/** * Roundcube functions for default skin interface * * Copyright (c) 2013, The Roundcube Dev Team * * The contents are subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike * License. It is allowed to copy, distribute, transmit and to adapt the work * by keeping credits to the original autors in the README file. * See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ for details. */ function rcube_mail_ui() { var env = {}; var popups = {}; var popupconfig = { forwardmenu: { editable:1 }, searchmenu: { editable:1, callback:searchmenu }, attachmentmenu: { }, listoptions: { editable:1 }, dragmenu: { sticky:1 }, groupmenu: { above:1 }, mailboxmenu: { above:1 }, spellmenu: { callback: spellmenu }, // toggle: #1486823, #1486930 'attachment-form': { editable:1, above:1, toggle:!bw.ie&&!bw.linux }, 'upload-form': { editable:1, toggle:!bw.ie&&!bw.linux } }; var me = this; var mailviewsplit; var compose_headers = {}; // export public methods this.set = setenv; this.init = init; this.init_tabs = init_tabs; this.show_about = show_about; this.show_popup = show_popup; this.add_popup = add_popup; this.set_searchmod = set_searchmod; this.show_uploadform = show_uploadform; this.show_header_row = show_header_row; this.hide_header_row = hide_header_row; this.update_quota = update_quota; // set minimal mode on small screens (don't wait for document.ready) if (window.$ && document.body) { var minmode = rcmail.get_cookie('minimalmode'); if (parseInt(minmode) || (minmode === null && $(window).height() < 850)) { $(document.body).addClass('minimal'); } if (bw.tablet) { $('#viewport').attr('content', "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"); } } /** * */ function setenv(key, val) { env[key] = val; } /** * Initialize UI * Called on document.ready */ function init() { rcmail.addEventListener('message', message_displayed); /*** prepare minmode functions ***/ $('#taskbar a').each(function(i,elem){ $(elem).append('<span class="tooltip">' + $('.button-inner', this).html() + '</span>') }); $('#taskbar .minmodetoggle').click(function(e){ var ismin = $(document.body).toggleClass('minimal').hasClass('minimal'); rcmail.set_cookie('minimalmode', ismin?1:0); $(window).resize(); }); /*** mail task ***/ if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail') { rcmail.addEventListener('menu-open', menu_open); rcmail.addEventListener('menu-save', menu_save); rcmail.addEventListener('responseafterlist', function(e){ switch_view_mode(rcmail.env.threading ? 'thread' : 'list') }); var dragmenu = $('#dragmessagemenu'); if (dragmenu.length) { rcmail.gui_object('dragmenu', 'dragmessagemenu'); popups.dragmenu = dragmenu; } if (rcmail.env.action == 'show' || rcmail.env.action == 'preview') { rcmail.addEventListener('enable-command', enable_command); rcmail.addEventListener('aftershow-headers', function() { layout_messageview(); }); rcmail.addEventListener('afterhide-headers', function() { layout_messageview(); }); $('#previewheaderstoggle').click(function(e){ toggle_preview_headers(); return false }); // add menu link for each attachment $('#attachment-list > li').each(function() { $(this).append($('<a class="drop">').click(function() { attachmentmenu(this); })); }); } else if (rcmail.env.action == 'compose') { rcmail.addEventListener('aftertoggle-editor', function(){ window.setTimeout(function(){ layout_composeview() }, 200); }); rcmail.addEventListener('aftersend-attachment', show_uploadform); rcmail.addEventListener('add-recipient', function(p){ show_header_row(p.field, true); }); layout_composeview(); // Show input elements with non-empty value var f, v, field, fields = ['cc', 'bcc', 'replyto', 'followupto']; for (f=0; f < fields.length; f++) { v = fields[f]; field = $('#_'+v); if (field.length) { field.on('change', {v: v}, function(e) { if (this.value) show_header_row(e.data.v, true); }); if (field.val() != '') show_header_row(v, true); } } $('#composeoptionstoggle').click(function(){ $('#composeoptionstoggle').toggleClass('remove'); $('#composeoptions').toggle(); layout_composeview(); return false; }).css('cursor', 'pointer'); // toggle compose options if opened in new window and they were visible before var opener_rc = rcmail.opener(); if (opener_rc && opener_rc.env.action == 'compose' && $('#composeoptionstoggle', opener.document).hasClass('remove')) $('#composeoptionstoggle').click(); new rcube_splitter({ id:'composesplitterv', p1:'#composeview-left', p2:'#composeview-right', orientation:'v', relative:true, start:248, min:170, size:12, render:layout_composeview }).init(); } else if (rcmail.env.action == 'list' || !rcmail.env.action) { var previewframe = $('#mailpreviewframe').is(':visible'); $('#mailpreviewtoggle').addClass(previewframe ? 