path: root/scripts
diff options
authorHugues Hiegel <>2013-11-15 12:24:10 +0100
committerHugues Hiegel <>2013-11-15 12:35:51 +0100
commit9d1de325216b89a6682a639fe235d781b6963d69 (patch)
tree8752c6554f47dd06e4e768f7ef6ff781dd5ef92f /scripts
parent7b74203c84c48b1c049354022e778c9b25b9fa8a (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
25 files changed, 6405 insertions, 6406 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/controls.lua b/scripts/controls.lua
index c687c11..de6b889 100644
--- a/scripts/controls.lua
+++ b/scripts/controls.lua
@@ -1,323 +1,323 @@
--- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.1.4
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-10
--- param deviceType = (see GetDeviceType() to get device name )
--- param ctrlType = type of ctrl, switch (0) or button (1)
--- param ctrlPos = ctrl index, switch from 1 to 6 and button from 1 to n
--- param value = ctrl value, button down (>0) or up (==0) and switch from 1 to 12
--- param funcIndex = mapped to internal function or -1
--- param targetDevice = the device targeted, should be equal to deviceType above or different
--- if mapped to other device (see GetDeviceType() to get device name )
--- return 0 to give the control to SLIMax Mgr
--- return 1 to force the update of device
-function controlsEvent(deviceType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex, targetDevice)
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_controlsEvent(deviceType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex, targetDevice)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_controlsEvent(deviceType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex, targetDevice)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- local loopFlag = false
- local dev = ""
- dev = GetDeviceType(deviceType)
- if dev == nil then dev = "none" end
- local targetdev = ""
- targetdev = GetDeviceType(targetDevice)
- if targetdev == nil then targetdev = "none" end
- -- switches and buttons
- -- ctrl change event
- local state = 0
- local ftecStr = ""
- local leftStr = ""
- local rightStr = ""
- local oldTcks = GetTicks()
- local delay = 600
- if funcIndex ~= -1 then
- if IsSLIFunction("maxgear", funcIndex) and mMaxGearFeedbackAllowed then
- -- max gear switch
- -- value from 4 to 7
- local mxgear = 0
- mxgear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
- leftStr = "GEAR "
- rightStr = rightStr.format( "MAX%1d ", mxgear)
- -- set digits
- UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
- SLISendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- elseif IsSLIFunction("brightness", funcIndex) and mBrightnessFeedbackAllowed then
- -- brightness feedback (switch or buttons)
- BrightnessFeedBack(targetdev)
- leftStr = "888888"
- rightStr = "888888"
- SLISendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- elseif IsSLIFunction("ospfactor", funcIndex) and mOSPFeedbackAllowed then
- -- OSP Factor feedback
- leftStr = "OSP "
- local ospf = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
- rightStr = rightStr.format(" %03d ", ospf)
- -- set digits
- UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
- SLISendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- elseif IsSLIFunction("speedmetric", funcIndex) and mUnitFeedbackAllowed then
- -- metric KPH or MPH
- local spdm = false
- spdm = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
- leftStr = "SPD "
- rightStr = " KPH "
- if spdm then rightStr = " MPH " end
- -- set digits
- UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
- SLISendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- elseif dev == "FANATEC" and IsSLIFunction("ospmethod", funcIndex) and mFanatecOSPFeedbackAllowed then
- -- fanatec speedlimitermethod feedback
- local info = GetContextInfo("ospmethod")
- ftecStr = ftecStr.format("P%2d", info+1)
- -- set digits
- SetFanatecDigits(ftecStr)
- FanatecSendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- elseif dev == "FANATEC" and IsSLIFunction("shiftlightsmethod", funcIndex) and mFanatecShiftlightsFeedbackAllowed then
- -- fanatec speedlimitermethod feedback
- local info = GetContextInfo("shiftlightsmethod")
- ftecStr = ftecStr.format("P%2d", info+1)
- -- set digits
- SetFanatecDigits(ftecStr)
- FanatecSendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- elseif dev == "FANATEC" and IsSLIFunction("speedlimitermethod", funcIndex) and mFanatecSpeedLimiterFeedbackAllowed then
- -- fanatec speedlimitermethod feedback
- local info = GetContextInfo("speedlimitermethod")
- ftecStr = ftecStr.format("P%2d", info+1)
- -- set digits
- SetFanatecDigits(ftecStr)
- FanatecSendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- elseif IsSLIFunction("fanatecdigits", funcIndex) and mFanatecDigitsFeedbackAllowed then
- -- fanatecdigits feedback
- local info = GetContextInfo("fanatecdigits")
- ftecStr = ftecStr.format("P%2d", info+1)
- -- set digits
- SetFanatecDigits(ftecStr)
- FanatecSendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- elseif IsSLIFunction("rightdigits", funcIndex) and mRightDigitsFeedbackAllowed then
- -- rightdigits feedback
- local info = GetContextInfo("rightdigits")
- if ctrlType == 1 then
- leftStr = leftStr.format("B%02d ", ctrlPos)
- else
- leftStr = leftStr.format("S%1d ", ctrlPos)
- end
- rightStr = rightStr.format("P%02d ", info+1)
- -- set digits
- UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
- SLISendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- elseif IsSLIFunction("leftdigits", funcIndex) and mLeftDigitsFeedbackAllowed then
- -- leftdigits feedback
- local info = GetContextInfo("leftdigits")
- rightStr = leftStr.format("P%02d ", info+1)
- if ctrlType == 1 then
- leftStr = rightStr.format("B%02d ", ctrlPos)
- else
- leftStr = rightStr.format("S%1d ", ctrlPos)
- end
- -- set digits
- UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
- SLISendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- elseif IsSLIFunction("lowfuel", funcIndex) and mLowFuelFeedbackAllowed then
- -- lowfuel feedback
- -- get the option
- local info = GetContextInfo("lowfuel")
- -- set digits
- leftStr = leftStr.format("FUEL ", ctrlPos)
- rightStr = rightStr.format("L %02d ", info)
- UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
- SLISendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- end
- else
- if ctrlType == 0 then
- -- switch
- if mDemoMapToKeyAllowed and ctrlPos == mDemoMapToKeySwitch then
- -- demo script
- -- mapping a keystroke (see global.lua to set the targeted switch)
- local key = ""
- if value == 2 then key = "v" end
- -- if value == 3 then key = "K" end
- -- if value == 4 then key = "v" end
- -- if value == 5 then key = "F5" end
- if key ~= "" then
- -- params: key, delay, modifier
- SetKeystroke(key, 100, "")
- end
- end
- if mSwitchFeedbackAllowed then
- -- general switch feedback (see global.lua to activate)
- leftStr = leftStr.format("S%1d ", ctrlPos)
- rightStr = rightStr.format("P%02d ", value)
- -- set digits
- UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
- SLISendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- end
- elseif ctrlType == 1 then
- if ctrlPos == mDumpLapButton and dev == "SLI-PRO" and value>0 and mDumpLapAllowed then
- -- sample script using button of SLI-PRO to
- -- toggle telemetry dumplastlap flag (true or false)
- -- telemetry logs are stored in telemetry directory
- -- after each completed lap
- local dlap = GetContextInfo("dumplastlap")
- local flag = not dlap;
- TelemetryTools("dumplastlap", flag);
- -- set digits
- leftStr = "tELENN"
- if flag then
- rightStr = "SAVE "
- else
- rightStr = "FALSE "
- end
- UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
- SLISendReport(0)
- state = 1
- -- set timeout
- oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
- end
- end
- end
- if state >= 1 then
- -- loop until timeout
- local newtcks = GetTicks()
- loopFlag = true
- while(oldTcks > newtcks and loopFlag ) do
- SLISleep(10)
- newtcks = GetTicks()
- SetLeftDigits(leftStr)
- SetRightDigits(rightStr)
- SLISendReport(0)
- end
- -- cleanup device
- oldTcks = 0
- state = 0
- toggleAllLed(0)
- UpdateDigits(" ", " ")
- SLISendReport(0)
- -- allow Mgr to display info on digits
- SetDigitsAllowed(true)
- end
- -- skip
- return 0
--- set leds, digits, parts to cleanup and timeout
-function UpdateDigits(leftInfo, rightInfo)
- -- do not refresh digits until timeout
- SetDigitsAllowed(false)
- mF1LeftSpdLmtText = string.sub(leftInfo,4)
- mF1RightSpdLmtText = string.sub(rightInfo,4)
- -- set digits string
- SetLeftDigits(leftInfo)
- SetRightDigits(rightInfo)
--- brightness feedback function
-function BrightnessFeedBack(device)
- -- set all leds
- toggleAllLed(1)
- if device == "SLI-PRO" then
- -- SLI-PRO Device
- -- set digits
- UpdateDigits("888888", "888888")
- end
+-- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.1.4
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-10
+-- param deviceType = (see GetDeviceType() to get device name )
+-- param ctrlType = type of ctrl, switch (0) or button (1)
+-- param ctrlPos = ctrl index, switch from 1 to 6 and button from 1 to n
+-- param value = ctrl value, button down (>0) or up (==0) and switch from 1 to 12
+-- param funcIndex = mapped to internal function or -1
+-- param targetDevice = the device targeted, should be equal to deviceType above or different
+-- if mapped to other device (see GetDeviceType() to get device name )
+-- return 0 to give the control to SLIMax Mgr
+-- return 1 to force the update of device
+function controlsEvent(deviceType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex, targetDevice)
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_controlsEvent(deviceType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex, targetDevice)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_controlsEvent(deviceType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex, targetDevice)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ local loopFlag = false
+ local dev = ""
+ dev = GetDeviceType(deviceType)
+ if dev == nil then dev = "none" end
+ local targetdev = ""
+ targetdev = GetDeviceType(targetDevice)
+ if targetdev == nil then targetdev = "none" end
+ -- switches and buttons
+ -- ctrl change event
+ local state = 0
+ local ftecStr = ""
+ local leftStr = ""
+ local rightStr = ""
+ local oldTcks = GetTicks()
+ local delay = 600
+ if funcIndex ~= -1 then
+ if IsSLIFunction("maxgear", funcIndex) and mMaxGearFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- max gear switch
+ -- value from 4 to 7
+ local mxgear = 0
+ mxgear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
+ leftStr = "GEAR "
+ rightStr = rightStr.format( "MAX%1d ", mxgear)
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("brightness", funcIndex) and mBrightnessFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- brightness feedback (switch or buttons)
+ BrightnessFeedBack(targetdev)
+ leftStr = "888888"
+ rightStr = "888888"
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("ospfactor", funcIndex) and mOSPFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- OSP Factor feedback
+ leftStr = "OSP "
+ local ospf = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
+ rightStr = rightStr.format(" %03d ", ospf)
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("speedmetric", funcIndex) and mUnitFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- metric KPH or MPH
+ local spdm = false
+ spdm = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
+ leftStr = "SPD "
+ rightStr = " KPH "
+ if spdm then rightStr = " MPH " end
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif dev == "FANATEC" and IsSLIFunction("ospmethod", funcIndex) and mFanatecOSPFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- fanatec speedlimitermethod feedback
+ local info = GetContextInfo("ospmethod")
+ ftecStr = ftecStr.format("P%2d", info+1)
+ -- set digits
+ SetFanatecDigits(ftecStr)
+ FanatecSendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif dev == "FANATEC" and IsSLIFunction("shiftlightsmethod", funcIndex) and mFanatecShiftlightsFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- fanatec speedlimitermethod feedback
+ local info = GetContextInfo("shiftlightsmethod")
+ ftecStr = ftecStr.format("P%2d", info+1)
+ -- set digits
+ SetFanatecDigits(ftecStr)
+ FanatecSendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif dev == "FANATEC" and IsSLIFunction("speedlimitermethod", funcIndex) and mFanatecSpeedLimiterFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- fanatec speedlimitermethod feedback
+ local info = GetContextInfo("speedlimitermethod")
+ ftecStr = ftecStr.format("P%2d", info+1)
+ -- set digits
+ SetFanatecDigits(ftecStr)
+ FanatecSendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("fanatecdigits", funcIndex) and mFanatecDigitsFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- fanatecdigits feedback
+ local info = GetContextInfo("fanatecdigits")
+ ftecStr = ftecStr.format("P%2d", info+1)
+ -- set digits
+ SetFanatecDigits(ftecStr)
+ FanatecSendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("rightdigits", funcIndex) and mRightDigitsFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- rightdigits feedback
+ local info = GetContextInfo("rightdigits")
+ if ctrlType == 1 then
+ leftStr = leftStr.format("B%02d ", ctrlPos)
+ else
+ leftStr = leftStr.format("S%1d ", ctrlPos)
+ end
+ rightStr = rightStr.format("P%02d ", info+1)
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("leftdigits", funcIndex) and mLeftDigitsFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- leftdigits feedback
+ local info = GetContextInfo("leftdigits")
+ rightStr = leftStr.format("P%02d ", info+1)
+ if ctrlType == 1 then
+ leftStr = rightStr.format("B%02d ", ctrlPos)
+ else
+ leftStr = rightStr.format("S%1d ", ctrlPos)
+ end
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ elseif IsSLIFunction("lowfuel", funcIndex) and mLowFuelFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- lowfuel feedback
+ -- get the option
+ local info = GetContextInfo("lowfuel")
+ -- set digits
+ leftStr = leftStr.format("FUEL ", ctrlPos)
+ rightStr = rightStr.format("L %02d ", info)
+ UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ end
+ else
+ if ctrlType == 0 then
+ -- switch
+ if mDemoMapToKeyAllowed and ctrlPos == mDemoMapToKeySwitch then
+ -- demo script
+ -- mapping a keystroke (see global.lua to set the targeted switch)
+ local key = ""
+ if value == 2 then key = "v" end
+ -- if value == 3 then key = "K" end
+ -- if value == 4 then key = "v" end
+ -- if value == 5 then key = "F5" end
+ if key ~= "" then
+ -- params: key, delay, modifier
+ SetKeystroke(key, 100, "")
+ end
+ end
+ if mSwitchFeedbackAllowed then
+ -- general switch feedback (see global.lua to activate)
+ leftStr = leftStr.format("S%1d ", ctrlPos)
+ rightStr = rightStr.format("P%02d ", value)
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ end
+ elseif ctrlType == 1 then
+ if ctrlPos == mDumpLapButton and dev == "SLI-PRO" and value>0 and mDumpLapAllowed then
+ -- sample script using button of SLI-PRO to
+ -- toggle telemetry dumplastlap flag (true or false)
+ -- telemetry logs are stored in telemetry directory
+ -- after each completed lap
+ local dlap = GetContextInfo("dumplastlap")
+ local flag = not dlap;
+ TelemetryTools("dumplastlap", flag);
+ -- set digits
+ leftStr = "tELENN"
+ if flag then
+ rightStr = "SAVE "
+ else
+ rightStr = "FALSE "
+ end
+ UpdateDigits(leftStr, rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ state = 1
+ -- set timeout
+ oldTcks = GetTicks() + delay
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if state >= 1 then
+ -- loop until timeout
+ local newtcks = GetTicks()
+ loopFlag = true
+ while(oldTcks > newtcks and loopFlag ) do
+ SLISleep(10)
+ newtcks = GetTicks()
+ SetLeftDigits(leftStr)
+ SetRightDigits(rightStr)
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ end
+ -- cleanup device
+ oldTcks = 0
+ state = 0
+ toggleAllLed(0)
+ UpdateDigits(" ", " ")
+ SLISendReport(0)
+ -- allow Mgr to display info on digits
+ SetDigitsAllowed(true)
+ end
+ -- skip
+ return 0
+-- set leds, digits, parts to cleanup and timeout
+function UpdateDigits(leftInfo, rightInfo)
+ -- do not refresh digits until timeout
+ SetDigitsAllowed(false)
+ mF1LeftSpdLmtText = string.sub(leftInfo,4)
+ mF1RightSpdLmtText = string.sub(rightInfo,4)
+ -- set digits string
+ SetLeftDigits(leftInfo)
+ SetRightDigits(rightInfo)
+-- brightness feedback function
+function BrightnessFeedBack(device)
+ -- set all leds
+ toggleAllLed(1)
+ if device == "SLI-PRO" then
+ -- SLI-PRO Device
+ -- set digits
+ UpdateDigits("888888", "888888")
+ end
diff --git a/scripts/custom_events.lua b/scripts/custom_events.lua
index 9b6513a..4cebe7a 100644
--- a/scripts/custom_events.lua
+++ b/scripts/custom_events.lua
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
--- Custom Events SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.2
--- Copyright ©2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
--- ================================
--- local custom events PLACEHOLDERS
--- ================================
-function custom_controlsEvent(deviceType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex, targetDevice) return 2 end
-function custom_deviceReport(deviceType) return 2 end
-function custom_ospMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_ospG27MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_ospSRDlxMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_ospSRF1MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_shiftLightsMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_shiftLightsSRDlxMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_srdlxLeftDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
-function custom_srdlxRightDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
-function custom_shiftLightsSRF1MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_srf1LeftDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
-function custom_srf1RightDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
-function custom_leftDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
-function custom_rightDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
-function custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
-function custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_spdLmtSRDlxMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_spdLmtSRF1MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_gearEvent(gear) return 2 end
-function custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear) return 2 end
-function custom_enterSessionEvent(deviceType) return 2 end
-function custom_exitSessionEvent(deviceType) return 2 end
+-- Custom Events SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.2
+-- Copyright ©2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
+-- ================================
+-- local custom events PLACEHOLDERS
+-- ================================
+function custom_controlsEvent(deviceType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex, targetDevice) return 2 end
+function custom_deviceReport(deviceType) return 2 end
+function custom_ospMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_ospG27MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_ospSRDlxMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_ospSRF1MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_shiftLightsMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_shiftLightsSRDlxMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_srdlxLeftDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
+function custom_srdlxRightDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
+function custom_shiftLightsSRF1MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_srf1LeftDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
+function custom_srf1RightDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
+function custom_leftDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
+function custom_rightDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
+function custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
+function custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_spdLmtSRDlxMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_spdLmtSRF1MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_gearEvent(gear) return 2 end
+function custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear) return 2 end
+function custom_enterSessionEvent(deviceType) return 2 end
+function custom_exitSessionEvent(deviceType) return 2 end
function custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state) return 2 end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/devhook.lua b/scripts/devhook.lua
index 944fa05..4d5d6b5 100644
--- a/scripts/devhook.lua
+++ b/scripts/devhook.lua
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
--- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.1
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- param = device type (integer - see GetDeviceType() )
--- return 1 to send processed data to the device and bypass Mgr
--- return 0 to skip and give the control to Mgr
-function deviceReport(deviceType)
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_deviceReport(deviceType)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_deviceReport(deviceType)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- sim paused?
- local paused = GetContextInfo("paused")
- -- limiter ON?
- local spdLmt = GetCarInfo("speedlimiter")
- if paused or spdLmt == 0 then
- -- reset value
- SetDigitsAllowed(true)
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
- end
- -- skip and give the control to Mgr
- return 0
+-- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.1
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- param = device type (integer - see GetDeviceType() )
+-- return 1 to send processed data to the device and bypass Mgr
+-- return 0 to skip and give the control to Mgr
+function deviceReport(deviceType)
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_deviceReport(deviceType)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_deviceReport(deviceType)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- sim paused?
+ local paused = GetContextInfo("paused")
+ -- limiter ON?
+ local spdLmt = GetCarInfo("speedlimiter")
+ if paused or spdLmt == 0 then
+ -- reset value
+ SetDigitsAllowed(true)
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
+ end
+ -- skip and give the control to Mgr
+ return 0
diff --git a/scripts/enter_exit_session.lua b/scripts/enter_exit_session.lua
index 6d42ff2..2a246b5 100644
--- a/scripts/enter_exit_session.lua
+++ b/scripts/enter_exit_session.lua
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
--- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.1
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- Event received when the car enter and exit the session.
--- param = device type (integer - see GetDeviceType() )
--- enter session
-function enterSessionEvent(deviceType)
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_enterSessionEvent(deviceType)
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_enterSessionEvent(deviceType)
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- do nothing
- return 1
--- param = device type (integer - see GetDeviceType() )
--- exit session
-function exitSessionEvent(deviceType)
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_exitSessionEvent(deviceType)
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_exitSessionEvent(deviceType)
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- do nothing
- return 1
+-- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.1
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- Event received when the car enter and exit the session.
+-- param = device type (integer - see GetDeviceType() )
+-- enter session
+function enterSessionEvent(deviceType)
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_enterSessionEvent(deviceType)
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_enterSessionEvent(deviceType)
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+-- param = device type (integer - see GetDeviceType() )
+-- exit session
+function exitSessionEvent(deviceType)
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_exitSessionEvent(deviceType)
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_exitSessionEvent(deviceType)
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
diff --git a/scripts/fanatec.lua b/scripts/fanatec.lua
index 46d944c..7809f2b 100644
--- a/scripts/fanatec.lua
+++ b/scripts/fanatec.lua
@@ -1,500 +1,500 @@
--- Fanatec Lua Script v1.4
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- this script builds all functions associated with
--- digits panels of Fanatec device
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
--- ============================================================
--- Digits Panel functions
--- ============================================================
--- IN function of digits panel
--- param: recieve from SLIMax Manager the current switch position
-function fanatecDigitsEvent(swFunction)
- swValue = swFunction + 1
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- local hr = 0
- local mn = 0
- local sc = 0
- local ms = 0
- local hd = 0
- local lpt = 0.0
- local timeFlag = false
- local unit = false
- local fPanel = ""
- local inf = ""
- local unit = false
- local spd = 0.0
- local isSlowUpdate = false
- -- get speed in kph or mph (use "rawspeed" to get value in meter/sec)
- local spd = GetCarInfo("speed")
- -- get current display unit metric or imperial
- unit = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
- -- check if quick info button is down
- local qi = false
- qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
- if qi == nil or qi == 0 then qi = false end
- if qi then
- -- get index for fanatec panel
- local qiF = GetContextInfo("fanatecquickinfo")
- if qiF == nil then qiF = 1 end
- -- force position to match QI preference
- swValue = qiF
- end
- -- get current simulation name
- local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
- -- is OSP Tracking ON
- local ospt = false
- ospt = GetContextInfo("osptracking")
- if ospt == nil then ospt = false end
- if ospt then
- -- show rpm
- swValue = 22
- end
- -- lap finished, display lap time a few seconds
- local dlt = false
- dlt = GetContextInfo("displaylaptime")
- if dlt == nil then dlt = false end
- if dlt then
- swValue = 11
- end
- -- check if PIT Feedback ON
- local pf = false
- pf = GetContextInfo("pitfeedback")
- if pf == nil or pf == 0 then pf = false end
- if pf then
- -- force position to PIT function if car pits
- local pit = GetCarInfo("inpits")
- if pit > 0 then
- swValue = 41
- end
- end
- -- check postion and compute panel string
- if swValue == 1 then
- -- oldGear is intialized in gearEvent (see gear.lua)
- if oldGear ~= nil then
- -- gear
- --local g = GetCarInfo("gear")
- -- get neutral
- local n = string.char(GetContextInfo("neutral"))
- -- get reverse char and convert to string
- local r = string.char(GetContextInfo("reverse"))
- -- get state of custom Optimal Shift Point (OSP) records
- local ospcustom_on = GetContextInfo("ospcustom")
- -- set neutral, reverse or current gear
- if oldGear == 0 then
- -- if neutral and using custom OSP record then add a dot to gear digit
- SetFanatecGear(n, ospcustom_on)
- elseif oldGear < 0 then
- -- reverse
- SetFanatecGear(r, false)
- else
- -- if gear = 'E' give the hand to SLIMax Manager
- -- if g == 69 then
- -- return 0
- -- end
- SetFanatecGear(string.char(oldGear), false)
- end
- return 1
- end
- elseif swValue == 2 then
- -- speed
- if round(spd) > 0 then
- fPanel = string.format("%3d", round(spd) )
- else
- fPanel = "___"
- end
- elseif swValue == 3 then
- -- fuel
- local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
- if fuel ~= nil then
- fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
- if fuel >= 100 then
- fPanel = string.format("%03d", round(fuel) )
- elseif fuel >= 10 then
- fPanel = string.format("F%02d", round(fuel))
- else
- fPanel = string.format("F%1.1f", fuel)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 4 then
- -- position
- inf = GetContextInfo("position")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if inf >= 100 then
- fPanel = string.format("%03d", inf)
- else
- fPanel = string.format("P%02d", inf)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 5 then
- -- laps completed
- inf = GetContextInfo("laps")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- if more then 99 laps
- if inf >= 100 then
- fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
- else
- fPanel = string.format("L%2.0f", inf)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 6 then
- -- sector
- local sect = GetCarInfo("sector")
- -- check if sector > 9
- if sect >9 then
- fPanel = string.format("S%2d", sect)
- else
- fPanel = string.format("S%1d ", sect)
- end
- elseif swValue == 7 then
- -- total laps
- local tl = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
- if tl < 1 then tl = 0 end
- -- if more then 99 laps
- if tl >= 100 or tl >= 100 then
- fPanel = string.format("%03d", tl)
- else
- fPanel = string.format("t%02d", tl)
- end
- elseif swValue == 8 then
- -- water temp
- inf = GetCarInfo("watertemp")
- if inf ~= nil then
- inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
- fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 9 then
- -- oil temp
- inf = GetCarInfo("oiltemp")
- if inf ~= nil then
- inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
- fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 10 then
- -- best lap time
- --timeFlag = true
- --dlt = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
- mFanatecText = DisplayFormatTime(lpt,mRefreshLapTimeRate,2,0,3)
- SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 11 then
- -- last lap time
- --timeFlag = true
- --dlt = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
- mFanatecText = DisplayFormatTime(lpt,mRefreshLapTimeRate,2,0,3)
- SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
- return 1
- elseif swValue >= 12 and swValue <= 18 and isAppIRacing(sim) then
- --timeFlag = true
- -- iRacing partials
- local ts = GetContextInfo("partialcount")
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- if sector == nil then sector = 0 end
- if ts ~= nil and ts > 0 then
- if swValue == 12 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("currentpartial", sector)
- elseif swValue == 13 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsbestlap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 14 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimallap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 15 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimalsector", sector)
- elseif swValue == 16 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionbestlap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 17 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimallap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 18 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimalsector", sector)
- end
- else
- lpt = 0.0
- end
- mFanatecText = DisplayFormatTime(lpt,mDeltaTimeDelay,2,1,3)
- SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 19 then
- -- real time diff vs your best
- --timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
- mFanatecText = DisplayFormatTime(lpt,mDeltaTimeDelay,2,1,3)
- SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 20 then
- -- real time diff vs your last
- --timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
- mFanatecText = DisplayFormatTime(lpt,mDeltaTimeDelay,2,1,3)
- SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 21 then
- -- get an average consumption of fuel per lap and gives the remaining laps
- local remainintank = GetCarInfo("remainlapsintank")
- if remainintank >= 100 then
- fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", math.floor (remainintank))
- else
- fPanel = string.format("L%2.0f", math.floor(remainintank))
- end
- elseif swValue == 22 then
- -- rpm
- isSlowUpdate = true
- local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- local r = rpm / 100.0
- if r < 100 then
- fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", r)
- else
- fPanel = string.format("%3d.", round(r))
- end
- elseif swValue == 23 then
- -- track size
- isSlowUpdate = true
- local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
- local r = trcksz / 100
- if r < 100 then
- fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", r)
- else
- fPanel = string.format("%3d.", round(r))
- end
- elseif swValue == 24 then
- -- distance percent
- local dist = GetContextInfo("lapdistance")
- -- track size
- local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
- local p = round(dist / (trcksz / 100))
- fPanel = string.format("%3d", p )
- elseif swValue == 25 then
- -- kers
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- fPanel = string.format("%3d", round(kers/1000))
- elseif swValue == 26 then
- -- kers max
- local kmx = GetCarInfo("kersmax")
- fPanel = string.format("%3d", round(kmx/1000))
- elseif swValue == 27 then
- -- drs
- local drs = GetCarInfo("drs")
- if drs == 1 then
- fPanel = "ON "
- else
- fPanel = "OFF"
- end
- elseif swValue == 28 then
- -- kers percent
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- fPanel = string.format("%3d", round((kers/1000)/4))
- elseif swValue == 29 then
- -- wheels temp if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- if rFactor convert Kelvin to Celsius (see global.lua)
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 30 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 31 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 32 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 33 then
- -- wheels pressure if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- convert to psi
- fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 34 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 35 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 36 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 37 then
- -- brakes temp if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 38 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 39 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 40 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 41 then
- -- PIT
- fPanel = "PIt"
- elseif swValue == 42 then
- -- sc
- local sc = GetContextInfo("safetycare")
- if sc == 1 then
- fPanel = " SC"
- else
- fPanel = " "
- end
- else
- fPanel = " "
- end
- -- the function below has been replaced with generic time display function in global.lua
- -- if timeFlag and lpt ~= nil then
- -- -- explod time
- -- hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
- -- print("lpt:" .. lpt .. " mn:" .. mn .. " sc:" .. sc .. " hd:" .. hd .. " ms:" .. ms .."\n" )
- -- -- update display every mDeltaTimeDelay time
- -- -- current ticks > old backuped value
- -- if GetTicks() > mDeltaTimeOldTicks then
- -- -- store ticks + delay
- -- mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks() + ( 2 * mDeltaTimeDelay)
- -- if lpt == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.00 then
- -- mDeltaTimeBackup = "-.--"
- -- elseif mn > 0 or sc >= 10 then
- -- if dlt and mn <100 then
- -- -- display time and mn < 100
- -- if mn >=10 then
- -- -- mn > 10
- -- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%2d.%01d", mn, sc)
- -- else
- -- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%1d.%02d", mn, sc)
- -- end
- -- else
- -- -- delta > 9.99s or lap time > 100mn
- -- mDeltaTimeBackup = " . "
- -- end
- -- else
- -- -- delta
- -- if lpt < 0 then
- -- -- negative value
- -- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "-%01d.%01d ", sc, round(hd))
- -- else
- -- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%01d.%02d", sc, round(hd))
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- fPanel = mDeltaTimeBackup
- -- end
- if isSlowUpdate then
- -- request slow display update
- if GetTicks() > ( mDeltaTimeDelay + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
- mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
- mFanatecText = fPanel
- end
- else
- -- normal display update
- mFanatecText = fPanel
- end
- -- send string to sli manager
- SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
- return 1
+-- Fanatec Lua Script v1.4
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- this script builds all functions associated with
+-- digits panels of Fanatec device
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
+-- ============================================================
+-- Digits Panel functions
+-- ============================================================
+-- IN function of digits panel
+-- param: recieve from SLIMax Manager the current switch position
+function fanatecDigitsEvent(swFunction)
+ swValue = swFunction + 1
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ local hr = 0
+ local mn = 0
+ local sc = 0
+ local ms = 0
+ local hd = 0
+ local lpt = 0.0
+ local timeFlag = false
+ local unit = false
+ local fPanel = ""
+ local inf = ""
+ local unit = false
+ local spd = 0.0
+ local isSlowUpdate = false
+ -- get speed in kph or mph (use "rawspeed" to get value in meter/sec)
+ local spd = GetCarInfo("speed")
+ -- get current display unit metric or imperial
+ unit = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
+ -- check if quick info button is down
+ local qi = false
+ qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
+ if qi == nil or qi == 0 then qi = false end
+ if qi then
+ -- get index for fanatec panel
+ local qiF = GetContextInfo("fanatecquickinfo")
+ if qiF == nil then qiF = 1 end
+ -- force position to match QI preference
+ swValue = qiF
+ end
+ -- get current simulation name
+ local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
+ -- is OSP Tracking ON
+ local ospt = false
+ ospt = GetContextInfo("osptracking")
+ if ospt == nil then ospt = false end
+ if ospt then
+ -- show rpm
+ swValue = 22
+ end
+ -- lap finished, display lap time a few seconds
+ local dlt = false
+ dlt = GetContextInfo("displaylaptime")
+ if dlt == nil then dlt = false end
+ if dlt then
+ swValue = 11
+ end
+ -- check if PIT Feedback ON
+ local pf = false
+ pf = GetContextInfo("pitfeedback")
+ if pf == nil or pf == 0 then pf = false end
+ if pf then
+ -- force position to PIT function if car pits
+ local pit = GetCarInfo("inpits")
+ if pit > 0 then
+ swValue = 41
+ end
+ end
+ -- check postion and compute panel string
+ if swValue == 1 then
+ -- oldGear is intialized in gearEvent (see gear.lua)
+ if oldGear ~= nil then
+ -- gear
+ --local g = GetCarInfo("gear")
+ -- get neutral
+ local n = string.char(GetContextInfo("neutral"))
+ -- get reverse char and convert to string
+ local r = string.char(GetContextInfo("reverse"))
+ -- get state of custom Optimal Shift Point (OSP) records
+ local ospcustom_on = GetContextInfo("ospcustom")
+ -- set neutral, reverse or current gear
+ if oldGear == 0 then
+ -- if neutral and using custom OSP record then add a dot to gear digit
+ SetFanatecGear(n, ospcustom_on)
+ elseif oldGear < 0 then
+ -- reverse
+ SetFanatecGear(r, false)
+ else
+ -- if gear = 'E' give the hand to SLIMax Manager
+ -- if g == 69 then
+ -- return 0
+ -- end
+ SetFanatecGear(string.char(oldGear), false)
+ end
+ return 1
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 2 then
+ -- speed
+ if round(spd) > 0 then
+ fPanel = string.format("%3d", round(spd) )
+ else
+ fPanel = "___"
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 3 then
+ -- fuel
+ local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
+ if fuel ~= nil then
+ fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
+ if fuel >= 100 then
+ fPanel = string.format("%03d", round(fuel) )
+ elseif fuel >= 10 then
+ fPanel = string.format("F%02d", round(fuel))
+ else
+ fPanel = string.format("F%1.1f", fuel)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 4 then
+ -- position
+ inf = GetContextInfo("position")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if inf >= 100 then
+ fPanel = string.format("%03d", inf)
+ else
+ fPanel = string.format("P%02d", inf)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 5 then
+ -- laps completed
+ inf = GetContextInfo("laps")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- if more then 99 laps
+ if inf >= 100 then
+ fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
+ else
+ fPanel = string.format("L%2.0f", inf)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 6 then
+ -- sector
+ local sect = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ -- check if sector > 9
+ if sect >9 then
+ fPanel = string.format("S%2d", sect)
+ else
+ fPanel = string.format("S%1d ", sect)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 7 then
+ -- total laps
+ local tl = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
+ if tl < 1 then tl = 0 end
+ -- if more then 99 laps
+ if tl >= 100 or tl >= 100 then
+ fPanel = string.format("%03d", tl)
+ else
+ fPanel = string.format("t%02d", tl)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 8 then
+ -- water temp
+ inf = GetCarInfo("watertemp")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
+ fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 9 then
+ -- oil temp
+ inf = GetCarInfo("oiltemp")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
+ fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 10 then
+ -- best lap time
+ --timeFlag = true
+ --dlt = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
+ mFanatecText = DisplayFormatTime(lpt,mRefreshLapTimeRate,2,0,3)
+ SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 11 then
+ -- last lap time
+ --timeFlag = true
+ --dlt = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
+ mFanatecText = DisplayFormatTime(lpt,mRefreshLapTimeRate,2,0,3)
+ SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue >= 12 and swValue <= 18 and isAppIRacing(sim) then
+ --timeFlag = true
+ -- iRacing partials
+ local ts = GetContextInfo("partialcount")
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ if sector == nil then sector = 0 end
+ if ts ~= nil and ts > 0 then
+ if swValue == 12 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("currentpartial", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 13 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsbestlap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 14 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimallap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 15 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimalsector", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 16 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionbestlap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 17 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimallap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 18 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimalsector", sector)
+ end
+ else
+ lpt = 0.0
+ end
+ mFanatecText = DisplayFormatTime(lpt,mDeltaTimeDelay,2,1,3)
+ SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 19 then
+ -- real time diff vs your best
+ --timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
+ mFanatecText = DisplayFormatTime(lpt,mDeltaTimeDelay,2,1,3)
+ SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 20 then
+ -- real time diff vs your last
+ --timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
+ mFanatecText = DisplayFormatTime(lpt,mDeltaTimeDelay,2,1,3)
+ SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 21 then
+ -- get an average consumption of fuel per lap and gives the remaining laps
+ local remainintank = GetCarInfo("remainlapsintank")
+ if remainintank >= 100 then
+ fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", math.floor (remainintank))
+ else
+ fPanel = string.format("L%2.0f", math.floor(remainintank))
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 22 then
+ -- rpm
+ isSlowUpdate = true
+ local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ local r = rpm / 100.0
+ if r < 100 then
+ fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", r)
+ else
+ fPanel = string.format("%3d.", round(r))
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 23 then
+ -- track size
+ isSlowUpdate = true
+ local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
+ local r = trcksz / 100
+ if r < 100 then
+ fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", r)
+ else
+ fPanel = string.format("%3d.", round(r))
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 24 then
+ -- distance percent
+ local dist = GetContextInfo("lapdistance")
+ -- track size
+ local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
+ local p = round(dist / (trcksz / 100))
+ fPanel = string.format("%3d", p )
+ elseif swValue == 25 then
+ -- kers
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ fPanel = string.format("%3d", round(kers/1000))
+ elseif swValue == 26 then
+ -- kers max
+ local kmx = GetCarInfo("kersmax")
+ fPanel = string.format("%3d", round(kmx/1000))
+ elseif swValue == 27 then
+ -- drs
+ local drs = GetCarInfo("drs")
+ if drs == 1 then
+ fPanel = "ON "
+ else
+ fPanel = "OFF"
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 28 then
+ -- kers percent
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ fPanel = string.format("%3d", round((kers/1000)/4))
+ elseif swValue == 29 then
+ -- wheels temp if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- if rFactor convert Kelvin to Celsius (see global.lua)
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 30 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 31 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 32 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 33 then
+ -- wheels pressure if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- convert to psi
+ fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 34 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 35 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 36 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ fPanel = string.format("%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 37 then
+ -- brakes temp if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 38 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 39 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 40 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ fPanel = string.format("%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 41 then
+ -- PIT
+ fPanel = "PIt"
+ elseif swValue == 42 then
+ -- sc
+ local sc = GetContextInfo("safetycare")
+ if sc == 1 then
+ fPanel = " SC"
+ else
+ fPanel = " "
+ end
+ else
+ fPanel = " "
+ end
+ -- the function below has been replaced with generic time display function in global.lua
+ -- if timeFlag and lpt ~= nil then
+ -- -- explod time
+ -- hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
+ -- print("lpt:" .. lpt .. " mn:" .. mn .. " sc:" .. sc .. " hd:" .. hd .. " ms:" .. ms .."\n" )
+ -- -- update display every mDeltaTimeDelay time
+ -- -- current ticks > old backuped value
+ -- if GetTicks() > mDeltaTimeOldTicks then
+ -- -- store ticks + delay
+ -- mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks() + ( 2 * mDeltaTimeDelay)
+ -- if lpt == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.00 then
+ -- mDeltaTimeBackup = "-.--"
+ -- elseif mn > 0 or sc >= 10 then
+ -- if dlt and mn <100 then
+ -- -- display time and mn < 100
+ -- if mn >=10 then
+ -- -- mn > 10
+ -- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%2d.%01d", mn, sc)
+ -- else
+ -- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%1d.%02d", mn, sc)
+ -- end
+ -- else
+ -- -- delta > 9.99s or lap time > 100mn
+ -- mDeltaTimeBackup = " . "
+ -- end
+ -- else
+ -- -- delta
+ -- if lpt < 0 then
+ -- -- negative value
+ -- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "-%01d.%01d ", sc, round(hd))
+ -- else
+ -- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%01d.%02d", sc, round(hd))
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- end
+ -- fPanel = mDeltaTimeBackup
+ -- end
+ if isSlowUpdate then
+ -- request slow display update
+ if GetTicks() > ( mDeltaTimeDelay + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
+ mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
+ mFanatecText = fPanel
+ end
+ else
+ -- normal display update
+ mFanatecText = fPanel
+ end
+ -- send string to sli manager
+ SetFanatecDigits( mFanatecText )
+ return 1
diff --git a/scripts/fanatec_iracing.lua b/scripts/fanatec_iracing.lua
index a84c983..462c502 100644
--- a/scripts/fanatec_iracing.lua
+++ b/scripts/fanatec_iracing.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
--- iRacing Combo Setup - Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v3
--- Copyright ©2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-02
--- ================================
--- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
-mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing custom scripts to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
--- ================================
--- load common scripts file
+-- iRacing Combo Setup - Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v3
+-- Copyright ©2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-02
+-- ================================
+-- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
+mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing custom scripts to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
+-- ================================
+-- load common scripts file
require "scripts/zdoc_scripts/iracing_common_scripts" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/functions_tools.lua b/scripts/functions_tools.lua
index 50a7883..592e7bc 100644
--- a/scripts/functions_tools.lua
+++ b/scripts/functions_tools.lua
@@ -1,234 +1,234 @@
--- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v1.4
--- PART OF SLIMAX Manager pkg
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- CREDITS: first release - Zappadoc
--- updated - Desty 2013-04-26
--- ===============================
--- left and right functions tools
--- ===============================
--- add a function name to left and right functions list
--- Returns Index if success
--- Returns Index if FunctionName allready exists
--- Returns -1 if Error Reading File
--- Returns -2 if Error writing File
--- Usage AddFuncName(FilePath, FunctionName):
--- on left list:
--- local err = AddFuncName("cfg/sli_left_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
--- or right list:
--- local err = AddFuncName("cfg/sli_right_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
-function AddFuncName(path, func)
- idx = 0
- idx = GetFuncIndex(path, func)
- if idx < 0 then
- print("BAD ERROR occurred!")
