## ## Part of configuration files for Zsh 4 ## by Hugues Hiegel ## ## NO WARRANTY PROVIDED, USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS ## ## You are encouraged to use, modify, and redistribute ## these files with or without this notice. ## ## ## User-defined functions ## # # For preexec, precmd, chpwd and other built-in functions, # go see the file Prompts.zsh # cmd_exists () { \which -p $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 } git () { GIT=$(\which -p git) case $1 in init|clone|config) ;; *) if [ "$( ( $GIT ls-files ; $GIT ls-tree HEAD . ) 2>&- | head -n1)" = ""\ -a \( ! -d .git -o "$($GIT rev-parse --git-dir 2>&-)" != ".git" \)\ -a "$($GIT rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir 2>&-)" != "true" ] then echo >&2 "git $1: the current folder is not managed by git" return fi ;; esac $(\which -p git) $@ } term_title() { # Jobs typeset -A command for word in ${=@} ; command[$#command]=$word if [ "$command[0]" = "fg" ] then lastjob=$(ps t `tty` | grep "[0-9]\+[[:blank:]]\+`tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'`[[:blank:]]\+T.\? \+.:.. \\\_ " | tail -n1 | cut -c32-) set "$lastjob" fi if [ "$command[0]" = "screen" -o "$command[0]" = "tmux" ] then # discards screen args set $command[0] fi [ ! "$@" = "" ] && set " |" $@ if [[ -t 1 ]] then case $TERM in sun-cmd) print -Pn "\e]l%n@%m %~$@\e\\" # Never tested.. ;; *term*|rxvt*|putty) print -Pn "\e]0;%n@%m (%l) %~$@\a" # Sets term title ;; screen*) local _sep="" [ $# -gt 0 ] && _sep=$1 && shift # gets and discards the separator, if any. #if [ ! -z "$TMUX" ] #then # Tmux #print -Pn "\e]0;%n@%m (%l) %~${_sep:+$_sep #[fg=yellow,bold]}$@\a" # Sets term title print -Pn "\e]0;#[fg=red]%n#[fg=default,bold]@#[fg=red]%m#[default] (#[fg=cyan]%l#[fg=default]) #[fg=red]%~${_sep:+#[default,fg=default]$_sep #[fg=yellow,bold]$@}#[default,fg=default]\a" #else # Classic screen # hardstatus #print -Pn "\e]2;{+b W}SCREEN #n {-b W}| {R}?u(u) ?{W}{r}%n@%m{W} ({c}%l{W}) {R}%~{W}${_sep:+$_sep \{+b Y\}}$@{-b W}\a" # Sets hardstatus line (term title) # print -Pn "\e]2;{R}?u(u) ?{W}{r}%n{R}@{r}%m{-b W} ({+b c}%l{-b W}) {R}%~{W}${_sep:+$_sep \{+b Y\}}$@{-b W}\a" # Sets hardstatus line (term title) # caption # print -Pn "\ek" # [ "$SUDO_USER" != "" ] && print -Pn "($USER) " # print -Pn "${@:-%~}" # print -Pn "\e\\" #fi ;; *) ;; esac fi } preprint() { local my_color i my_color=${2-"$prompt_colors[generic]"} hbar=$T_ for i in {1..$((74 - ${#1} - 5))} do hbar=${hbar}$_tq_ done hbar=${hbar}$_T if [ "$1" != "" ] then print -Pn "${C_}$my_color;1${_C}${hbar}$T_$_tj_$_T${C_}0;$my_color${_C} $1 ${C_}0;$my_color;1${_C}$T_$_tm_$_tq_$_T\r${C_}0${_C}" else print -Pn "${C_}$my_color;1${_C}${hbar}$T_$_tq_$_tq_$_tq_$_tq_$_tq_$_T${C_}0${_C}" fi } get_gcl_branch () { case $1 in git) get_git_branch ;; hg) get_hg_branch ;; *) ;; esac } get_hg_branch () { HGROOT=$(hg root 2>/dev/null) if [ ! -z "$HGROOT" ] then hg branch fi } get_git_branch () { local my_git_branch checkouted_branch="yes" if [ -f ".repo/manifests.git/config" ] then my_git_branch=$(grep merge .repo/manifests.git/config | awk '{print $3}') if [ $my_git_branch != "" ] then echo "[$my_git_branch]" return fi fi # Get git branch only from git managed folders (not ignored subfolders..) [ "$( ( git ls-files ; git ls-tree HEAD . ) 2>&- | head -n1)" = "" -a \( ! -d .git -o "$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>&-)" != ".git" \) -a "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir 2>&-)" != "true" ] && return GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir) # Get current working GIT branch my_git_branch="$(git branch 2>&- | grep -E '^\* ' | cut -c3-)" if [ "$my_git_branch" != "" ] then # If not on a working GIT branch, get the named current commit-ish inside parenthesis [ "$my_git_branch" = "(no branch)" ] &&\ checkouted_branch="" && \ my_git_branch="$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>&- | sed 's,^tags/,,;s,^remotes/,,;s,\^0$,,')" # If neither on a named commit-ish, show commit-id if [ "$my_git_branch" = "undefined" ] then my_git_branch="$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>&-)" fi else # Initial commit if [ -L $GIT_DIR/HEAD -a ! -f $GIT_DIR/HEAD ] then my_git_branch="$(basename $GIT_DIR/$(LC_ALL=C stat --printf="%N\n" $GIT_DIR/HEAD | tr '`' "'" | cut -d\' -f4))" else my_git_branch="$(basename $GIT_DIR/$(cat $GIT_DIR/HEAD | sed 's/^\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)\([0-9a-f]\{38\}\)$/objects\/\1\/\2/;s/^ref: //'))" fi fi # Rebase in progress ? if [ -d $GIT_DIR/rebase-merge -o -d $GIT_DIR/rebase-apply ] then local rebase current last local REBASE_DIR if [ -d $GIT_DIR/rebase-merge ] then REBASE_DIR=$GIT_DIR/rebase-merge else REBASE_DIR=$GIT_DIR/rebase-apply fi if [ "$REBASE_DIR" = "$GIT_DIR/rebase-merge" ] then current=$(< $REBASE_DIR/done wc -l) last=$(( $current + $(< $REBASE_DIR/git-rebase-todo grep -v "^#\|^[[:blank:]]*$" | wc -l) )) rebase=$rebase$rebase_in_progress": " else current=$(cat $REBASE_DIR/next) last=$(cat $REBASE_DIR/last) fi # Then the result my_git_branch="[rebase $current/$last: "$(git name-rev --name-only "$(cat $REBASE_DIR/onto 2>/dev/null)" 2>/dev/null)".."$my_git_branch"]" [ -r $REBASE_DIR/head-name ] && my_git_branch=$my_git_branch" "$(< $REBASE_DIR/head-name sed 's/^refs\///;s/^heads\///') else # No rebase in progress, put '(' ')' if needed [ ! "$checkouted_branch" ] && my_git_branch="($my_git_branch)" fi if [ "$(git status 2>&- | grep "new file" | head -n1)" != "" ] ; then # ADDED FILES my_git_branch=$my_git_branch fi echo $my_git_branch } get_guilt_series () { # Guilt # guilt="" if ( cmd_exists guilt && guilt status >/dev/null 2>&- ) then applied=$(guilt applied 2>/dev/null | wc -l) unapplied=$(guilt unapplied 2>/dev/null | wc -l) if [ $(($applied + $unapplied)) -gt 0 ] then guilt=" "$C_$guilt_colors[applied]$_C while [ $applied -gt 0 ] do guilt=$guilt"·" applied=$(($applied - 1)) done guilt=$guilt$C_$guilt_colors[unapplied]$_C while [ $unapplied -gt 0 ] do guilt=$guilt"·" unapplied=$(($unapplied - 1)) done guilt=$guilt$C_$colors[none]$_C fi fi echo $guilt } # We *must* have previously checked that # we obtained a correct GIT branch with # a call to `get_git_branch` get_git_status () { local my_git_status cached not_up_to_date