
 | program/steps/settings/save_identity.inc                              |
 |                                                                       |
 | This file is part of the Roundcube Webmail client                     |
 | Copyright (C) 2005-2013, The Roundcube Dev Team                       |
 |                                                                       |
 | Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or            |
 | any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins.                |
 | See the README file for a full license statement.                     |
 |                                                                       |
 | PURPOSE:                                                              |
 |   Save an identity record or to add a new one                         |
 |                                                                       |
 | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com>                        |

define('IDENTITIES_LEVEL', intval($RCMAIL->config->get('identities_level', 0)));

$a_save_cols    = array('name', 'email', 'organization', 'reply-to', 'bcc', 'standard', 'signature', 'html_signature');
$a_boolean_cols = array('standard', 'html_signature');
$updated = $default_id = false;

// check input
if (empty($_POST['_email']) && (IDENTITIES_LEVEL == 0 || IDENTITIES_LEVEL == 2)) {
    $OUTPUT->show_message('noemailwarning', 'warning');

$save_data = array();
foreach ($a_save_cols as $col) {
    $fname = '_'.$col;
    if (isset($_POST[$fname])) {
        $save_data[$col] = rcube_utils::get_input_value($fname, rcube_utils::INPUT_POST, true);

// set "off" values for checkboxes that were not checked, and therefore
// not included in the POST body.
foreach ($a_boolean_cols as $col) {
    $fname = '_' . $col;
    if (!isset($_POST[$fname])) {
        $save_data[$col] = 0;

// unset email address if user has no rights to change it
// unset all fields except signature
else if (IDENTITIES_LEVEL == 4) {
    foreach ($save_data as $idx => $value) {
        if ($idx != 'signature' && $idx != 'html_signature') {

// Validate e-mail addresses
$email_checks = array(rcube_utils::idn_to_ascii($save_data['email']));
foreach (array('reply-to', 'bcc') as $item) {
    foreach (rcube_mime::decode_address_list($save_data[$item], null, false) as $rcpt) {
        $email_checks[] = rcube_utils::idn_to_ascii($rcpt['mailto']);

foreach ($email_checks as $email) {
    if ($email && !rcube_utils::check_email($email)) {
        // show error message
        $OUTPUT->show_message('emailformaterror', 'error', array('email' => rcube_utils::idn_to_utf8($email)), false);

if (!empty($save_data['signature']) && !empty($save_data['html_signature'])) {
    // replace uploaded images with data URIs
    $save_data['signature'] = rcmail_attach_images($save_data['signature']);

    // XSS protection in HTML signature (#1489251)
    $save_data['signature'] = rcmail_wash_html($save_data['signature']);

    // clear POST data of signature, we want to use safe content
    // when the form is displayed again

// update an existing contact
if ($_POST['_iid']) {
    $iid = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_iid', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST);

    if (in_array(IDENTITIES_LEVEL, array(1,3,4))) {
        // merge with old identity data, fixes #1488834
        $identity  = $RCMAIL->user->get_identity($iid);
        $save_data = array_merge($identity, $save_data);

        unset($save_data['changed'], $save_data['del'], $save_data['user_id'], $save_data['identity_id']);

    $plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('identity_update', array('id' => $iid, 'record' => $save_data));
    $save_data = $plugin['record'];

    if ($save_data['email']) {
        $save_data['email'] = rcube_utils::idn_to_ascii($save_data['email']);

    if (!$plugin['abort'])
        $updated = $RCMAIL->user->update_identity($iid, $save_data);
        $updated = $plugin['result'];

    if ($updated) {
        $OUTPUT->show_message('successfullysaved', 'confirmation');

        if (!empty($save_data['standard'])) {
            $default_id = $iid;

        if ($_POST['_framed']) {
            // update the changed col in list
            $name = $save_data['name'] . ' <' . rcube_utils::idn_to_utf8($save_data['email']) .'>';
            $OUTPUT->command('parent.update_identity_row', $iid, rcube::Q(trim($name)));
    else {
        // show error message
        $OUTPUT->show_message($plugin['message'] ? $plugin['message'] : 'errorsaving', 'error', null, false);
// insert a new identity record
else if (IDENTITIES_LEVEL < 2) {
    if (IDENTITIES_LEVEL == 1) {
        $save_data['email'] = $RCMAIL->get_user_email();

    $plugin = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('identity_create', array('record' => $save_data));
    $save_data = $plugin['record'];

    if ($save_data['email']) {
        $save_data['email'] = rcube_utils::idn_to_ascii($save_data['email']);

    if (!$plugin['abort'])
        $insert_id = $save_data['email'] ? $RCMAIL->user->insert_identity($save_data) : null;
        $insert_id = $plugin['result'];

    if ($insert_id) {
        $OUTPUT->show_message('successfullysaved', 'confirmation', null, false);

        $_GET['_iid'] = $insert_id;

        if (!empty($save_data['standard'])) {
            $default_id = $insert_id;

        if ($_POST['_framed']) {
            // add a new row to the list
            $name = $save_data['name'] . ' <' . rcube_utils::idn_to_utf8($save_data['email']) .'>';
            $OUTPUT->command('parent.update_identity_row', $insert_id, rcube::Q(trim($name)), true);
    else {
        // show error message
        $OUTPUT->show_message($plugin['message'] ? $plugin['message'] : 'errorsaving', 'error', null, false);
else {
    $OUTPUT->show_message('opnotpermitted', 'error');

// mark all other identities as 'not-default'
if ($default_id) {

// go to next step
if (!empty($_REQUEST['_framed'])) {
else {

 * Attach uploaded images into signature as data URIs
function rcmail_attach_images($html)
    global $RCMAIL;

    $offset = 0;
    $regexp = '/\s(poster|src)\s*=\s*[\'"]*\S+upload-display\S+file=rcmfile([0-9]+)[\s\'"]*/';

    while (preg_match($regexp, $html, $matches, 0, $offset)) {
        $file_id  = $matches[2];
        $data_uri = ' ';

        if ($file_id && ($file = $_SESSION['identity']['files'][$file_id])) {
            $file = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('attachment_get', $file);

            $data_uri .= 'src="data:' . $file['mimetype'] . ';base64,';
            $data_uri .= base64_encode($file['data'] ? $file['data'] : file_get_contents($file['path']));
            $data_uri .= '" ';

        $html    = str_replace($matches[0], $data_uri, $html);
        $offset += strlen($data_uri) - strlen($matches[0]) + 1;

    return $html;

 * Sanity checks/cleanups on HTML body of signature
function rcmail_wash_html($html)
    // Add header with charset spec., washtml cannot work without that
    $html = '<html><head>'
        . '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.RCUBE_CHARSET.'" />'
        . '</head><body>' . $html . '</body></html>';

    // clean HTML with washhtml by Frederic Motte
    $wash_opts = array(
        'show_washed'   => false,
        'allow_remote'  => 1,
        'charset'       => RCUBE_CHARSET,
        'html_elements' => array('body', 'link'),
        'html_attribs'  => array('rel', 'type'),

    // initialize HTML washer
    $washer = new rcube_washtml($wash_opts);

    //$washer->add_callback('form', 'rcmail_washtml_callback');
    //$washer->add_callback('style', 'rcmail_washtml_callback');

    // Remove non-UTF8 characters (#1487813)
    $html = rcube_charset::clean($html);

    $html = $washer->wash($html);

    // remove unwanted comments and tags (produced by washtml)
    $html = preg_replace(array('/<!--[^>]+-->/', '/<\/?body>/'), '', $html);

    return $html;