- return idx --returns errorcode -1 or -2
- elseif idx > 0 then
- return idx -- OK, return index
- end
- idx = GetNewFuncIndex(path)
- if idx < 1 then
- print("BAD ERROR occurred!")
- return -1
- end
- file,err =,"r")
- if err then return -1 end
- funcStr = idx.."."..func
- isOK = false
- local t1 = {} --IndexTable
- local t2 = {} --functionsTable
- i= 1
- for line in file:lines() do
- if line == nil then break end
- -- Seperate Index from function name
- a = string.find(line, '.', 1, true)
- if a then
- b = string.sub(line, a+1)
- c = string.sub(line, 1, a-1)
- d=(c + 0)
- -- check for EXACT MATCH of the function name
- if b == func then isOK = true end
- table.insert(t1, d)
- t2[d]= line
- end
- end
- table.insert(t1, idx)
- t2[idx]= funcStr
- file:close()
- if not isOK then
- -- write mode
- file, err =,"w+")
- if err then return -2 end
- --sort IndexTable
- table.sort(t1)
- -- Write All functions in order of IndexTable
- for i = 1, #t1, 1 do
- a = t1[i]
- b = t2[a]
- --print(" a: "..a.." b: "..b)
- file:write(b)
- file:write("\n")
- end
- file:close()
- end
- return idx
- -- Remove a FunctionName
--- Returns 1 if success
--- Returns -1 if Error Reading File
--- Returns -2 if Error writing File
- --Usage: RemoveFuncName(FunctionName)
--- on left list:
--- local err = RemoveFuncName("cfg/sli_left_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
--- or right list:
--- local err = RemoveFuncName("cfg/sli_right_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
-function RemoveFuncName(path, func)
- file,err =,"r")
- if err then return -1 end
- t = { }
- i=1
- for line in file:lines() do
- if line == nil then break end
- -- Seperate Index from function name
- a = string.find(line, '.', 1, true)
- -- Empty Lines will be deleted
- if a then
- b = string.sub(line, a+1)
- c = string.sub(line, 1, a-1)
- d = (c + 0)
- -- check for an EXACT MATCH of the function name
- if b ~= func or d < 100 then
- t[i] = line
- i= i + 1
- end
- end
- end
- file:close()
- -- write mode, delete previous data
- file, err =,"w+")
- if err then return -2 end
- for k, v in pairs(t) do
- file:write(v)
- file:write("\n")
- end
- file:close()
- return 1
--- Returns Index
--- returns 0 if Function not exists
--- returns -1 if error reading file
--- Usage: GetFuncIndex(FilePath, FunctionName)
--- on left list:
--- local idx = GetFuncIndex("cfg/sli_left_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
--- or right list:
--- localidx = GetFuncIndex("cfg/sli_right_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
-function GetFuncIndex(path, func)
- file,err =,"r")
- if err then return -1 end
- for line in file:lines() do
- if line == nil then break end
- -- Seperate Index from function name
- a = string.find(line, '.', 1, true)
- if a then
- b = string.sub( line, a+1)
- -- check for an EXACT MATCH of the function name
- if b == func then
- c = string.sub( line,1, a-1)
- d = (c + 0)
- return d
- end
- end
- end
- return 0
--- Returns lowest function index available (above 100)
--- Returns -1 if Error Reading File
--- typical usage GetNewFuncIndex(FilePath):
--- on left list:
--- local num_available = GetNewFuncIndex("cfg/sli_left_functions.ecfg")
--- or right list:
--- local num_available = GetNewFuncIndex("cfg/sli_right_functions.ecfg")
-function GetNewFuncIndex(path)
- local t = { 99,}
- local idx = 99
- file,err =,"r")
- if err then return -1 end
- for line in file:lines() do
- if line == nil then break end
- -- Seperate Index from function name
- a = string.find(line, '.', 1, true)
- if a then
- b = string.sub( line,1, a-1)
- -- string to num conversion
- c = (b + 0)
- -- store if it's greater
- if c > idx then
- table.insert(t, c)
- end
- end
- end
- file:close()
- table.sort(t)
- --s = table.concat(t, ", ")
- --print(s)
- idx = 0
- local n = #t-1
- for i = 1, n, 1 do
- if t[i] < (t[i+1]-1) then
- if idx == 0 then --added this Iteration
- idx = t[i]+1 --to start at the lowest gap
- end
- end
- end
- if idx == 0 then
- idx = t[n+1]+1
- end
- return idx
+-- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v1.4
+-- PART OF SLIMAX Manager pkg
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- CREDITS: first release - Zappadoc
+-- updated - Desty 2013-04-26
+-- ===============================
+-- left and right functions tools
+-- ===============================
+-- add a function name to left and right functions list
+-- Returns Index if success
+-- Returns Index if FunctionName allready exists
+-- Returns -1 if Error Reading File
+-- Returns -2 if Error writing File
+-- Usage AddFuncName(FilePath, FunctionName):
+-- on left list:
+-- local err = AddFuncName("cfg/sli_left_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
+-- or right list:
+-- local err = AddFuncName("cfg/sli_right_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
+function AddFuncName(path, func)
+ idx = 0
+ idx = GetFuncIndex(path, func)
+ if idx < 0 then
+ print("BAD ERROR occurred!")
+ return idx --returns errorcode -1 or -2
+ elseif idx > 0 then
+ return idx -- OK, return index
+ end
+ idx = GetNewFuncIndex(path)
+ if idx < 1 then
+ print("BAD ERROR occurred!")
+ return -1
+ end
+ file,err =,"r")
+ if err then return -1 end
+ funcStr = idx.."."..func
+ isOK = false
+ local t1 = {} --IndexTable
+ local t2 = {} --functionsTable
+ i= 1
+ for line in file:lines() do
+ if line == nil then break end
+ -- Seperate Index from function name
+ a = string.find(line, '.', 1, true)
+ if a then
+ b = string.sub(line, a+1)
+ c = string.sub(line, 1, a-1)
+ d=(c + 0)
+ -- check for EXACT MATCH of the function name
+ if b == func then isOK = true end
+ table.insert(t1, d)
+ t2[d]= line
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(t1, idx)
+ t2[idx]= funcStr
+ file:close()
+ if not isOK then
+ -- write mode
+ file, err =,"w+")
+ if err then return -2 end
+ --sort IndexTable
+ table.sort(t1)
+ -- Write All functions in order of IndexTable
+ for i = 1, #t1, 1 do
+ a = t1[i]
+ b = t2[a]
+ --print(" a: "..a.." b: "..b)
+ file:write(b)
+ file:write("\n")
+ end
+ file:close()
+ end
+ return idx
+ -- Remove a FunctionName
+-- Returns 1 if success
+-- Returns -1 if Error Reading File
+-- Returns -2 if Error writing File
+ --Usage: RemoveFuncName(FunctionName)
+-- on left list:
+-- local err = RemoveFuncName("cfg/sli_left_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
+-- or right list:
+-- local err = RemoveFuncName("cfg/sli_right_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
+function RemoveFuncName(path, func)
+ file,err =,"r")
+ if err then return -1 end
+ t = { }
+ i=1
+ for line in file:lines() do
+ if line == nil then break end
+ -- Seperate Index from function name
+ a = string.find(line, '.', 1, true)
+ -- Empty Lines will be deleted
+ if a then
+ b = string.sub(line, a+1)
+ c = string.sub(line, 1, a-1)
+ d = (c + 0)
+ -- check for an EXACT MATCH of the function name
+ if b ~= func or d < 100 then
+ t[i] = line
+ i= i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ file:close()
+ -- write mode, delete previous data
+ file, err =,"w+")
+ if err then return -2 end
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ file:write(v)
+ file:write("\n")
+ end
+ file:close()
+ return 1
+-- Returns Index
+-- returns 0 if Function not exists
+-- returns -1 if error reading file
+-- Usage: GetFuncIndex(FilePath, FunctionName)
+-- on left list:
+-- local idx = GetFuncIndex("cfg/sli_left_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
+-- or right list:
+-- localidx = GetFuncIndex("cfg/sli_right_functions.ecfg", "DSII KERS")
+function GetFuncIndex(path, func)
+ file,err =,"r")
+ if err then return -1 end
+ for line in file:lines() do
+ if line == nil then break end
+ -- Seperate Index from function name
+ a = string.find(line, '.', 1, true)
+ if a then
+ b = string.sub( line, a+1)
+ -- check for an EXACT MATCH of the function name
+ if b == func then
+ c = string.sub( line,1, a-1)
+ d = (c + 0)
+ return d
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+-- Returns lowest function index available (above 100)
+-- Returns -1 if Error Reading File
+-- typical usage GetNewFuncIndex(FilePath):
+-- on left list:
+-- local num_available = GetNewFuncIndex("cfg/sli_left_functions.ecfg")
+-- or right list:
+-- local num_available = GetNewFuncIndex("cfg/sli_right_functions.ecfg")
+function GetNewFuncIndex(path)
+ local t = { 99,}
+ local idx = 99
+ file,err =,"r")
+ if err then return -1 end
+ for line in file:lines() do
+ if line == nil then break end
+ -- Seperate Index from function name
+ a = string.find(line, '.', 1, true)
+ if a then
+ b = string.sub( line,1, a-1)
+ -- string to num conversion
+ c = (b + 0)
+ -- store if it's greater
+ if c > idx then
+ table.insert(t, c)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ file:close()
+ table.sort(t)
+ --s = table.concat(t, ", ")
+ --print(s)
+ idx = 0
+ local n = #t-1
+ for i = 1, n, 1 do
+ if t[i] < (t[i+1]-1) then
+ if idx == 0 then --added this Iteration
+ idx = t[i]+1 --to start at the lowest gap
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if idx == 0 then
+ idx = t[n+1]+1
+ end
+ return idx
diff --git a/scripts/gear.lua b/scripts/gear.lua
index 54649d6..bcf0361 100644
--- a/scripts/gear.lua
+++ b/scripts/gear.lua
@@ -1,176 +1,176 @@
--- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.2.1
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- gear event
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
-function Ignition(gear, isFanatec)
- -- ========================================================================================
- -- patch led function damage for ignition
- -- check if sim is rFactor2
- if GetContextInfo("simulation") == "rFactor2.exe" then
- if GetCarInfo("rpm") == 0 and GetCarInfo("rawspeed") == 0 then
- if GetCarInfo("ignition") == 0 then
- -- engine has been stopped
- -- engine has been stopped
- -- do nothing
- elseif GetCarInfo("ignition") == 1 then
- -- ignition ON after engine stop
- -- engine has been stopped, ignition ON
- SetDigitsAllowed(false)
- if isFanatec == true then
- SetFanatecDigits(" ")
- else
- SetLeftDigits (" ")
- SetRightDigits (" ")
- end
- SetGearDigit("_")
- -- init led
- toggleAllLed(0)
- -- blink damage led
- if mOLDIgnitionticks == nil or GetTicks() > mOLDIgnitionticks then
- mOLDIgnitionticks = GetTicks() + 1000
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
- SetWarnLed(GetLedIndex("damage"), 1)
- else
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- SetWarnLed(GetLedIndex("damage"), 0)
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- SLISendReport()
- return 1
- elseif GetCarInfo("ignition") == 2 and GetCarInfo("rpm") == 0 and GetCarInfo("rawspeed") == 0 then
- -- ignition ON and starter ON
- -- engine has been stopped, ignition ON + Starter ON
- SetGearDigit("-")
- SetDigitsAllowed(true)
- -- stop blinking
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
- SetWarnLed(GetLedIndex("damage"), 1)
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- SLISendReport()
- return 1
- end
- end
- end
- return 2
--- SIM RACE Deluxe, SIM RACE F1, SLI-M, SLI-PRO Gear Event
-function gearEvent(gear)
- -- get the rpm limit already computed by my OSP method
- -- using OSP Factor parameter
- -- value used in OSP, Shiftlights, car setup,... and can be overwritten
- gOSPLimit = 0
- gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm")
- if gOSPLimit == nil then gOSPLimit = 0 end
- -- get the red zone already computed by my SLIMax Mgr II
- -- value used in Shiftlights and can be overwritten
- gRedZone = 0
- gRedZone = GetCarInfo("redzone")
- if gRedZone == nil then gRedZone = 18000 end
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_gearEvent(gear)
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_gearEvent(gear)
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- ignition
- if Ignition(gear, false) <= 1 then return 1 end
- local g = gear
- if oldGear == nil then oldGear = -1 end
- -- get neutral
- local n = GetContextInfo("neutral")
- -- get reverse char and convert to string
- local r = string.char(GetContextInfo("reverse"))
- -- get state of custom Optimal Shift Point (OSP) records
- local ospcustom_on = GetContextInfo("ospcustom")
- -- optimize display, call if changed
- if oldGear ~= g then
- -- backup gear state
- oldGear = g
- -- set neutral, reverse or current gear
- if g == 0 then
- -- if neutral and using custom OSP record then add a dot to gear digit
- if ospcustom_on then n = n + 128 end
- SetGearDigit(string.char(n))
- elseif g < 0 then
- SetGearDigit(r)
- else
- -- if gear = 'E' give the hand to SLIMax Manager
- if g == 69 then
- return 0
- end
- SetGearDigit(string.char(g))
- end
- end
- return 1
--- Fanatec Gear Event
-function gearFanatecEvent(gear)
- -- get the rpm limit already computed by my OSP method
- -- using OSP Factor parameter
- -- value used in OSP, Shiftlights, car setup,... and can be overwritten
- gOSPLimit = 0
- gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm")
- if gOSPLimit == nil then gOSPLimit = 0 end
- -- get the red zone already computed by my SLIMax Mgr
- -- value used in Shiftlights and can be overwritten
- gRedZone = 0
- gRedZone = GetCarInfo("redzone")
- if gRedZone == nil then gRedZone = 18000 end
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear)
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear)
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- ignition
- if Ignition(gear, true) <= 1 then return 1 end
- local g = gear
- if oldGear == nil then oldGear = -1 end
- if oldGear ~= g then
- local rumbbleGear = GetContextInfo("gearshock")
- local rumbbleGearDelay = GetContextInfo("gearshockdelay")
- -- gear schock effect restricted to 1 to 7
- if rumbbleGear and g > 0 then
- if g < oldGear then
- SetFanatecWheelMotor(0, 100, rumbbleGearDelay)
- elseif g > oldGear then
- SetFanatecWheelMotor(1, 100, rumbbleGearDelay)
- end
- end
- -- backup gear state
- oldGear = g
- end
- return 2
+-- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.2.1
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- gear event
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
+function Ignition(gear, isFanatec)
+ -- ========================================================================================
+ -- patch led function damage for ignition
+ -- check if sim is rFactor2
+ if GetContextInfo("simulation") == "rFactor2.exe" then
+ if GetCarInfo("rpm") == 0 and GetCarInfo("rawspeed") == 0 then
+ if GetCarInfo("ignition") == 0 then
+ -- engine has been stopped
+ -- engine has been stopped
+ -- do nothing
+ elseif GetCarInfo("ignition") == 1 then
+ -- ignition ON after engine stop
+ -- engine has been stopped, ignition ON
+ SetDigitsAllowed(false)
+ if isFanatec == true then
+ SetFanatecDigits(" ")
+ else
+ SetLeftDigits (" ")
+ SetRightDigits (" ")
+ end
+ SetGearDigit("_")
+ -- init led
+ toggleAllLed(0)
+ -- blink damage led
+ if mOLDIgnitionticks == nil or GetTicks() > mOLDIgnitionticks then
+ mOLDIgnitionticks = GetTicks() + 1000
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
+ SetWarnLed(GetLedIndex("damage"), 1)
+ else
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ SetWarnLed(GetLedIndex("damage"), 0)
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ SLISendReport()
+ return 1
+ elseif GetCarInfo("ignition") == 2 and GetCarInfo("rpm") == 0 and GetCarInfo("rawspeed") == 0 then
+ -- ignition ON and starter ON
+ -- engine has been stopped, ignition ON + Starter ON
+ SetGearDigit("-")
+ SetDigitsAllowed(true)
+ -- stop blinking
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
+ SetWarnLed(GetLedIndex("damage"), 1)
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ SLISendReport()
+ return 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return 2
+-- SIM RACE Deluxe, SIM RACE F1, SLI-M, SLI-PRO Gear Event
+function gearEvent(gear)
+ -- get the rpm limit already computed by my OSP method
+ -- using OSP Factor parameter
+ -- value used in OSP, Shiftlights, car setup,... and can be overwritten
+ gOSPLimit = 0
+ gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm")
+ if gOSPLimit == nil then gOSPLimit = 0 end
+ -- get the red zone already computed by my SLIMax Mgr II
+ -- value used in Shiftlights and can be overwritten
+ gRedZone = 0
+ gRedZone = GetCarInfo("redzone")
+ if gRedZone == nil then gRedZone = 18000 end
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_gearEvent(gear)
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_gearEvent(gear)
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- ignition
+ if Ignition(gear, false) <= 1 then return 1 end
+ local g = gear
+ if oldGear == nil then oldGear = -1 end
+ -- get neutral
+ local n = GetContextInfo("neutral")
+ -- get reverse char and convert to string
+ local r = string.char(GetContextInfo("reverse"))
+ -- get state of custom Optimal Shift Point (OSP) records
+ local ospcustom_on = GetContextInfo("ospcustom")
+ -- optimize display, call if changed
+ if oldGear ~= g then
+ -- backup gear state
+ oldGear = g
+ -- set neutral, reverse or current gear
+ if g == 0 then
+ -- if neutral and using custom OSP record then add a dot to gear digit
+ if ospcustom_on then n = n + 128 end
+ SetGearDigit(string.char(n))
+ elseif g < 0 then
+ SetGearDigit(r)
+ else
+ -- if gear = 'E' give the hand to SLIMax Manager
+ if g == 69 then
+ return 0
+ end
+ SetGearDigit(string.char(g))
+ end
+ end
+ return 1
+-- Fanatec Gear Event
+function gearFanatecEvent(gear)
+ -- get the rpm limit already computed by my OSP method
+ -- using OSP Factor parameter
+ -- value used in OSP, Shiftlights, car setup,... and can be overwritten
+ gOSPLimit = 0
+ gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm")
+ if gOSPLimit == nil then gOSPLimit = 0 end
+ -- get the red zone already computed by my SLIMax Mgr
+ -- value used in Shiftlights and can be overwritten
+ gRedZone = 0
+ gRedZone = GetCarInfo("redzone")
+ if gRedZone == nil then gRedZone = 18000 end
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear)
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear)
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- ignition
+ if Ignition(gear, true) <= 1 then return 1 end
+ local g = gear
+ if oldGear == nil then oldGear = -1 end
+ if oldGear ~= g then
+ local rumbbleGear = GetContextInfo("gearshock")
+ local rumbbleGearDelay = GetContextInfo("gearshockdelay")
+ -- gear schock effect restricted to 1 to 7
+ if rumbbleGear and g > 0 then
+ if g < oldGear then
+ SetFanatecWheelMotor(0, 100, rumbbleGearDelay)
+ elseif g > oldGear then
+ SetFanatecWheelMotor(1, 100, rumbbleGearDelay)
+ end
+ end
+ -- backup gear state
+ oldGear = g
+ end
+ return 2
end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/global.lua b/scripts/global.lua
index 13c3c1d..fad73df 100644
--- a/scripts/global.lua
+++ b/scripts/global.lua
@@ -1,519 +1,519 @@
--- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.8.1
--- PART OF SLIMAX Manager pkg
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-10
--- see slimax_script_readme.txt for implementation
--- load left and right functions tools
-require "scripts/functions_tools"
--- ============================================================
--- ============================================================
--- SMXMessageBox Styles
-MB_OK = 0x00000000
-MB_OKCANCEL = 0x00000001
-MB_YESNOCANCEL = 0x00000003
-MB_YESNO = 0x00000004
-MB_RETRYCANCEL = 0x00000005
-MB_ICONHAND = 0x00000010
-MB_ICONQUESTION = 0x00000020
-MB_ICONASTERISK = 0x00000040
-MB_USERICON = 0x00000080
--- MB result
-mIDOK = 1
-mIDYES = 6
-mIDNO = 7
--- scripts settings
-mCustomScriptsFileName = ""
--- new in: 2.2
--- init left and right digits panel text
-mLeftSpdLmtText = " "
-mRightSpdLmtText = " "
--- 4 digits F1 panel
-mF1LeftSpdLmtText = " "
-mF1RightSpdLmtText = " "
--- new: 2.1
--- RPM threshold values in percentage used with Shiftlights method 2
--- and configured with SLIMax Manager II Advanced Options Panel
--- default values:
-RPM_PERCENT_VALUES = {50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 97, 98, 98, 99, 99 }
-RPM_ABSOLUTE_VALUES = {15452, 15545, 15823, 16354, 16410, 16675, 17252, 17545, 17823, 18354, 18510, 18655, 18670, 18675, 18677 }
--- Fanatec text using for slowdown update
-mFanatecText = ""
--- SIMRACE DLX text using for slowdown update
-mSRDlxLeftText = ""
-mSRDlxRightText = ""
--- SIMRACE DLX text using for slowdown update
-mSRF1LeftText = ""
-mSRF1RightText = ""
--- get feedback on display when you turn encoder or press button assigned to internal functions, see control.lua
--- true if you want to display switch pos and value
-mSwitchFeedbackAllowed = true
--- mapping to keystroke demo script
--- see the support forum for more info on key mapping
-mDemoMapToKeyAllowed = false
-mDemoMapToKeySwitch = 5
--- Fanatec Digits Status
-mFanatecDigitsFeedbackAllowed = true
--- Fanatec speedlimiter method seleted
-mFanatecSpeedLimiterFeedbackAllowed = true
--- Fanatec osp method seleted
-mFanatecOSPFeedbackAllowed = true
--- Fanatec shiftlights method seleted
-mFanatecShiftlightsFeedbackAllowed = true
--- Low Fuel status
-mLowFuelFeedbackAllowed = true
--- Left and Right Digits status
-mLeftDigitsFeedbackAllowed = true
-mRightDigitsFeedbackAllowed = true
--- display KPH or KMH
-mUnitFeedbackAllowed = true
--- show the current OSP Factor
-mOSPFeedbackAllowed = true
--- cool global brightness feedback
-mBrightnessFeedbackAllowed = true
--- show the current value of maxgear option
-mMaxGearFeedbackAllowed = true
--- activate or deactivate lap dump telemetry
--- using button 9 by default
-mDumpLapAllowed = false
-mDumpLapButton = 9
--- delta time delay
-mDeltaTimeBackup = 0
-mDeltaTimeOldTicks = 0
-mDeltaTimeDelay = 100
-mRefreshLapTimeRate = 50
--- dump telemetry
-TelemetryTools("dumplastlap", false);
--- ============================================================
--- init globals flag
-isGlobalInitialized = 0
--- 15 RPM leds
-mRPMLedTable = {
- RPM0=0,
- RPM1=0,
- RPM2=0,
- RPM3=0,
- RPM4=0,
- RPM5=0,
- RPM6=0,
- RPM7=0,
- RPM8=0,
- RPM9=0,
- RPM10=0,
- RPM11=0,
- RPM12=0,
- RPM13=0,
- RPM14=0
--- SLI device type
--- mDeviceType no longer avaialable use GetDeviceType(devID) see 2.3 API
--- --------------------------------------------
--- KERS functions
--- --------------------------------------------
-function GetKersPercent()
- -- get kers value
- local kers_level = GetCarInfo("kers")
- local k_percent = 0
- if kers_level ~= nil and kers_level > 0 then
- k_percent = round((kers_level/1000) / 4 )
- end
- return k_percent
--- Init all globals
-function InitGlobals()
- -- default blink time delay
- mBlinkTime = 32
- mOSPBlinkTime = 8
- -- ticks stuff
- mOSPBlink = 0
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- mOldTickCount = 0
- mOldOSPTickCount = 0
- gRedZone = 0
- gOSPLimit = 0
- mBU0710Leds = 0
- mG27Leds = 0
- mOSPMethod = 0
- mFanatecLeds = 0
--- set RPM threshold value in percentage ( SLIMax Manager 2.1 )
-function SetRPMPercentValue(index, value)
- if index <1 or index>15 then
- return
- end
- if value <0 or value >100 then
- return
- end
- RPM_PERCENT_VALUES[index] = value
--- set RPM threshold value ( SLIMax Manager 2.1 )
-function SetRPMAbsoluteValue(index, value)
- if index <1 or index>15 then
- return
- end
- if value <0 or value >20000 then
- return
- end
- RPM_ABSOLUTE_VALUES[index] = value
--- get all global preferences set in general_default.sli
-function GetSLIMaxInfo()
- -- get RPM Only flag
- mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly = GetContextInfo("spdlmtrpmledonlyflag")
- if mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly == nil then mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly = false end
- -- get blink delay value*
- mBlinkTime = GetContextInfo("blinktime")
- if mBlinkTime == nil then mBlinkTime = 32 end
- if mBlinkTime < 1 or mBlinkTime > 48 then mBlinkTime = 32 end
- -- get osp blink delay value
- mOSPBlinkTime = GetContextInfo("ospblinktime")
- if mOSPBlinkTime == nil then mOSPBlinkTime = 32 end
- if mOSPBlinkTime < 1 or mOSPBlinkTime > 48 then mOSPBlinkTime = 32 end
- -- get current speed Limiter LED index
- mSpeedLimiterLED = GetContextInfo("ledspeedlimiterindex")
- if mSpeedLimiterLED == nil then mSpeedLimiterLED = 5 end
- if mSpeedLimiterLED < 1 or mSpeedLimiterLED > 6 then mSpeedLimiterLED = 5 end
- -- get current osp LEDs index
- mOSPLED1 = GetContextInfo("ospled1")
- if mOSPLED1 == nil then mOSPLED1 = 1 end
- if mOSPLED1 < 1 or mOSPLED1 > 11 then mOSPLED1 = 1 end
- mOSPLED2 = GetContextInfo("ospled2")
- if mOSPLED2 == nil then mOSPLED2 = 1 end
- if mOSPLED2 < 1 or mOSPLED2 > 11 then mOSPLED2 = 1 end
- -- blinking allowed?