managment_folder if [ ! -z "$DO_NOT_CHECK_GIT_STATUS" ] then return fi if [ -f ".repo/manifests.git/config" ] then echo "$git_colors[up_to_date]"; return fi if [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir)" = "true" -o "$(git config --get core.bare)" = "true" ] ; then echo "$git_colors[managment_folder]" return fi if [ "$(git diff --cached 2>&- | grep '^diff ' | head -n1 )" != "" ] ; then cached="yes" fi if [ "$(git ls-files -m 2>&- | head -n1)" != "" ] ; then not_up_to_date="yes" fi GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null) if [ "$cached" != "" -a "$not_up_to_date" != "" ] ; then my_git_status="$git_colors[cached_and_not_up_to_date]" elif [ "$cached" != "" ] ; then my_git_status="$git_colors[cached]" elif [ "$not_up_to_date" != "" ] ; then my_git_status="$git_colors[not_up_to_date]" elif [ "$(git cat-file -t HEAD 2>/dev/null)" != "commit" ] ; then if [ ! -z "$(git ls-files)" ] ; then my_git_status="$git_colors[cached]" else my_git_status="$git_colors[init_in_progress]" fi else if [ -f $GIT_DIR/MERGE_HEAD ] then my_git_status="$git_colors[cached]" else my_git_status="$git_colors[up_to_date]" fi fi echo $my_git_status } zsh_status () { if [ $ZDOTDIR != "" ] then cd $ZDOTDIR >/dev/null _status="$(git describe --always)" if [ "$( (git diff --cached ; git diff) | head -n1)" != "" ] then _status=$_status"-$( (git diff --cached ; git diff) | md5sum | sed 's/^\(.......\).*$/-D1rTY-\1/')" fi echo $_status else echo fi } normal_user () { if [ -e /etc/login.defs ] then eval `grep -v '^[$#]' /etc/login.defs | grep "^UID_" | tr -d '[:blank:]' | sed 's/^[A-Z_]\+/&=/'` [ \( $UID -ge $UID_MIN \) ] else [ "`whoami`" != "root" ] fi } privileged_user () { ! normal_user } # This func is intended to give a quick way to set the colors for the # prompt inside a running zsh-session # set_prompt_colors () { local my_generic # Get the generic color from cmdline, else from envvar... my_generic=${1:-$prompt_colors[generic]} # ...then stores it to envvar. :) prompt_colors[generic]=$my_generic # Get soft and bold values of generic color, whichever it is bold or not prompt_colors[bold_generic]="$(echo "$prompt_colors[generic]" | tr ';' '\n' | grep -v "^$color[bold]$" | tr '\n' ';' | sed 's/\;$//');$color[bold]" prompt_colors[soft_generic]="$(echo "$prompt_colors[generic]" | tr ';' '\n' | grep -v "^$color[bold]$" | tr '\n' ';' | sed 's/\;$//')" prompt_colors[path]="$prompt_colors[generic];$color[bold]" # pwd - bold generic #prompt_colors[term]="$prompt_colors[generic]" # tty - unused, see term title prompt_colors[user]="$prompt_colors[generic]" # login - generic prompt_colors[host]="$prompt_colors[generic]" # hostname - generic prompt_colors[display]="$prompt_colors[generic]" # hostname - generic #prompt_colors[hist]="$color[none]" # history number - unused prompt_colors[arob]="$color[bold];$prompt_colors[generic]" # @ - bold generic prompt_colors[dies]="$prompt_colors[generic]" # the bottom-end of the prompt - generic prompt_colors[doubledot]="$color[none]" # separates pwd from git-branch - none #prompt_colors[paren]="$color[cyan]" # parenthesis (around tty) - unused, see term