'enabled' : 'closed').click(function(e){ toggle_preview_pane(e); return false }); $('#maillistmode').addClass(rcmail.env.threading ? '' : 'selected').click(function(e){ switch_view_mode('list'); return false }); $('#mailthreadmode').addClass(rcmail.env.threading ? 'selected' : '').click(function(e){ switch_view_mode('thread'); return false }); mailviewsplit = new rcube_splitter({ id:'mailviewsplitter', p1:'#mailview-top', p2:'#mailview-bottom', orientation:'h', relative:true, start:310, min:150, size:12, offset:4 }); if (previewframe) mailviewsplit.init(); new rcube_scroller('#folderlist-content', '#folderlist-header', '#folderlist-footer'); rcmail.addEventListener('setquota', update_quota); rcmail.addEventListener('enable-command', enable_command); rcmail.addEventListener('afterimport-messages', show_uploadform); } else if (rcmail.env.action == 'get') { new rcube_splitter({ id:'mailpartsplitterv', p1:'#messagepartheader', p2:'#messagepartcontainer', orientation:'v', relative:true, start:226, min:150, size:12}).init(); } if ($('#mailview-left').length) { new rcube_splitter({ id:'mailviewsplitterv', p1:'#mailview-left', p2:'#mailview-right', orientation:'v', relative:true, start:226, min:150, size:12, callback:render_mailboxlist, render:resize_leftcol }).init(); } } /*** settings task ***/ else if (rcmail.env.task == 'settings') { rcmail.addEventListener('init', function(){ var tab = '#settingstabpreferences'; if (rcmail.env.action) tab = '#settingstab' + (rcmail.env.action.indexOf('identity')>0 ? 'identities' : rcmail.env.action.replace(/\./g, '')); $(tab).addClass('selected') .children().first().removeAttr('onclick').click(function() { return false; }); }); if (rcmail.env.action == 'folders') { new rcube_splitter({ id:'folderviewsplitter', p1:'#folderslist', p2:'#folder-details', orientation:'v', relative:true, start:266, min:180, size:12 }).init(); new rcube_scroller('#folderslist-content', '#folderslist-header', '#folderslist-footer'); rcmail.addEventListener('setquota', update_quota); } else if (rcmail.env.action == 'identities') { new rcube_splitter({ id:'identviewsplitter', p1:'#identitieslist', p2:'#identity-details', orientation:'v', relative:true, start:266, min:180, size:12 }).init(); } else if (rcmail.env.action == 'preferences' || !rcmail.env.action) { new rcube_splitter({ id:'prefviewsplitter', p1:'#sectionslist', p2:'#preferences-box', orientation:'v', relative:true, start:266, min:180, size:12 }).init(); } else if (rcmail.env.action == 'edit-prefs') { $('<a href="#toggle">▼</a>') .addClass('advanced-toggle') .appendTo('#preferences-details fieldset.advanced legend'); $('#preferences-details fieldset.advanced legend').click(function(e){ var collapsed = $(this).hasClass('collapsed'), toggle = $('.advanced-toggle', this).html(collapsed ? '▲' : '▼'); $(this) .toggleClass('collapsed') .closest('fieldset').children('.propform').toggle() }).addClass('collapsed') } } /*** addressbook task ***/ else if (rcmail.env.task == 'addressbook') { rcmail.addEventListener('afterupload-photo', show_uploadform); rcmail.addEventListener('beforepushgroup', push_contactgroup); rcmail.addEventListener('beforepopgroup', pop_contactgroup); if (rcmail.env.action == '') { new rcube_splitter({ id:'addressviewsplitterd', p1:'#addressview-left', p2:'#addressview-right', orientation:'v', relative:true, start:226, min:150, size:12, render:resize_leftcol }).init(); new rcube_splitter({ id:'addressviewsplitter', p1:'#addresslist', p2:'#contacts-box', orientation:'v', relative:true, start:286, min:270, size:12 }).init(); new rcube_scroller('#directorylist-content', '#directorylist-header', '#directorylist-footer'); } var dragmenu = $('#dragcontactmenu'); if (dragmenu.length) { rcmail.gui_object('dragmenu', 'dragcontactmenu'); popups.dragmenu = dragmenu; } } // turn a group of fieldsets into tabs $('.tabbed').each(function(idx, elem){ init_tabs(elem); }) // decorate select elements $('select.decorated').each(function(){ if (bw.opera) { $(this).removeClass('decorated'); return; } var select = $(this), parent = select.parent(), height = Math.max(select.height(), 26) - 2, width = select.width() - 22, title = $('option', this).first().text(); if ($('option:selected', this).val() != '') title = $('option:selected', this).text(); var overlay = $('<a class="menuselector"><span class="handle">' + title + '</span></a>') .css('position', 'absolute') .offset(select.position()) .insertAfter(select); overlay.children().width(width).height(height).css('line-height', (height - 1) + 'px'); if (parent.css('position') != 'absolute') parent.css('position', 'relative'); // re-set original select width to fix click action and options width in some browsers select.width(overlay.width()) .change(function() { var val = $('option:selected', this).text(); $(this).next().children().text(val); }); }); // set min-width to show all toolbar buttons var screen = $('body > div.minwidth'); if (screen.length) { screen.css('min-width', $('.toolbar').width() + $('#quicksearchbar').width() + $('#searchfilter').width() + 30); } $(document.body) .bind('mouseup', body_mouseup) .bind('keyup', function(e){ if (e.keyCode == 27) { for (var id in popups) { if (popups[id].is(':visible')) show_popup(id, false); } } }); $('iframe').load(function(e){ // this = iframe try { var doc = this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : this.contentWindow ? this.contentWindow.document : null; $(doc).mouseup(body_mouseup); } catch (e) { // catch possible "Permission denied" error in IE }; }) .contents().mouseup(body_mouseup); // don't use $(window).resize() due to some unwanted side-effects window.onresize = resize; resize(); } /** * Handler for mouse-up events on the document body. * This will close all open popup menus */ function body_mouseup(e) { var config, obj, target = e.target; if (target.className == 'inner') target = e.target.parentNode; for (var id in popups) { obj = popups[id]; config = popupconfig[id]; if (obj.is(':visible') && target.id != id+'link' && !config.toggle && (!config.editable || !target_overlaps(target, obj.get(0))) && (!config.sticky || !rcube_mouse_is_over(e, obj.get(0))) ) { var myid = id+''; window.setTimeout(function(){ show_popupmenu(myid, false) }, 10); } } } /** * Update UI on window resize */ function resize(e) { // resize in intervals to prevent lags and double onresize calls in Chrome (#1489005) var interval = e ? 10 : 0; if (rcmail.resize_timeout) window.clearTimeout(rcmail.resize_timeout); rcmail.resize_timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail') { if (rcmail.env.action == 'show' || rcmail.env.action == 'preview') layout_messageview(); else if (rcmail.env.action == 'compose') layout_composeview(); } // make iframe footer buttons float if scrolling is active $('body.iframe .footerleft').each(function(){ var footer = $(this), body = $(document.body), floating = footer.hasClass('floating'), overflow = body.outerHeight(true) > $(window).height(); if (overflow != floating) { var action = overflow ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'; footer[action]('floating'); body[action]('floatingbuttons'); } }); }, interval); } /** * Triggered when a new user message is displayed */ function message_displayed(p) { // show a popup dialog on errors if (p.type == 'error' && rcmail.env.task != 'login') { if (me.message_timer) { window.clearTimeout(me.message_timer); } if (!me.messagedialog) { me.messagedialog = $('<div>').addClass('popupdialog').hide(); } var msg = p.message, pos = $(p.object).offset(); pos.top -= (rcmail.env.task == 'login' ? 