- mNoBlink = GetContextInfo("noblinkflag")
- if mNoBlink == nil then mNoBlink = false end
- -- get limiter char flag
- mLimiterChar = GetContextInfo("limitercharflag")
- if mLimiterChar == nil then mLimiterChar = false end
- -- is OSP with first gear allowed?
- mOSPWithFirstGear = GetContextInfo("ospwithfirstgear")
- if mOSPWithFirstGear == nil then mOSPWithFirstGear = false end
--- get cpu ticks
- function GetTicks()
- local tcks = GetContextInfo("ticks")
- if tcks == nil then tcks = 0 end
- return tcks
--- reset table function
-function initLedTable(ibl, value)
- if ibl ~= nil then
- for k, v in pairs(ibl) do
- ibl[k] = value
- end
- end
--- toggle all led state
-function toggleAllLed(val)
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, val)
- for i = 1, 6 do SetWarnLed(i, val) end
- -- 7 external leds is the max value used in SIM RACE F1 and Emulator
- for i = 1, 7 do SetExtLed(i, val) end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
--- The following function rounds a number
--- lua doesn't return the same rounded value as C/C++
-function round(num)
- if num == nil then num = 0 end
- local i = 0
- if num >= 0 then
- i = math.floor(num+.5)
- else
- i = math.ceil(num-.5)
- end
- return i
--- The following function calculate hr, mn, sec, hd, ms
--- param: time in meter/sec
-function timeDispatcher( tt)
- if tms == nil then tms = 0 end
- local tms = math.abs(tt)
- local t_hr = 0
- local t_mn = 0
- local t_sc = 0
- local t_ms = 0
- local t_hd = 0
- if tms > 0 then
- t_hr, n = math.modf(tms/3600)
- t_mn, c = math.modf(n*60)
- t_sc, s = math.modf(c*60)
- t_hd, h = math.modf(s*100)
- t_ms, m = math.modf(s*1000)
- end
--- print( tt, t_hr, t_mn, t_sc, t_hd, t_ms)
- return t_hr, t_mn, t_sc, t_hd, t_ms
--- return speed in KPH or MPH
-function speed(spd, selector)
- if spd == nil then spd = 0 end
- if selector then
- -- MPH
- return ( spd * 2.237)
- else
- return (spd * 3.6)
- end
--- Fahrenheit to Celsius
-function FtoC(f)
- return ((f - 32) * (5/9))
--- Celsius to Fahrenheit
-function CtoF(c)
- return (c * (9/5) + 32)
--- Kelvin to Celsius
-function KtoC(k)
- return ( k - 273.313)
--- liters to gallons
-function LtoG(liters)
- return (liters * 0.264172052 )
--- gallons to liters
-function GtoL(gallons)
- return (gallons * 3.78541178 )
--- return fuel in liters or gallons
-function GetFuel(fl, selector)
- if fl == nil then fl = 0 end
- if selector then
- -- gallons
- return LtoG( fl)
- else
- return fl
- end
--- return celcius or fahrenheit
-function GetTemp(tmp, selector)
- if tmp == nil then tmp = 0 end
- if selector then
- -- gallons
- return CtoF( tmp)
- else
- return tmp
- end
--- set refresh lap time rate in ms
-function SetRefreshLapTimeRate(delay)
- if delay == nil or delay < 0 or delay > 5000 then delay = 50 end
- mRefreshLapTimeRate = delay
--- set delta time delay in ms
-function SetDeltaTimeDelay(delay)
- if delay == nil or delay < 0 or delay > 5000 then delay = 200 end
- mDeltatimeDelay = delay
--- get current gear
-function GetCurrentGear()
- local g = GetCarInfo("gear")
- -- get neutral
- local n = GetContextInfo("neutral")
- -- get reverse char and convert to string
- local r = string.char(GetContextInfo("reverse"))
- -- get state of custom Optimal Shift Point (OSP) records
- local ospcustom_on = GetContextInfo("ospcustom")
- -- set neutral, reverse or current gear
- local result = g
- if g == 0 then
- -- if neutral and using custom OSP record then add a dot to gear digit
- if ospcustom_on then n = n + 128 end
- result = string.char(n)
- elseif g < 0 then
- -- reverse
- result = r
- end
- return result
-function isAppIRacing(sim)
- if sim == "iRacingSim.exe" or sim == "iRacingSim64.exe" then
- return true
- end
- return false
-function isAppRFactor(sim)
- if sim == "rFactor.exe" or sim == "rFactor2.exe" then
- return true
- end
- return false
-function DisplayFormatTime(lptime, delay, dec, deltaflag, numDigits)
- local ticks = GetTicks()
- if dft_old_time == nil or (ticks - dft_old_time) > delay then
- -- global to backup ticks (ms)
- dft_old_time = ticks
- local hr = 0
- local mn = 0
- local sc = 0
- local ms = 0
- local hd = 0
- local panel = ""
- local prefix = " "
- if lptime < 0 then
- prefix = "-"
- end
- -- explod time
- hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lptime)
- if deltaflag == 1 then
- --display delta time
- if lptime == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0 then
- if numDigits == 3 then
- Panel = "-.--"
- else
- Panel = " -.-- "
- end
- elseif mn > 0 then
- if numDigits == 3 then
- if mn < 100 then
- Panel = string.format( "%s%02d.", prefix, mn)
- else
- Panel = " ."
- end
- else
- Panel = string.format( " %s%1d.%02d ", prefix, mn, sc)
- end
- else
- if numDigits == 3 then
- if sc < 10 then
- if prefix == "-" then
- Panel = string.format( "%s%1d.%01d ", prefix, sc, hd)
- else
- Panel = string.format( "%1d.%02d ", sc, hd)
- end
- else
- Panel = " . "
- end
- else
- if Ndig == 2 then
- Panel = string.format( " %s%1d.%02d ", prefix, sc, hd)
- else
- Panel = string.format( " %s%1d.%03d", prefix, sc, ms)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif deltaflag == 0 then
- --display laptime
- if lptime == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0 then
- if numDigits == 3 then
- Panel = "-.--"
- else
- Panel = "-:--.---"
- end
- elseif mn < 10 then
- if numDigits == 3 then
- Panel = string.format( "%1d.%02d", mn, sc)
- else
- Panel = string.format( "%1d:%02d.%03d", mn, sc, ms)
- end
- elseif hr > 0 then
- if numDigits == 3 then
- Panel = " . "
- else
- Panel = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", hr, mn)
- end
- else
- if numDigits == 3 then
- Panel = string.format( " %02d.", mn)
- else
- Panel = string.format( " %02d.%02d.%01d", mn, sc, ms)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return Panel
-require "scripts/slidevice"
+-- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.8.1
+-- PART OF SLIMAX Manager pkg
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-10
+-- see slimax_script_readme.txt for implementation
+-- load left and right functions tools
+require "scripts/functions_tools"
+-- ============================================================
+-- ============================================================
+-- SMXMessageBox Styles
+MB_OK = 0x00000000
+MB_OKCANCEL = 0x00000001
+MB_YESNOCANCEL = 0x00000003
+MB_YESNO = 0x00000004
+MB_RETRYCANCEL = 0x00000005
+MB_ICONHAND = 0x00000010
+MB_ICONQUESTION = 0x00000020
+MB_ICONASTERISK = 0x00000040
+MB_USERICON = 0x00000080
+-- MB result
+mIDOK = 1
+mIDYES = 6
+mIDNO = 7
+-- scripts settings
+mCustomScriptsFileName = ""
+-- new in: 2.2
+-- init left and right digits panel text
+mLeftSpdLmtText = " "
+mRightSpdLmtText = " "
+-- 4 digits F1 panel
+mF1LeftSpdLmtText = " "
+mF1RightSpdLmtText = " "
+-- new: 2.1
+-- RPM threshold values in percentage used with Shiftlights method 2
+-- and configured with SLIMax Manager II Advanced Options Panel
+-- default values:
+RPM_PERCENT_VALUES = {50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 97, 98, 98, 99, 99 }
+RPM_ABSOLUTE_VALUES = {15452, 15545, 15823, 16354, 16410, 16675, 17252, 17545, 17823, 18354, 18510, 18655, 18670, 18675, 18677 }
+-- Fanatec text using for slowdown update
+mFanatecText = ""
+-- SIMRACE DLX text using for slowdown update
+mSRDlxLeftText = ""
+mSRDlxRightText = ""
+-- SIMRACE DLX text using for slowdown update
+mSRF1LeftText = ""
+mSRF1RightText = ""
+-- get feedback on display when you turn encoder or press button assigned to internal functions, see control.lua
+-- true if you want to display switch pos and value
+mSwitchFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- mapping to keystroke demo script
+-- see the support forum for more info on key mapping
+mDemoMapToKeyAllowed = false
+mDemoMapToKeySwitch = 5
+-- Fanatec Digits Status
+mFanatecDigitsFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- Fanatec speedlimiter method seleted
+mFanatecSpeedLimiterFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- Fanatec osp method seleted
+mFanatecOSPFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- Fanatec shiftlights method seleted
+mFanatecShiftlightsFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- Low Fuel status
+mLowFuelFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- Left and Right Digits status
+mLeftDigitsFeedbackAllowed = true
+mRightDigitsFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- display KPH or KMH
+mUnitFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- show the current OSP Factor
+mOSPFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- cool global brightness feedback
+mBrightnessFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- show the current value of maxgear option
+mMaxGearFeedbackAllowed = true
+-- activate or deactivate lap dump telemetry
+-- using button 9 by default
+mDumpLapAllowed = false
+mDumpLapButton = 9
+-- delta time delay
+mDeltaTimeBackup = 0
+mDeltaTimeOldTicks = 0
+mDeltaTimeDelay = 100
+mRefreshLapTimeRate = 50
+-- dump telemetry
+TelemetryTools("dumplastlap", false);
+-- ============================================================
+-- init globals flag
+isGlobalInitialized = 0
+-- 15 RPM leds
+mRPMLedTable = {
+ RPM0=0,
+ RPM1=0,
+ RPM2=0,
+ RPM3=0,
+ RPM4=0,
+ RPM5=0,
+ RPM6=0,
+ RPM7=0,
+ RPM8=0,
+ RPM9=0,
+ RPM10=0,
+ RPM11=0,
+ RPM12=0,
+ RPM13=0,
+ RPM14=0
+-- SLI device type
+-- mDeviceType no longer avaialable use GetDeviceType(devID) see 2.3 API
+-- --------------------------------------------
+-- KERS functions
+-- --------------------------------------------
+function GetKersPercent()
+ -- get kers value
+ local kers_level = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ local k_percent = 0
+ if kers_level ~= nil and kers_level > 0 then
+ k_percent = round((kers_level/1000) / 4 )
+ end
+ return k_percent
+-- Init all globals
+function InitGlobals()
+ -- default blink time delay
+ mBlinkTime = 32
+ mOSPBlinkTime = 8
+ -- ticks stuff
+ mOSPBlink = 0
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ mOldTickCount = 0
+ mOldOSPTickCount = 0
+ gRedZone = 0
+ gOSPLimit = 0
+ mBU0710Leds = 0
+ mG27Leds = 0
+ mOSPMethod = 0
+ mFanatecLeds = 0
+-- set RPM threshold value in percentage ( SLIMax Manager 2.1 )
+function SetRPMPercentValue(index, value)
+ if index <1 or index>15 then
+ return
+ end
+ if value <0 or value >100 then
+ return
+ end
+ RPM_PERCENT_VALUES[index] = value
+-- set RPM threshold value ( SLIMax Manager 2.1 )
+function SetRPMAbsoluteValue(index, value)
+ if index <1 or index>15 then
+ return
+ end
+ if value <0 or value >20000 then
+ return
+ end
+ RPM_ABSOLUTE_VALUES[index] = value
+-- get all global preferences set in general_default.sli
+function GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ -- get RPM Only flag
+ mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly = GetContextInfo("spdlmtrpmledonlyflag")
+ if mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly == nil then mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly = false end
+ -- get blink delay value*
+ mBlinkTime = GetContextInfo("blinktime")
+ if mBlinkTime == nil then mBlinkTime = 32 end
+ if mBlinkTime < 1 or mBlinkTime > 48 then mBlinkTime = 32 end
+ -- get osp blink delay value
+ mOSPBlinkTime = GetContextInfo("ospblinktime")
+ if mOSPBlinkTime == nil then mOSPBlinkTime = 32 end
+ if mOSPBlinkTime < 1 or mOSPBlinkTime > 48 then mOSPBlinkTime = 32 end
+ -- get current speed Limiter LED index
+ mSpeedLimiterLED = GetContextInfo("ledspeedlimiterindex")
+ if mSpeedLimiterLED == nil then mSpeedLimiterLED = 5 end
+ if mSpeedLimiterLED < 1 or mSpeedLimiterLED > 6 then mSpeedLimiterLED = 5 end
+ -- get current osp LEDs index
+ mOSPLED1 = GetContextInfo("ospled1")
+ if mOSPLED1 == nil then mOSPLED1 = 1 end
+ if mOSPLED1 < 1 or mOSPLED1 > 11 then mOSPLED1 = 1 end
+ mOSPLED2 = GetContextInfo("ospled2")
+ if mOSPLED2 == nil then mOSPLED2 = 1 end
+ if mOSPLED2 < 1 or mOSPLED2 > 11 then mOSPLED2 = 1 end
+ -- blinking allowed?
+ mNoBlink = GetContextInfo("noblinkflag")
+ if mNoBlink == nil then mNoBlink = false end
+ -- get limiter char flag
+ mLimiterChar = GetContextInfo("limitercharflag")
+ if mLimiterChar == nil then mLimiterChar = false end
+ -- is OSP with first gear allowed?
+ mOSPWithFirstGear = GetContextInfo("ospwithfirstgear")
+ if mOSPWithFirstGear == nil then mOSPWithFirstGear = false end
+-- get cpu ticks
+ function GetTicks()
+ local tcks = GetContextInfo("ticks")
+ if tcks == nil then tcks = 0 end
+ return tcks
+-- reset table function
+function initLedTable(ibl, value)
+ if ibl ~= nil then
+ for k, v in pairs(ibl) do
+ ibl[k] = value
+ end
+ end
+-- toggle all led state
+function toggleAllLed(val)
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, val)
+ for i = 1, 6 do SetWarnLed(i, val) end
+ -- 7 external leds is the max value used in SIM RACE F1 and Emulator
+ for i = 1, 7 do SetExtLed(i, val) end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+-- The following function rounds a number
+-- lua doesn't return the same rounded value as C/C++
+function round(num)
+ if num == nil then num = 0 end
+ local i = 0
+ if num >= 0 then
+ i = math.floor(num+.5)
+ else
+ i = math.ceil(num-.5)
+ end
+ return i
+-- The following function calculate hr, mn, sec, hd, ms
+-- param: time in meter/sec
+function timeDispatcher( tt)
+ if tms == nil then tms = 0 end
+ local tms = math.abs(tt)
+ local t_hr = 0
+ local t_mn = 0
+ local t_sc = 0
+ local t_ms = 0
+ local t_hd = 0
+ if tms > 0 then
+ t_hr, n = math.modf(tms/3600)
+ t_mn, c = math.modf(n*60)
+ t_sc, s = math.modf(c*60)
+ t_hd, h = math.modf(s*100)
+ t_ms, m = math.modf(s*1000)
+ end
+-- print( tt, t_hr, t_mn, t_sc, t_hd, t_ms)
+ return t_hr, t_mn, t_sc, t_hd, t_ms
+-- return speed in KPH or MPH
+function speed(spd, selector)
+ if spd == nil then spd = 0 end
+ if selector then
+ -- MPH
+ return ( spd * 2.237)
+ else
+ return (spd * 3.6)
+ end
+-- Fahrenheit to Celsius
+function FtoC(f)
+ return ((f - 32) * (5/9))
+-- Celsius to Fahrenheit
+function CtoF(c)
+ return (c * (9/5) + 32)
+-- Kelvin to Celsius
+function KtoC(k)
+ return ( k - 273.313)
+-- liters to gallons
+function LtoG(liters)
+ return (liters * 0.264172052 )
+-- gallons to liters
+function GtoL(gallons)
+ return (gallons * 3.78541178 )
+-- return fuel in liters or gallons
+function GetFuel(fl, selector)
+ if fl == nil then fl = 0 end
+ if selector then
+ -- gallons
+ return LtoG( fl)
+ else
+ return fl
+ end
+-- return celcius or fahrenheit
+function GetTemp(tmp, selector)
+ if tmp == nil then tmp = 0 end
+ if selector then
+ -- gallons
+ return CtoF( tmp)
+ else
+ return tmp
+ end
+-- set refresh lap time rate in ms
+function SetRefreshLapTimeRate(delay)
+ if delay == nil or delay < 0 or delay > 5000 then delay = 50 end
+ mRefreshLapTimeRate = delay
+-- set delta time delay in ms
+function SetDeltaTimeDelay(delay)
+ if delay == nil or delay < 0 or delay > 5000 then delay = 200 end
+ mDeltatimeDelay = delay
+-- get current gear
+function GetCurrentGear()
+ local g = GetCarInfo("gear")
+ -- get neutral
+ local n = GetContextInfo("neutral")
+ -- get reverse char and convert to string
+ local r = string.char(GetContextInfo("reverse"))
+ -- get state of custom Optimal Shift Point (OSP) records
+ local ospcustom_on = GetContextInfo("ospcustom")
+ -- set neutral, reverse or current gear
+ local result = g
+ if g == 0 then
+ -- if neutral and using custom OSP record then add a dot to gear digit
+ if ospcustom_on then n = n + 128 end
+ result = string.char(n)
+ elseif g < 0 then
+ -- reverse
+ result = r
+ end
+ return result
+function isAppIRacing(sim)
+ if sim == "iRacingSim.exe" or sim == "iRacingSim64.exe" then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function isAppRFactor(sim)
+ if sim == "rFactor.exe" or sim == "rFactor2.exe" then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function DisplayFormatTime(lptime, delay, dec, deltaflag, numDigits)
+ local ticks = GetTicks()
+ if dft_old_time == nil or (ticks - dft_old_time) > delay then
+ -- global to backup ticks (ms)
+ dft_old_time = ticks
+ local hr = 0
+ local mn = 0
+ local sc = 0
+ local ms = 0
+ local hd = 0
+ local panel = ""
+ local prefix = " "
+ if lptime < 0 then
+ prefix = "-"
+ end
+ -- explod time
+ hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lptime)
+ if deltaflag == 1 then
+ --display delta time
+ if lptime == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0 then
+ if numDigits == 3 then
+ Panel = "-.--"
+ else
+ Panel = " -.-- "
+ end
+ elseif mn > 0 then
+ if numDigits == 3 then
+ if mn < 100 then
+ Panel = string.format( "%s%02d.", prefix, mn)
+ else
+ Panel = " ."
+ end
+ else
+ Panel = string.format( " %s%1d.%02d ", prefix, mn, sc)
+ end
+ else
+ if numDigits == 3 then
+ if sc < 10 then
+ if prefix == "-" then
+ Panel = string.format( "%s%1d.%01d ", prefix, sc, hd)
+ else
+ Panel = string.format( "%1d.%02d ", sc, hd)
+ end
+ else
+ Panel = " . "
+ end
+ else
+ if Ndig == 2 then
+ Panel = string.format( " %s%1d.%02d ", prefix, sc, hd)
+ else
+ Panel = string.format( " %s%1d.%03d", prefix, sc, ms)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif deltaflag == 0 then
+ --display laptime
+ if lptime == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0 then
+ if numDigits == 3 then
+ Panel = "-.--"
+ else
+ Panel = "-:--.---"
+ end
+ elseif mn < 10 then
+ if numDigits == 3 then
+ Panel = string.format( "%1d.%02d", mn, sc)
+ else
+ Panel = string.format( "%1d:%02d.%03d", mn, sc, ms)
+ end
+ elseif hr > 0 then
+ if numDigits == 3 then
+ Panel = " . "
+ else
+ Panel = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", hr, mn)
+ end
+ else
+ if numDigits == 3 then
+ Panel = string.format( " %02d.", mn)
+ else
+ Panel = string.format( " %02d.%02d.%01d", mn, sc, ms)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return Panel
+require "scripts/slidevice"
diff --git a/scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua b/scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua
index bbf5e8b..e212250 100644
--- a/scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua
+++ b/scripts/global_custom_scripts.lua
@@ -1,210 +1,210 @@
--- Global Custom SLIMax Manager Scripts v3.6
--- Copyright ©2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
--- add you global custom functions and globals variables here
--- patch the std SLIMax Events with your global custom scripts if needed
--- see the scripting section of the forum for more info...
--- this script will not be deleted by uninstalling the software
--- ================================
--- ================================
--- additional lua extension module dll
--- ================================
--- additional scripts file ( use 'require' statement )
--- ================================
--- custom globals
--- ================================
--- custom functions
-function _DebugCarInfo(deviceType)
- -- see debug console window
- -- get car name
- local dev = GetDeviceType(deviceType)
- local cNm = "NA" --GetContextInfo("carname")
- local mxG = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
- local rdz = GetCarInfo("redzone")
- local ospf = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
- print("\n----------\nDevice:""\nMax RPM (Red Zone):" .. rdz .. "\nMaxGear:" .. mxG .. "\nOSP Factor:" .. ospf .. "\n");
--- ================================
--- custom events
-function global_custom_controlsEvent(deviceType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex, targetDevice)
- -- type your custom controls script here (manage buttons, switches and encoders)
- return 2
-function global_custom_deviceReport(deviceType)
- -- type your script here (just before sending report to the device )
- return 2
-function global_custom_enterSessionEvent(deviceType)
- -- type your custom script on session start, here
- _DebugCarInfo(deviceType)
- return 2
-function global_custom_exitSessionEvent(deviceType)
- -- type your custom script on session ending, here
- return 2
--- ================================
-function global_custom_ospMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_shiftLightsMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom shiftlights method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx)
- -- type your custom shiftlights method for BU0710 device only here
- return 2
-function global_custom_leftDigitsEvent(swPosition)
- -- type your custom script related to left SLI-PRO digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_rightDigitsEvent(swPosition)
- -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom speedlimiter method here
- return 2
--- ================================
-function global_custom_gearEvent(gear)
- -- type your custom gear event script here
- return 2
-function global_custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state)
- -- type your custom script on session ending, here
- return 2
--- ================================
-function global_custom_shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom shiftlights method for G27 device only here
- return 2
-function global_custom_ospG27MethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom speedlimiter method here
- return 2
--- ================================
-function global_custom_shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom shiftlights method for Fanatec device only here
- return 2
-function global_custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swPosition)
- -- type your custom script related to Fanatec digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear)
- -- type your custom gear event script here
- return 2
--- ================================
-function global_custom_shiftLightsSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_srdlxLeftDigitsEvent(swPosition)
- -- type your custom script related to left SLI-PRO digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_srdlxRightDigitsEvent(swPosition)
- -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_ospSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_spdLmtSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
--- ================================
-function global_custom_shiftLightsSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_srf1LeftDigitsEvent(swPosition)
- -- type your custom script related to left SLI-PRO digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_srf1RightDigitsEvent(swPosition)
- -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_ospSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_spdLmtSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
+-- Global Custom SLIMax Manager Scripts v3.6
+-- Copyright ©2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
+-- add you global custom functions and globals variables here
+-- patch the std SLIMax Events with your global custom scripts if needed
+-- see the scripting section of the forum for more info...
+-- this script will not be deleted by uninstalling the software
+-- ================================
+-- ================================
+-- additional lua extension module dll
+-- ================================
+-- additional scripts file ( use 'require' statement )
+-- ================================
+-- custom globals
+-- ================================
+-- custom functions
+function _DebugCarInfo(deviceType)
+ -- see debug console window
+ -- get car name
+ local dev = GetDeviceType(deviceType)
+ local cNm = "NA" --GetContextInfo("carname")
+ local mxG = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
+ local rdz = GetCarInfo("redzone")
+ local ospf = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
+ print("\n----------\nDevice:""\nMax RPM (Red Zone):" .. rdz .. "\nMaxGear:" .. mxG .. "\nOSP Factor:" .. ospf .. "\n");
+-- ================================
+-- custom events
+function global_custom_controlsEvent(deviceType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex, targetDevice)
+ -- type your custom controls script here (manage buttons, switches and encoders)
+ return 2
+function global_custom_deviceReport(deviceType)
+ -- type your script here (just before sending report to the device )
+ return 2
+function global_custom_enterSessionEvent(deviceType)
+ -- type your custom script on session start, here
+ _DebugCarInfo(deviceType)
+ return 2
+function global_custom_exitSessionEvent(deviceType)
+ -- type your custom script on session ending, here
+ return 2
+-- ================================
+function global_custom_ospMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_shiftLightsMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom shiftlights method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx)
+ -- type your custom shiftlights method for BU0710 device only here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_leftDigitsEvent(swPosition)
+ -- type your custom script related to left SLI-PRO digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_rightDigitsEvent(swPosition)
+ -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom speedlimiter method here
+ return 2
+-- ================================
+function global_custom_gearEvent(gear)
+ -- type your custom gear event script here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state)
+ -- type your custom script on session ending, here
+ return 2
+-- ================================
+function global_custom_shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom shiftlights method for G27 device only here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_ospG27MethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom speedlimiter method here
+ return 2
+-- ================================
+function global_custom_shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom shiftlights method for Fanatec device only here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swPosition)
+ -- type your custom script related to Fanatec digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear)
+ -- type your custom gear event script here
+ return 2
+-- ================================
+function global_custom_shiftLightsSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_srdlxLeftDigitsEvent(swPosition)
+ -- type your custom script related to left SLI-PRO digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_srdlxRightDigitsEvent(swPosition)
+ -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_ospSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_spdLmtSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+-- ================================
+function global_custom_shiftLightsSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_srf1LeftDigitsEvent(swPosition)
+ -- type your custom script related to left SLI-PRO digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_srf1RightDigitsEvent(swPosition)
+ -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_ospSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_spdLmtSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/led.lua b/scripts/led.lua
index 3f53380..67572d1 100644
--- a/scripts/led.lua
+++ b/scripts/led.lua
@@ -1,45 +1,44 @@
--- Part of SLIMax Mgr II - Lua Script v2.2.1
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- Use this script to patch std led behaviors (i.e lowfuel, flags, damage, rev limit, ...)
--- created by Zappadoc - 2012-11-10
--- Display led event
--- params:
--- idx = led index (assigned in settings)
--- state = the std state of the led; activated if > 0
--- ledFunction: the corresponding function
--- 1=LowFuel
--- 2=TC
--- 3=ABS
--- 4=Green Flag
--- 5=Yellow flag
--- 6=Red Flag
--- 7=Over Heating
--- 8=Damage
--- 9=Pit request
--- 10=Power
--- 11=Rev Limit
--- 12=HeadLights
--- 13=Blue Flag
--- 14=DRS
--- 15=Safe Prefs
-function ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state)
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- return 0 to use std behaviors
- return 0
- \ No newline at end of file
+-- Part of SLIMax Mgr II - Lua Script v2.2.1
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- Use this script to patch std led behaviors (i.e lowfuel, flags, damage, rev limit, ...)
