| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ require_once('Mail/mimeDecode.php'); $PRINT_MODE = $_action=='print' ? TRUE : FALSE; // allow caching, unless remote images are present if ((bool)get_input_value('_safe', RCUBE_INPUT_GET)) send_nocacheing_headers(); else send_future_expire_header(); // similar code as in program/steps/mail/get.inc if ($_GET['_uid']) { $MESSAGE = array('UID' => get_input_value('_uid', RCUBE_INPUT_GET)); $MESSAGE['headers'] = $IMAP->get_headers($MESSAGE['UID']); $MESSAGE['structure'] = $IMAP->get_structure($MESSAGE['UID']); // go back to list if message not found (wrong UID) if (!$MESSAGE['headers'] || !$MESSAGE['structure']) { show_message('messageopenerror', 'error'); if ($_action=='preview' && template_exists('messagepreview')) parse_template('messagepreview'); else { $_action = 'list'; return; } } $MESSAGE['subject'] = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->subject); if ($MESSAGE['structure']) list($MESSAGE['parts'], $MESSAGE['attachments']) = rcmail_parse_message( $MESSAGE['structure'], array('safe' => (bool)$_GET['_safe'], 'prefer_html' => $CONFIG['prefer_html'], 'get_url' => $GET_URL.'&_part=%s') ); else $MESSAGE['body'] = $IMAP->get_body($MESSAGE['UID']); // mark message as read if (!$MESSAGE['headers']->seen && $_action != 'preview') $IMAP->set_flag($MESSAGE['UID'], 'SEEN'); // give message uid to the client $javascript = sprintf("%s.set_env('uid', '%s');\n", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $MESSAGE['UID']); $javascript .= sprintf("%s.set_env('safemode', '%b');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $_GET['_safe']); $next = $prev = -1; // get previous, first, next and last message UID if (!($_SESSION['sort_col'] == 'date' && $_SESSION['sort_order'] == 'DESC') && $IMAP->get_capability('sort')) { // Only if we use custom sorting $a_msg_index = $IMAP->message_index(NULL, $_SESSION['sort_col'], $_SESSION['sort_order']); $MESSAGE['index'] = array_search((string)$MESSAGE['UID'], $a_msg_index, TRUE); $prev = isset($a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']-1]) ? $a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']-1] : -1 ; $first = count($a_msg_index)>0 ? $a_msg_index[0] : -1; $next = isset($a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']+1]) ? $a_msg_index[$MESSAGE['index']+1] : -1 ; $last = count($a_msg_index)>0 ? $a_msg_index[count($a_msg_index)-1] : -1; } else { // this assumes that we are sorted by date_DESC $seq = $IMAP->get_id($MESSAGE['UID']); $prev = $IMAP->get_uid($seq + 1); $first = $IMAP->get_uid($IMAP->messagecount()); $next = $IMAP->get_uid($seq - 1); $last = $IMAP->get_uid(1); $MESSAGE['index'] = $IMAP->messagecount() - $seq; } if ($prev > 0) $javascript .= sprintf("\n%s.set_env('prev_uid', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $prev); if ($first >0) $javascript .= sprintf("\n%s.set_env('first_uid', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $first); if ($next > 0) $javascript .= sprintf("\n%s.set_env('next_uid', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $next); if ($last >0) $javascript .= sprintf("\n%s.set_env('last_uid', '%s');", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, $last); $OUTPUT->add_script($javascript); } function rcmail_message_attachments($attrib) { global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT, $PRINT_MODE, $MESSAGE, $GET_URL, $JS_OBJECT_NAME; if (sizeof($MESSAGE['attachments'])) { // allow the following attributes to be added to the