20 : 160); if (me.messagedialog.is(':visible')) msg = me.messagedialog.html() + '<p>' + p.message + '</p>'; me.messagedialog.html(msg) .dialog({ resizable: false, closeOnEscape: true, dialogClass: 'popupmessage ' + p.type, title: env.errortitle, close: function() { me.messagedialog.dialog('destroy').hide(); }, position: ['center', pos.top], hide: { effect:'drop', direction:'down' }, width: 420, minHeight: 90 }).show(); me.message_timer = window.setTimeout(function(){ me.messagedialog.dialog('close'); }, Math.max(2000, p.timeout / 2)); } } /** * Adjust UI objects of the mail view screen */ function layout_messageview() { $('#messagecontent').css('top', ($('#messageheader').outerHeight() + 1) + 'px'); $('#message-objects div a').addClass('button'); if (!$('#attachment-list li').length) { $('div.rightcol').hide(); $('div.leftcol').css('margin-right', '0'); } } function render_mailboxlist(splitter) { // TODO: implement smart shortening of long folder names } function resize_leftcol(splitter) { // STUB } function layout_composeview() { var body = $('#composebody'), form = $('#compose-content'), bottom = $('#composeview-bottom'), w, h, bh, ovflw, btns = 0, minheight = 300, bh = (form.height() - bottom.position().top); ovflw = minheight - bh; btns = ovflw > -100 ? 0 : 40; bottom.css('height', Math.max(minheight, bh) + 'px'); form.css('overflow', ovflw > 0 ? 'auto' : 'hidden'); w = body.parent().width() - 5; h = body.parent().height() - 16; body.width(w).height(h); $('#composebody_tbl').width((w+8)+'px').height('').css('margin-top', '1px'); $('#composebody_ifr').width((w+8)+'px').height((h-40)+'px'); $('#googie_edit_layer').height(h+'px'); // $('#composebodycontainer')[(btns ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass')]('buttons'); // $('#composeformbuttons')[(btns ? 'show' : 'hide')](); var abooks = $('#directorylist'); $('#compose-contacts .scroller').css('top', abooks.position().top + abooks.outerHeight()); } function update_quota(p) { var step = 24, step_count = 20, y = p.total ? Math.ceil(p.percent / 100 * step_count) * step : 0; // never show full-circle if quota is close to 100% but below. if (p.total && y == step * step_count && p.percent < 100) y -= step; $('#quotadisplay').css('background-position', '0 -'+y+'px'); } function enable_command(p) { if (p.command == 'reply-list') { var label = rcmail.gettext(p.status ? 'replylist' : 'replyall'); if (rcmail.env.action == 'preview') $('a.button.replyall').attr('title', label); else $('a.button.reply-all').text(label).attr('title', label); } } /** * Register a popup menu */ function add_popup(popup, config) { var obj = popups[popup] = $('#'+popup); obj.appendTo(document.body); // move it to top for proper absolute positioning if (obj.length) popupconfig[popup] = $.extend(popupconfig[popup] || {}, config || {}); } /** * Trigger for popup menus */ function show_popup(popup, show, config) { // auto-register menu object if (config || !popupconfig[popup]) add_popup(popup, config); var visible = show_popupmenu(popup, show), config = popupconfig[popup]; if (typeof config.callback == 'function') config.callback(visible); } /** * Show/hide a specific popup menu */ function show_popupmenu(popup, show) { var obj = popups[popup], config = popupconfig[popup], ref = $(config.link ? config.link : '#'+popup+'link'), above = config.above; if (!obj) { obj = popups[popup] = $('#'+popup); obj.appendTo(document.body); // move them to top for proper absolute positioning } if (!obj || !obj.length) return false; if (typeof show == 'undefined') show = obj.is(':visible') ? false : true; else if (config.toggle && show && obj.is(':visible')) show = false; if (show && ref.length) { var parent = ref.parent(), win = $(window), pos; if (parent.hasClass('dropbutton')) ref = parent; pos = ref.offset(); ref.offsetHeight = ref.outerHeight(); if (!above && pos.top + ref.offsetHeight + obj.height() > win.height()) above = true; if (pos.left + obj.width() > win.width()) pos.left = win.width() - obj.width() - 12; obj.css({ left:pos.left, top:(pos.top + (above ? -obj.height() : ref.offsetHeight)) }); } obj[show?'show':'hide'](); // hide drop-down elements on buggy browsers if (bw.ie6 && config.overlap) { $('select').css('visibility', show?'hidden':'inherit'); $('select', obj).css('visibility', 'inherit'); } return show; } /** * */ function target_overlaps(target, elem) { while (target.parentNode) { if (target.parentNode == elem) return true; target = target.parentNode; } return false; } /** * Show/hide the preview pane */ function toggle_preview_pane(e) { var button = $(e.target), frame = $('#mailpreviewframe'), visible = !frame.is(':visible'), splitter = mailviewsplit.pos || parseInt(rcmail.get_cookie('mailviewsplitter') || 320), topstyles, bottomstyles, uid; frame.toggle(); button.removeClass().addClass(visible ? 