+-- created by Zappadoc - 2012-11-10
+-- Display led event
+-- params:
+-- idx = led index (assigned in settings)
+-- state = the std state of the led; activated if > 0
+-- ledFunction: the corresponding function
+-- 1=LowFuel
+-- 2=TC
+-- 3=ABS
+-- 4=Green Flag
+-- 5=Yellow flag
+-- 6=Red Flag
+-- 7=Over Heating
+-- 8=Damage
+-- 9=Pit request
+-- 10=Power
+-- 11=Rev Limit
+-- 12=HeadLights
+-- 13=Blue Flag
+-- 14=DRS
+-- 15=Safe Prefs
+function ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state)
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- return 0 to use std behaviors
+ return 0
diff --git a/scripts/osp.lua b/scripts/osp.lua
index 63e5f9f..0b6ded3 100644
--- a/scripts/osp.lua
+++ b/scripts/osp.lua
@@ -1,757 +1,757 @@
--- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.3
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- this script builds all Optimal ShiftPoints methods (OSP)
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-10
-function SetOSPFeedback(state)
- if mOSPLED1 > 6 then
- SetExtLed( (mOSPLED1 - 6), state)
- else
- SetWarnLed(mOSPLED1, state)
- end
- if mOSPLED2 > 6 then
- SetExtLed( (mOSPLED2 - 6), state)
- else
- SetWarnLed(mOSPLED2, state)
- end
--- SLI-M, SLI-PRO OSP Methods Event
-function ospMethodEvent(idx)
- mOSPMethod = idx
- -- OSP Limit default value is set in gear.lua
- if gOSPLimit == nil or gOSPLimit == 0 then gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm") end
- -- call custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
- local result = custom_ospMethodEvent(mOSPMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
- result = global_custom_ospMethodEvent(mOSPMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- check if globals initialized
- if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
- isGlobalInitialized = 1
- -- init
- InitGlobals()
- end
- -- get global prefs
- GetSLIMaxInfo()
- local led = ""
- -- get rpm
- local rpm = 0
- rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
- -- get red zone value
- --local redZone = GetCarInfo("redzone")
- --if redZone == nil then redZone = 18000 end
- -- get current osp factor
- --local ospFactor = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
- --if ospFactor == nil then ospFactor = 80 end
- -- get current gear
- local gear = 0
- gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
- if gear == nil then gear = 0 end
- -- get max gear of current car
- -- Alternate way to calc max gear if not available in API
- -- Use a global mMaxGear and do the following
- -- if gear > mMaxGear then mMaxGear = gear end local maxGear = 4
- maxGear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
- if maxGear == nil then maxGear = 4 end
- -- skip if neutral or ==maxgear
- if gear <=0 or gear>=maxGear then
- -- do nothing
- return 1
- end
- -- skip if first gear not allowed
- if not mOSPWithFirstGear and gear == 1 then
- -- do nothing
- return 1
- end
- -- print("OSP1: " .. mOSPLED1 .. " OSP2: " .. mOSPLED2 .."\n")
- -- print(rpm .. " - " .. gOSPLimit)
- -- rpm > osplimit so activate shiftpoints leds
- if rpm > gOSPLimit then
- -- no blinking allowed
- if mNoBlink then
- -- set both leds
- SetOSPFeedback(1)
- else
- if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
- mOSPBlink = mOSPBlink + 1
- end
- if mOSPMethod <= 3 then
- -- methods 1 to 3
- if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
- mOSPBlink = 0
- end
- if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mOSPMethod ~= 3 then
- -- if not method 3
- SetOSPFeedback(1)
- end
- if (mOSPMethod == 1) or (mOSPMethod == 3) then
- -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
- for i = 9,12 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- end
- if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- SetOSPFeedback(0)
- if (mOSPMethod == 1) or (mOSPMethod == 3) then
- -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
- for i = 9,12 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- end
- end
- if mOSPMethod == 2 then
- -- add blue leds not blinking if method 2
- for i = 9,12 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- end
- else
- -- bypass (give control to manager)
- return 1
- end
- -- timebase
- if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
- mOldOSPTickCount = GetTicks() + 10
- end
- return 1
--- G27 Methods Event
-function ospG27MethodEvent(idx)
- mOSPG27Method = idx
- -- OSP Limit default value is set in gear.lua
- if gOSPLimit == nil or gOSPLimit == 0 then gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm") end
- -- call custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
- local result = custom_ospG27MethodEvent(mOSPG27Method)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
- result = global_custom_ospG27MethodEvent(mOSPG27Method)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- check if globals initialized
- if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
- isGlobalInitialized = 1
- -- init
- InitGlobals()
- end
- -- get global prefs
- GetSLIMaxInfo()
- local led = ""
- -- get rpm
- local rpm = 0
- rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
- -- get current gear
- local gear = 0
- gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
- if gear == nil then gear = 0 end
- -- get max gear of current car
- -- Alternate way to calc max gear if not available in API
- -- Use a global mMaxGear and do the following
- -- if gear > mMaxGear then mMaxGear = gear end local maxGear = 4
- maxGear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
- if maxGear == nil then maxGear = 4 end
- -- skip if neutral or ==maxgear
- if gear <=0 or gear>=maxGear then
- -- do nothing
- return 1
- end
- -- print("MAXGear: " .. gear.."/"..maxGear.." OSP: " .. mOSPG27Method .. " rpm: " .. rpm .. " - " .. gOSPLimit .. "\n")
- -- skip if first gear not allowed
- if not mOSPWithFirstGear and gear == 1 then
- -- do nothing
- return 1
- end
- -- rpm > osplimit so activate shiftpoints leds
- if rpm > gOSPLimit then
- mG27Leds = 0
- -- no blinking allowed
- if mNoBlink then
- -- set all leds
- mG27Leds = 0x1F;
- else
- if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
- mOSPBlink = mOSPBlink + 1
- end
- if mOSPG27Method <= 1 or mOSPG27Method > 3 then
- -- methods 1 all blinking
- if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
- mOSPBlink = 0
- end
- if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- mG27Leds = 0x1F;
- end
- if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- mG27Leds = 0;
- end
- elseif mOSPG27Method == 2 then
- -- methods side blinking
- if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
- mOSPBlink = 0
- end
- if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- mG27Leds = 0x3;
- end
- if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- mG27Leds = 0;
- end
- elseif mOSPG27Method == 3 then
- -- methods 3 center blinking
- if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
- mOSPBlink = 0
- end
- if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- mG27Leds = 0x18;
- end
- if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- mG27Leds = 0;
- end
- end
- end
- SetG27Led(mG27Leds)
- else
- -- bypass (give control to manager)
- return 1
- end
- -- timebase
- if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
- mOldOSPTickCount = GetTicks() + 10
- end
- return 1
--- Fanatec OSP Methods Event
-function ospFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
- mOSPFanatecMethod = idx
- -- OSP Limit default value is set in gear.lua
- if gOSPLimit == nil or gOSPLimit == 0 then gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm") end
- -- call custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
- local result = custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(mOSPFanatecMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
- result = global_custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(mOSPFanatecMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- check if globals initialized
- if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
- isGlobalInitialized = 1
- -- init
- InitGlobals()
- end
- -- get global prefs
- GetSLIMaxInfo()
- local led = ""
- -- get rpm
- local rpm = 0
- rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
- -- get current gear
- local gear = 0
- gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
- if gear == nil then gear = 0 end
- -- get max gear of current car
- -- Alternate way to calc max gear if not available in API
- -- Use a global mMaxGear and do the following
- -- if gear > mMaxGear then mMaxGear = gear end local maxGear = 4
- maxGear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
- if maxGear == nil then maxGear = 4 end
- -- skip if neutral or ==maxgear
- if gear <=0 or gear>=maxGear then
- -- do nothing
- return 1
- end
- -- skip if first gear not allowed
- if not mOSPWithFirstGear and gear == 1 then
- -- do nothing
- return 1
- end
- -- rpm > osplimit so activate shiftpoints leds
- if rpm > gOSPLimit then
- -- no blinking allowed
- if mNoBlink then
- -- no led
- else
- if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
- mOSPBlink = mOSPBlink + 1
- end
- -- methods 1 to 4
- if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
- mOSPBlink = 0
- end
- if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- if (mOSPFanatecMethod <= 0) or mOSPFanatecMethod > 4 then
- -- blue leds blinking if method 0, ON
- for i = 6,8 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 1 then
- -- all leds blinking if method 1, ON
- for i = 0,8 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 2 then
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- -- side leds blinking if method 2, ON
- mRPMLedTable["RPM0"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM1"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM7"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM8"] = 1
- elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 3 then
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- -- center leds blinking if method 3, ON
- mRPMLedTable["RPM3"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM4"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM5"] = 1
- elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 4 then
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- -- side fixed if method 4, ON
- mRPMLedTable["RPM0"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM1"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM7"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM8"] = 1
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- if (mOSPFanatecMethod <= 0) or mOSPFanatecMethod > 4 then
- -- blue leds blinking if method 0 , OFF
- for i = 6,8 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 1 then
- -- all leds blinking if method 1, OFF
- for i = 0,8 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 2 then
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- -- side leds blinking if method 2, OFF
- mRPMLedTable["RPM0"] = 0
- mRPMLedTable["RPM1"] = 0
- mRPMLedTable["RPM7"] = 0
- mRPMLedTable["RPM8"] = 0
- elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 3 then
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- -- center leds blinking if method 3, OFF
- mRPMLedTable["RPM3"] = 0
- mRPMLedTable["RPM4"] = 0
- mRPMLedTable["RPM5"] = 0
- elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 4 then
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- -- side fixed if method 4, ON
- mRPMLedTable["RPM0"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM1"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM7"] = 1
- mRPMLedTable["RPM8"] = 1
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- end
- else
- -- bypass (give control to manager)
- return 1
- end
- -- timebase
- if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
- mOldOSPTickCount = GetTicks() + 10
- end
- return 1
--- ==================================================
--- SIM RACE Deluxe OSP Methods Event
-function ospSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
- mOSPSRDlxMethod = idx
- -- OSP Limit default value is set in gear.lua
- if gOSPLimit == nil or gOSPLimit == 0 then gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm") end
- -- call custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
- local result = custom_ospSRDlxMethodEvent(mOSPSRDlxMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
- result = global_custom_ospSRDlxMethodEvent(mOSPSRDlxMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- check if globals initialized
- if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
- isGlobalInitialized = 1
- -- init
- InitGlobals()
- end
- -- get global prefs
- GetSLIMaxInfo()
- local led = ""
- -- get rpm
- local rpm = 0
- rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
- -- get red zone value
- --local redZone = GetCarInfo("redzone")
- --if redZone == nil then redZone = 18000 end
- -- get current osp factor
- --local ospFactor = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
- --if ospFactor == nil then ospFactor = 80 end
- -- get current gear
- local gear = 0
- gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
- if gear == nil then gear = 0 end
- -- get max gear of current car
- -- Alternate way to calc max gear if not available in API
- -- Use a global mMaxGear and do the following
- -- if gear > mMaxGear then mMaxGear = gear end local maxGear = 4
- maxGear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
- if maxGear == nil then maxGear = 4 end
- -- skip if neutral or ==maxgear
- if gear <=0 or gear>=maxGear then
- -- do nothing
- return 1
- end
- -- skip if first gear not allowed
- if not mOSPWithFirstGear and gear == 1 then
- -- do nothing
- return 1
- end
- -- print("OSP1: " .. mOSPLED1 .. " OSP2: " .. mOSPLED2 .."\n")
- -- print(rpm .. " - " .. gOSPLimit)
- -- rpm > osplimit so activate shiftpoints leds
- if rpm > gOSPLimit then
- -- no blinking allowed
- if mNoBlink then
- -- set both leds
- SetOSPFeedback(1)
- else
- if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
- mOSPBlink = mOSPBlink + 1
- end
- if mOSPSRDlxMethod <= 3 then
- -- methods 1 to 3
- if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
- mOSPBlink = 0
- end
- if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mOSPSRDlxMethod ~= 3 then
- -- if not method 3
- SetOSPFeedback(1)
- end
- if (mOSPSRDlxMethod == 1) or (mOSPSRDlxMethod == 3) then
- -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
- for i = 7,9 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- end
- if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- SetOSPFeedback(0)
- if (mOSPSRDlxMethod == 1) or (mOSPSRDlxMethod == 3) then
- -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
- for i = 7,9 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- end
- end
- if mOSPSRDlxMethod == 2 then
- -- add blue leds not blinking if method 2
- for i = 7,9 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- end
- else
- -- bypass (give control to manager)
- return 1
- end
- -- timebase
- if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
- mOldOSPTickCount = GetTicks() + 10
- end
- return 1
--- ==================================================
--- SIM RACE F1 OSP Methods Event
-function ospSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
- mOSPSRF1Method = idx
- -- OSP Limit default value is set in gear.lua
- if gOSPLimit == nil or gOSPLimit == 0 then gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm") end
- -- call custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
- local result = custom_ospSRF1MethodEvent(mOSPSRF1Method)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
- result = global_custom_ospSRF1MethodEvent(mOSPSRF1Method)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- check if globals initialized
- if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
- isGlobalInitialized = 1
- -- init
- InitGlobals()
- end
- -- get global prefs
- GetSLIMaxInfo()
- local led = ""
- -- get rpm
- local rpm = 0
- rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
- -- get red zone value
- --local redZone = GetCarInfo("redzone")
- --if redZone == nil then redZone = 18000 end
- -- get current osp factor
- --local ospFactor = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
- --if ospFactor == nil then ospFactor = 80 end
- -- get current gear
- local gear = 0
- gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
- if gear == nil then gear = 0 end
- -- get max gear of current car
- -- Alternate way to calc max gear if not available in API
- -- Use a global mMaxGear and do the following
- -- if gear > mMaxGear then mMaxGear = gear end local maxGear = 4
- maxGear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
- if maxGear == nil then maxGear = 4 end
- -- skip if neutral or ==maxgear
- if gear <=0 or gear>=maxGear then
- -- do nothing
- return 1
- end
- -- skip if first gear not allowed
- if not mOSPWithFirstGear and gear == 1 then
- -- do nothing
- return 1
- end
- -- print("OSP1: " .. mOSPLED1 .. " OSP2: " .. mOSPLED2 .."\n")
- -- print(rpm .. " - " .. gOSPLimit)
- -- rpm > osplimit so activate shiftpoints leds
- if rpm > gOSPLimit then
- -- no blinking allowed
- if mNoBlink then
- -- set both leds
- SetOSPFeedback(1)
- else
- if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
- mOSPBlink = mOSPBlink + 1
- end
- if mOSPSRF1Method <= 3 then
- -- methods 1 to 3
- if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
- mOSPBlink = 0
- end
- if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mOSPSRF1Method ~= 3 then
- -- if not method 3
- SetOSPFeedback(1)
- end
- if (mOSPSRF1Method == 1) or (mOSPSRF1Method == 3) then
- -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
- for i = 10,14 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- end
- if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
- SetOSPFeedback(0)
- if (mOSPSRF1Method == 1) or (mOSPSRF1Method == 3) then
- -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
- for i = 10,14 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- end
- end
- if mOSPSRF1Method == 2 then
- -- add blue leds not blinking if method 2
- for i = 10,14 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- end
- else
- -- bypass (give control to manager)
- return 1
- end
- -- timebase
- if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
- mOldOSPTickCount = GetTicks() + 10
- end
- return 1
+-- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.3
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- this script builds all Optimal ShiftPoints methods (OSP)
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-10
+function SetOSPFeedback(state)
+ if mOSPLED1 > 6 then
+ SetExtLed( (mOSPLED1 - 6), state)
+ else
+ SetWarnLed(mOSPLED1, state)
+ end
+ if mOSPLED2 > 6 then
+ SetExtLed( (mOSPLED2 - 6), state)
+ else
+ SetWarnLed(mOSPLED2, state)
+ end
+-- SLI-M, SLI-PRO OSP Methods Event
+function ospMethodEvent(idx)
+ mOSPMethod = idx
+ -- OSP Limit default value is set in gear.lua
+ if gOSPLimit == nil or gOSPLimit == 0 then gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm") end
+ -- call custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
+ local result = custom_ospMethodEvent(mOSPMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
+ result = global_custom_ospMethodEvent(mOSPMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- check if globals initialized
+ if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
+ isGlobalInitialized = 1
+ -- init
+ InitGlobals()
+ end
+ -- get global prefs
+ GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ local led = ""
+ -- get rpm
+ local rpm = 0
+ rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
+ -- get red zone value
+ --local redZone = GetCarInfo("redzone")
+ --if redZone == nil then redZone = 18000 end
+ -- get current osp factor
+ --local ospFactor = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
+ --if ospFactor == nil then ospFactor = 80 end
+ -- get current gear
+ local gear = 0
+ gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
+ if gear == nil then gear = 0 end
+ -- get max gear of current car
+ -- Alternate way to calc max gear if not available in API
+ -- Use a global mMaxGear and do the following
+ -- if gear > mMaxGear then mMaxGear = gear end local maxGear = 4
+ maxGear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
+ if maxGear == nil then maxGear = 4 end
+ -- skip if neutral or ==maxgear
+ if gear <=0 or gear>=maxGear then
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- skip if first gear not allowed
+ if not mOSPWithFirstGear and gear == 1 then
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- print("OSP1: " .. mOSPLED1 .. " OSP2: " .. mOSPLED2 .."\n")
+ -- print(rpm .. " - " .. gOSPLimit)
+ -- rpm > osplimit so activate shiftpoints leds
+ if rpm > gOSPLimit then
+ -- no blinking allowed
+ if mNoBlink then
+ -- set both leds
+ SetOSPFeedback(1)
+ else
+ if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
+ mOSPBlink = mOSPBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mOSPMethod <= 3 then
+ -- methods 1 to 3
+ if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
+ mOSPBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mOSPMethod ~= 3 then
+ -- if not method 3
+ SetOSPFeedback(1)
+ end
+ if (mOSPMethod == 1) or (mOSPMethod == 3) then
+ -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
+ for i = 9,12 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ SetOSPFeedback(0)
+ if (mOSPMethod == 1) or (mOSPMethod == 3) then
+ -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
+ for i = 9,12 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if mOSPMethod == 2 then
+ -- add blue leds not blinking if method 2
+ for i = 9,12 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- bypass (give control to manager)
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- timebase
+ if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
+ mOldOSPTickCount = GetTicks() + 10
+ end
+ return 1
+-- G27 Methods Event
+function ospG27MethodEvent(idx)
+ mOSPG27Method = idx
+ -- OSP Limit default value is set in gear.lua
+ if gOSPLimit == nil or gOSPLimit == 0 then gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm") end
+ -- call custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
+ local result = custom_ospG27MethodEvent(mOSPG27Method)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
+ result = global_custom_ospG27MethodEvent(mOSPG27Method)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- check if globals initialized
+ if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
+ isGlobalInitialized = 1
+ -- init
+ InitGlobals()
+ end
+ -- get global prefs
+ GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ local led = ""
+ -- get rpm
+ local rpm = 0
+ rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
+ -- get current gear
+ local gear = 0
+ gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
+ if gear == nil then gear = 0 end
+ -- get max gear of current car
+ -- Alternate way to calc max gear if not available in API
+ -- Use a global mMaxGear and do the following
+ -- if gear > mMaxGear then mMaxGear = gear end local maxGear = 4
+ maxGear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
+ if maxGear == nil then maxGear = 4 end
+ -- skip if neutral or ==maxgear
+ if gear <=0 or gear>=maxGear then
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- print("MAXGear: " .. gear.."/"..maxGear.." OSP: " .. mOSPG27Method .. " rpm: " .. rpm .. " - " .. gOSPLimit .. "\n")
+ -- skip if first gear not allowed
+ if not mOSPWithFirstGear and gear == 1 then
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- rpm > osplimit so activate shiftpoints leds
+ if rpm > gOSPLimit then
+ mG27Leds = 0
+ -- no blinking allowed
+ if mNoBlink then
+ -- set all leds
+ mG27Leds = 0x1F;
+ else
+ if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
+ mOSPBlink = mOSPBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mOSPG27Method <= 1 or mOSPG27Method > 3 then
+ -- methods 1 all blinking
+ if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
+ mOSPBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mG27Leds = 0x1F;
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mG27Leds = 0;
+ end
+ elseif mOSPG27Method == 2 then
+ -- methods side blinking
+ if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
+ mOSPBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mG27Leds = 0x3;
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mG27Leds = 0;
+ end
+ elseif mOSPG27Method == 3 then
+ -- methods 3 center blinking
+ if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
+ mOSPBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mG27Leds = 0x18;
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mG27Leds = 0;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ SetG27Led(mG27Leds)
+ else
+ -- bypass (give control to manager)
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- timebase
+ if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
+ mOldOSPTickCount = GetTicks() + 10
+ end
+ return 1
+-- Fanatec OSP Methods Event
+function ospFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
+ mOSPFanatecMethod = idx
+ -- OSP Limit default value is set in gear.lua
+ if gOSPLimit == nil or gOSPLimit == 0 then gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm") end
+ -- call custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
+ local result = custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(mOSPFanatecMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
+ result = global_custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(mOSPFanatecMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- check if globals initialized
+ if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
+ isGlobalInitialized = 1
+ -- init
+ InitGlobals()
+ end
+ -- get global prefs
+ GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ local led = ""
+ -- get rpm
+ local rpm = 0
+ rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
+ -- get current gear
+ local gear = 0
+ gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
+ if gear == nil then gear = 0 end
+ -- get max gear of current car
+ -- Alternate way to calc max gear if not available in API
+ -- Use a global mMaxGear and do the following
+ -- if gear > mMaxGear then mMaxGear = gear end local maxGear = 4
+ maxGear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
+ if maxGear == nil then maxGear = 4 end
+ -- skip if neutral or ==maxgear
+ if gear <=0 or gear>=maxGear then
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- skip if first gear not allowed
+ if not mOSPWithFirstGear and gear == 1 then
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- rpm > osplimit so activate shiftpoints leds
+ if rpm > gOSPLimit then
+ -- no blinking allowed
+ if mNoBlink then
+ -- no led
+ else
+ if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
+ mOSPBlink = mOSPBlink + 1
+ end
+ -- methods 1 to 4
+ if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
+ mOSPBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if (mOSPFanatecMethod <= 0) or mOSPFanatecMethod > 4 then
+ -- blue leds blinking if method 0, ON
+ for i = 6,8 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 1 then
+ -- all leds blinking if method 1, ON
+ for i = 0,8 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 2 then
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ -- side leds blinking if method 2, ON
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM0"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM1"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM7"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM8"] = 1
+ elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 3 then
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ -- center leds blinking if method 3, ON
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM3"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM4"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM5"] = 1
+ elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 4 then
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ -- side fixed if method 4, ON
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM0"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM1"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM7"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM8"] = 1
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if (mOSPFanatecMethod <= 0) or mOSPFanatecMethod > 4 then
+ -- blue leds blinking if method 0 , OFF
+ for i = 6,8 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 1 then
+ -- all leds blinking if method 1, OFF
+ for i = 0,8 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 2 then
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ -- side leds blinking if method 2, OFF
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM0"] = 0
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM1"] = 0
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM7"] = 0
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM8"] = 0
+ elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 3 then
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ -- center leds blinking if method 3, OFF
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM3"] = 0
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM4"] = 0
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM5"] = 0
+ elseif mOSPFanatecMethod == 4 then
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ -- side fixed if method 4, ON
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM0"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM1"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM7"] = 1
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM8"] = 1
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- bypass (give control to manager)
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- timebase
+ if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
+ mOldOSPTickCount = GetTicks() + 10
+ end
+ return 1
+-- ==================================================
+-- SIM RACE Deluxe OSP Methods Event
+function ospSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
+ mOSPSRDlxMethod = idx
+ -- OSP Limit default value is set in gear.lua
+ if gOSPLimit == nil or gOSPLimit == 0 then gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm") end
+ -- call custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
+ local result = custom_ospSRDlxMethodEvent(mOSPSRDlxMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
+ result = global_custom_ospSRDlxMethodEvent(mOSPSRDlxMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- check if globals initialized
+ if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
+ isGlobalInitialized = 1
+ -- init
+ InitGlobals()
+ end
+ -- get global prefs
+ GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ local led = ""
+ -- get rpm
+ local rpm = 0
+ rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
+ -- get red zone value
+ --local redZone = GetCarInfo("redzone")
+ --if redZone == nil then redZone = 18000 end
+ -- get current osp factor
+ --local ospFactor = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
+ --if ospFactor == nil then ospFactor = 80 end
+ -- get current gear
+ local gear = 0
+ gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
+ if gear == nil then gear = 0 end
+ -- get max gear of current car
+ -- Alternate way to calc max gear if not available in API
+ -- Use a global mMaxGear and do the following
+ -- if gear > mMaxGear then mMaxGear = gear end local maxGear = 4
+ maxGear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
+ if maxGear == nil then maxGear = 4 end
+ -- skip if neutral or ==maxgear
+ if gear <=0 or gear>=maxGear then
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- skip if first gear not allowed
+ if not mOSPWithFirstGear and gear == 1 then
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- print("OSP1: " .. mOSPLED1 .. " OSP2: " .. mOSPLED2 .."\n")
+ -- print(rpm .. " - " .. gOSPLimit)
+ -- rpm > osplimit so activate shiftpoints leds
+ if rpm > gOSPLimit then
+ -- no blinking allowed
+ if mNoBlink then
+ -- set both leds
+ SetOSPFeedback(1)
+ else
+ if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
+ mOSPBlink = mOSPBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mOSPSRDlxMethod <= 3 then
+ -- methods 1 to 3
+ if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
+ mOSPBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mOSPSRDlxMethod ~= 3 then
+ -- if not method 3
+ SetOSPFeedback(1)
+ end
+ if (mOSPSRDlxMethod == 1) or (mOSPSRDlxMethod == 3) then
+ -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
+ for i = 7,9 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ SetOSPFeedback(0)
+ if (mOSPSRDlxMethod == 1) or (mOSPSRDlxMethod == 3) then
+ -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
+ for i = 7,9 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if mOSPSRDlxMethod == 2 then
+ -- add blue leds not blinking if method 2
+ for i = 7,9 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- bypass (give control to manager)
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- timebase
+ if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
+ mOldOSPTickCount = GetTicks() + 10
+ end
+ return 1
+-- ==================================================
+-- SIM RACE F1 OSP Methods Event
+function ospSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
+ mOSPSRF1Method = idx
+ -- OSP Limit default value is set in gear.lua
+ if gOSPLimit == nil or gOSPLimit == 0 then gOSPLimit = GetContextInfo("osplimitrpm") end
+ -- call custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
+ local result = custom_ospSRF1MethodEvent(mOSPSRF1Method)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script (this is a good place to overwrite gOSPLimit value)
+ result = global_custom_ospSRF1MethodEvent(mOSPSRF1Method)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- check if globals initialized
+ if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
+ isGlobalInitialized = 1
+ -- init
+ InitGlobals()
+ end
+ -- get global prefs
+ GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ local led = ""
+ -- get rpm
+ local rpm = 0
+ rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
+ -- get red zone value
+ --local redZone = GetCarInfo("redzone")
+ --if redZone == nil then redZone = 18000 end
+ -- get current osp factor
+ --local ospFactor = GetContextInfo("ospfactor")
+ --if ospFactor == nil then ospFactor = 80 end
+ -- get current gear
+ local gear = 0
+ gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
+ if gear == nil then gear = 0 end
+ -- get max gear of current car
+ -- Alternate way to calc max gear if not available in API
+ -- Use a global mMaxGear and do the following
+ -- if gear > mMaxGear then mMaxGear = gear end local maxGear = 4
+ maxGear = GetCarInfo("maxgear")
+ if maxGear == nil then maxGear = 4 end
+ -- skip if neutral or ==maxgear
+ if gear <=0 or gear>=maxGear then
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- skip if first gear not allowed
+ if not mOSPWithFirstGear and gear == 1 then
+ -- do nothing
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- print("OSP1: " .. mOSPLED1 .. " OSP2: " .. mOSPLED2 .."\n")
+ -- print(rpm .. " - " .. gOSPLimit)
+ -- rpm > osplimit so activate shiftpoints leds
+ if rpm > gOSPLimit then
+ -- no blinking allowed
+ if mNoBlink then
+ -- set both leds
+ SetOSPFeedback(1)
+ else
+ if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
+ mOSPBlink = mOSPBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mOSPSRF1Method <= 3 then
+ -- methods 1 to 3
+ if mOSPBlink >= mOSPBlinkTime then
+ mOSPBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink <= (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mOSPSRF1Method ~= 3 then
+ -- if not method 3
+ SetOSPFeedback(1)
+ end
+ if (mOSPSRF1Method == 1) or (mOSPSRF1Method == 3) then
+ -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
+ for i = 10,14 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ end
+ if mOSPBlink > (mOSPBlinkTime / 2) then
+ SetOSPFeedback(0)
+ if (mOSPSRF1Method == 1) or (mOSPSRF1Method == 3) then
+ -- add blue leds blinking if method 1 or 3
+ for i = 10,14 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if mOSPSRF1Method == 2 then
+ -- add blue leds not blinking if method 2
+ for i = 10,14 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- bypass (give control to manager)
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- timebase
+ if GetTicks() > mOldOSPTickCount then
+ mOldOSPTickCount = GetTicks() + 10
+ end
+ return 1
end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/shiftlights.lua b/scripts/shiftlights.lua
index 81e7f66..795b68b 100644
--- a/scripts/shiftlights.lua
+++ b/scripts/shiftlights.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
function SideToCenterSLI(rpm, redzone, p1, p2, p3, p4 ,p5 ,p6 ,p7)
local rz = redzone / 100
-- side to center custom
if rpm > (rz*p1) then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 1 end -- G
if rpm > (rz*p1) then mRPMLedTable.RPM12 = 1 end -- B
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function ProgressiveSLI(rpm, redzone, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p
if rpm > (rz*p12) then mRPMLedTable.RPM11 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p13) then mRPMLedTable.RPM12 = 1 end
-- alternate green, red and blue method
function AlternateSLI(rpm, redzone, step1, step2, step3)
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ end
function SideToCenterFanatec(rpm, redzone, p1, p2, p3, p4 ,p5 )
local rz = redzone / 100
-- side to center custom
if rpm > (rz*p1) then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 1 end -- y
if rpm > (rz*p1) then mRPMLedTable.RPM8 = 1 end -- B
@@ -348,12 +348,12 @@ function RpmSRDlx(rpm, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10 )
if rpm > p1 then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 1 end
if rpm > p2 then mRPMLedTable.RPM1 = 1 end
if rpm > p3 then mRPMLedTable.RPM2 = 1 end
if rpm > p4 then mRPMLedTable.RPM3 = 1 end
if rpm > p5 then mRPMLedTable.RPM4 = 1 end
if rpm > p6 then mRPMLedTable.RPM5 = 1 end
if rpm > p7 then mRPMLedTable.RPM6 = 1 end
if rpm > p8 then mRPMLedTable.RPM7 = 1 end
if rpm > p9 then mRPMLedTable.RPM8 = 1 end
if rpm > p10 then mRPMLedTable.RPM9 = 1 end
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ end
function SideToCenterSRDlx(rpm, redzone, p1, p2, p3, p4 ,p5 )
local rz = redzone / 100
-- side to center custom
if rpm > (rz*p1) then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 1 end -- y
if rpm > (rz*p1) then mRPMLedTable.RPM9 = 1 end -- B
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ end
function SideToCenterSRF1(rpm, redzone, p1, p2, p3, p4 ,p5 ,p6 ,p7, p8)
local rz = redzone / 100
-- side to center custom
if rpm > (rz*p1) then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 1 end -- G
if rpm > (rz*p1) then mRPMLedTable.RPM14 = 1 end -- B
@@ -449,13 +449,13 @@ function ProgressiveSRF1(rpm, redzone, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10,
if rpm > (rz*p3) then mRPMLedTable.RPM2 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p4) then mRPMLedTable.RPM3 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p5) then mRPMLedTable.RPM4 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p6) then mRPMLedTable.RPM5 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p7) then mRPMLedTable.RPM6 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p8) then mRPMLedTable.RPM7 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p9) then mRPMLedTable.RPM8 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p10) then mRPMLedTable.RPM9 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p11) then mRPMLedTable.RPM10 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p12) then mRPMLedTable.RPM11 = 1 end
if rpm > (rz*p13) then mRPMLedTable.RPM12 = 1 end
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ function ProgressiveSRF1(rpm, redzone, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10,
if rpm > (rz*p15) then mRPMLedTable.RPM14 = 1 end
-- alternate green, red and blue method
function AlternateSRF1(rpm, redzone, step1, step2, step3)
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ function shiftLightsMethodEvent(idx)
-- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
if result <= 1 then return result end
-- if result >= 2 continue
-- call global custom script
result = global_custom_shiftLightsMethodEvent(mShiftlightsMethodIndex)
-- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
@@ -579,70 +579,70 @@ function shiftLightsMethodEvent(idx)
local rpm = 0
rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
if GetContextInfo("lastgearnorpm") and GetCarInfo("gear") == 7 then
-- no shiftlights on last gear
local tName = "mRPMLedTable"
return 1
if mShiftlightsMethodIndex == 0 then
-- progressive method 0
ProgressiveSLI(rpm, gRedZone, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.5, 12.8, 12.98 )
elseif mShiftlightsMethodIndex == 1 then
-- alternate method 1
AlternateSLI(rpm, gRedZone, 11.0, 12.0, 12.9)
elseif mShiftlightsMethodIndex == 2 then
-- percentage method 2
elseif mShiftlightsMethodIndex == 3 then
- -- abs rpm method 3 (not recommended)
+ -- abs rpm method 3 (not recommended)
elseif mShiftlightsMethodIndex == 4 then
-- side to center method 4
SideToCenterSLI(rpm, gRedZone, 94.5, 95, 96, 97 ,98 ,99 ,99.5 )
elseif mShiftlightsMethodIndex == 5 then
-- get kers value
local k_percent = GetKersPercent()
-- without first 4 green leds
AlternateSLI(rpm, gRedZone, 100, 11.6, 12.9)
-- KERS feedback on green leds
-- print("KERS: " .. kers_level .. " - " .. k_percent .. "\n")
