_mods = rcmail_search_mods(); $search_mods[$mkey] = array_fill_keys(array_keys($subject), 1); $RCMAIL->user->save_prefs(array('search_mods' => $search_mods)); } else { // search in subject by default $subject['subject'] = 'HEADER SUBJECT'; } } $search = isset($srch) ? trim($srch) : trim($str); if (!empty($subject)) { $search_str .= str_repeat(' OR', count($subject)-1); foreach ($subject as $sub) { $search_str .= ' ' . $sub . ' ' . rcube_imap_generic::escape($search); } } $search_str = trim($search_str); $sort_column = rcmail_sort_column(); // set message set for already stored (but incomplete) search request if (!empty($continue) && isset($_SESSION['search']) && $_SESSION['search_request'] == $continue) { $RCMAIL->storage->set_search_set($_SESSION['search']); $search_str = $_SESSION['search'][0]; } // execute IMAP search if ($search_str) { // search all, current or subfolders folders if ($scope == 'all') { $mboxes = $RCMAIL->storage->list_folders_subscribed('', '*', 'mail', null, true); natcasesort($mboxes); // we want natural alphabetic sorting of folders in the result set } else if ($scope == 'sub') { $mboxes = $RCMAIL->storage->list_folders_subscribed($mbox, '*', 'mail'); if ($mbox != 'INBOX' && $mboxes[0] == 'INBOX') { array_shift($mboxes); } } $result = $RCMAIL->storage->search($mboxes, $search_str, $imap_charset, $sort_column); } // save search results in session if (!is_array($_SESSION['search'])) { $_SESSION['search'] = array(); } if ($search_str) { $_SESSION['search'] = $RCMAIL->storage->get_search_set(); $_SESSION['last_text_search'] = $str; } $_SESSION['search_request'] = $search_request; $_SESSION['search_scope'] = $scope; // Get the headers if (!$result->incomplete) { $result_h = $RCMAIL->storage->list_messages($mbox, 1, $sort_column, rcmail_sort_order()); $count = $RCMAIL->storage->count($mbox, $RCMAIL->storage->get_threading() ? 'THREADS' : 'ALL'); } // Make sure we got the headers if (!empty($result_h)) { rcmail_js_message_list($result_h, false); if ($search_str) { $OUTPUT->show_message('searchsuccessful', 'confirmation', array('nr' => $RCMAIL->storage->count(NULL, 'ALL'))); } // remember last HIGHESTMODSEQ value (if supported) // we need it for flag updates in check-recent if ($mbox !== null) { $data = $RCMAIL->storage->folder_data($mbox); if (!empty($data['HIGHESTMODSEQ'])) { $_SESSION['list_mod_seq'] = $data['HIGHESTMODSEQ']; } } } // handle IMAP errors (e.g. #1486905) else if ($err_code = $RCMAIL->storage->get_error_code()) { $RCMAIL->display_server_error(); } // advice the client to re-send the (cross-folder) search request else if ($result->incomplete) { $count = 0; // keep UI locked $OUTPUT->command('continue_search', $search_request); } else { $OUTPUT->show_message('searchnomatch', 'notice'); $OUTPUT->set_env('multifolder_listing', (bool)$result->multi); if ($result->multi && $scope == 'all') { $OUTPUT->command('select_folder', ''); } } // update message count display $OUTPUT->set_env('search_request', $search_str ? $search_request : ''); $OUTPUT->set_env('search_filter', $_SESSION['search_filter']); $OUTPUT->set_env('threading', $RCMAIL->storage->get_threading()); $OUTPUT->set_env('messagecount', $count); $OUTPUT->set_env('pagecount', ceil($count/$RCMAIL->storage->get_pagesize())); $OUTPUT->set_env('exists', $mbox === null ? 0 : $RCMAIL->storage->count($mbox, 'EXISTS')); $OUTPUT->command('set_rowcount', rcmail_get_messagecount_text($count, 1), $mbox); rcmail_list_pagetitle(); // update unseen messages count if (empty($search_str)) { rcmail_send_unread_count($mbox, false, empty($result_h) ? 0 : null); } if (!$result->incomplete) { $OUTPUT->command('set_quota', $RCMAIL->quota_content(null, $result->multi ? 'INBOX' : $mbox)); } $OUTPUT->send();