'enabled' : 'closed'); if (visible) { $('#mailview-top').removeClass('fullheight').css({ bottom:'auto' }); $('#mailview-bottom').css({ height:'auto' }); rcmail.env.contentframe = 'messagecontframe'; if (uid = rcmail.message_list.get_single_selection()) rcmail.show_message(uid, false, true); // let the splitter set the correct size and position if (mailviewsplit.handle) { mailviewsplit.handle.show(); mailviewsplit.resize(); } else mailviewsplit.init(); } else { rcmail.env.contentframe = null; rcmail.show_contentframe(false); $('#mailview-top').addClass('fullheight').css({ height:'auto', bottom:'28px' }); $('#mailview-bottom').css({ top:'auto', height:'26px' }); if (mailviewsplit.handle) mailviewsplit.handle.hide(); } if (rcmail.message_list) { if (visible && uid) rcmail.message_list.scrollto(uid); rcmail.message_list.resize(); } rcmail.command('save-pref', { name:'preview_pane', value:(visible?1:0) }); } /** * Switch between short and full headers display in message preview */ function toggle_preview_headers() { $('#preview-shortheaders').toggle(); var full = $('#preview-allheaders').toggle(), button = $('a#previewheaderstoggle'); // add toggle button to full headers table if (full.is(':visible')) button.attr('href', '#hide').removeClass('add').addClass('remove') else button.attr('href', '#details').removeClass('remove').addClass('add') } /** * */ function switch_view_mode(mode) { if (rcmail.env.threading != (mode == 'thread')) rcmail.set_list_options(null, undefined, undefined, mode == 'thread' ? 1 : 0); $('#maillistmode, #mailthreadmode').removeClass('selected'); $('#mail'+mode+'mode').addClass('selected'); } /**** popup callbacks ****/ function menu_open(p) { if (p && p.props && p.props.menu == 'attachmentmenu') show_popupmenu('attachmentmenu'); else show_listoptions(); } function menu_save(prop) { save_listoptions(); } function searchmenu(show) { if (show && rcmail.env.search_mods) { var n, all, obj = popups['searchmenu'], list = $('input:checkbox[name="s_mods[]"]', obj), mbox = rcmail.env.mailbox, mods = rcmail.env.search_mods; if (rcmail.env.task == 'mail') { mods = mods[mbox] ? mods[mbox] : mods['*']; all = 'text'; } else { all = '*'; } if (mods[all]) list.map(function() { this.checked = true; this.disabled = this.value != all; }); else { list.prop('disabled', false).prop('checked', false); for (n in mods) $('#s_mod_' + n).prop('checked', true); } } } function attachmentmenu(elem) { var id = elem.parentNode.id.replace(/^attach/, ''); $('#attachmenuopen').unbind('click').attr('onclick', '').click(function(e) { return rcmail.command('open-attachment', id, this); }); $('#attachmenudownload').unbind('click').attr('onclick', '').click(function() { rcmail.command('download-attachment', id, this); }); popupconfig.attachmentmenu.link = elem; rcmail.command('menu-open', {menu: 'attachmentmenu', id: id}); } function spellmenu(show) { var link, li, lang = rcmail.spellcheck_lang(), menu = popups.spellmenu, ul = $('ul', menu); if (!ul.length) { ul = $('<ul class="toolbarmenu selectable">'); for (i in rcmail.env.spell_langs) { li = $('<li>'); link = $('<a href="#"></a>').text(rcmail.env.spell_langs[i]) .addClass('active').data('lang', i) .click(function() { rcmail.spellcheck_lang_set($(this).data('lang')); }); link.appendTo(li); li.appendTo(ul); } ul.appendTo(menu); } // select current language $('li', ul).each(function() { var el = $('a', this); if (el.data('lang') == lang) el.addClass('selected'); else if (el.hasClass('selected')) el.removeClass('selected'); }); } /** * */ function show_listoptions() { var $dialog = $('#listoptions'); // close the dialog if ($dialog.is(':visible')) { $dialog.dialog('close'); return; } // set form values $('input[name="sort_col"][value="'+rcmail.env.sort_col+'"]').prop('checked', true); $('input[name="sort_ord"][value="DESC"]').prop('checked', rcmail.env.sort_order == 'DESC'); $('input[name="sort_ord"][value="ASC"]').prop('checked', rcmail.env.sort_order != 'DESC'); // set checkboxes $('input[name="list_col[]"]').each(function() { $(this).prop('checked', $.inArray(this.value, rcmail.env.coltypes) != -1); }); $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: true, title: null, close: function() { $dialog.dialog('destroy').hide(); }, minWidth: 500, width: $dialog.width()+25 }).show(); } /** * */ function save_listoptions() { $('#listoptions').dialog('close'); var sort = $('input[name="sort_col"]:checked').val(), ord = $('input[name="sort_ord"]:checked').val(), cols = $('input[name="list_col[]"]:checked') .map(function(){ return this.value; }).get(); rcmail.set_list_options(cols, sort, ord, rcmail.env.threading); } /** * */ function set_searchmod(elem) { var all, m, task = rcmail.env.task, mods = rcmail.env.search_mods, mbox = rcmail.env.mailbox; if (!mods) mods = {}; if (task == 'mail') { if (!mods[mbox]) mods[mbox] = rcube_clone_object(mods['*']); m = mods[mbox]; all = 'text'; } else { //addressbook m = mods; all = '*'; } if (!elem.checked) delete(m[elem.value]); else m[elem.value] = 1; // mark all fields if (elem.value != all) return; $('input:checkbox[name="s_mods[]"]').map(function() { if (this == elem) return; this.checked = true; if (elem.checked) { this.disabled = true; delete m[this.value]; } else { this.disabled = false; m[this.value] = 1; } }); } function push_contactgroup(p) { // lets the contacts list swipe to the left, nice! var table = $('#contacts-table'), scroller = table.parent().css('overflow', 'hidden'); table.clone() .css({ position:'absolute', top:'0', left:'0', width:table.width()+'px', 'z-index':10 }) .appendTo(scroller) .animate({ left: -(table.width()+5) + 'px' }, 300, 'swing', function(){ $(this).remove(); scroller.css('overflow', 'auto') }); } function pop_contactgroup(p) { // lets the contacts list swipe to the left, nice! var table = $('#contacts-table'), scroller = table.parent().css('overflow', 'hidden'), clone = table.clone().appendTo(scroller); table.css({ position:'absolute', top:'0', left:-(table.width()+5) + 'px', width:table.width()+'px', height:table.height()+'px', 'z-index':10 }) .animate({ left:'0' }, 300, 'linear', function(){ clone.remove(); $(this).css({ position:'relative', left:'0', width:'100%', height:'auto', 'z-index':1 }); scroller.css('overflow', 'auto') }); } function show_uploadform() { var $dialog = $('#upload-dialog'); // close the dialog if ($dialog.is(':visible')) { $dialog.dialog('close'); return; } // add icons to clone file input field if (rcmail.env.action == 'compose' && !$dialog.data('extended')) { $('<a>') .addClass('iconlink add') .attr('href', '#add') .html('Add') .appendTo($('input[type="file"]', $dialog).parent()) .click(add_uploadfile); $dialog.data('extended', true); } $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: true, title: $dialog.attr('title'), close: function() { try { $('#upload-dialog form').get(0).reset(); } catch(e){ } // ignore errors $dialog.dialog('destroy').hide(); $('div.addline', $dialog).remove(); }, width: 480 }).show(); if (!document.all) $('input[type=file]', $dialog).first().click(); } function add_uploadfile(e) { var div = $(this).parent(); var clone = div.clone().addClass('addline').insertAfter(div); clone.children('.iconlink').click(add_uploadfile); clone.children('input').val(''); if (!document.all) $('input[type=file]', clone).click(); } /** * */ function show_header_row(which, updated) { var row = $('#compose-' + which); if (row.is(':visible')) return; // nothing to be done here if (compose_headers[which] && !updated) $('#_' + which).val(compose_headers[which]); row.show(); $('#' + which + '-link').hide(); layout_composeview(); return false; } /** * */ function hide_header_row(which) { // copy and clear field value var field = $('#_' + which); compose_headers[which] = field.val(); field.val(''); $('#compose-' + which).hide(); $('#' + which + '-link').show(); layout_composeview(); return false; } /** * Fieldsets-to-tabs converter */ function init_tabs(elem, current) { var content = $(elem), id = content.get(0).id, fs = content.children('fieldset'); if (!fs.length) return; if (!id) { id = 'rcmtabcontainer'; content.attr('id', id); } // first hide not selected