title prompt_colors[bar]="$prompt_colors[generic];$color[bold]" # horizontal bar - bold generic prompt_colors[braces]="$prompt_colors[bar]" # braces (around date) - bar color prompt_colors[error]="$color[bold];$color[yellow]" # error code - bold yellow prompt_colors[warning]="$color[bold];$color[yellow]" date_colors[normal]=$prompt_colors[soft_generic] date_colors[exec]=$prompt_colors[bold_generic] prompt_colors[date]=$date_colors[normal] # full date prompt_colors[cmd]="$color[none]" # command prompt prompt_colors[exec]="$color[none]" # command output battery_colors[full]="$prompt_colors[soft_generic]" battery_colors[charging]="$prompt_colors[bold_generic]" battery_colors[uncharging]="$prompt_colors[soft_generic]" battery_colors[critical]="$color[bg-red];$prompt_colors[bold_generic]" mail_colors[unread]="$color[yellow];$color[bold]" # mail received mail_colors[listes]="$prompt_colors[generic];$color[bold]" # less important mail received agent_colors[empty]="$prompt_colors[soft_generic]" agent_colors[remote_empty]="$color[bold];$color[black]" agent_colors[has_keys]="$color[bold];$color[yellow]" agent_colors[has_remote_keys]="$prompt_colors[bold_generic]" prompt_colors[up_to_date]="$prompt_colors[generic]" # up-to-date prompt_colors[not_up_to_date]="$color[green];$color[bold]" # not up to date prompt_colors[to_be_commited]="$color[yellow];$color[bold]" # changes in cache git_colors[managment_folder]="$color[red];$color[bold]" # .git/... folder browsing git_colors[cached]="$prompt_colors[to_be_commited]" # git changes in cache git_colors[cached_and_not_up_to_date]="$prompt_colors[not_up_to_date];$color[bold]" git_colors[not_up_to_date]="$prompt_colors[not_up_to_date];$color[normal]" # git changes in working tree git_colors[init_in_progress]="$color[black];$color[bold]" # initialization git_colors[up_to_date]="$prompt_colors[up_to_date];$color[normal]" # git up-to-date guilt_colors[applied]=$git_colors[cached] guilt_colors[unapplied]=$color[black] } birthdays() { WHEN_FILE=~/.when/birthdays TODAY_FILE=~/.when/.today if cmd_exists when && [ -e $WHEN_FILE ] then when --calendar=$WHEN_FILE $@ | tail -n+3 | \ sed 's/^\(aujourd.hui *[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] [A-Z][a-z]\+ [0-9][0-9][ ]*\)\(.*\)/'$c_'1;33'$_c'\1\2'$c_'0'$_c'/; s/^\(demain *[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] [A-Z][a-z]\+ [0-9][0-9][ ]*\)\(.*\)/'$c_'1'$_c'\1\2'$c_'0'$_c'/; s/^\(hier *[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] [A-Z][a-z]\+ [0-9][0-9][ ]*\)\(.*\)/'$c_'3'$_c'\1\2'$c_'0'$_c'/' \ > $TODAY_FILE if [ -s $TODAY_FILE ] then preprint "À ne pas manquer" $color[red] ; echo cat $TODAY_FILE preprint "" $color[red] ; echo echo fi | sed 's/^/ /' fi } todo() { if cmd_exists todo then TODO=${=$(whereis -b todo | cut -d: -f2)} if [ $($TODO $@ | wc -l) -gt 0 ] then preprint "À faire" $color[yellow] && echo $TODO $@ --force-colour preprint "" $color[yellow] && echo echo fi | sed 's/^/ /' fi } chpwd() { todo if ( cmd_exists git && test -d .git ) then # Shows tracked branches and modified files git checkout HEAD 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /' fi }