path: root/scripts/controls.lua
diff options
authorHugues Hiegel <>2013-02-13 16:57:23 +0100
committerHugues Hiegel <>2013-02-13 17:01:34 +0100
commitab9f1ff8ebd3c56c2c9942013d8520af6b6ca444 (patch)
tree93fc4f55b3b2edfaebf56d5136cc021c9372c5b5 /scripts/controls.lua
Default SLIMaxManager II scripts
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/controls.lua')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/controls.lua b/scripts/controls.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8bf526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/controls.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+-- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v2
+-- Copyright (c)2011-2013 by EK and Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- Use this script to control any button or switch
+-- param deviceIdx = (see mDeviceType table)
+-- param ctrlType = type of ctrl, switch (0) or button (1)
+-- param ctrlPos = ctrl index, switch from 1 to 6 and button from 1 to n
+-- param value = ctrl value, button down (>0) or up (==0) and switch from 1 to 12
+-- return 0 to give the control to SLIMax Mgr
+-- return 1 to force the update of device
+function controlsEvent(deviceIdx, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex)
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_controlsEvent(deviceIdx, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_controlsEvent(deviceIdx, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ local loopFlag = false
+ local dev = ""
+ dev = mDeviceType[deviceIdx]
+ if dev == nil then dev = "none" end
+ -- switches and buttons
+ -- ctrl change event
+ local state = 0
+ local leftStr = ""
+ local rightStr = ""
+ local oldTcks = GetTicks()
+ local delay = 600
+ if funcIndex ~= -1 then
+ if IsSLIFunction("maxgear", funcIndex) and mMaxGearFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- max gear switch
+ -- value from 4 to 7
+ local mxgear = 0
+ mxgear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
+ leftStr = " GEAR "
+ rightStr = rightStr.format( "MAX %1d", mxgear)
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateSLIProDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("brightness", funcIndex) and mBrightnessFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- brightness feedback (switch or buttons)
+ BrightnessFeedBack(dev)
+ leftStr = "888888"
+ rightStr = "888888"
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("ospfactor", funcIndex) and mOSPFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- OSP Factor feedback
+ leftStr = "OSP: "
+ local ospf = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
+ rightStr = rightStr.format(" %03d ", ospf)
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateSLIProDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("speedmetric", funcIndex) and mUnitFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- metric KPH or MPH
+ local spdm = false
+ spdm = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
+ leftStr = "SPD: "
+ rightStr = " KPH "
+ if spdm then rightStr = " MPH " end
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateSLIProDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("rightdigits", funcIndex) and mRightDigitsFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- rightdigits feedback
+ local info = false
+ info = GetContextInfo("rightdigits")
+ leftStr = leftStr.format("Btn: %02d", ctrlPos)
+ rightStr = rightStr.format(" %02d ", info)
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateSLIProDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("leftdigits", funcIndex) and mLeftDigitsFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- leftdigits feedback
+ local info = false
+ info = GetContextInfo("leftdigits")
+ leftStr = leftStr.format("Btn: %02d", ctrlPos)
+ rightStr = rightStr.format(" %02d ", info)
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateSLIProDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("lowfuel", funcIndex) and mLowFuelFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- lowfuel feedback
+ -- get the option
+ local info = false
+ info = GetContextInfo("lowfuel")
+ -- set digits
+ leftStr = leftStr.format(" FUEL ", ctrlPos)
+ rightStr = rightStr.format("LPS %02d", info)
+ UpdateSLIProDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ end
+ else
+ if ctrlType == 0 then
+ -- switch
+ if mDemoMapToKeyAllowed and ctrlPos == mDemoMapToKeySwitch then
+ -- demo script
+ -- mapping a keystroke (see global.lua to set the targeted switch)
+ local key = ""
+ if value == 2 then key = "v" end
+ -- if value == 3 then key = "K" end
+ -- if value == 4 then key = "v" end
+ -- if value == 5 then key = "F5" end
+ if key ~= "" then
+ -- params: key, delay, modifier
+ SetKeystroke(key, 100, "")
+ end
+ end
+ if mSwitchFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- general switch feedback (see global.lua to activate)
+ leftStr = leftStr.format("S%1d : ", ctrlPos)
+ rightStr = rightStr.format(" %02d ", value)
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateSLIProDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ end
+ elseif ctrlType == 1 then
+ if ctrlPos == mDumpLapButton and dev == "SLI-PRO" and value>0 and mDumpLapAllowed then
+ -- sample script using button of SLI-PRO to
+ -- toggle telemetry dumplastlap flag (true or false)
+ -- telemetry logs are stored in telemetry directory
+ -- after each completed lap
+ local dlap = GetContextInfo("dumplastlap")
+ local flag = not dlap;
+ TelemetryTools("dumplastlap", flag);
+ -- set digits
+ leftStr = "tELENN"
+ if flag then
+ rightStr = " SAVE "
+ else
+ rightStr = " FALSE"
+ end
+ UpdateSLIProDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if state >= 1 then
+ -- loop until timeout
+ local newtcks = GetTicks()
+ loopFlag = true
+ while(oldTcks > newtcks and loopFlag ) do
+ SLISleep(10)
+ newtcks = GetTicks()
+ SetLeftDigits(leftStr)
+ SetRightDigits(rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ end
+ -- cleanup device
+ oldTcks = 0
+ state = 0
+ toggleAllLed(0)
+ UpdateSLIProDigits(" ", " ")
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ -- allow Mgr to display info on digits
+ SetDigitsAllowed(true)
+ end
+ -- skip
+ return 0
+-- set leds, digits, parts to cleanup and timeout
+function UpdateSLIProDigits(leftInfo, rightInfo)
+ -- do not refresh digits until timeout
+ SetDigitsAllowed(false)
+ -- set digits string
+ SetLeftDigits(leftInfo)
+ SetRightDigits(rightInfo)
+-- brightness feedback function
+function BrightnessFeedBack(device)
+ -- set all leds
+ toggleAllLed(1)
+ if device == "SLI-PRO" then
+ -- SLI-PRO Device
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateSLIProDigits("888888", "888888")
+ end