if k_percent > 0 then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 25 then mRPMLedTable.RPM1 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 50 then mRPMLedTable.RPM2 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 75 then mRPMLedTable.RPM3 = 1 end
elseif mShiftlightsMethodIndex == 6 then
-- Revers KERS + RPM
-- get kers value
local k_percent = GetKersPercent()
-- without first 4 green leds
AlternateSLI(rpm, gRedZone, 0, 11.6, 12.9)
-- KERS feedback on green leds
-- print("KERS: " .. kers_level .. " - " .. k_percent .. "\n")
if k_percent > 0 then mRPMLedTable.RPM3 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 25 then mRPMLedTable.RPM2 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 50 then mRPMLedTable.RPM1 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 75 then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 0 end
return 1
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ function shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx)
-- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
if result <= 1 then return result end
-- if result >= 2 continue
-- call global custom script
result = global_custom_shiftLightsBU0710Event(mShiftlightsBU0710MethodIndex)
-- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
@@ -676,16 +676,16 @@ function shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx)
local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
-- init leds (see global.lua)
mBU0710Leds = 0
if GetContextInfo("lastgearnorpm") and GetCarInfo("gear") == 7 then
-- no shiftlights on last gear
return 1
if (mShiftlightsBU0710MethodIndex <= 1) or (mShiftlightsBU0710MethodIndex >= 4) then
-- progressive methods 1 or 4
ProgressiveBU0710(rpm, gRedZone, 4.0, 6.0, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.3, 9.5, 9.7, 9.9 )
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ function shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx)
return 1
return 1
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ function shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx)
-- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
if result <= 1 then return result end
-- if result >= 2 continue
-- call global custom script
result = global_custom_shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(mShiftlightsG27MethodIndex)
-- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
@@ -730,16 +730,16 @@ function shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx)
local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
-- init leds (see global.lua)
mG27Leds = 0
if GetContextInfo("lastgearnorpm") and GetCarInfo("gear") == 7 then
-- no shiftlights on last gear
return 1
if mShiftlightsG27MethodIndex <= 0 or mShiftlightsG27MethodIndex >= 3 then
-- progressive methods 1
ProgressiveG27(rpm, gRedZone, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 4.9 )
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ function shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx)
return 1
return 1
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ end
-- Fanatec ShiftLights Methods Event
function shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
mShiftlightsFanatecMethodIndex = idx
- -- get red zone (red zone default value is initialized in gear.lua )
+ -- get red zone (red zone default value is initialized in gear.lua )
if gRedZone == nil or gRedZone == 0 then gRedZone = GetCarInfo("redzone") end
-- call custom script
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ function shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
-- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
if result <= 1 then return result end
-- if result >= 2 continue
-- call global custom script
result = global_custom_shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(mShiftlightsFanatecMethodIndex)
-- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
@@ -785,25 +785,25 @@ function shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
-- init leds (see global.lua)
initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
if GetContextInfo("lastgearnorpm") and GetCarInfo("gear") == 7 then
-- no shiftlights on last gear
local tName = "mRPMLedTable"
return 1
if (mShiftlightsFanatecMethodIndex < 1) or (mShiftlightsFanatecMethodIndex > 6) then
-- progressive methods 0
ProgressiveFanatec(rpm, gRedZone, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.3, 8.5, 8.7, 8.9 )
elseif mShiftlightsFanatecMethodIndex == 1 then
-- alternate method 1
AlternateFanatec(rpm, gRedZone, 7.0, 8.0, 8.9)
elseif (mShiftlightsFanatecMethodIndex == 2) then
-- percentage method 2
@@ -815,45 +815,45 @@ function shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
elseif mShiftlightsFanatecMethodIndex == 4 then
-- side to center method 4
SideToCenterFanatec(rpm, gRedZone, 96, 97 ,98 ,99 ,99.5 )
elseif mShiftlightsFanatecMethodIndex == 5 then
- -- get kers value, see function in global.lua
+ -- get kers value, see function in global.lua
local k_percent = GetKersPercent()
-- without first 4 green leds
local kers_level = GetCarInfo("kers")
AlternateFanatec(rpm, gRedZone, 100, 7.6, 8.9)
-- KERS feedback on yellow leds
-- print("IDX: ".. idx.." KERS: " .. kers_level .. " - " .. k_percent .. "\n")
if k_percent > 0 then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 33 then mRPMLedTable.RPM1 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 66 then mRPMLedTable.RPM2 = 1 end
elseif mShiftlightsFanatecMethodIndex == 6 then
-- Revers KERS + RPM
- -- get kers value, see function in global.lua
+ -- get kers value, see function in global.lua
local k_percent = GetKersPercent()
-- without first 4 green leds
AlternateFanatec(rpm, gRedZone, 0, 7.6, 8.9)
-- KERS feedback on yellow leds
--local kers_level = GetCarInfo("kers")
--print("IDX: ".. idx.." KERS: " .. kers_level .. " - " .. k_percent .. "\n")
if k_percent > 0 then mRPMLedTable.RPM2 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 33 then mRPMLedTable.RPM1 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 66 then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 0 end
return 1
local tName = "mRPMLedTable"
return 1
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ function shiftLightsSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
-- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
if result <= 1 then return result end
-- if result >= 2 continue
-- call global custom script
result = global_custom_shiftLightsSRDlxMethodEvent(mShiftlightsSRDlxMethodIndex)
-- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
@@ -885,69 +885,69 @@ function shiftLightsSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
local rpm = 0
rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
-- init leds (see global.lua)
initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
if GetContextInfo("lastgearnorpm") and GetCarInfo("gear") == 7 then
-- no shiftlights on last gear
local tName = "mRPMLedTable"
return 1
if mShiftlightsSRDlxMethodIndex == 0 then
-- progressive method 0
ProgressiveSRDlx(rpm, gRedZone, 5, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 9.8, 9.98 )
elseif mShiftlightsSRDlxMethodIndex == 1 then
-- alternate method 1
AlternateSRDlx(rpm, gRedZone, 7.0, 8.0, 9.9)
elseif mShiftlightsSRDlxMethodIndex == 2 then
-- percentage method 2
elseif mShiftlightsSRDlxMethodIndex == 3 then
- -- abs rpm method 3 (not recommended)
+ -- abs rpm method 3 (not recommended)
elseif mShiftlightsSRDlxMethodIndex == 4 then
-- side to center method 4
SideToCenterSRDlx(rpm, gRedZone, 96, 97 ,98 ,99 ,99.5 )
elseif mShiftlightsSRDlxMethodIndex == 5 then
-- get kers value
local k_percent = GetKersPercent()
-- without first 4 green leds
AlternateSRDlx(rpm, gRedZone, 100, 8.6, 9.9)
-- KERS feedback on green leds
-- print("KERS: " .. kers_level .. " - " .. k_percent .. "\n")
if k_percent > 0 then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 33 then mRPMLedTable.RPM1 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 66 then mRPMLedTable.RPM2 = 1 end
elseif mShiftlightsSRDlxMethodIndex == 6 then
-- Revers KERS + RPM
-- get kers value
local k_percent = GetKersPercent()
-- without first 4 green leds
AlternateSRDlx(rpm, gRedZone, 0, 8.6, 9.9)
-- KERS feedback on green leds
-- print("KERS: " .. kers_level .. " - " .. k_percent .. "\n")
if k_percent > 0 then mRPMLedTable.RPM2 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 33 then mRPMLedTable.RPM1 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 66 then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 0 end
return 1
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ function shiftLightsSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
-- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
if result <= 1 then return result end
-- if result >= 2 continue
-- call global custom script
result = global_custom_shiftLightsSRF1MethodEvent(mShiftlightsSRF1MethodIndex)
-- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ function shiftLightsSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
local rpm = 0
rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
if rpm == nil then rpm = 0 end
-- init leds (see global.lua)
initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
@@ -992,63 +992,63 @@ function shiftLightsSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
return 1
if mShiftlightsSRF1MethodIndex == 0 then
-- progressive method 0
ProgressiveSRF1(rpm, gRedZone, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.5, 13, 13.5, 14.5, 14.99 )
elseif mShiftlightsSRF1MethodIndex == 1 then
-- alternate method 1
AlternateSRF1(rpm, gRedZone, 12.0, 13.0, 14.9)
elseif mShiftlightsSRF1MethodIndex == 2 then
-- percentage method 2
elseif mShiftlightsSRF1MethodIndex == 3 then
- -- abs rpm method 3 (not recommended)
+ -- abs rpm method 3 (not recommended)
elseif mShiftlightsSRF1MethodIndex == 4 then
-- side to center method 4
SideToCenterSRF1(rpm, gRedZone, 94.5, 95, 96, 97 ,98 ,99 ,99.5 )
elseif mShiftlightsSRF1MethodIndex == 5 then
-- get kers value
local k_percent = GetKersPercent()
-- without first 4 green leds
AlternateSRF1(rpm, gRedZone, 100, 13.6, 14.9)
-- KERS feedback on green leds
-- print("KERS: " .. kers_level .. " - " .. k_percent .. "\n")
if k_percent > 0 then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 20 then mRPMLedTable.RPM1 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 40 then mRPMLedTable.RPM2 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 60 then mRPMLedTable.RPM3 = 1 end
if k_percent >= 80 then mRPMLedTable.RPM4 = 1 end
elseif mShiftlightsSRF1MethodIndex == 6 then
-- Revers KERS + RPM
-- get kers value
local k_percent = GetKersPercent()
-- without first 4 green leds
AlternateSRF1(rpm, gRedZone, 0, 13.6, 14.9)
-- KERS feedback on green leds
-- print("KERS: " .. kers_level .. " - " .. k_percent .. "\n")
if k_percent > 0 then mRPMLedTable.RPM4 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 20 then mRPMLedTable.RPM3 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 40 then mRPMLedTable.RPM2 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 60 then mRPMLedTable.RPM1 = 0 end
if k_percent >= 80 then mRPMLedTable.RPM0 = 0 end
return 1
diff --git a/scripts/simracedlx.lua b/scripts/simracedlx.lua
index fe716ea..5f32cbe 100644
--- a/scripts/simracedlx.lua
+++ b/scripts/simracedlx.lua
@@ -1,537 +1,537 @@
--- SIMRACE DELUXE Lua Script v1.5
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- this script builds all functions associated with
--- left and right panels of SIMRACE-DLX device
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
--- ============================================================
--- Left and Right Panel functions
--- ============================================================
-function srdlxLeftDigitsEvent(swFunction)
- return srdlxDigitsEvent(swFunction, 0)
-function srdlxRightDigitsEvent(swFunction)
- return srdlxDigitsEvent(swFunction, 1)
--- IN function of left panel
--- param: recieve from SLI Manager the current switch position
-function srdlxDigitsEvent(swFunction, side)
- swValue = swFunction + 1
- -- call custom script
- if side == 0 then
- local result = custom_srdlxLeftDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_srdlxLeftDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- else
- local result = custom_srdlxRightDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_srdlxRightDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- end
- local hr = 0
- local mn = 0
- local sc = 0
- local ms = 0
- local hd = 0
- local lpt = 0.0
- local diffTimeFlag = false
- local timeFlag = false
- local systemflag = false
- local unit = false
- local inf = ""
- local spd = 0.0
- local isSlowUpdate = false
- local srdlxPanel = ""
- -- get speed in kph or mph (use "rawspeed" to get value in meter/sec)
- local spd = GetCarInfo("speed")
- -- get current display unit metric or imperial
- unit = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
- -- lap finished, display lap time a few seconds
- local dlt = false
- dlt = GetContextInfo("displaylaptime")
- if dlt == nil then dlt = false end
- if dlt and side == 1 then
- swValue = 11
- end
- -- check if quick info button is down
- local qi = false
- qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
- if qi == nil or qi == 0 then qi = false end
- if qi then
- -- get index for left and right panel
- local qiInf = 1
- if side == 0 then
- qiInf = GetContextInfo("f1quickinfoleft")
- else
- qiInf = GetContextInfo("f1quickinforight")
- end
- if qiInf == nil then qiInf = 1 end
- -- force position to match QI preference
- swValue = qiInf
- end
- -- check if PIT Feedback ON
- local pf = false
- pf = GetContextInfo("pitfeedback")
- if pf == nil or pf == 0 then pf = false end
- if pf then
- -- force position to PIT/SPEED function if car pits
- local pit = GetCarInfo("inpits")
- if pit > 0 then
- if side == 0 then
- swValue = 45
- else
- swValue = 1
- end
- end
- end
- -- get current simulation name
- local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
- --print ( "swValue: " .. swValue .. "\n")
- -- check postion and compute left panel string
- if swValue == 1 then
- -- speed only
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", spd )
- elseif swValue == 2 then
- -- fuel
- local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
- if fuel ~= nil then
- fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
- if fuel >= 100 then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("F%3d", round(fuel))
- elseif fuel >= 10 then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("F%02d ", round(fuel))
- else
- srdlxPanel = string.format("F%1.1f ", fuel)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 3 then
- -- position
- inf = GetContextInfo("position")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if inf >= 100 then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("P%3d", inf)
- else
- srdlxPanel = string.format("P%02d ", inf)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 4 then
- -- laps completed
- inf = GetContextInfo("laps")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- if more then 99 laps
- if inf >= 100 then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("L%3d", inf)
- else
- srdlxPanel = string.format("L%02d ", inf)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 5 then
- -- sector
- inf = GetCarInfo("sector")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- check if sector > 9
- if inf >9 then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("S%02d ", inf)
- else
- srdlxPanel = string.format("S%01d ", inf)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 6 then
- -- total laps if available
- local tl = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
- if tl < 1 then tl = 0 end
- -- if more then 99 laps
- if tl >= 100 or tl >= 100 then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%03d ", tl)
- else
- srdlxPanel = string.format("t%02d ", tl)
- end
- elseif swValue == 7 then
- -- water temp
- inf = GetCarInfo("watertemp")
- if inf ~= nil then
- inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 8 then
- -- oil temp
- inf = GetCarInfo("oiltemp")
- if inf ~= nil then
- inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 9 then
- -- best lap time
- timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("laptime")
- elseif swValue == 10 then
- -- best lap time
- timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
- elseif swValue == 11 then
- -- last lap time
- timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
- elseif swValue >= 12 and swValue <= 18 and isAppIRacing(sim) then
- timeFlag = true
- diffTimeFlag = true
- -- iRacing partials
- local ts = GetContextInfo("partialcount")
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- if ts ~= nil and ts > 0 then
- if swValue == 12 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("currentpartial", sector)
- elseif swValue == 13 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsbestlap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 14 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimallap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 15 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimalsector", sector)
- elseif swValue == 16 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionbestlap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 17 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimallap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 18 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimalsector", sector)
- end
- else
- lpt = 0.0
- end
- elseif swValue == 19 then
- -- real time diff vs your best
- diffTimeFlag = true
- timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
- elseif swValue == 20 then
- -- real time diff vs your last
- diffTimeFlag = true
- timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
- elseif swValue == 21 then
- -- get an average consumption of fuel per lap and gives the remaining laps
- local remainintank = GetCarInfo("remainlapsintank")
- srdlxPanel = string.format("L%3.0f", math.floor(remainintank) )
- elseif swValue == 22 then
- -- rpm
- isSlowUpdate = true
- diffTimeFlag = true
- local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- local r = rpm / 10.0
- if r < 1000 then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.1f", r)
- else
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%4d.", round(r))
- end
- elseif swValue == 23 then
- -- track size
- isSlowUpdate = true
- diffTimeFlag = true
- local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
- local r = trcksz / 10
- if r < 1000 then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.1f", r)
- else
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%4d.", round(r))
- end
- elseif swValue == 24 then
- -- distance percent
- local dist = GetContextInfo("lapdistance")
- -- track size
- local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
- local p = round(dist / (trcksz / 100))
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3d ", p )
- elseif swValue == 25 then
- -- kers
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3d ", round(kers/1000))
- elseif swValue == 26 then
- -- kers max
- local kmx = GetCarInfo("kersmax")
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3d ", round(kmx/1000))
- elseif swValue == 27 then
- -- drs
- local drs = GetCarInfo("drs")
- if drs == 1 then
- srdlxPanel = "ON "
- else
- srdlxPanel = "OFF"
- end
- elseif swValue == 28 then
- -- kers percent
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3d ", round((kers/1000)/4))
- elseif swValue == 29 then
- -- wheels temp if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- if rFactor convert Kelvin to Celsius (see global.lua)
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 30 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 31 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 32 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 33 then
- -- wheels pressure if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- convert to psi
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 34 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 35 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 36 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 37 then
- -- brakes temp if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 38 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 39 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 40 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 41 then
- -- time remaining if available
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("timeremaining")
- timeFlag = true
- elseif swValue == 42 then
- -- PC system time
- systemflag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("systemtime")
- timeFlag = true
- diffTimeFlag = true
- elseif swValue == 43 then
- -- time elapsed if available
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("timetotalelapsed")
- timeFlag = true
- elseif swValue == 44 then
- -- last sector 1, 2 and 3
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- timeFlag = true
- diffTimeFlag = true
- if sector == 1 then
- -- sector 3
- local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- local lt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
- if ls1 > 0 and ls2 > 0 then
- lpt = lt - (ls1 + ls2)
- end
- elseif sector == 2 then
- local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- lpt = ls1
- else
- -- sector 3
- local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- lpt = ls2
- end
- elseif swValue == 45 then
- -- PIT
- srdlxPanel = "PIt "
- elseif swValue == 46 then
- -- sc
- local sc = GetContextInfo("safetycare")
- if sc == 1 then
- srdlxPanel = "SCAR"
- else
- srdlxPanel = "OFF "
- end
- else
- srdlxPanel = " "
- end
- local refreshRate = mRefreshLapTimeRate
- if diffTimeFlag then
- refreshRate = mDeltaTimeDelay
- end
- if timeFlag and lpt ~= nil then
- -- set char of negative number
- local c = ""
- if lpt < 0 then c = "-" end
- -- explod time
- hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
- --print("lpt: " .. lpt .. " m: " .. mn .. " - s: " .. sc .. " - ms: " .. ms .."\n" )
- -- update display every mDeltaTimeDelay time
- if GetTicks() > (refreshRate + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
- mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
- if lpt == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0000 then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = "-.---"
- elseif systemflag then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%2d.%02d", mn, sc)
- -- > 9mn
- elseif mn > 9 then
- if c == "" then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%2d.%2d", mn, sc)
- else
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%2d ", c, mn)
- end
- -- < 10mn
- elseif mn > 0 and mn < 10 then
- if c == "" then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%1d.%02d.%01d", mn, sc, hd)
- else
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%1d.%02d", c, mn, sc)
- end
- else
- -- mn == 0 ; sc > 9
- if sc > 9 then
- if c == "" then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "0.%2d.%1d", sc, hd)
- else
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s0.%2d.", c, sc)
- end
- else
- -- sc < 10
- if c == "" then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "0.%01d.%02d", sc, hd)
- else
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s0.%01d.%01d", c, sc, hd)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --print(srdlxPanel,mDeltaTimeBackup)
- srdlxPanel = mDeltaTimeBackup
- end
- if isSlowUpdate then
- if GetTicks() > ( refreshRate + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
- mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
- if side == 0 then
- mSRDlxLeftText = srdlxPanel
- else
- mSRDlxRightText = srdlxPanel
- end
- -- print(GetTicks() .. mSRDlxRightText .."\n")
- end
- else
- if side == 0 then
- mSRDlxLeftText = srdlxPanel
- else
- mSRDlxRightText = srdlxPanel
- end
- end
- -- print(mSRDlxLeftText, mSRDlxRightText, srdlxPanel)
- -- send string to sli manager
- if side == 0 then
- SetLeftDigits( mSRDlxLeftText )
- else
- SetRightDigits( mSRDlxRightText )
- end
- return 1
+-- SIMRACE DELUXE Lua Script v1.5
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- this script builds all functions associated with
+-- left and right panels of SIMRACE-DLX device
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
+-- ============================================================
+-- Left and Right Panel functions
+-- ============================================================
+function srdlxLeftDigitsEvent(swFunction)
+ return srdlxDigitsEvent(swFunction, 0)
+function srdlxRightDigitsEvent(swFunction)
+ return srdlxDigitsEvent(swFunction, 1)
+-- IN function of left panel
+-- param: recieve from SLI Manager the current switch position
+function srdlxDigitsEvent(swFunction, side)
+ swValue = swFunction + 1
+ -- call custom script
+ if side == 0 then
+ local result = custom_srdlxLeftDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_srdlxLeftDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ else
+ local result = custom_srdlxRightDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_srdlxRightDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ end
+ local hr = 0
+ local mn = 0
+ local sc = 0
+ local ms = 0
+ local hd = 0
+ local lpt = 0.0
+ local diffTimeFlag = false
+ local timeFlag = false
+ local systemflag = false
+ local unit = false
+ local inf = ""
+ local spd = 0.0
+ local isSlowUpdate = false
+ local srdlxPanel = ""
+ -- get speed in kph or mph (use "rawspeed" to get value in meter/sec)
+ local spd = GetCarInfo("speed")
+ -- get current display unit metric or imperial
+ unit = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
+ -- lap finished, display lap time a few seconds
+ local dlt = false
+ dlt = GetContextInfo("displaylaptime")
+ if dlt == nil then dlt = false end
+ if dlt and side == 1 then
+ swValue = 11
+ end
+ -- check if quick info button is down
+ local qi = false
+ qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
+ if qi == nil or qi == 0 then qi = false end
+ if qi then
+ -- get index for left and right panel
+ local qiInf = 1
+ if side == 0 then
+ qiInf = GetContextInfo("f1quickinfoleft")
+ else
+ qiInf = GetContextInfo("f1quickinforight")
+ end
+ if qiInf == nil then qiInf = 1 end
+ -- force position to match QI preference
+ swValue = qiInf
+ end
+ -- check if PIT Feedback ON
+ local pf = false
+ pf = GetContextInfo("pitfeedback")
+ if pf == nil or pf == 0 then pf = false end
+ if pf then
+ -- force position to PIT/SPEED function if car pits
+ local pit = GetCarInfo("inpits")
+ if pit > 0 then
+ if side == 0 then
+ swValue = 45
+ else
+ swValue = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- get current simulation name
+ local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
+ --print ( "swValue: " .. swValue .. "\n")
+ -- check postion and compute left panel string
+ if swValue == 1 then
+ -- speed only
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", spd )
+ elseif swValue == 2 then
+ -- fuel
+ local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
+ if fuel ~= nil then
+ fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
+ if fuel >= 100 then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("F%3d", round(fuel))
+ elseif fuel >= 10 then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("F%02d ", round(fuel))
+ else
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("F%1.1f ", fuel)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 3 then
+ -- position
+ inf = GetContextInfo("position")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if inf >= 100 then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("P%3d", inf)
+ else
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("P%02d ", inf)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 4 then
+ -- laps completed
+ inf = GetContextInfo("laps")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- if more then 99 laps
+ if inf >= 100 then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("L%3d", inf)
+ else
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("L%02d ", inf)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 5 then
+ -- sector
+ inf = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- check if sector > 9
+ if inf >9 then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("S%02d ", inf)
+ else
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("S%01d ", inf)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 6 then
+ -- total laps if available
+ local tl = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
+ if tl < 1 then tl = 0 end
+ -- if more then 99 laps
+ if tl >= 100 or tl >= 100 then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%03d ", tl)
+ else
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("t%02d ", tl)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 7 then
+ -- water temp
+ inf = GetCarInfo("watertemp")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 8 then
+ -- oil temp
+ inf = GetCarInfo("oiltemp")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 9 then
+ -- best lap time
+ timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("laptime")
+ elseif swValue == 10 then
+ -- best lap time
+ timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
+ elseif swValue == 11 then
+ -- last lap time
+ timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
+ elseif swValue >= 12 and swValue <= 18 and isAppIRacing(sim) then
+ timeFlag = true
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ -- iRacing partials
+ local ts = GetContextInfo("partialcount")
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ if ts ~= nil and ts > 0 then
+ if swValue == 12 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("currentpartial", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 13 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsbestlap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 14 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimallap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 15 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimalsector", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 16 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionbestlap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 17 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimallap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 18 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimalsector", sector)
+ end
+ else
+ lpt = 0.0
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 19 then
+ -- real time diff vs your best
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
+ elseif swValue == 20 then
+ -- real time diff vs your last
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
+ elseif swValue == 21 then
+ -- get an average consumption of fuel per lap and gives the remaining laps
+ local remainintank = GetCarInfo("remainlapsintank")
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("L%3.0f", math.floor(remainintank) )
+ elseif swValue == 22 then
+ -- rpm
+ isSlowUpdate = true
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ local r = rpm / 10.0
+ if r < 1000 then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.1f", r)
+ else
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%4d.", round(r))
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 23 then
+ -- track size
+ isSlowUpdate = true
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
+ local r = trcksz / 10
+ if r < 1000 then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.1f", r)
+ else
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%4d.", round(r))
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 24 then
+ -- distance percent
+ local dist = GetContextInfo("lapdistance")
+ -- track size
+ local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
+ local p = round(dist / (trcksz / 100))
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3d ", p )
+ elseif swValue == 25 then
+ -- kers
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3d ", round(kers/1000))
+ elseif swValue == 26 then
+ -- kers max
+ local kmx = GetCarInfo("kersmax")
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3d ", round(kmx/1000))
+ elseif swValue == 27 then
+ -- drs
+ local drs = GetCarInfo("drs")
+ if drs == 1 then
+ srdlxPanel = "ON "
+ else
+ srdlxPanel = "OFF"
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 28 then
+ -- kers percent
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3d ", round((kers/1000)/4))
+ elseif swValue == 29 then
+ -- wheels temp if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- if rFactor convert Kelvin to Celsius (see global.lua)
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 30 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 31 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 32 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 33 then
+ -- wheels pressure if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- convert to psi
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 34 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 35 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 36 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 37 then
+ -- brakes temp if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 38 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 39 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 40 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srdlxPanel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 41 then
+ -- time remaining if available
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("timeremaining")
+ timeFlag = true
+ elseif swValue == 42 then
+ -- PC system time
+ systemflag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("systemtime")
+ timeFlag = true
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ elseif swValue == 43 then
+ -- time elapsed if available
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("timetotalelapsed")
+ timeFlag = true
+ elseif swValue == 44 then
+ -- last sector 1, 2 and 3
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ timeFlag = true
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ if sector == 1 then
+ -- sector 3
+ local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ local lt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
+ if ls1 > 0 and ls2 > 0 then
+ lpt = lt - (ls1 + ls2)
+ end
+ elseif sector == 2 then
+ local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ lpt = ls1
+ else
+ -- sector 3
+ local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ lpt = ls2
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 45 then
+ -- PIT
+ srdlxPanel = "PIt "
+ elseif swValue == 46 then
+ -- sc
+ local sc = GetContextInfo("safetycare")
+ if sc == 1 then
+ srdlxPanel = "SCAR"
+ else
+ srdlxPanel = "OFF "
+ end
+ else
+ srdlxPanel = " "
+ end
+ local refreshRate = mRefreshLapTimeRate
+ if diffTimeFlag then
+ refreshRate = mDeltaTimeDelay
+ end
+ if timeFlag and lpt ~= nil then
+ -- set char of negative number
+ local c = ""
+ if lpt < 0 then c = "-" end
+ -- explod time
+ hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
+ --print("lpt: " .. lpt .. " m: " .. mn .. " - s: " .. sc .. " - ms: " .. ms .."\n" )
+ -- update display every mDeltaTimeDelay time
+ if GetTicks() > (refreshRate + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
+ mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
+ if lpt == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0000 then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = "-.---"
+ elseif systemflag then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%2d.%02d", mn, sc)
+ -- > 9mn
+ elseif mn > 9 then
+ if c == "" then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%2d.%2d", mn, sc)
+ else
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%2d ", c, mn)
+ end
+ -- < 10mn
+ elseif mn > 0 and mn < 10 then
+ if c == "" then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%1d.%02d.%01d", mn, sc, hd)
+ else
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%1d.%02d", c, mn, sc)
+ end
+ else
+ -- mn == 0 ; sc > 9
+ if sc > 9 then
+ if c == "" then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "0.%2d.%1d", sc, hd)
+ else
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s0.%2d.", c, sc)
+ end
+ else
+ -- sc < 10
+ if c == "" then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "0.%01d.%02d", sc, hd)
+ else
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s0.%01d.%01d", c, sc, hd)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --print(srdlxPanel,mDeltaTimeBackup)
+ srdlxPanel = mDeltaTimeBackup
+ end
+ if isSlowUpdate then
+ if GetTicks() > ( refreshRate + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
+ mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
+ if side == 0 then
+ mSRDlxLeftText = srdlxPanel
+ else
+ mSRDlxRightText = srdlxPanel
+ end
+ -- print(GetTicks() .. mSRDlxRightText .."\n")
+ end
+ else
+ if side == 0 then
+ mSRDlxLeftText = srdlxPanel
+ else
+ mSRDlxRightText = srdlxPanel
+ end
+ end
+ -- print(mSRDlxLeftText, mSRDlxRightText, srdlxPanel)
+ -- send string to sli manager
+ if side == 0 then
+ SetLeftDigits( mSRDlxLeftText )
+ else
+ SetRightDigits( mSRDlxRightText )
+ end
+ return 1
diff --git a/scripts/simracedlx_iracing.lua b/scripts/simracedlx_iracing.lua
index 3dfb281..1a5b220 100644
--- a/scripts/simracedlx_iracing.lua
+++ b/scripts/simracedlx_iracing.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
--- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
--- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-05
--- ================================
--- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
-mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
--- ================================
--- load common scripts file
+-- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
+-- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-05
+-- ================================
+-- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
+mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
+-- ================================
+-- load common scripts file
require "scripts/zdoc_scripts/iracing_common_scripts" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/simracef1.lua b/scripts/simracef1.lua
index c7503cd..152b684 100644
--- a/scripts/simracef1.lua
+++ b/scripts/simracef1.lua
@@ -1,694 +1,694 @@
--- SIMRACE F1 Lua Script v1.1.3
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- this script builds all functions associated with
--- left and right panels of SIMRACE-F1 device
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-10
--- ============================================================
--- Left and Right Panel functions
--- ============================================================
-function srf1LeftDigitsEvent(swFunction)
- return srf1DigitsEvent(swFunction, 0)
-function srf1RightDigitsEvent(swFunction)
- return srf1DigitsEvent(swFunction, 1)
--- IN function of left panel
--- param: recieve from SLI Manager the current switch position
-function srf1DigitsEvent(swFunction, side)
- swValue = swFunction + 1
- -- call custom script
- if side == 0 then
- local result = custom_srf1LeftDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_srf1LeftDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- else
- local result = custom_srf1RightDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_srf1RightDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- end
- local hr = 0
- local mn = 0
- local sc = 0
- local ms = 0
- local hd = 0
- local lpt = 0.0
- local diffTimeFlag = false
- local timeFlag = false
- local systemflag = false
- local unit = false
- local inf = ""
- local spd = 0.0
- local isSlowUpdate = false
- local srf1Panel = ""
- -- get speed in kph or mph (use "rawspeed" to get value in meter/sec)
- local spd = GetCarInfo("speed")
- -- get current display unit metric or imperial
- unit = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
- -- lap finished, display lap time a few seconds
- local dlt = false
- dlt = GetContextInfo("displaylaptime")
- if dlt == nil then dlt = false end
- if dlt and side == 1 and swValue ~= 47 and swValue ~= 48 then
- swValue = 11
- end
- -- check if quick info button is down
- local qi = false
- qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
- if qi == nil or qi == 0 then qi = false end
- if qi then
- -- get index for left and right panel
- local qiInf = 1
- if side == 0 then
- qiInf = GetContextInfo("quickinfoleft")
- else
- qiInf = GetContextInfo("quickinforight")
- end
- if qiInf == nil then qiInf = 1 end
- -- force position to match QI preference
- swValue = qiInf
- end
- -- check if PIT Feedback ON
- local pf = false
- pf = GetContextInfo("pitfeedback")
- if pf == nil or pf == 0 then pf = false end
- if pf then
- -- force position to PIT/SPEED function if car pits
- local pit = GetCarInfo("inpits")
- if pit > 0 then
- if side == 0 then
- swValue = 45
- else
- swValue = 1
- end
- end
- end
- -- get current simulation name
- local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
- --print ( "swValue: " .. swValue .. "\n")
- -- check postion and compute left panel string
- if swValue == 1 then
- -- speed only
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", spd )
- elseif swValue == 2 then
- -- fuel
- local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
- if fuel ~= nil then
- fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
- if fuel >= 100 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("F%3d", round(fuel))
- elseif fuel >= 10 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("F%2d ", round(fuel))
- else
- srf1Panel = string.format("F%1.1f ", fuel)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 3 then