tabs current = current || 0; fs.each(function(idx) { if (idx != current) $(this).hide(); }); // create tabs container var tabs = $('<div>').addClass('tabsbar').prependTo(content); // convert fildsets into tabs fs.each(function(idx) { var tab, a, elm = $(this), legend = elm.children('legend'); // create a tab a = $('<a>').text(legend.text()).attr('href', '#'); tab = $('<span>').attr({'id': 'tab'+idx, 'class': 'tablink'}) .click(function() { show_tab(id, idx); return false }) // remove legend legend.remove(); // style fieldset elm.addClass('tab'); // style selected tab if (idx == current) tab.addClass('selected'); // add the tab to container tab.append(a).appendTo(tabs); }); } function show_tab(id, index) { var fs = $('#'+id).children('fieldset'); fs.each(function(idx) { // Show/hide fieldset (tab content) $(this)[index==idx ? 'show' : 'hide'](); // Select/unselect tab $('#tab'+idx).toggleClass('selected', idx==index); }); resize(); } /** * Show about page as jquery UI dialog */ function show_about(elem) { var frame = $('<iframe>').attr('id', 'aboutframe') .attr('src', rcmail.url('settings/about')) .attr('frameborder', '0') .appendTo(document.body); var h = Math.floor($(window).height() * 0.75); var buttons = {}; var supportln = $('#supportlink'); if (supportln.length && (env.supporturl = supportln.attr('href'))) buttons[supportln.html()] = function(e){ env.supporturl.indexOf('mailto:') < 0 ? window.open(env.supporturl) : location.href = env.supporturl }; frame.dialog({ modal: true, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: true, title: elem ? elem.title || elem.innerHTML : null, close: function() { frame.dialog('destroy').remove(); }, buttons: buttons, width: 640, height: h }).width(640); } } /** * Roundcube Scroller class */ function rcube_scroller(list, top, bottom) { var ref = this; this.list = $(list); this.top = $(top); this.bottom = $(bottom); this.step_size = 6; this.step_time = 20; this.delay = 500; this.top .mouseenter(function() { if (rcmail.drag_active) ref.ts = window.setTimeout(function() { ref.scroll('down'); }, ref.delay); }) .mouseout(function() { if (ref.ts) window.clearTimeout(ref.ts); }); this.bottom .mouseenter(function() { if (rcmail.drag_active) ref.ts = window.setTimeout(function() { ref.scroll('up'); }, ref.delay); }) .mouseout(function() { if (ref.ts) window.clearTimeout(ref.ts); }); this.scroll = function(dir) { var ref = this, size = this.step_size; if (!rcmail.drag_active) return; if (dir == 'down') size *= -1; this.list.get(0).scrollTop += size; this.ts = window.setTimeout(function() { ref.scroll(dir); }, this.step_time); }; }; /** * Roundcube UI splitter class * * @constructor */ function rcube_splitter(p) { this.p = p; this.id = p.id; this.horizontal = (p.orientation == 'horizontal' || p.orientation == 'h'); this.halfsize = (p.size !== undefined ? p.size : 10) / 2; this.pos = p.start || 0; this.min = p.min || 20; this.offset = p.offset || 0; this.relative = p.relative ? true : false; this.drag_active = false; this.render = p.render; this.callback = p.callback; var me = this; rcube_splitter._instances[this.id] = me; this.init = function() { this.p1 = $(this.p.p1); this.p2 = $(this.p.p2); // check if referenced elements exist, otherwise abort if (!this.p1.length || !this.p2.length) return; // create and position the handle for this splitter this.p1pos = this.relative ? this.p1.position() : this.p1.offset(); this.p2pos = this.relative ? this.p2.position() : this.p2.offset(); this.handle = $('<div>') .attr('id', this.id) .attr('unselectable', 'on') .addClass('splitter ' + (this.horizontal ? 'splitter-h' : 'splitter-v')) .appendTo(this.p1.parent()) .bind('mousedown', onDragStart); if (this.horizontal) { var top = this.p1pos.top + this.p1.outerHeight(); this.handle.css({ left:'0px', top:top+'px' }); } else { var left = this.p1pos.left + this.p1.outerWidth(); this.handle.css({ left:left+'px', top:'0px' }); } // listen to window resize on IE if (bw.ie) $(window).resize(onResize); // read saved position from cookie var cookie = rcmail.get_cookie(this.id); if (cookie && !isNaN(cookie)) { this.pos = parseFloat(cookie); this.resize(); } else if (this.pos) { this.resize(); this.set_cookie(); } }; /** * Set size and position of all DOM objects * according to the saved splitter position */ this.resize = function() { if (this.horizontal) { this.p1.css('height', Math.floor(this.pos - this.p1pos.top - this.halfsize) + 'px'); this.p2.css('top', Math.ceil(this.pos + this.halfsize + 2) + 'px'); this.handle.css('top', Math.round(this.pos - this.halfsize + this.offset)+'px'); if (bw.ie) { var new_height = parseInt(this.p2.parent().outerHeight(), 10) - parseInt(this.p2.css('top'), 10) - (bw.ie8 ? 