path: root/scripts/villota_scripts
diff options
authorHugues Hiegel <>2013-11-15 10:09:12 +0100
committerHugues Hiegel <>2013-11-15 10:09:12 +0100
commit17ef33a3fc62a31565193320f1f5583077403b19 (patch)
tree949d91ff75bf247c7bd258901dd31c3cb6a212f7 /scripts/villota_scripts
parent7041ec4378bbc034dd9d80f7fe06f8020ee3779d (diff)
SliMax Manager 3.++
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/villota_scripts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/villota_scripts/villota_custom_functions.lua b/scripts/villota_scripts/villota_custom_functions.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 0a39b78..0000000
--- a/scripts/villota_scripts/villota_custom_functions.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
--- Custom Scripts Template SLIMax Manager Scripts v2.0
--- Copyright ©2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2012-12-03
--- villota77's script for F1 2012 - v1.3.2
--- This script tries to imitate the way KERS and delta time info is shown in real F1 steering wheel displays
--- (1) KERS is shown in the left display as a pure number (in percentage)
--- (2) Delta time ("qualy time") with respect to best (or last) lap is shown in the right display
--- in X.XX format (if it is positive - note there is not a "+" sign in SLIPro)
--- or -X.XX format (if it is negative)
--- (3) Delta-time info is refreshed every 1 second so you don't have digits flickering
--- (4) At the end of the lap, the right display will freeze and show deltatime (to best lap) during a number of seconds chosen in SLIMaxMng
---- (General Options - LAPTIMEDISPLAYDELAY). Then it will resume showing real-time data.
-function ev_ShowTime(lptime, T, Ndig, deltaflag)
- local ticks = GetTicks()
- -- show time every T milliseconds with Ndig decimal digits
- if ev_old_time == nil or (ticks - ev_old_time) > T then
- -- global to backup ticks (ms)
- ev_old_time = ticks
- local hr = 0
- local mn = 0
- local sc = 0
- local ms = 0
- local hd = 0
- local rpanel = ""
- local prefix = " "
- if lptime < 0 then
- prefix = "-"
- end
- -- explod time
- hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lptime)
- if deltaflag == 1 then
- --display delta time
- if lptime == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0 then
- rPanel = " -.-- "
- elseif mn > 0 then
- rPanel = string.format( " %s%1d.%02d ", prefix, mn, sc)
- else
- if Ndig == 2 then
- rPanel = string.format( " %s%1d.%02d ", prefix, sc, hd)
- else
- rPanel = string.format( " %s%1d.%03d", prefix, sc, ms)
- end
- end
- elseif deltaflag == 0 then
- --display laptime
- if lptime == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0 then
- rPanel = "-:--.---"
- elseif mn < 10 then
- rPanel = string.format( "%1d:%02d.%03d", mn, sc, ms)
- elseif hr > 0 then
- rPanel = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", hr, mn)
- else
- rPanel = string.format( " %02d.%02d.%01d", mn, sc, ms)
- end
- end
- end
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- -- return 1 to bypass std behavior
- return 1
-function villota_custom_leftDigitsEvent(swFunction)
- -- get current simulation name
- local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
- if sim == "f1_2012.exe" then
- local lPanel = ""
- -- is OSP Tracking ON
- local ospt = GetContextInfo("osptracking")
- if ospt then return 2 end
- -- check if quick info button is down
- local qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
- if qi then return 2 end
- if swFunction == 33 then
- -- 33: KERSpercentage, wothout prefix
- local kersp = GetCarInfo("kers")
- lPanel = string.format(" %3d ", round((kersp/1000)/4))
- SetLeftDigits( lPanel )
- return 1
- end
- end
- return 2
-function villota_custom_rightDigitsEvent(swFunction)
- -- get current simulation name
- local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
- if sim == "f1_2012.exe" or sim == "rFactor.exe" or sim == "rFactor2.exe" or sim == "LFS.exe" or sim == "GTR2.exe" then
- local delta = 0.0
- -- is OSP Tracking ON
- local ospt = GetContextInfo("osptracking")
- if ospt then return 2 end
- -- check if quick info button is down
- local qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
- if qi then return 2 end
- local dltime = GetContextInfo( "displaylaptime" )
- if dltime == true then
- --freeze last delta time in display
- local lpt_last = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
- local lpt_best = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
- if ev_old_bestLapTime == nil then ev_old_bestLapTime = lpt_best end
- ev_final_delta_best = lpt_last - ev_old_bestLapTime
- if ev_final_delta_best == 0 then
- return 2
- else
- return ev_ShowTime(ev_final_delta_best, 50, 3, 1)
- end
- else
- --update best time if last laptime was better
- if ev_final_delta_best ~= nil and ev_final_delta_best < 0 then
- ev_old_bestLapTime = lpt_last
- end
- end
- if swFunction == 11 then
- -- 11: real time best laptime difference DELTA time
- -- real time diff vs your best
- delta = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
- return ev_ShowTime(delta, 1000, 2, 1)
- elseif swFunction == 12 then
- -- 12: real time last laptime difference DELTA time
- -- real time diff vs your last
- delta = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
- return ev_ShowTime(delta, 1000, 2, 1)
- end
- end
- return 2