- -- position
- inf = GetContextInfo("position")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if inf >= 100 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("P%3d", inf)
- elseif inf >= 10 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("P%2d ", inf)
- else
- srf1Panel = string.format("P%1d ", inf)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 4 then
- -- laps completed
- inf = GetContextInfo("laps")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- if more then 99 laps
- if inf >= 100 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("L%3d", inf)
- elseif inf >= 10 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("L%2d ", inf)
- else
- srf1Panel = string.format("L%1d ", inf)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 5 then
- -- sector
- inf = GetCarInfo("sector")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- check if sector > 9
- if inf >9 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("S%2d ", inf)
- else
- srf1Panel = string.format("S%1d ", inf)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 6 then
- -- total laps if available
- local tl = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
- if tl < 1 then tl = 0 end
- -- if more then 99 laps
- if tl >= 100 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("T%3d", tl)
- elseif tl >= 10 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("T%2d ", tl)
- else
- srf1Panel = string.format("T%1d ", tl)
- end
- elseif swValue == 7 then
- -- water temp
- inf = GetCarInfo("watertemp")
- if inf ~= nil then
- inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
- srf1Panel = string.format("W%2.1f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 8 then
- -- oil temp
- inf = GetCarInfo("oiltemp")
- if inf ~= nil then
- inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
- srf1Panel = string.format("o%2.1f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 9 then
- -- best lap time
- timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("laptime")
- elseif swValue == 10 then
- -- best lap time
- timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
- elseif swValue == 11 then
- -- last lap time
- timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
- elseif swValue >= 12 and swValue <= 18 and isAppIRacing(sim) then
- timeFlag = true
- diffTimeFlag = true
- -- iRacing partials
- local ts = GetContextInfo("partialcount")
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- if ts ~= nil and ts > 0 then
- if swValue == 12 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("currentpartial", sector)
- elseif swValue == 13 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsbestlap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 14 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimallap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 15 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimalsector", sector)
- elseif swValue == 16 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionbestlap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 17 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimallap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 18 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimalsector", sector)
- end
- else
- lpt = 0.0
- end
- elseif swValue == 19 then
- -- real time diff vs your best
- diffTimeFlag = true
- timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
- elseif swValue == 20 then
- -- real time diff vs your last
- diffTimeFlag = true
- timeFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
- elseif swValue == 21 then
- -- get an average consumption of fuel per lap and gives the remaining laps
- local remainintank = GetCarInfo("remainlapsintank")
- srf1Panel = string.format("L%3.0f", math.floor(remainintank) )
- elseif swValue == 22 then
- -- rpm
- isSlowUpdate = true
- --timeFlag = true
- local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- local r = rpm / 10.0
- if r < 1000 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.1f", r)
- else
- srf1Panel = string.format("%4d.", round(r))
- end
- elseif swValue == 23 then
- -- track size
- isSlowUpdate = true
- --timeFlag = true
- local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
- local r = trcksz / 10
- if r < 1000 then
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.1f", r)
- else
- srf1Panel = string.format("%4d.", round(r))
- end
- elseif swValue == 24 then
- -- distance percent
- local dist = GetContextInfo("lapdistance")
- -- track size
- local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
- local p = round(dist / (trcksz / 100))
- srf1Panel = string.format("D%3d", p )
- elseif swValue == 25 then
- -- kers
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- srf1Panel = string.format("K%3d", round(kers/1000))
- elseif swValue == 26 then
- -- kers max
- local kmx = GetCarInfo("kersmax")
- srf1Panel = string.format("K%3d", round(kmx/1000))
- elseif swValue == 27 then
- -- drs
- local drs = GetCarInfo("drs")
- if drs == 1 then
- srf1Panel = "ON "
- else
- srf1Panel = "OFF"
- end
- elseif swValue == 28 then
- -- kers percent
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- srf1Panel = string.format("K%3d", round((kers/1000)/4))
- elseif swValue == 29 then
- -- wheels temp if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- if rFactor convert Kelvin to Celsius (see global.lua)
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 30 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 31 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 32 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 33 then
- -- wheels pressure if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- convert to psi
- srf1Panel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 34 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- srf1Panel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 35 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- srf1Panel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 36 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- srf1Panel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 37 then
- -- brakes temp if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 38 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 39 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 40 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 41 then
- -- time remaining if available
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("timeremaining")
- timeFlag = true
- elseif swValue == 42 then
- -- PC system time
- systemflag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("systemtime")
- timeFlag = true
- --diffTimeFlag = true
- elseif swValue == 43 then
- -- time elapsed if available
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("timetotalelapsed")
- timeFlag = true
- elseif swValue == 44 then
- -- last sector 1, 2 and 3
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- timeFlag = true
- --diffTimeFlag = true
- if sector == 1 then
- -- sector 3
- local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- local lt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
- if ls1 > 0 and ls2 > 0 then
- lpt = lt - (ls1 + ls2)
- end
- elseif sector == 2 then
- local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- lpt = ls1
- else
- -- sector 3
- local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- lpt = ls2
- end
- elseif swValue == 45 then
- -- PIT
- srf1Panel = "PIT "
- elseif swValue == 46 then
- -- sc
- local sc = GetContextInfo("safetycare")
- if sc == 1 then
- srf1Panel = "SCAR"
- else
- srf1Panel = "OFF "
- end
- elseif swValue == 47 then
- -- real time delta vs last + last sector diff 1, 2 and 3
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- timeFlag = true
- diffTimeFlag = true
- if mDiffSectorDelay == nil or mDiffOldSector == nil or mDiffOldSector ~= sector then
- -- 8s delay, increase it if needed
- mDiffSectorDelay = GetTicks() + 8000
- mDiffOldSector = sector
- end
- -- init backup vars
- if mOld_lt == nil then
- mOld_ls1 = 0.00000
- mOld_ls2 = 0.00000
- mOld_lt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
- end
- -- display delta by default
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
- if mDiffSectorDelay > GetTicks() then
- -- display sector
- if sector == 1 then
- -- sector 3
- --local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- --local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- local lt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
- --i-- delta sector 3f ls1 > 0 and ls2 > 0 and lt > 0 and mOld_ls1 > 0 and mOld_ls2 > 0 and mOld_lt > 0 then
- -- delta sector 3
- --lpt = (lt - (ls1 + ls2)) - (mOld_lt - (mOld_ls1 + mOld_ls2))
- if lt > 0 and mOld_lt > 0 then
- if lt ~= mOld_lt then
- mDelta_lpt = lt - mOld_lt
- print(mDelta_lpt, lt, mOld_lt)
- end
- lpt = mDelta_lpt
- end
- mOld_lt = lt
- elseif sector == 2 then
- -- sector 1
- local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- if ls1 > 0 and mOld_ls1 > 0 then
- lpt = ls1 - mOld_ls1
- end
- mOld_ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- print(lpt, ls1 , mOld_ls1, mOld_ls2)
- else
- -- sector 2
- local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- if ls2 > 0 and mOld_ls2 > 0 then
- lpt = ls2 - mOld_ls2
- end
- mOld_ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- print(lpt, ls2 , mOld_ls1, mOld_ls2)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 48 then
- -- real time delta vs best + last sector diff 1, 2 and 3
- -- get sector
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- -- set flags
- timeFlag = true
- diffTimeFlag = true
- -- set delay
- if mDiffSectorDelay == nil or mDiffOldSector == nil or mDiffOldSector ~= sector then
- -- 8s delay, increase it if needed
- mDiffSectorDelay = GetTicks() + 8000
- mDiffOldSector = sector
- end
- -- init backup vars
- if mOld_bt == nil then
- mOld_bs1 = 0.00000
- mOld_bs2 = 0.00000
- mOld_bt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
- end
- -- display delta by default
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
- if mDiffSectorDelay > GetTicks() then
- -- display sector diff during delay
- if sector == 1 then
- -- sector 3
- --local bs1 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
- --local bs2 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
- local bt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
- --if bs1 > 0 and bs2 > 0 and bt > 0 and mOld_bs1 > 0 and mOld_bs2 > 0 and mOld_bt > 0 then
- -- delta sector 3
- -- lpt = (bt - (bs1 + bs2)) - (mOld_bt - (mOld_bs1 + mOld_bs2))
- if bt > 0 and mOld_bt > 0 then
- if bt ~= mOld_bt then
- mDelta_lptb = bt - mOld_bt
- print(mDelta_lpt, bt, mOld_bt)
- end
- lpt = mDelta_lptb
- end
- mOld_bt = bt
- elseif sector == 2 then
- -- sector 1
- local bs1 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
- if bs1 > 0 and mOld_bs1 > 0 then
- lpt = bs1 - mOld_bs1
- end
- print(lpt, bs1 )
- mOld_bs2 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
- else
- -- sector 2
- local bs2 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
- if bs2 > 0 and mOld_bs2 > 0 then
- lpt = bs2 - mOld_bs2
- end
- print(lpt, bs2 )
- mOld_bs1 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
- end
- end
- else
- srf1Panel = " "
- end
- -- check if diff time is ready
- local diffOK = GetTimeInfo("realdifftimeready")
- if diffTimeFlag and diffOK == false then
- diffTimeFlag = false
- timeFlag = false
- srf1Panel = "NPEF"
- mOld_ls1 = 0.00000
- mOld_ls2 = 0.00000
- mOld_lt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
- end
- local c = ""
- local refreshRate = mRefreshLapTimeRate
- if diffTimeFlag then
- c = "+"
- refreshRate = mDeltaTimeDelay
- end
- if timeFlag and lpt ~= nil then
- -- set char of negative number
- if diffTimeFlag then
- if lpt < 0 then c = "-" end
- end
- -- explod time
- hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
- --print("lpt: " .. lpt .. " m: " .. mn .. " - s: " .. sc .. " - ms: " .. ms .."\n" )
- -- update display every mDeltaTimeDelay time
- if GetTicks() > (refreshRate + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
- mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
- if lpt == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0000 then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = "-.---"
- elseif systemflag then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%2d.%02d", mn, sc)
- elseif mn > 9 then
- -- > 9mn
- if c == "" then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%2d.%2d", mn, sc)
- else
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%2d ", c, mn)
- end
- elseif mn > 0 and mn < 10 then
- -- < 10mn
- if c == "" then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%1d.%02d.%01d", mn, sc, hd)
- else
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%1d.%02d", c, mn, sc)
- end
- else
- -- sc > 9
- if sc > 9 then
- if c == "" then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "0.%2d.%1d", sc, hd)
- else
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%02d.%01d", c, sc, hd)
- end
- else
- -- sc < 0
- if c == "" then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "0.%01d.%02d", sc, hd)
- else
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%01d.%02d", c, sc, hd)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --print(srf1Panel,mDeltaTimeBackup)
- srf1Panel = mDeltaTimeBackup
- end
- if isSlowUpdate then
- if GetTicks() > ( refreshRate + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
- mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
- if side == 0 then
- mSRF1LeftText = srf1Panel
- else
- mSRF1RightText = srf1Panel
- end
- -- print(GetTicks() .. mSRF1RightText .."\n")
- end
- else
- if side == 0 then
- mSRF1LeftText = srf1Panel
- else
- mSRF1RightText = srf1Panel
- end
- end
- -- print(mSRF1LeftText, mSRF1RightText, srf1Panel)
- -- send string to sli manager
- if side == 0 then
- SetLeftDigits( mSRF1LeftText )
- else
- SetRightDigits( mSRF1RightText )
- end
- return 1
+-- SIMRACE F1 Lua Script v1.1.3
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- this script builds all functions associated with
+-- left and right panels of SIMRACE-F1 device
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-10
+-- ============================================================
+-- Left and Right Panel functions
+-- ============================================================
+function srf1LeftDigitsEvent(swFunction)
+ return srf1DigitsEvent(swFunction, 0)
+function srf1RightDigitsEvent(swFunction)
+ return srf1DigitsEvent(swFunction, 1)
+-- IN function of left panel
+-- param: recieve from SLI Manager the current switch position
+function srf1DigitsEvent(swFunction, side)
+ swValue = swFunction + 1
+ -- call custom script
+ if side == 0 then
+ local result = custom_srf1LeftDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_srf1LeftDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ else
+ local result = custom_srf1RightDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_srf1RightDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ end
+ local hr = 0
+ local mn = 0
+ local sc = 0
+ local ms = 0
+ local hd = 0
+ local lpt = 0.0
+ local diffTimeFlag = false
+ local timeFlag = false
+ local systemflag = false
+ local unit = false
+ local inf = ""
+ local spd = 0.0
+ local isSlowUpdate = false
+ local srf1Panel = ""
+ -- get speed in kph or mph (use "rawspeed" to get value in meter/sec)
+ local spd = GetCarInfo("speed")
+ -- get current display unit metric or imperial
+ unit = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
+ -- lap finished, display lap time a few seconds
+ local dlt = false
+ dlt = GetContextInfo("displaylaptime")
+ if dlt == nil then dlt = false end
+ if dlt and side == 1 and swValue ~= 47 and swValue ~= 48 then
+ swValue = 11
+ end
+ -- check if quick info button is down
+ local qi = false
+ qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
+ if qi == nil or qi == 0 then qi = false end
+ if qi then
+ -- get index for left and right panel
+ local qiInf = 1
+ if side == 0 then
+ qiInf = GetContextInfo("quickinfoleft")
+ else
+ qiInf = GetContextInfo("quickinforight")
+ end
+ if qiInf == nil then qiInf = 1 end
+ -- force position to match QI preference
+ swValue = qiInf
+ end
+ -- check if PIT Feedback ON
+ local pf = false
+ pf = GetContextInfo("pitfeedback")
+ if pf == nil or pf == 0 then pf = false end
+ if pf then
+ -- force position to PIT/SPEED function if car pits
+ local pit = GetCarInfo("inpits")
+ if pit > 0 then
+ if side == 0 then
+ swValue = 45
+ else
+ swValue = 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- get current simulation name
+ local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
+ --print ( "swValue: " .. swValue .. "\n")
+ -- check postion and compute left panel string
+ if swValue == 1 then
+ -- speed only
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", spd )
+ elseif swValue == 2 then
+ -- fuel
+ local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
+ if fuel ~= nil then
+ fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
+ if fuel >= 100 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("F%3d", round(fuel))
+ elseif fuel >= 10 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("F%2d ", round(fuel))
+ else
+ srf1Panel = string.format("F%1.1f ", fuel)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 3 then
+ -- position
+ inf = GetContextInfo("position")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if inf >= 100 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("P%3d", inf)
+ elseif inf >= 10 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("P%2d ", inf)
+ else
+ srf1Panel = string.format("P%1d ", inf)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 4 then
+ -- laps completed
+ inf = GetContextInfo("laps")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- if more then 99 laps
+ if inf >= 100 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("L%3d", inf)
+ elseif inf >= 10 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("L%2d ", inf)
+ else
+ srf1Panel = string.format("L%1d ", inf)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 5 then
+ -- sector
+ inf = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- check if sector > 9
+ if inf >9 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("S%2d ", inf)
+ else
+ srf1Panel = string.format("S%1d ", inf)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 6 then
+ -- total laps if available
+ local tl = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
+ if tl < 1 then tl = 0 end
+ -- if more then 99 laps
+ if tl >= 100 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("T%3d", tl)
+ elseif tl >= 10 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("T%2d ", tl)
+ else
+ srf1Panel = string.format("T%1d ", tl)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 7 then
+ -- water temp
+ inf = GetCarInfo("watertemp")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
+ srf1Panel = string.format("W%2.1f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 8 then
+ -- oil temp
+ inf = GetCarInfo("oiltemp")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
+ srf1Panel = string.format("o%2.1f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 9 then
+ -- best lap time
+ timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("laptime")
+ elseif swValue == 10 then
+ -- best lap time
+ timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
+ elseif swValue == 11 then
+ -- last lap time
+ timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
+ elseif swValue >= 12 and swValue <= 18 and isAppIRacing(sim) then
+ timeFlag = true
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ -- iRacing partials
+ local ts = GetContextInfo("partialcount")
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ if ts ~= nil and ts > 0 then
+ if swValue == 12 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("currentpartial", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 13 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsbestlap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 14 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimallap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 15 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimalsector", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 16 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionbestlap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 17 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimallap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 18 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimalsector", sector)
+ end
+ else
+ lpt = 0.0
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 19 then
+ -- real time diff vs your best
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
+ elseif swValue == 20 then
+ -- real time diff vs your last
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ timeFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
+ elseif swValue == 21 then
+ -- get an average consumption of fuel per lap and gives the remaining laps
+ local remainintank = GetCarInfo("remainlapsintank")
+ srf1Panel = string.format("L%3.0f", math.floor(remainintank) )
+ elseif swValue == 22 then
+ -- rpm
+ isSlowUpdate = true
+ --timeFlag = true
+ local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ local r = rpm / 10.0
+ if r < 1000 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.1f", r)
+ else
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%4d.", round(r))
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 23 then
+ -- track size
+ isSlowUpdate = true
+ --timeFlag = true
+ local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
+ local r = trcksz / 10
+ if r < 1000 then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.1f", r)
+ else
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%4d.", round(r))
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 24 then
+ -- distance percent
+ local dist = GetContextInfo("lapdistance")
+ -- track size
+ local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
+ local p = round(dist / (trcksz / 100))
+ srf1Panel = string.format("D%3d", p )
+ elseif swValue == 25 then
+ -- kers
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ srf1Panel = string.format("K%3d", round(kers/1000))
+ elseif swValue == 26 then
+ -- kers max
+ local kmx = GetCarInfo("kersmax")
+ srf1Panel = string.format("K%3d", round(kmx/1000))
+ elseif swValue == 27 then
+ -- drs
+ local drs = GetCarInfo("drs")
+ if drs == 1 then
+ srf1Panel = "ON "
+ else
+ srf1Panel = "OFF"
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 28 then
+ -- kers percent
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ srf1Panel = string.format("K%3d", round((kers/1000)/4))
+ elseif swValue == 29 then
+ -- wheels temp if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- if rFactor convert Kelvin to Celsius (see global.lua)
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 30 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 31 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 32 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 33 then
+ -- wheels pressure if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- convert to psi
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 34 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 35 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 36 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%2.1f ", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 37 then
+ -- brakes temp if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 38 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 39 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 40 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ srf1Panel = string.format("%3.0f ", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 41 then
+ -- time remaining if available
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("timeremaining")
+ timeFlag = true
+ elseif swValue == 42 then
+ -- PC system time
+ systemflag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("systemtime")
+ timeFlag = true
+ --diffTimeFlag = true
+ elseif swValue == 43 then
+ -- time elapsed if available
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("timetotalelapsed")
+ timeFlag = true
+ elseif swValue == 44 then
+ -- last sector 1, 2 and 3
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ timeFlag = true
+ --diffTimeFlag = true
+ if sector == 1 then
+ -- sector 3
+ local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ local lt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
+ if ls1 > 0 and ls2 > 0 then
+ lpt = lt - (ls1 + ls2)
+ end
+ elseif sector == 2 then
+ local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ lpt = ls1
+ else
+ -- sector 3
+ local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ lpt = ls2
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 45 then
+ -- PIT
+ srf1Panel = "PIT "
+ elseif swValue == 46 then
+ -- sc
+ local sc = GetContextInfo("safetycare")
+ if sc == 1 then
+ srf1Panel = "SCAR"
+ else
+ srf1Panel = "OFF "
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 47 then
+ -- real time delta vs last + last sector diff 1, 2 and 3
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ timeFlag = true
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ if mDiffSectorDelay == nil or mDiffOldSector == nil or mDiffOldSector ~= sector then
+ -- 8s delay, increase it if needed
+ mDiffSectorDelay = GetTicks() + 8000
+ mDiffOldSector = sector
+ end
+ -- init backup vars
+ if mOld_lt == nil then
+ mOld_ls1 = 0.00000
+ mOld_ls2 = 0.00000
+ mOld_lt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
+ end
+ -- display delta by default
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
+ if mDiffSectorDelay > GetTicks() then
+ -- display sector
+ if sector == 1 then
+ -- sector 3
+ --local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ --local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ local lt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
+ --i-- delta sector 3f ls1 > 0 and ls2 > 0 and lt > 0 and mOld_ls1 > 0 and mOld_ls2 > 0 and mOld_lt > 0 then
+ -- delta sector 3
+ --lpt = (lt - (ls1 + ls2)) - (mOld_lt - (mOld_ls1 + mOld_ls2))
+ if lt > 0 and mOld_lt > 0 then
+ if lt ~= mOld_lt then
+ mDelta_lpt = lt - mOld_lt
+ print(mDelta_lpt, lt, mOld_lt)
+ end
+ lpt = mDelta_lpt
+ end
+ mOld_lt = lt
+ elseif sector == 2 then
+ -- sector 1
+ local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ if ls1 > 0 and mOld_ls1 > 0 then
+ lpt = ls1 - mOld_ls1
+ end
+ mOld_ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ print(lpt, ls1 , mOld_ls1, mOld_ls2)
+ else
+ -- sector 2
+ local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ if ls2 > 0 and mOld_ls2 > 0 then
+ lpt = ls2 - mOld_ls2
+ end
+ mOld_ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ print(lpt, ls2 , mOld_ls1, mOld_ls2)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 48 then
+ -- real time delta vs best + last sector diff 1, 2 and 3
+ -- get sector
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ -- set flags
+ timeFlag = true
+ diffTimeFlag = true
+ -- set delay
+ if mDiffSectorDelay == nil or mDiffOldSector == nil or mDiffOldSector ~= sector then
+ -- 8s delay, increase it if needed
+ mDiffSectorDelay = GetTicks() + 8000
+ mDiffOldSector = sector
+ end
+ -- init backup vars
+ if mOld_bt == nil then
+ mOld_bs1 = 0.00000
+ mOld_bs2 = 0.00000
+ mOld_bt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
+ end
+ -- display delta by default
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
+ if mDiffSectorDelay > GetTicks() then
+ -- display sector diff during delay
+ if sector == 1 then
+ -- sector 3
+ --local bs1 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
+ --local bs2 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
+ local bt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
+ --if bs1 > 0 and bs2 > 0 and bt > 0 and mOld_bs1 > 0 and mOld_bs2 > 0 and mOld_bt > 0 then
+ -- delta sector 3
+ -- lpt = (bt - (bs1 + bs2)) - (mOld_bt - (mOld_bs1 + mOld_bs2))
+ if bt > 0 and mOld_bt > 0 then
+ if bt ~= mOld_bt then
+ mDelta_lptb = bt - mOld_bt
+ print(mDelta_lpt, bt, mOld_bt)
+ end
+ lpt = mDelta_lptb
+ end
+ mOld_bt = bt
+ elseif sector == 2 then
+ -- sector 1
+ local bs1 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
+ if bs1 > 0 and mOld_bs1 > 0 then
+ lpt = bs1 - mOld_bs1
+ end
+ print(lpt, bs1 )
+ mOld_bs2 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
+ else
+ -- sector 2
+ local bs2 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
+ if bs2 > 0 and mOld_bs2 > 0 then
+ lpt = bs2 - mOld_bs2
+ end
+ print(lpt, bs2 )
+ mOld_bs1 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ srf1Panel = " "
+ end
+ -- check if diff time is ready
+ local diffOK = GetTimeInfo("realdifftimeready")
+ if diffTimeFlag and diffOK == false then
+ diffTimeFlag = false
+ timeFlag = false
+ srf1Panel = "NPEF"
+ mOld_ls1 = 0.00000
+ mOld_ls2 = 0.00000
+ mOld_lt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
+ end
+ local c = ""
+ local refreshRate = mRefreshLapTimeRate
+ if diffTimeFlag then
+ c = "+"
+ refreshRate = mDeltaTimeDelay
+ end
+ if timeFlag and lpt ~= nil then
+ -- set char of negative number
+ if diffTimeFlag then
+ if lpt < 0 then c = "-" end
+ end
+ -- explod time
+ hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
+ --print("lpt: " .. lpt .. " m: " .. mn .. " - s: " .. sc .. " - ms: " .. ms .."\n" )
+ -- update display every mDeltaTimeDelay time
+ if GetTicks() > (refreshRate + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
+ mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
+ if lpt == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0000 then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = "-.---"
+ elseif systemflag then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%2d.%02d", mn, sc)
+ elseif mn > 9 then
+ -- > 9mn
+ if c == "" then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%2d.%2d", mn, sc)
+ else
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%2d ", c, mn)
+ end
+ elseif mn > 0 and mn < 10 then
+ -- < 10mn
+ if c == "" then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%1d.%02d.%01d", mn, sc, hd)
+ else
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%1d.%02d", c, mn, sc)
+ end
+ else
+ -- sc > 9
+ if sc > 9 then
+ if c == "" then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "0.%2d.%1d", sc, hd)
+ else
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%02d.%01d", c, sc, hd)
+ end
+ else
+ -- sc < 0
+ if c == "" then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "0.%01d.%02d", sc, hd)
+ else
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%01d.%02d", c, sc, hd)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --print(srf1Panel,mDeltaTimeBackup)
+ srf1Panel = mDeltaTimeBackup
+ end
+ if isSlowUpdate then
+ if GetTicks() > ( refreshRate + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
+ mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
+ if side == 0 then
+ mSRF1LeftText = srf1Panel
+ else
+ mSRF1RightText = srf1Panel
+ end
+ -- print(GetTicks() .. mSRF1RightText .."\n")
+ end
+ else
+ if side == 0 then
+ mSRF1LeftText = srf1Panel
+ else
+ mSRF1RightText = srf1Panel
+ end
+ end
+ -- print(mSRF1LeftText, mSRF1RightText, srf1Panel)
+ -- send string to sli manager
+ if side == 0 then
+ SetLeftDigits( mSRF1LeftText )
+ else
+ SetRightDigits( mSRF1RightText )
+ end
+ return 1
diff --git a/scripts/simracef1_iracing.lua b/scripts/simracef1_iracing.lua
index e50287c..0f1e693 100644
--- a/scripts/simracef1_iracing.lua
+++ b/scripts/simracef1_iracing.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
--- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
--- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-08
--- ================================
--- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
-mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
--- ================================
--- load common scripts file
+-- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
+-- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-08
+-- ================================
+-- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
+mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
+-- ================================
+-- load common scripts file
require "scripts/zdoc_scripts/iracing_common_scripts" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/slidevice.lua b/scripts/slidevice.lua
index 2f05552..a5ef3de 100644
--- a/scripts/slidevice.lua
+++ b/scripts/slidevice.lua
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
--- Load SLIMax Mgr Lua Scripts v3.3
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- changed by Zappadoc - 2013-09
--- main device script, do not modify this script
-require "scripts/led"
-require "scripts/enter_exit_session"
-require "scripts/gear"
-require "scripts/simracef1"
-require "scripts/simracedlx"
-require "scripts/fanatec"
-require "scripts/slipro"
-require "scripts/shiftlights"
-require "scripts/speedlimiter"
-require "scripts/osp"
-require "scripts/controls"
-require "scripts/devhook"
-require "scripts/global_custom_scripts"
-require "scripts/custom_events"
--- load the custom scripts if exists
-scr = GetCustomScripts("scriptname")
--- print ( scr )
-if scr ~= nil and scr ~= "" then
- mCustomScriptsFileName = scr
- require(mCustomScriptsFileName)
- custom_initEvent(scr)
+-- Load SLIMax Mgr Lua Scripts v3.3
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- changed by Zappadoc - 2013-09
+-- main device script, do not modify this script
+require "scripts/led"
+require "scripts/enter_exit_session"
+require "scripts/gear"
+require "scripts/simracef1"
+require "scripts/simracedlx"
+require "scripts/fanatec"
+require "scripts/slipro"
+require "scripts/shiftlights"
+require "scripts/speedlimiter"
+require "scripts/osp"
+require "scripts/controls"
+require "scripts/devhook"
+require "scripts/global_custom_scripts"
+require "scripts/custom_events"
+-- load the custom scripts if exists
+scr = GetCustomScripts("scriptname")
+-- print ( scr )
+if scr ~= nil and scr ~= "" then
+ mCustomScriptsFileName = scr
+ require(mCustomScriptsFileName)
+ custom_initEvent(scr)
diff --git a/scripts/sliemu_iracing.lua b/scripts/sliemu_iracing.lua
index 2d5b5ba..f1a9c06 100644
--- a/scripts/sliemu_iracing.lua
+++ b/scripts/sliemu_iracing.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
--- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
--- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2012-09-16
--- ================================
--- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
-mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
--- ================================
--- load common scripts file
+-- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
+-- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2012-09-16
+-- ================================
+-- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
+mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
+-- ================================
+-- load common scripts file
require "scripts/zdoc_scripts/iracing_common_scripts" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/slim_iracing.lua b/scripts/slim_iracing.lua
index 2d5b5ba..f1a9c06 100644
--- a/scripts/slim_iracing.lua
+++ b/scripts/slim_iracing.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
--- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
--- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2012-09-16
--- ================================
--- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
-mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
--- ================================
--- load common scripts file
+-- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
+-- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2012-09-16
+-- ================================
+-- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
+mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
+-- ================================
+-- load common scripts file
require "scripts/zdoc_scripts/iracing_common_scripts" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/slipro.lua b/scripts/slipro.lua
index df4833c..431f836 100644
--- a/scripts/slipro.lua
+++ b/scripts/slipro.lua
@@ -1,865 +1,865 @@
--- SLIPRO Lua Script v3.3.2
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- this script builds all functions associated with
--- left and right panels of SLIPRO device
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
--- ============================================================
--- Left and Right Panel functions
--- ============================================================
--- IN function of left panel
--- param: recieve from SLI Manager the current switch position
-function leftDigitsEvent(swFunction)
- swValue = swFunction + 1
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_leftDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_leftDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- local lPanel = ""
- local inf = ""
- local unit = false
- local spd = 0.0
- -- get speed in kph or mph (use "rawspeed" to get value in meter/sec)
- local spd = GetCarInfo("speed")
- -- get current display unit metric or imperial
- unit = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
- -- check if quick info button is down
- local qi = false
- qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
- if qi == nil or qi == 0 then qi = false end
- if qi then
- -- get index for left panel
- local qiLeft = GetContextInfo("quickinfoleft")
- if qiLeft == nil then qiLeft = 1 end
- -- force position to match QI preference
- swValue = qiLeft
- end
- -- check if PIT Feedback ON
- local pf = false
- pf = GetContextInfo("pitfeedback")
- if pf == nil or pf == 0 then pf = false end
- if pf then
- -- force position to PIT/SPEED function if car pits
- local pit = GetCarInfo("inpits")
- if pit > 0 then
- swValue = 35
- end
- end
- -- get current simulation name
- local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
- --print ( "swValue: " .. swValue .. "\n")
- -- check postion and compute left panel string
- if swValue == 1 then
- -- speed only
- lPanel = string.format(" %3.0f ", spd )
- elseif swValue == 2 then
- -- fuel:speed
- local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
- if fuel ~= nil then
- fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
- if fuel >= 100 then
- lPanel = string.format("%03d:%3d", round(fuel), spd)
- elseif fuel >= 10 then
- lPanel = string.format("F%02d:%3d", round(fuel), spd)
- else
- lPanel = string.format("F%1.1f:%3d", fuel, spd)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 3 then
- -- position:speed
- inf = GetContextInfo("position")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if inf >= 100 then
- lPanel = string.format("%03d:%3.0f", inf, spd)
- else
- lPanel = string.format("P%02d:%3.0f", inf, spd)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 4 then
- -- laps completed:speed
- inf = GetContextInfo("laps")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- if more then 99 laps
- if inf >= 100 then
- lPanel = string.format("%03d:%3.0f", inf, spd)
- else
- lPanel = string.format("L%02d:%3.0f", inf, spd)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 5 then
- -- sector:speed
- inf = GetCarInfo("sector")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- check if sector > 9
- if inf >9 then
- lPanel = string.format("S%02d:%3.0f", inf, spd)
- else
- lPanel = string.format("S%01d :%3.0f", inf, spd)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 6 then
- -- laps completed:total laps if available
- inf = GetContextInfo("laps")
- if inf ~= nil then
- local tl = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
- if tl < 1 then tl = 0 end
- -- if more then 99 laps
- if inf >= 100 or tl >= 100 then
- lPanel = string.format("%03d:%03d", inf, tl)
- else
- lPanel = string.format("L%02d:t%02d", inf, tl)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 7 then
- -- water temp
- inf = GetCarInfo("watertemp")
- if inf ~= nil then
- inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
- lPanel = string.format("H2o:%2.1f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 8 then
- -- oil temp
- inf = GetCarInfo("oiltemp")
- if inf ~= nil then
- inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
- lPanel = string.format("OIL:%2.1f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 9 then
- -- wheels temp if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- if rFactor convert Kelvin to Celsius (see global.lua)
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- lPanel = string.format("tFL:%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 10 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- lPanel = string.format("tFr:%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 11 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- lPanel = string.format("trL:%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 12 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- lPanel = string.format("trr:%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 13 then
- -- wheels pressure if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- -- convert to psi
- lPanel = string.format("PFL:%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 14 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- lPanel = string.format("PFr:%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 15 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- lPanel = string.format("PrL:%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 16 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- lPanel = string.format("Prr:%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