2 : 0); this.p2.css('height', (new_height > 0 ? new_height : 0) + 'px'); } } else { this.p1.css('width', Math.floor(this.pos - this.p1pos.left - this.halfsize) + 'px'); this.p2.css('left', Math.ceil(this.pos + this.halfsize) + 'px'); this.handle.css('left', Math.round(this.pos - this.halfsize + this.offset + 3)+'px'); if (bw.ie) { var new_width = parseInt(this.p2.parent().outerWidth(), 10) - parseInt(this.p2.css('left'), 10) ; this.p2.css('width', (new_width > 0 ? new_width : 0) + 'px'); } } this.p2.resize(); this.p1.resize(); // also resize iframe covers if (this.drag_active) { $('iframe').each(function(i, elem) { var pos = $(this).offset(); $('#iframe-splitter-fix-'+i).css({ top: pos.top+'px', left: pos.left+'px', width:elem.offsetWidth+'px', height: elem.offsetHeight+'px' }); }); } if (typeof this.render == 'function') this.render(this); }; /** * Handler for mousedown events */ function onDragStart(e) { // disable text selection while dragging the splitter if (bw.konq || bw.chrome || bw.safari) document.body.style.webkitUserSelect = 'none'; me.p1pos = me.relative ? me.p1.position() : me.p1.offset(); me.p2pos = me.relative ? me.p2.position() : me.p2.offset(); me.drag_active = true; // start listening to mousemove events $(document).bind('mousemove.'+this.id, onDrag).bind('mouseup.'+this.id, onDragStop); // enable dragging above iframes $('iframe').each(function(i, elem) { $('<div>') .attr('id', 'iframe-splitter-fix-'+i) .addClass('iframe-splitter-fix') .css({ background: '#fff', width: elem.offsetWidth+'px', height: elem.offsetHeight+'px', position: 'absolute', opacity: '0.001', zIndex: 1000 }) .css($(this).offset()) .appendTo('body'); }); }; /** * Handler for mousemove events */ function onDrag(e) { if (!me.drag_active) return false; var pos = rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(e); if (me.relative) { var parent = me.p1.parent().offset(); pos.x -= parent.left; pos.y -= parent.top; } if (me.horizontal) { if (((pos.y - me.halfsize) > me.p1pos.top) && ((pos.y + me.halfsize) < (me.p2pos.top + me.p2.outerHeight()))) { me.pos = Math.max(me.min, pos.y - me.offset); me.resize(); } } else { if (((pos.x - me.halfsize) > me.p1pos.left) && ((pos.x + me.halfsize) < (me.p2pos.left + me.p2.outerWidth()))) { me.pos = Math.max(me.min, pos.x - me.offset); me.resize(); } } me.p1pos = me.relative ? me.p1.position() : me.p1.offset(); me.p2pos = me.relative ? me.p2.position() : me.p2.offset(); return false; }; /** * Handler for mouseup events */ function onDragStop(e) { // resume the ability to highlight text if (bw.konq || bw.chrome || bw.safari) document.body.style.webkitUserSelect = 'auto'; // cancel the listening for drag events $(document).unbind('.'+me.id); me.drag_active = false; // remove temp divs $('div.iframe-splitter-fix').remove(); me.set_cookie(); if (typeof me.callback == 'function') me.callback(me); return bw.safari ? true : rcube_event.cancel(e); }; /** * Handler for window resize events */ function onResize(e) { if (me.horizontal) { var new_height = parseInt(me.p2.parent().outerHeight(), 10) - parseInt(me.p2[0].style.top, 10) - (bw.ie8 ? 2 : 0); me.p2.css('height', (new_height > 0 ? new_height : 0) +'px'); } else { var new_width = parseInt(me.p2.parent().outerWidth(), 10) - parseInt(me.p2[0].style.left, 10); me.p2.css('width', (new_width > 0 ? new_width : 0) + 'px'); } }; /** * Saves splitter position in cookie */ this.set_cookie = function() { var exp = new Date(); exp.setYear(exp.getFullYear() + 1); rcmail.set_cookie(this.id, this.pos, exp); }; } // end class rcube_splitter // static getter for splitter instances rcube_splitter._instances = {}; rcube_splitter.get_instance = function(id) { return rcube_splitter._instances[id]; };