-- SLIMax Mgr Lua Script v2 -- Copyright (c)2011-2013 by EK and Zappadoc - All Rights Reserved. -- Use this script to bypass any previous functions and show what -- you want onto your device. -- param = device type (integer - see mDeviceType table) -- return 1 to send processed data to the device and bypass Mgr -- return 0 to skip and give the control to Mgr function deviceReport(devType) -- call custom script local result = custom_deviceReport(devType) -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0 -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1 if result <= 1 then return result end -- if result >= 2 continue -- call global custom script result = global_custom_deviceReport(devType) -- if result = 0 bypass the script below and return 0 -- if result = 1 bypass the script below and return 1 if result <= 1 then return result end -- if result >= 2 continue -- sim paused? local paused = GetContextInfo("paused") -- limiter ON? local spdLmt = GetCarInfo("speedlimiter") if paused or spdLmt == 0 then -- reset value SetDigitsAllowed(true) end -- skip and give the control to Mgr return 0 end