- end
- elseif swValue == 17 then
- -- brakes temp if available
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- lPanel = string.format("BFL:%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 18 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- lPanel = string.format("BFr:%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 19 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearleft")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- lPanel = string.format("BrL:%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 20 then
- inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearright")
- if inf ~= nil then
- if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
- lPanel = string.format("Brr:%3.0f", inf)
- end
- elseif swValue == 21 then
- -- position
- local pos = GetContextInfo("position")
- lPanel = string.format(" P%02d ", pos )
- elseif swValue == 22 then
- -- get an average consumption of fuel per lap and gives the remaining laps
- local remainintank = GetCarInfo("remainlapsintank")
- lPanel = string.format(" FL%3.0f", math.floor(remainintank) )
- elseif swValue == 23 then
- -- rpm
- local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- lPanel = string.format("%5d ", rpm)
- elseif swValue == 24 then
- -- track size
- local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
- lPanel = string.format("%5d ", trcksz)
- elseif swValue == 25 then
- -- 25.fuel
- local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
- if fuel ~= nil then
- fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
- if fuel >= 100 then
- lPanel = string.format(" F%03d ", round(fuel))
- elseif fuel >= 10 then
- lPanel = string.format(" F%02d ", round(fuel))
- else
- lPanel = string.format(" F%1.1f ", fuel)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 26 then
- -- 26.distance
- local dist = GetContextInfo("lapdistance")
- lPanel = string.format(" %5d", dist )
- elseif swValue == 27 then
- --27.lap completed
- local laps = GetContextInfo("laps")
- lPanel = string.format(" %3d ", laps )
- elseif swValue == 28 then
- laps
- local lpcnt = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
- lPanel = string.format(" %3d ", lpcnt )
- elseif swValue == 29 then
- --29.sector
- local sect = GetCarInfo("sector")
- -- check if sector > 9
- if sect >9 then
- lPanel = string.format(" S%02d ", sect)
- else
- lPanel = string.format(" S%01d ", sect)
- end
- elseif swValue == 30 then
- --30.kers
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- lPanel = string.format(" E:%3d", round(kers/1000))
- elseif swValue == 31 then
- --31.kers max
- local kmx = GetCarInfo("kersmax")
- lPanel = string.format(" E:%03d", round(kmx/1000))
- elseif swValue == 32 then
- --32.drs
- local drs = GetCarInfo("drs")
- if drs == 1 then
- lPanel = "DrS:ON "
- else
- lPanel = "DrS:OFF"
- end
- elseif swValue == 33 then
- --33.kers percent
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- lPanel = string.format(" E:%3d", round((kers/1000)/4))
- elseif swValue == 34 then
- --33.kers percent:speed
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- lPanel = string.format("%3d:%3.0f", round((kers/1000)/4), spd)
- elseif swValue == 35 then
- -- PIT
- lPanel = " PIt "
- elseif swValue == 36 then
- -- sc
- local sc = GetContextInfo("safetycare")
- if sc == 1 then
- lPanel = " SCAR "
- else
- lPanel = " OFF "
- end
- else
- lPanel = "-:--.---"
- end
- -- send string to sli manager
- SetLeftDigits( lPanel )
- return 1
--- IN function of right panel
--- param: recieve from SLI Manager the current switch position
-function rightDigitsEvent(swFunction)
- swValue = swFunction + 1
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_rightDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_rightDigitsEvent(swValue)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- local hr = 0
- local mn = 0
- local sc = 0
- local ms = 0
- local hd = 0
- local rPanel = ""
- local lpt = 0.0
- local diffFlag = false
- local unit = false
- -- is OSP Tracking ON
- local ospt = false
- ospt = GetContextInfo("osptracking")
- if ospt == nil then ospt = false end
- if ospt then
- swValue = 23
- end
- -- lap finished, display lap time a few seconds
- local dlt = false
- dlt = GetContextInfo("displaylaptime")
- if dlt == nil then dlt = false end
- if dlt and swValue ~= 37 and swValue ~= 38 then
- swValue = 3
- end
- -- check if quick info button is down
- local qi = false
- qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
- if qi == nil or qi == 0 then qi = false end
- if qi then
- -- get index for right panel
- local qiRight = GetContextInfo("quickinforight")
- if qiRight == nil then qiRight = 1 end
- swValue = qiRight
- end
- -- get current display unit metric or imperial
- unit = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
- -- check if PIT Feedback ON
- local pf = false
- pf = GetContextInfo("pitfeedback")
- if pf == nil or pf == 0 then pf = false end
- if pf then
- -- force position to SPEED function
- local pit = GetCarInfo("inpits")
- if pit > 0 then
- swValue = 20
- end
- end
- --print ( "swValue: " .. swValue .. "\n")
- -- get sim name
- local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
- if sim ~= nil then
- if swValue == 1 then
- -- current lap time
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("laptime")
- elseif swValue == 2 then
- -- best lap time (PB)
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
- elseif swValue == 3 then
- -- last lap time
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
- elseif swValue >= 4 and swValue <= 10 and isAppIRacing(sim) then
- -- iRacing partials
- local ts = GetContextInfo("partialcount")
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- if ts ~= nil and ts > 0 then
- if swValue == 4 then
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("currentpartial", sector)
- elseif swValue == 5 then
- diffFlag = true
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsbestlap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 6 then
- diffFlag = true
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimallap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 7 then
- diffFlag = true
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimalsector", sector)
- elseif swValue == 8 then
- diffFlag = true
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionbestlap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 9 then
- diffFlag = true
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimallap", sector)
- elseif swValue == 10 then
- diffFlag = true
- lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimalsector", sector)
- end
- else
- lpt = 0.0
- end
- elseif swValue == 11 then
- -- real time diff vs your best
- diffFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
- elseif swValue == 12 then
- -- real time diff vs your last
- diffFlag = true
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
- elseif swValue == 13 then
- -- current sector
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- if sector == 1 then
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("sector1")
- elseif sector == 2 then
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("sector2")
- else
- -- sector 3
- local s1 = GetTimeInfo("sector1")
- local s2 = GetTimeInfo("sector2")
- local lt = GetTimeInfo("laptime")
- lpt = lt - (s1 + s2)
- end
- elseif swValue == 14 then
- -- best sector 1
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
- elseif swValue == 15 then
- -- best sector 2
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
- elseif swValue == 16 then
- -- last sector 1
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- elseif swValue == 17 then
- -- last sector 2
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- elseif swValue == 18 then
- -- position
- local pos = GetContextInfo("position")
- if pos >= 100 then
- rPanel = string.format(" P%03d ", pos )
- else
- rPanel = string.format(" P%02d ", pos )
- end
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 19 then
- -- get an average consumption of fuel per lap and gives the remaining laps
- local remainintank = GetCarInfo("remainlapsintank")
- rPanel = string.format(" FL%3.0f", math.floor(remainintank) )
- elseif swValue == 20 then
- -- speed on right panel
- local spd = GetCarInfo("speed")
- rPanel = string.format(" %3d ", spd )
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 21 then
- -- time remaining if available
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("timeremaining")
- -- explod time
- hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
- if hr > 0 then
- rPanel = string.format( "%02dh%02d ", hr, mn)
- else
- rPanel = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", mn, sc)
- end
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 22 then
- -- PC system time
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("systemtime")
- -- explod time
- hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
- rPanel = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", hr, mn)
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 23 then
- -- rpm:gear
- local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- if rpm == nil then
- return 1
- end
- local gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
- if gear ~= nil then
- rPanel = string.format("%5d:%d", rpm, gear)
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- end
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 24 then
- -- time elapsed if available
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("timetotalelapsed")
- -- explod time
- hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
- if hr > 0 then
- rPanel = string.format( "%02dh%02d ", hr, mn)
- else
- rPanel = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", mn, sc)
- end
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 25 then
- -- 25.fuel
- local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
- if fuel ~= nil then
- fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
- if fuel >= 100 then
- rPanel = string.format(" F%03d ", round(fuel))
- elseif fuel >= 10 then
- rPanel = string.format(" F%02d ", round(fuel))
- else
- rPanel = string.format(" F%1.1f ", fuel)
- end
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- end
- elseif swValue == 26 then
- -- 26.distance
- local dist = GetContextInfo("lapdistance")
- rPanel = string.format(" %5d", dist )
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 27 then
- --27.lap completed
- local laps = GetContextInfo("laps")
- rPanel = string.format(" %3d ", laps )
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 28 then
- laps
- local lpcnt = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
- rPanel = string.format(" %3d ", lpcnt )
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 29 then
- --29.sector
- local sect = GetCarInfo("sector")
- -- check if sector > 9
- if sect >9 then
- rPanel = string.format(" S%02d ", sect)
- else
- rPanel = string.format(" S%01d ", sect)
- end
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 30 then
- --30.kers
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- rPanel = string.format(" E%03d ", round(kers/1000) )
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 31 then
- --31.kers max
- local kmx = GetCarInfo("kersmax")
- rPanel = string.format(" E%03d ", round(kmx/1000) )
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 32 then
- --32.drs
- rPanel = "DrS.OFF"
- local drs = GetCarInfo("drs")
- if drs >= 1 then
- rPanel = "DrS. ON"
- end
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 33 then
- --33.kers percent
- local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
- rPanel = string.format(" %3d ", round((kers/1000)/4))
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 34 then
- --34 track size
- local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
- rPanel = string.format("%5d ", trcksz)
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 35 then
- --35 last sector 1, 2 and 3
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- if sector == 1 then
- -- sector 3
- local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- local lt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
- if ls1 > 0 and ls2 > 0 then
- lpt = lt - (ls1 + ls2)
- end
- elseif sector == 2 then
- local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- lpt = ls1
- else
- -- sector 3
- local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- lpt = ls2
- end
- elseif swValue == 36 then
- --36.rpm
- local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
- rPanel = string.format("%5d ", rpm)
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- elseif swValue == 37 then
- -- real time delta vs last + last sector diff 1, 2 and 3
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- diffFlag = true
- if mDiffSectorDelay == nil or mDiffOldSector == nil or mDiffOldSector ~= sector then
- -- 8s delay, increase it if needed
- mDiffSectorDelay = GetTicks() + 8000
- mDiffOldSector = sector
- end
- -- init backup vars
- if mOld_lt == nil then
- mOld_ls1 = 0.00000
- mOld_ls2 = 0.00000
- mOld_lt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
- end
- -- display delta by default
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
- if mDiffSectorDelay > GetTicks() then
- -- display sector
- if sector == 1 then
- -- sector 3
- local lt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
- -- if ls1 > 0 and ls2 > 0 and lt > 0 and mOld_ls1 > 0 and mOld_ls2 > 0 and mOld_lt > 0 then
- -- delta sector 3
- --lpt = (lt - (ls1 + ls2)) - (mOld_lt - (mOld_ls1 + mOld_ls2))
- if lt > 0 and mOld_lt > 0 then
- if lt ~= mOld_lt then
- mDelta_lpt = lt - mOld_lt
- print(mDelta_lpt, lt, mOld_lt)
- end
- lpt = mDelta_lpt
- end
- mOld_lt = lt
- elseif sector == 2 then
- -- sector 1
- local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- if ls1 > 0 and mOld_ls1 > 0 then
- lpt = ls1 - mOld_ls1
- end
- mOld_ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- print(lpt, ls1 , mOld_ls1, mOld_ls2)
- else
- -- sector 2
- local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
- if ls2 > 0 and mOld_ls2 > 0 then
- lpt = ls2 - mOld_ls2
- end
- mOld_ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
- print(lpt, ls2 , mOld_ls1, mOld_ls2)
- end
- end
- elseif swValue == 38 then
- -- real time delta vs best + last sector diff 1, 2 and 3
- -- get sector
- local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
- -- set flags
- diffFlag = true
- -- set delay
- if mDiffSectorDelay == nil or mDiffOldSector == nil or mDiffOldSector ~= sector then
- -- 8s delay, increase it if needed
- mDiffSectorDelay = GetTicks() + 8000
- mDiffOldSector = sector
- end
- -- init backup vars
- if mOld_bt == nil then
- mOld_bs1 = 0.00000
- mOld_bs2 = 0.00000
- mOld_bt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
- end
- -- display delta by default
- lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
- if mDiffSectorDelay > GetTicks() then
- -- display sector diff during delay
- if sector == 1 then
- -- sector 3
- local bt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
- --if bs1 > 0 and bs2 > 0 and bt > 0 and mOld_bs1 > 0 and mOld_bs2 > 0 and mOld_bt > 0 then
- -- delta sector 3
- -- lpt = (bt - (bs1 + bs2)) - (mOld_bt - (mOld_bs1 + mOld_bs2))
- if bt > 0 and mOld_bt > 0 then
- if bt ~= mOld_bt then
- mDelta_lptb = bt - mOld_bt
- print(mDelta_lpt, bt, mOld_bt)
- end
- lpt = mDelta_lptb
- end
- mOld_bt = bt
- elseif sector == 2 then
- -- sector 1
- local bs1 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
- if bs1 > 0 and mOld_bs1 > 0 then
- lpt = bs1 - mOld_bs1
- end
- print(lpt, bs1 )
- mOld_bs2 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
- else
- -- sector 2
- local bs2 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
- if bs2 > 0 and mOld_bs2 > 0 then
- lpt = bs2 - mOld_bs2
- end
- print(lpt, bs2 )
- mOld_bs1 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
- end
- end
- else
- -- none
- rPanel = "-:--.---"
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- end
- end
- if lpt == nil then return 0 end
- local refreshRate = mRefreshLapTimeRate
- if diffFlag then
- refreshRate = mDeltaTimeDelay
- end
- -- check if diff time is ready
- local diffOK = GetTimeInfo("realdifftimeready")
- if diffFlag and diffOK == false then
- diffFlag = false
- rPanel = " nPEF "
- mOld_ls1 = 0.00000
- mOld_ls2 = 0.00000
- mOld_lt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
- mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
- end
- local c = " "
- if lpt < 0 then
- c = "-"
- end
- -- explod time
- hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
- -- print("lpt: " .. lpt .. " m: " .. mn .. " - s: " .. sc .. " - ms: " .. ms .. )
- if GetTicks() > ( refreshRate + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
- mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
- if diffFlag then
- --
- if lpt == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0000 then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = " --.---"
- elseif mn > 0 then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%2d.%02d.%01d", c, mn, sc, ms)
- else
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%2d.%03d", c, sc, ms)
- end
- rPanel = mDeltaTimeBackup
- else
- --if mTimeBackup == nil then mTimeBackup = 0.0000 end
- if lpt == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0000 then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = "-:--.---"
- elseif mn < 10 then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%1d:%02d.%03d", mn, sc, ms)
- elseif hr > 0 then
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", hr, mn)
- else
- mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( " %02d.%02d.%01d", mn, sc, ms)
- end
- end
- end
- rPanel = mDeltaTimeBackup
- -- send time to sli manager
- SetRightDigits( rPanel )
- return 1
+-- SLIPRO Lua Script v3.3.2
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- this script builds all functions associated with
+-- left and right panels of SLIPRO device
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-09
+-- ============================================================
+-- Left and Right Panel functions
+-- ============================================================
+-- IN function of left panel
+-- param: recieve from SLI Manager the current switch position
+function leftDigitsEvent(swFunction)
+ swValue = swFunction + 1
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_leftDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_leftDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ local lPanel = ""
+ local inf = ""
+ local unit = false
+ local spd = 0.0
+ -- get speed in kph or mph (use "rawspeed" to get value in meter/sec)
+ local spd = GetCarInfo("speed")
+ -- get current display unit metric or imperial
+ unit = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
+ -- check if quick info button is down
+ local qi = false
+ qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
+ if qi == nil or qi == 0 then qi = false end
+ if qi then
+ -- get index for left panel
+ local qiLeft = GetContextInfo("quickinfoleft")
+ if qiLeft == nil then qiLeft = 1 end
+ -- force position to match QI preference
+ swValue = qiLeft
+ end
+ -- check if PIT Feedback ON
+ local pf = false
+ pf = GetContextInfo("pitfeedback")
+ if pf == nil or pf == 0 then pf = false end
+ if pf then
+ -- force position to PIT/SPEED function if car pits
+ local pit = GetCarInfo("inpits")
+ if pit > 0 then
+ swValue = 35
+ end
+ end
+ -- get current simulation name
+ local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
+ --print ( "swValue: " .. swValue .. "\n")
+ -- check postion and compute left panel string
+ if swValue == 1 then
+ -- speed only
+ lPanel = string.format(" %3.0f ", spd )
+ elseif swValue == 2 then
+ -- fuel:speed
+ local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
+ if fuel ~= nil then
+ fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
+ if fuel >= 100 then
+ lPanel = string.format("%03d:%3d", round(fuel), spd)
+ elseif fuel >= 10 then
+ lPanel = string.format("F%02d:%3d", round(fuel), spd)
+ else
+ lPanel = string.format("F%1.1f:%3d", fuel, spd)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 3 then
+ -- position:speed
+ inf = GetContextInfo("position")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if inf >= 100 then
+ lPanel = string.format("%03d:%3.0f", inf, spd)
+ else
+ lPanel = string.format("P%02d:%3.0f", inf, spd)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 4 then
+ -- laps completed:speed
+ inf = GetContextInfo("laps")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- if more then 99 laps
+ if inf >= 100 then
+ lPanel = string.format("%03d:%3.0f", inf, spd)
+ else
+ lPanel = string.format("L%02d:%3.0f", inf, spd)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 5 then
+ -- sector:speed
+ inf = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- check if sector > 9
+ if inf >9 then
+ lPanel = string.format("S%02d:%3.0f", inf, spd)
+ else
+ lPanel = string.format("S%01d :%3.0f", inf, spd)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 6 then
+ -- laps completed:total laps if available
+ inf = GetContextInfo("laps")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ local tl = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
+ if tl < 1 then tl = 0 end
+ -- if more then 99 laps
+ if inf >= 100 or tl >= 100 then
+ lPanel = string.format("%03d:%03d", inf, tl)
+ else
+ lPanel = string.format("L%02d:t%02d", inf, tl)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 7 then
+ -- water temp
+ inf = GetCarInfo("watertemp")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
+ lPanel = string.format("H2o:%2.1f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 8 then
+ -- oil temp
+ inf = GetCarInfo("oiltemp")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ inf = GetTemp(inf, unit)
+ lPanel = string.format("OIL:%2.1f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 9 then
+ -- wheels temp if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- if rFactor convert Kelvin to Celsius (see global.lua)
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ lPanel = string.format("tFL:%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 10 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltempfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ lPanel = string.format("tFr:%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 11 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ lPanel = string.format("trL:%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 12 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheeltemprearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ lPanel = string.format("trr:%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 13 then
+ -- wheels pressure if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ -- convert to psi
+ lPanel = string.format("PFL:%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 14 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ lPanel = string.format("PFr:%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 15 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ lPanel = string.format("PrL:%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 16 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("wheelpressrearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ lPanel = string.format("Prr:%2.1f", inf / 6.88)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 17 then
+ -- brakes temp if available
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ lPanel = string.format("BFL:%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 18 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketempfrontright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ lPanel = string.format("BFr:%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 19 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearleft")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ lPanel = string.format("BrL:%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 20 then
+ inf = GetCarInfo("braketemprearright")
+ if inf ~= nil then
+ if isAppRFactor(sim) or sim == "GTR2.exe" then inf = KtoC(inf) end
+ lPanel = string.format("Brr:%3.0f", inf)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 21 then
+ -- position
+ local pos = GetContextInfo("position")
+ lPanel = string.format(" P%02d ", pos )
+ elseif swValue == 22 then
+ -- get an average consumption of fuel per lap and gives the remaining laps
+ local remainintank = GetCarInfo("remainlapsintank")
+ lPanel = string.format(" FL%3.0f", math.floor(remainintank) )
+ elseif swValue == 23 then
+ -- rpm
+ local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ lPanel = string.format("%5d ", rpm)
+ elseif swValue == 24 then
+ -- track size
+ local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
+ lPanel = string.format("%5d ", trcksz)
+ elseif swValue == 25 then
+ -- 25.fuel
+ local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
+ if fuel ~= nil then
+ fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
+ if fuel >= 100 then
+ lPanel = string.format(" F%03d ", round(fuel))
+ elseif fuel >= 10 then
+ lPanel = string.format(" F%02d ", round(fuel))
+ else
+ lPanel = string.format(" F%1.1f ", fuel)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 26 then
+ -- 26.distance
+ local dist = GetContextInfo("lapdistance")
+ lPanel = string.format(" %5d", dist )
+ elseif swValue == 27 then
+ --27.lap completed
+ local laps = GetContextInfo("laps")
+ lPanel = string.format(" %3d ", laps )
+ elseif swValue == 28 then
+ laps
+ local lpcnt = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
+ lPanel = string.format(" %3d ", lpcnt )
+ elseif swValue == 29 then
+ --29.sector
+ local sect = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ -- check if sector > 9
+ if sect >9 then
+ lPanel = string.format(" S%02d ", sect)
+ else
+ lPanel = string.format(" S%01d ", sect)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 30 then
+ --30.kers
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ lPanel = string.format(" E:%3d", round(kers/1000))
+ elseif swValue == 31 then
+ --31.kers max
+ local kmx = GetCarInfo("kersmax")
+ lPanel = string.format(" E:%03d", round(kmx/1000))
+ elseif swValue == 32 then
+ --32.drs
+ local drs = GetCarInfo("drs")
+ if drs == 1 then
+ lPanel = "DrS:ON "
+ else
+ lPanel = "DrS:OFF"
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 33 then
+ --33.kers percent
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ lPanel = string.format(" E:%3d", round((kers/1000)/4))
+ elseif swValue == 34 then
+ --33.kers percent:speed
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ lPanel = string.format("%3d:%3.0f", round((kers/1000)/4), spd)
+ elseif swValue == 35 then
+ -- PIT
+ lPanel = " PIt "
+ elseif swValue == 36 then
+ -- sc
+ local sc = GetContextInfo("safetycare")
+ if sc == 1 then
+ lPanel = " SCAR "
+ else
+ lPanel = " OFF "
+ end
+ else
+ lPanel = "-:--.---"
+ end
+ -- send string to sli manager
+ SetLeftDigits( lPanel )
+ return 1
+-- IN function of right panel
+-- param: recieve from SLI Manager the current switch position
+function rightDigitsEvent(swFunction)
+ swValue = swFunction + 1
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_rightDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_rightDigitsEvent(swValue)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ local hr = 0
+ local mn = 0
+ local sc = 0
+ local ms = 0
+ local hd = 0
+ local rPanel = ""
+ local lpt = 0.0
+ local diffFlag = false
+ local unit = false
+ -- is OSP Tracking ON
+ local ospt = false
+ ospt = GetContextInfo("osptracking")
+ if ospt == nil then ospt = false end
+ if ospt then
+ swValue = 23
+ end
+ -- lap finished, display lap time a few seconds
+ local dlt = false
+ dlt = GetContextInfo("displaylaptime")
+ if dlt == nil then dlt = false end
+ if dlt and swValue ~= 37 and swValue ~= 38 then
+ swValue = 3
+ end
+ -- check if quick info button is down
+ local qi = false
+ qi = GetContextInfo("quickinfobutton")
+ if qi == nil or qi == 0 then qi = false end
+ if qi then
+ -- get index for right panel
+ local qiRight = GetContextInfo("quickinforight")
+ if qiRight == nil then qiRight = 1 end
+ swValue = qiRight
+ end
+ -- get current display unit metric or imperial
+ unit = GetContextInfo("speedmetric")
+ -- check if PIT Feedback ON
+ local pf = false
+ pf = GetContextInfo("pitfeedback")
+ if pf == nil or pf == 0 then pf = false end
+ if pf then
+ -- force position to SPEED function
+ local pit = GetCarInfo("inpits")
+ if pit > 0 then
+ swValue = 20
+ end
+ end
+ --print ( "swValue: " .. swValue .. "\n")
+ -- get sim name
+ local sim = GetContextInfo("simulation")
+ if sim ~= nil then
+ if swValue == 1 then
+ -- current lap time
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("laptime")
+ elseif swValue == 2 then
+ -- best lap time (PB)
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
+ elseif swValue == 3 then
+ -- last lap time
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
+ elseif swValue >= 4 and swValue <= 10 and isAppIRacing(sim) then
+ -- iRacing partials
+ local ts = GetContextInfo("partialcount")
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ if ts ~= nil and ts > 0 then
+ if swValue == 4 then
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("currentpartial", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 5 then
+ diffFlag = true
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsbestlap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 6 then
+ diffFlag = true
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimallap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 7 then
+ diffFlag = true
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vsoptimalsector", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 8 then
+ diffFlag = true
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionbestlap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 9 then
+ diffFlag = true
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimallap", sector)
+ elseif swValue == 10 then
+ diffFlag = true
+ lpt = GetPartialTimeInfo("vssessionoptimalsector", sector)
+ end
+ else
+ lpt = 0.0
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 11 then
+ -- real time diff vs your best
+ diffFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
+ elseif swValue == 12 then
+ -- real time diff vs your last
+ diffFlag = true
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
+ elseif swValue == 13 then
+ -- current sector
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ if sector == 1 then
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("sector1")
+ elseif sector == 2 then
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("sector2")
+ else
+ -- sector 3
+ local s1 = GetTimeInfo("sector1")
+ local s2 = GetTimeInfo("sector2")
+ local lt = GetTimeInfo("laptime")
+ lpt = lt - (s1 + s2)
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 14 then
+ -- best sector 1
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
+ elseif swValue == 15 then
+ -- best sector 2
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
+ elseif swValue == 16 then
+ -- last sector 1
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ elseif swValue == 17 then
+ -- last sector 2
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ elseif swValue == 18 then
+ -- position
+ local pos = GetContextInfo("position")
+ if pos >= 100 then
+ rPanel = string.format(" P%03d ", pos )
+ else
+ rPanel = string.format(" P%02d ", pos )
+ end
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 19 then
+ -- get an average consumption of fuel per lap and gives the remaining laps
+ local remainintank = GetCarInfo("remainlapsintank")
+ rPanel = string.format(" FL%3.0f", math.floor(remainintank) )
+ elseif swValue == 20 then
+ -- speed on right panel
+ local spd = GetCarInfo("speed")
+ rPanel = string.format(" %3d ", spd )
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 21 then
+ -- time remaining if available
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("timeremaining")
+ -- explod time
+ hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
+ if hr > 0 then
+ rPanel = string.format( "%02dh%02d ", hr, mn)
+ else
+ rPanel = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", mn, sc)
+ end
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 22 then
+ -- PC system time
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("systemtime")
+ -- explod time
+ hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
+ rPanel = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", hr, mn)
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 23 then
+ -- rpm:gear
+ local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ if rpm == nil then
+ return 1
+ end
+ local gear = GetCarInfo("gear")
+ if gear ~= nil then
+ rPanel = string.format("%5d:%d", rpm, gear)
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ end
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 24 then
+ -- time elapsed if available
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("timetotalelapsed")
+ -- explod time
+ hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
+ if hr > 0 then
+ rPanel = string.format( "%02dh%02d ", hr, mn)
+ else
+ rPanel = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", mn, sc)
+ end
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 25 then
+ -- 25.fuel
+ local fuel = GetCarInfo("fuel")
+ if fuel ~= nil then
+ fuel = GetFuel(fuel, unit)
+ if fuel >= 100 then
+ rPanel = string.format(" F%03d ", round(fuel))
+ elseif fuel >= 10 then
+ rPanel = string.format(" F%02d ", round(fuel))
+ else
+ rPanel = string.format(" F%1.1f ", fuel)
+ end
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 26 then
+ -- 26.distance
+ local dist = GetContextInfo("lapdistance")
+ rPanel = string.format(" %5d", dist )
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 27 then
+ --27.lap completed
+ local laps = GetContextInfo("laps")
+ rPanel = string.format(" %3d ", laps )
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 28 then
+ laps
+ local lpcnt = GetContextInfo("lapscount")
+ rPanel = string.format(" %3d ", lpcnt )
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 29 then
+ --29.sector
+ local sect = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ -- check if sector > 9
+ if sect >9 then
+ rPanel = string.format(" S%02d ", sect)
+ else
+ rPanel = string.format(" S%01d ", sect)
+ end
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 30 then
+ --30.kers
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ rPanel = string.format(" E%03d ", round(kers/1000) )
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 31 then
+ --31.kers max
+ local kmx = GetCarInfo("kersmax")
+ rPanel = string.format(" E%03d ", round(kmx/1000) )
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 32 then
+ --32.drs
+ rPanel = "DrS.OFF"
+ local drs = GetCarInfo("drs")
+ if drs >= 1 then
+ rPanel = "DrS. ON"
+ end
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 33 then
+ --33.kers percent
+ local kers = GetCarInfo("kers")
+ rPanel = string.format(" %3d ", round((kers/1000)/4))
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 34 then
+ --34 track size
+ local trcksz = GetContextInfo("tracksize")
+ rPanel = string.format("%5d ", trcksz)
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 35 then
+ --35 last sector 1, 2 and 3
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ if sector == 1 then
+ -- sector 3
+ local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ local lt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
+ if ls1 > 0 and ls2 > 0 then
+ lpt = lt - (ls1 + ls2)
+ end
+ elseif sector == 2 then
+ local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ lpt = ls1
+ else
+ -- sector 3
+ local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ lpt = ls2
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 36 then
+ --36.rpm
+ local rpm = GetCarInfo("rpm")
+ rPanel = string.format("%5d ", rpm)
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ elseif swValue == 37 then
+ -- real time delta vs last + last sector diff 1, 2 and 3
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ diffFlag = true
+ if mDiffSectorDelay == nil or mDiffOldSector == nil or mDiffOldSector ~= sector then
+ -- 8s delay, increase it if needed
+ mDiffSectorDelay = GetTicks() + 8000
+ mDiffOldSector = sector
+ end
+ -- init backup vars
+ if mOld_lt == nil then
+ mOld_ls1 = 0.00000
+ mOld_ls2 = 0.00000
+ mOld_lt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
+ end
+ -- display delta by default
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdifflast")
+ if mDiffSectorDelay > GetTicks() then
+ -- display sector
+ if sector == 1 then
+ -- sector 3
+ local lt = GetTimeInfo("lastlaptime")
+ -- if ls1 > 0 and ls2 > 0 and lt > 0 and mOld_ls1 > 0 and mOld_ls2 > 0 and mOld_lt > 0 then
+ -- delta sector 3
+ --lpt = (lt - (ls1 + ls2)) - (mOld_lt - (mOld_ls1 + mOld_ls2))
+ if lt > 0 and mOld_lt > 0 then
+ if lt ~= mOld_lt then
+ mDelta_lpt = lt - mOld_lt
+ print(mDelta_lpt, lt, mOld_lt)
+ end
+ lpt = mDelta_lpt
+ end
+ mOld_lt = lt
+ elseif sector == 2 then
+ -- sector 1
+ local ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ if ls1 > 0 and mOld_ls1 > 0 then
+ lpt = ls1 - mOld_ls1
+ end
+ mOld_ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ print(lpt, ls1 , mOld_ls1, mOld_ls2)
+ else
+ -- sector 2
+ local ls2 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector2")
+ if ls2 > 0 and mOld_ls2 > 0 then
+ lpt = ls2 - mOld_ls2
+ end
+ mOld_ls1 = GetTimeInfo("lastsector1")
+ print(lpt, ls2 , mOld_ls1, mOld_ls2)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif swValue == 38 then
+ -- real time delta vs best + last sector diff 1, 2 and 3
+ -- get sector
+ local sector = GetCarInfo("sector")
+ -- set flags
+ diffFlag = true
+ -- set delay
+ if mDiffSectorDelay == nil or mDiffOldSector == nil or mDiffOldSector ~= sector then
+ -- 8s delay, increase it if needed
+ mDiffSectorDelay = GetTicks() + 8000
+ mDiffOldSector = sector
+ end
+ -- init backup vars
+ if mOld_bt == nil then
+ mOld_bs1 = 0.00000
+ mOld_bs2 = 0.00000
+ mOld_bt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
+ end
+ -- display delta by default
+ lpt = GetTimeInfo("realdiffbest")
+ if mDiffSectorDelay > GetTicks() then
+ -- display sector diff during delay
+ if sector == 1 then
+ -- sector 3
+ local bt = GetTimeInfo("bestlaptime")
+ --if bs1 > 0 and bs2 > 0 and bt > 0 and mOld_bs1 > 0 and mOld_bs2 > 0 and mOld_bt > 0 then
+ -- delta sector 3
+ -- lpt = (bt - (bs1 + bs2)) - (mOld_bt - (mOld_bs1 + mOld_bs2))
+ if bt > 0 and mOld_bt > 0 then
+ if bt ~= mOld_bt then
+ mDelta_lptb = bt - mOld_bt
+ print(mDelta_lpt, bt, mOld_bt)
+ end
+ lpt = mDelta_lptb
+ end
+ mOld_bt = bt
+ elseif sector == 2 then
+ -- sector 1
+ local bs1 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
+ if bs1 > 0 and mOld_bs1 > 0 then
+ lpt = bs1 - mOld_bs1
+ end
+ print(lpt, bs1 )
+ mOld_bs2 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
+ else
+ -- sector 2
+ local bs2 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector2")
+ if bs2 > 0 and mOld_bs2 > 0 then
+ lpt = bs2 - mOld_bs2
+ end
+ print(lpt, bs2 )
+ mOld_bs1 = GetTimeInfo("bestsector1")
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ -- none
+ rPanel = "-:--.---"
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ end
+ end
+ if lpt == nil then return 0 end
+ local refreshRate = mRefreshLapTimeRate
+ if diffFlag then
+ refreshRate = mDeltaTimeDelay
+ end
+ -- check if diff time is ready
+ local diffOK = GetTimeInfo("realdifftimeready")
+ if diffFlag and diffOK == false then
+ diffFlag = false
+ rPanel = " nPEF "
+ mOld_ls1 = 0.00000
+ mOld_ls2 = 0.00000
+ mOld_lt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lpt = 0.00000
+ mDelta_lptb = 0.00000
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
+ end
+ local c = " "
+ if lpt < 0 then
+ c = "-"
+ end
+ -- explod time
+ hr, mn, sc, hd, ms = timeDispatcher(lpt)
+ -- print("lpt: " .. lpt .. " m: " .. mn .. " - s: " .. sc .. " - ms: " .. ms .. )
+ if GetTicks() > ( refreshRate + mDeltaTimeOldTicks ) then
+ mDeltaTimeOldTicks = GetTicks()
+ if diffFlag then
+ --
+ if lpt == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0000 then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = " --.---"
+ elseif mn > 0 then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%2d.%02d.%01d", c, mn, sc, ms)
+ else
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%s%2d.%03d", c, sc, ms)
+ end
+ rPanel = mDeltaTimeBackup
+ else
+ --if mTimeBackup == nil then mTimeBackup = 0.0000 end
+ if lpt == -1 or (mn + sc + ms) == 0.0000 then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = "-:--.---"
+ elseif mn < 10 then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( "%1d:%02d.%03d", mn, sc, ms)
+ elseif hr > 0 then
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( " %02d.%02d ", hr, mn)
+ else
+ mDeltaTimeBackup = string.format( " %02d.%02d.%01d", mn, sc, ms)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rPanel = mDeltaTimeBackup
+ -- send time to sli manager
+ SetRightDigits( rPanel )
+ return 1
diff --git a/scripts/slipro_gus.lua b/scripts/slipro_gus.lua
index a83c6eb..fa58db6 100644
--- a/scripts/slipro_gus.lua
+++ b/scripts/slipro_gus.lua
@@ -1,218 +1,218 @@
--- Custom SLIMax Manager Scripts v3
--- Copyright ©2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-02
--- add you global custom functions and globals variables here
--- patch the std SLIMax Events with your global custom scripts if needed
--- see the scripting section of the forum for more info...
