<?php /* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | program/steps/settings/save_identity.inc | | | | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client | | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland | | Licensed under the GNU GPL | | | | PURPOSE: | | Save an identity record or to add a new one | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thomas Bruederli <roundcube@gmail.com> | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $Id$ */ $a_save_cols = array('name', 'email', 'organization', 'reply-to', 'bcc', 'default'); // check input if (empty($_POST['_name']) || empty($_POST['_email'])) { show_message('formincomplete', 'warning'); rcmail_overwrite_action('edit-identitiy'); return; } // update an existing contact if ($_POST['_iid']) { $a_write_sql = array(); foreach ($a_save_cols as $col) { $fname = '_'.$col; if (!isset($_POST[$fname])) continue; $a_write_sql[] = sprintf("%s=%s", $DB->quoteIdentifier($col), $DB->quote(strip_tags($_POST[$fname]))); } if (sizeof($a_write_sql)) { $DB->query("UPDATE ".get_table_name('identities')." SET ".join(', ', $a_write_sql)." WHERE identity_id=? AND user_id=? AND del<>'1'", $_POST['_iid'], $_SESSION['user_id']); $updated = $DB->affected_rows(); } if ($updated) { show_message('successfullysaved', 'confirmation'); // mark all other identities as 'not-default' $DB->query("UPDATE ".get_table_name('identities')." SET ".$DB->quoteIdentifier('default')."='0' WHERE user_id=? AND identity_id<>? AND del<>'1'", $_SESSION['user_id'], $_POST['_iid']); if ($_POST['_framed']) { // update the changed col in list // ... } } else { // show error message show_message('errorsaving', 'error'); rcmail_overwrite_action('edit-identitiy'); } } // insert a new contact else { $a_insert_cols = $a_insert_values = array(); foreach ($a_save_cols as $col) { $fname = '_'.$col; if (!isset($_POST[$fname])) continue; $a_insert_cols[] = $DB->quoteIdentifier($col); $a_insert_values[] = $DB->quote(strip_tags($_POST[$fname])); } if (sizeof($a_insert_cols)) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO ".get_table_name('identities')." (user_id, ".join(', ', $a_insert_cols).") VALUES (?, ".join(', ', $a_insert_values).")", $_SESSION['user_id']); $insert_id = $DB->insert_id(); } if ($insert_id) { $_GET['_iid'] = $insert_id; if ($_POST['_framed']) { // add contact row or jump to the page where it should appear // .... } } else { // show error message show_message('errorsaving', 'error'); rcmail_overwrite_action('edit-identitiy'); } } // go to next step rcmail_overwrite_action($_POST['_framed'] ? 'edit-identitiy' : 'identities'); ?>