--- this script will not be deleted by uninstalling the software
--- ================================
--- ================================
--- additional lua extension module dll
--- ================================
--- additional scripts file ( use 'require' statement )
--- ================================
--- custom globals
--- ================================
--- custom functions
--- ================================
--- custom events
-function global_custom_controlsEvent(devType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex)
- -- type your custom controls script here (manage buttons, switches and encoders)
- return 2
-function global_custom_deviceReport(devType)
- -- type your script here (just before sending report to the device )
- return 2
-function global_custom_enterSessionEvent(devType)
- -- type your custom script on session start, here
- print ()
- print ( "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv")
- print (string.format("simu : %s",GetContextInfo("simulation")))
- print (string.format("car : %s",GetContextInfo("carname")))
- print (string.format("track : %s",GetContextInfo("trackname")))
- --print (string.format("session: %s",GetContextInfo("session")))
- print ()
- if GetContextInfo("ospcustom") then print ("has ospcustom") end
- print (string.format("shiftlightsmethod: %s",GetContextInfo("shiftlightsmethod")))
- print (string.format("ospmethod : %s",GetContextInfo("ospmethod")))
- print (string.format("speedlimitemethod: %s",GetContextInfo("speedlimitermethod")))
- return 2
-function global_custom_exitSessionEvent(devType)
- -- type your custom script on session ending, here
- if GetContextInfo("ospcustom") then print ("has ospcustom") end
- print ()
- print (string.format("shiftlightsmethod: %s",GetContextInfo("shiftlightsmethod")))
- print (string.format("ospmethod : %s",GetContextInfo("ospmethod")))
- print (string.format("speedlimitemethod: %s",GetContextInfo("speedlimitermethod")))
- print ( "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^")
- print ()
-"gus_cars.cfg", "a")
- --my_setups:write(GetContextInfo("carname"), " shiftligts ", GetContextInfo("shiftlightsmethod"), "\n")
- --my_setups:write(GetContextInfo("carname"), " speedlimiter ", GetContextInfo("speedlimitermethod"), "\n")
- --my_setups:close()
- return 2
--- ================================
-function global_custom_ospMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_shiftLightsMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom shiftlights method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx)
- -- type your custom shiftlights method for BU0710 device only here
- return 2
-function global_custom_leftDigitsEvent(swPosition)
- -- type your custom script related to left SLI-PRO digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_rightDigitsEvent(swPosition)
- -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom speedlimiter method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_gearEvent(gear)
- -- manage gear when ´E´
- if gear == 69 then
- local ignition = 1
- if GetContextInfo("simulation") == "rFactor2.exe" then
- ignition = GetCarInfo("ignition")
- end
- local g = GetCarInfo("gear")
- --print ( string.format("gear %d/ignition %d" , g, ignition))
- toggleAllLed(0)
- if ignition == 2 then
- SetLeftDigits(" ---- ")
- SetRightDigits(" ---- ")
- else
- SetLeftDigits(" ")
- SetRightDigits(" ")
- end
- if ignition == 0 then
- SetGearDigit(" ")
- elseif ignition == 1 then
- SetGearDigit(GetCurrentGear())
- end
- SLISendReport(1)
- return 1
- end
- return 2
-function global_custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state)
- -- type your custom script on session ending, here
- return 2
--- ================================
-function global_custom_shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom shiftlights method for G27 device only here
- return 2
-function global_custom_ospG27MethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom speedlimiter method here
- return 2
--- ================================
-function global_custom_shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom shiftlights method for Fanatec device only here
- return 2
-function global_custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swPosition)
- -- type your custom script related to Fanatec digits panel here
- return 2
-function global_custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
- -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
- return 2
-function global_custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear)
- -- type your custom gear event script here
- return 2
--- ================================
--- local custom events PLACEHOLDERS
--- ================================
-function custom_controlsEvent(deviceIdx, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex) return 2 end
-function custom_deviceReport(devType) return 2 end
-function custom_ospMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_ospG27MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_shiftLightsMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_leftDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
-function custom_rightDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
-function custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
-function custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
-function custom_gearEvent(gear) return 2 end
-function custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear) return 2 end
-function custom_enterSessionEvent(devType) return 2 end
-function custom_exitSessionEvent(devType) return 2 end
-function custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state) return 2 end
+-- Custom SLIMax Manager Scripts v3
+-- Copyright ©2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-02
+-- add you global custom functions and globals variables here
+-- patch the std SLIMax Events with your global custom scripts if needed
+-- see the scripting section of the forum for more info...
+-- this script will not be deleted by uninstalling the software
+-- ================================
+-- ================================
+-- additional lua extension module dll
+-- ================================
+-- additional scripts file ( use 'require' statement )
+-- ================================
+-- custom globals
+-- ================================
+-- custom functions
+-- ================================
+-- custom events
+function global_custom_controlsEvent(devType, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex)
+ -- type your custom controls script here (manage buttons, switches and encoders)
+ return 2
+function global_custom_deviceReport(devType)
+ -- type your script here (just before sending report to the device )
+ return 2
+function global_custom_enterSessionEvent(devType)
+ -- type your custom script on session start, here
+ print ()
+ print ( "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv")
+ print (string.format("simu : %s",GetContextInfo("simulation")))
+ print (string.format("car : %s",GetContextInfo("carname")))
+ print (string.format("track : %s",GetContextInfo("trackname")))
+ --print (string.format("session: %s",GetContextInfo("session")))
+ print ()
+ if GetContextInfo("ospcustom") then print ("has ospcustom") end
+ print (string.format("shiftlightsmethod: %s",GetContextInfo("shiftlightsmethod")))
+ print (string.format("ospmethod : %s",GetContextInfo("ospmethod")))
+ print (string.format("speedlimitemethod: %s",GetContextInfo("speedlimitermethod")))
+ return 2
+function global_custom_exitSessionEvent(devType)
+ -- type your custom script on session ending, here
+ if GetContextInfo("ospcustom") then print ("has ospcustom") end
+ print ()
+ print (string.format("shiftlightsmethod: %s",GetContextInfo("shiftlightsmethod")))
+ print (string.format("ospmethod : %s",GetContextInfo("ospmethod")))
+ print (string.format("speedlimitemethod: %s",GetContextInfo("speedlimitermethod")))
+ print ( "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^")
+ print ()
+"gus_cars.cfg", "a")
+ --my_setups:write(GetContextInfo("carname"), " shiftligts ", GetContextInfo("shiftlightsmethod"), "\n")
+ --my_setups:write(GetContextInfo("carname"), " speedlimiter ", GetContextInfo("speedlimitermethod"), "\n")
+ --my_setups:close()
+ return 2
+-- ================================
+function global_custom_ospMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_shiftLightsMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom shiftlights method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx)
+ -- type your custom shiftlights method for BU0710 device only here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_leftDigitsEvent(swPosition)
+ -- type your custom script related to left SLI-PRO digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_rightDigitsEvent(swPosition)
+ -- type your custom script related to right SLI-PRO digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom speedlimiter method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_gearEvent(gear)
+ -- manage gear when ´E´
+ if gear == 69 then
+ local ignition = 1
+ if GetContextInfo("simulation") == "rFactor2.exe" then
+ ignition = GetCarInfo("ignition")
+ end
+ local g = GetCarInfo("gear")
+ --print ( string.format("gear %d/ignition %d" , g, ignition))
+ toggleAllLed(0)
+ if ignition == 2 then
+ SetLeftDigits(" ---- ")
+ SetRightDigits(" ---- ")
+ else
+ SetLeftDigits(" ")
+ SetRightDigits(" ")
+ end
+ if ignition == 0 then
+ SetGearDigit(" ")
+ elseif ignition == 1 then
+ SetGearDigit(GetCurrentGear())
+ end
+ SLISendReport(1)
+ return 1
+ end
+ return 2
+function global_custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state)
+ -- type your custom script on session ending, here
+ return 2
+-- ================================
+function global_custom_shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom shiftlights method for G27 device only here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_ospG27MethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom speedlimiter method here
+ return 2
+-- ================================
+function global_custom_shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom shiftlights method for Fanatec device only here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swPosition)
+ -- type your custom script related to Fanatec digits panel here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
+ -- type your custom Optimal Shift Points (OSP) method here
+ return 2
+function global_custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear)
+ -- type your custom gear event script here
+ return 2
+-- ================================
+-- local custom events PLACEHOLDERS
+-- ================================
+function custom_controlsEvent(deviceIdx, ctrlType, ctrlPos, value, funcIndex) return 2 end
+function custom_deviceReport(devType) return 2 end
+function custom_ospMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_ospG27MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_ospFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_shiftLightsMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_shiftLightsBU0710Event(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_shiftLightsG27LedsMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_shiftLightsFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_leftDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
+function custom_rightDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
+function custom_fanatecDigitsEvent(swPosition) return 2 end
+function custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(idx) return 2 end
+function custom_gearEvent(gear) return 2 end
+function custom_gearFanatecEvent(gear) return 2 end
+function custom_enterSessionEvent(devType) return 2 end
+function custom_exitSessionEvent(devType) return 2 end
+function custom_ledEvent(idx, ledFunction, state) return 2 end
diff --git a/scripts/slipro_iracing.lua b/scripts/slipro_iracing.lua
index 2d5b5ba..f1a9c06 100644
--- a/scripts/slipro_iracing.lua
+++ b/scripts/slipro_iracing.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
--- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
--- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2012-09-16
--- ================================
--- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
-mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
--- ================================
--- load common scripts file
+-- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
+-- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2012-09-16
+-- ================================
+-- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
+mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
+-- ================================
+-- load common scripts file
require "scripts/zdoc_scripts/iracing_common_scripts" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/speedlimiter.lua b/scripts/speedlimiter.lua
index 81bef78..d579672 100644
--- a/scripts/speedlimiter.lua
+++ b/scripts/speedlimiter.lua
@@ -1,1018 +1,1018 @@
--- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.3.1
--- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- this script builds all speed/pit-limiter feedback methods
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-10
--- SLI-M, SLI-PRO speed limiter Methods
-function spdLmtMethodEvent(idx)
- mSpdLimitMethod = idx
- mLeftSpdLmtText = " "
- mRightSpdLmtText = " "
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(mSpdLimitMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(mSpdLimitMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- local led = ""
- -- check if initialized
- if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
- isGlobalInitialized = 1
- -- init them
- InitGlobals()
- end
- -- get global prefs
- GetSLIMaxInfo()
- if mSpdLimitMethod >= 2 then
- -- init table
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- end
- if mNoBlink or (mSpdLimitMethod == 0) then
- -- speedlimiter led NOT blinking
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- elseif mSpdLimitMethod == 1 then
- -- speedlimiter led blinking, method 1
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- elseif mSpdLimitMethod == 2 then
- -- speedlimiter led + RPM blinking, method 2
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitMethod == 3 then
- -- speedlimiter led + alternate RPM blinking, method 3
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetGearDigit("L")
- end
- for i = 0,12 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- if (i % 2)==0 then
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- else
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetGearDigit(" ")
- end
- for i = 0,13 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- if (i % 2)==0 then
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- else
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitMethod == 4 then
- -- speedlimiter led + RPM + digits blinking, method 4
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- SetDigitsAllowed(true)
- for i = 0,2 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- for i = 10,12 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- SetDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetLeftDigits (mLeftSpdLmtText)
- SetRightDigits (mRightSpdLmtText)
- for i = 0,2 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- for i = 10,12 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitMethod == 5 or mSpdLimitMethod == 6 then
- -- speedlimiter led + digits blinking, method 5
- -- speedlimiter led + RPM fixed + Digits blinking, method 6
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- SetDigitsAllowed (true)
- local state = 0
- if mSpdLimitMethod == 6 then state = 1 end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- SetLeftDigits ( mLeftSpdLmtText)
- SetRightDigits ( mRightSpdLmtText)
- SetDigitsAllowed(false)
- local state = 0
- if mSpdLimitMethod == 6 then state = 1 end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- else
- return 1
- end
- -- timebase
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mOldTickCount = GetTicks() + 20
- end
- return 1
--- G27 speed limiter Methods
-function spdLmtG27MethodEvent(idx)
- mSpdLimitG27Method = idx
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(mSpdLimitG27Method)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(mSpdLimitG27Method)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- local led = ""
- -- check if initialized
- if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
- isGlobalInitialized = 1
- -- init them
- InitGlobals()
- end
- -- get global prefs
- GetSLIMaxInfo()
- -- init table
- mG27Leds = 0
- if mNoBlink or mSpdLimitG27Method == 0 then
- -- speedlimiter led NOT blinking
- mG27Leds = 0x1F
- elseif mSpdLimitG27Method == 1 then
- -- speedlimiter led blinking, method 1
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- mG27Leds = 0x1F
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- mG27Leds = 0
- end
- elseif mSpdLimitG27Method >= 2 then
- -- speedlimiter alternate led blinking, method 2 to n
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- mG27Leds = 0x0A
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- mG27Leds = 0x15
- end
- else
- return 1
- end
- SetG27Led(mG27Leds)
- -- timebase
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mOldTickCount = GetTicks() + 20
- end
- return 1
- -- Fanatec speed/pit limiter Methods
-function spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
- mSpdLimitFanatecMethod = idx
- mFanatecSpdLmtText = " "
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(mSpdLimitFanatecMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(mSpdLimitFanatecMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- local led = ""
- -- check if initialized
- if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
- isGlobalInitialized = 1
- -- init them
- InitGlobals()
- end
- -- get global prefs
- GetSLIMaxInfo()
- -- init table
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- if mNoBlink or mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 0 then
- -- speedlimiter first rpm led NOT blinking
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
- mRPMLedTable["RPM0"]= 1
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
- oldGear = 110
- else
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
- end
- elseif mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 1 then
- -- speedlimiter first rpm led blinking
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- -- one led
- mRPMLedTable["RPM0"]= 1
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
- oldGear = 110
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- mRPMLedTable["RPM0"]= 0
- if mLimiterChar then
- oldGear = 110
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 2 then
- -- speedlimiter all rpm led blinking
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
- oldGear = 110
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- if mLimiterChar then
- oldGear = 110
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 3 or mSpdLimitFanatecMethod > 6 then
- -- speedlimiter alternate RPM blinking
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- for i = 0,8 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- if (i % 2)==0 then
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- else
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- end
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
- oldGear = 110
- else
- SetFanatecDigits( "---" )
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- for i = 0,8 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- if (i % 2)==0 then
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- else
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- end
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 4 or mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 5 then
- -- speedlimiter no led digits only
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
- oldGear = 110
- else
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetFanatecDigits( "---" )
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 4 then
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
- else
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetFanatecDigits( " " )
- end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 6 then
- -- speedlimiter freezed rpm + digits blinking
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
- oldGear = 110
- else
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetFanatecDigits( " " )
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- else
- return 1
- end
- -- timebase
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mOldTickCount = GetTicks() + 20
- end
- return 1
--- SIM RACE Deluxe speed limiter Methods
-function spdLmtSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
- mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod = idx
- mLeftSpdLmtText = " "
- mRightSpdLmtText = " "
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_spdLmtSRDlxMethodEvent(mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_spdLmtSRDlxMethodEvent(mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- local led = ""
- -- check if initialized
- if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
- isGlobalInitialized = 1
- -- init them
- InitGlobals()
- end
- -- get global prefs
- GetSLIMaxInfo()
- -- init table
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- if mNoBlink or (mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 0) then
- -- speedlimiter led NOT blinking
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- elseif mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 1 then
- -- speedlimiter led blinking, method 1
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- elseif mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 2 then
- -- speedlimiter led + RPM blinking, method 2
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 3 then
- -- speedlimiter led + alternate RPM blinking, method 3
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetGearDigit("L")
- end
- for i = 0,12 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- if (i % 2)==0 then
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- else
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetGearDigit(" ")
- end
- for i = 0,13 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- if (i % 2)==0 then
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- else
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 4 then
- -- speedlimiter led + RPM + digits blinking, method 4
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- SetDigitsAllowed(true)
- for i = 0,2 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- for i = 10,12 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- SetDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetLeftDigits (mLeftSpdLmtText)
- SetRightDigits (mRightSpdLmtText)
- for i = 0,2 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- for i = 10,12 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 5 or mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 6 then
- -- speedlimiter led + digits blinking, method 5
- -- speedlimiter led + RPM fixed + Digits blinking, method 6
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- SetDigitsAllowed (true)
- local state = 0
- if mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 6 then state = 1 end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- SetLeftDigits ( mLeftSpdLmtText)
- SetRightDigits ( mRightSpdLmtText)
- SetDigitsAllowed(false)
- local state = 0
- if mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 6 then state = 1 end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- else
- return 1
- end
- -- timebase
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mOldTickCount = GetTicks() + 20
- end
- return 1
--- SIM RACE F1 speed limiter Methods
-function spdLmtSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
- mSpdLimitSRF1Method = idx
- mLeftSpdLmtText = " "
- mRightSpdLmtText = " "
- -- call custom script
- local result = custom_spdLmtSRF1MethodEvent(mSpdLimitSRF1Method)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- -- call global custom script
- result = global_custom_spdLmtSRF1MethodEvent(mSpdLimitSRF1Method)
- -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
- -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
- if result <= 1 then return result end
- -- if result >= 2 continue
- local led = ""
- -- check if initialized
- if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
- isGlobalInitialized = 1
- -- init them
- InitGlobals()
- end
- -- get global prefs
- GetSLIMaxInfo()
- -- init table
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- if mNoBlink or (mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 0) then
- -- speedlimiter led NOT blinking
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- elseif mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 1 then
- -- speedlimiter led blinking, method 1
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- elseif mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 2 then
- -- speedlimiter led + RPM blinking, method 2
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 3 then
- -- speedlimiter led + alternate RPM blinking, method 3
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetGearDigit("L")
- end
- for i = 0,14 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- if (i % 2)==0 then
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- else
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then
- SetGearDigit(" ")
- end
- for i = 0,15 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- if (i % 2)==0 then
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- else
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 4 then
- -- speedlimiter led + RPM + digits blinking, method 4
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- SetDigitsAllowed(true)
- for i = 0,4 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- for i = 10,14 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- SetDigitsAllowed(false)
- SetLeftDigits (mLeftSpdLmtText)
- SetRightDigits (mRightSpdLmtText)
- for i = 0,4 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- for i = 10,14 do
- led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
- mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
- end
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- elseif mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 5 or mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 6 then
- -- speedlimiter led + digits blinking, method 5
- -- speedlimiter led + RPM fixed + Digits blinking, method 6
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
- mSpdLmtBlink = 0
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
- SetDigitsAllowed (true)
- local state = 0
- if mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 6 then state = 1 end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
- if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
- SetLeftDigits ( mLeftSpdLmtText)
- SetRightDigits ( mRightSpdLmtText)
- SetDigitsAllowed(false)
- local state = 0
- if mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 6 then state = 1 end
- initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
- if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
- SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
- end
- end
- SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
- else
- return 1
- end
- -- timebase
- if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
- mOldTickCount = GetTicks() + 20
- end
- return 1
+-- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v3.3.1
+-- Copyright (c)2012-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- this script builds all speed/pit-limiter feedback methods
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-10
+-- SLI-M, SLI-PRO speed limiter Methods
+function spdLmtMethodEvent(idx)
+ mSpdLimitMethod = idx
+ mLeftSpdLmtText = " "
+ mRightSpdLmtText = " "
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(mSpdLimitMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_spdLmtMethodEvent(mSpdLimitMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ local led = ""
+ -- check if initialized
+ if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
+ isGlobalInitialized = 1
+ -- init them
+ InitGlobals()
+ end
+ -- get global prefs
+ GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ if mSpdLimitMethod >= 2 then
+ -- init table
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ end
+ if mNoBlink or (mSpdLimitMethod == 0) then
+ -- speedlimiter led NOT blinking
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ elseif mSpdLimitMethod == 1 then
+ -- speedlimiter led blinking, method 1
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ elseif mSpdLimitMethod == 2 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + RPM blinking, method 2
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitMethod == 3 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + alternate RPM blinking, method 3
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetGearDigit("L")
+ end
+ for i = 0,12 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ if (i % 2)==0 then
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ else
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetGearDigit(" ")
+ end
+ for i = 0,13 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ if (i % 2)==0 then
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ else
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitMethod == 4 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + RPM + digits blinking, method 4
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ SetDigitsAllowed(true)
+ for i = 0,2 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ for i = 10,12 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ SetDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetLeftDigits (mLeftSpdLmtText)
+ SetRightDigits (mRightSpdLmtText)
+ for i = 0,2 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ for i = 10,12 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitMethod == 5 or mSpdLimitMethod == 6 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + digits blinking, method 5
+ -- speedlimiter led + RPM fixed + Digits blinking, method 6
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ SetDigitsAllowed (true)
+ local state = 0
+ if mSpdLimitMethod == 6 then state = 1 end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ SetLeftDigits ( mLeftSpdLmtText)
+ SetRightDigits ( mRightSpdLmtText)
+ SetDigitsAllowed(false)
+ local state = 0
+ if mSpdLimitMethod == 6 then state = 1 end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ else
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- timebase
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mOldTickCount = GetTicks() + 20
+ end
+ return 1
+-- G27 speed limiter Methods
+function spdLmtG27MethodEvent(idx)
+ mSpdLimitG27Method = idx
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(mSpdLimitG27Method)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_spdLmtG27MethodEvent(mSpdLimitG27Method)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ local led = ""
+ -- check if initialized
+ if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
+ isGlobalInitialized = 1
+ -- init them
+ InitGlobals()
+ end
+ -- get global prefs
+ GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ -- init table
+ mG27Leds = 0
+ if mNoBlink or mSpdLimitG27Method == 0 then
+ -- speedlimiter led NOT blinking
+ mG27Leds = 0x1F
+ elseif mSpdLimitG27Method == 1 then
+ -- speedlimiter led blinking, method 1
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mG27Leds = 0x1F
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mG27Leds = 0
+ end
+ elseif mSpdLimitG27Method >= 2 then
+ -- speedlimiter alternate led blinking, method 2 to n
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mG27Leds = 0x0A
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mG27Leds = 0x15
+ end
+ else
+ return 1
+ end
+ SetG27Led(mG27Leds)
+ -- timebase
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mOldTickCount = GetTicks() + 20
+ end
+ return 1
+ -- Fanatec speed/pit limiter Methods
+function spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(idx)
+ mSpdLimitFanatecMethod = idx
+ mFanatecSpdLmtText = " "
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(mSpdLimitFanatecMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_spdLmtFanatecMethodEvent(mSpdLimitFanatecMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ local led = ""
+ -- check if initialized
+ if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
+ isGlobalInitialized = 1
+ -- init them
+ InitGlobals()
+ end
+ -- get global prefs
+ GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ -- init table
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ if mNoBlink or mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 0 then
+ -- speedlimiter first rpm led NOT blinking
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM0"]= 1
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
+ oldGear = 110
+ else
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
+ end
+ elseif mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 1 then
+ -- speedlimiter first rpm led blinking
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ -- one led
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM0"]= 1
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
+ oldGear = 110
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ mRPMLedTable["RPM0"]= 0
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ oldGear = 110
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 2 then
+ -- speedlimiter all rpm led blinking
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
+ oldGear = 110
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ oldGear = 110
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 3 or mSpdLimitFanatecMethod > 6 then
+ -- speedlimiter alternate RPM blinking
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ for i = 0,8 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ if (i % 2)==0 then
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ else
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ end
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
+ oldGear = 110
+ else
+ SetFanatecDigits( "---" )
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ for i = 0,8 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ if (i % 2)==0 then
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ else
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 4 or mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 5 then
+ -- speedlimiter no led digits only
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
+ oldGear = 110
+ else
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetFanatecDigits( "---" )
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 4 then
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
+ else
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetFanatecDigits( " " )
+ end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitFanatecMethod == 6 then
+ -- speedlimiter freezed rpm + digits blinking
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetFanatecDigits( " L " )
+ oldGear = 110
+ else
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(true)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ SetFanatecDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetFanatecDigits( " " )
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ else
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- timebase
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mOldTickCount = GetTicks() + 20
+ end
+ return 1
+-- SIM RACE Deluxe speed limiter Methods
+function spdLmtSRDlxMethodEvent(idx)
+ mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod = idx
+ mLeftSpdLmtText = " "
+ mRightSpdLmtText = " "
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_spdLmtSRDlxMethodEvent(mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_spdLmtSRDlxMethodEvent(mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ local led = ""
+ -- check if initialized
+ if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
+ isGlobalInitialized = 1
+ -- init them
+ InitGlobals()
+ end
+ -- get global prefs
+ GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ -- init table
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ if mNoBlink or (mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 0) then
+ -- speedlimiter led NOT blinking
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ elseif mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 1 then
+ -- speedlimiter led blinking, method 1
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ elseif mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 2 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + RPM blinking, method 2
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 3 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + alternate RPM blinking, method 3
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetGearDigit("L")
+ end
+ for i = 0,12 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ if (i % 2)==0 then
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ else
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetGearDigit(" ")
+ end
+ for i = 0,13 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ if (i % 2)==0 then
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ else
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 4 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + RPM + digits blinking, method 4
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ SetDigitsAllowed(true)
+ for i = 0,2 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ for i = 10,12 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ SetDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetLeftDigits (mLeftSpdLmtText)
+ SetRightDigits (mRightSpdLmtText)
+ for i = 0,2 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ for i = 10,12 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 5 or mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 6 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + digits blinking, method 5
+ -- speedlimiter led + RPM fixed + Digits blinking, method 6
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ SetDigitsAllowed (true)
+ local state = 0
+ if mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 6 then state = 1 end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ SetLeftDigits ( mLeftSpdLmtText)
+ SetRightDigits ( mRightSpdLmtText)
+ SetDigitsAllowed(false)
+ local state = 0
+ if mSpdLimitSRDlxMethod == 6 then state = 1 end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ else
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- timebase
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mOldTickCount = GetTicks() + 20
+ end
+ return 1
+-- SIM RACE F1 speed limiter Methods
+function spdLmtSRF1MethodEvent(idx)
+ mSpdLimitSRF1Method = idx
+ mLeftSpdLmtText = " "
+ mRightSpdLmtText = " "
+ -- call custom script
+ local result = custom_spdLmtSRF1MethodEvent(mSpdLimitSRF1Method)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ -- call global custom script
+ result = global_custom_spdLmtSRF1MethodEvent(mSpdLimitSRF1Method)
+ -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0
+ -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1
+ if result <= 1 then return result end
+ -- if result >= 2 continue
+ local led = ""
+ -- check if initialized
+ if isGlobalInitialized == 0 then
+ isGlobalInitialized = 1
+ -- init them
+ InitGlobals()
+ end
+ -- get global prefs
+ GetSLIMaxInfo()
+ -- init table
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ if mNoBlink or (mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 0) then
+ -- speedlimiter led NOT blinking
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ elseif mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 1 then
+ -- speedlimiter led blinking, method 1
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ elseif mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 2 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + RPM blinking, method 2
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 1)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, 0)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 3 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + alternate RPM blinking, method 3
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetGearDigit("L")
+ end
+ for i = 0,14 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ if (i % 2)==0 then
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ else
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then
+ SetGearDigit(" ")
+ end
+ for i = 0,15 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ if (i % 2)==0 then
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ else
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 4 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + RPM + digits blinking, method 4
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ SetDigitsAllowed(true)
+ for i = 0,4 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ for i = 10,14 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 0
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ SetDigitsAllowed(false)
+ SetLeftDigits (mLeftSpdLmtText)
+ SetRightDigits (mRightSpdLmtText)
+ for i = 0,4 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ for i = 10,14 do
+ led = led.format("RPM%d",i)
+ mRPMLedTable[led] = 1
+ end
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ elseif mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 5 or mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 6 then
+ -- speedlimiter led + digits blinking, method 5
+ -- speedlimiter led + RPM fixed + Digits blinking, method 6
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = mSpdLmtBlink + 1
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink >= mBlinkTime then
+ mSpdLmtBlink = 0
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink <= (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit("L") end
+ SetDigitsAllowed (true)
+ local state = 0
+ if mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 6 then state = 1 end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ if mSpdLmtBlink > (mBlinkTime / 2) then
+ if mLimiterChar then SetGearDigit(" ") end
+ SetLeftDigits ( mLeftSpdLmtText)
+ SetRightDigits ( mRightSpdLmtText)
+ SetDigitsAllowed(false)
+ local state = 0
+ if mSpdLimitSRF1Method == 6 then state = 1 end
+ initLedTable(mRPMLedTable, state)
+ if not mSpdLmtRPMLedOnly then
+ SetWarnLed(mSpeedLimiterLED, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ SetRPMLed("mRPMLedTable")
+ else
+ return 1
+ end
+ -- timebase
+ if GetTicks() > mOldTickCount then
+ mOldTickCount = GetTicks() + 20
+ end
+ return 1
diff --git a/scripts/srf1emu_iracing.lua b/scripts/srf1emu_iracing.lua
index e50287c..0f1e693 100644
--- a/scripts/srf1emu_iracing.lua
+++ b/scripts/srf1emu_iracing.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
--- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
--- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
--- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-08
--- ================================
--- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
-mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
--- ================================
--- load common scripts file
+-- iRacing Custom Scripts - SLIMax Manager Scripts v1.9
+-- Copyright ©2011-2013 by Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved.
+-- last change by Zappadoc - 2013-08
+-- ================================
+-- add the short desciption of your script(s) in mScript_Info global var
+mScript_Info = "A useful iRacing COMBO SETUP to select automatically the good settings for each iracing car you drive (shiftlights, max gears, osp, et.)."
+-- ================================
+-- load common scripts file
require "scripts/zdoc_scripts/iracing_common_scripts" \ No newline at end of file