## ## Part of configuration files for Zsh 4 ## by Hugues Hiegel ## ## NO WARRANTY PROVIDED, USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS ## ## You are encouraged to use, modify, and redistribute ## these files with or without this notice. ## ## ## User-defined functions ## # # For preexec, precmd, chpwd and other built-in functions, # go see the file Prompts.zsh # _cuu1_=$(tput cuu1) _cud1_=$(tput cud1) _cub1_=$(tput cub 1) _cuf1_=$(tput cuf 1) __cmd_exists () { which -p $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 } __term_title() { __debug -n " Term title..." # Jobs typeset -A command for word in ${=@} ; command[$#command]=$word if [ "$command[0]" = "fg" ] then lastjob=$(ps t `tty` | grep "[0-9]\+[[:blank:]]\+`tty | sed 's/\/dev\///'`[[:blank:]]\+T.\? \+.:.. \\\_ " | tail -n1 | cut -c32-) set "$lastjob" fi if [ "$command[0]" = "screen" -o "$command[0]" = "tmux" ] then # discards screen args set $command[0] fi [ ! "$@" = "" ] && set " |" $@ if [[ -t 1 ]] then case $TERM in sun-cmd) print -Pn "\e]l%n@%m %~$@\e\\" # Never tested.. ;; *term*|rxvt*|putty) print -Pn "\e]0;%n@%m (%l) %~$@\a" # Sets term title ;; screen*) local _sep="" [ $# -gt 0 ] && _sep=$1 && shift # gets and discards the separator, if any. #if [ ! -z "$TMUX" ] #then # Tmux #print -Pn "\e]0;%n@%m (%l) %~${_sep:+$_sep #[fg=yellow,bold]}$@\a" # Sets term title print -Pn "\e]0;#[fg=red]%n#[fg=default,bold]@#[fg=red]%m#[default] (#[fg=cyan]%l#[fg=default]) #[fg=red]%~${_sep:+#[default,fg=default]$_sep #[fg=yellow,bold]$@}\a" #else # Classic screen # hardstatus #print -Pn "\e]2;{+b W}SCREEN #n {-b W}| {R}?u(u) ?{W}{r}%n@%m{W} ({c}%l{W}) {R}%~{W}${_sep:+$_sep \{+b Y\}}$@{-b W}\a" # Sets hardstatus line (term title) # print -Pn "\e]2;{R}?u(u) ?{W}{r}%n{R}@{r}%m{-b W} ({+b c}%l{-b W}) {R}%~{W}${_sep:+$_sep \{+b Y\}}$@{-b W}\a" # Sets hardstatus line (term title) # caption # print -Pn "\ek" # [ "$SUDO_USER" != "" ] && print -Pn "($USER) " # print -Pn "${@:-%~}" # print -Pn "\e\\" #fi ;; *) ;; esac fi __debug } __preprint() { local my_color i newline if [ "$1" = "-n" ] then newline='n' shift fi my_color=${2-"$_prompt_colors[generic]"} hbar=$T_ for i in {1..$((74 - ${#1} - 5))} do hbar=${hbar}$_tq_ done hbar=${hbar}$_T if [ "$1" != "" ] then print -P$newline "${C_}$my_color;1${_C}${hbar}$T_$_tj_$_T${C_}0;$my_color${_C} $1 ${C_}0;$my_color;1${_C}$T_$_tm_$_tq_$_T\r${C_}0${_C}" else print -P$newline "${C_}$my_color;1${_C}${hbar}$T_$_tq_$_tq_$_tq_$_tq_$_tq_$_T${C_}0${_C}" fi } __get_gcl_branch () { case $1 in git) __debug -n " GIT status..." __get_git_infos __debug ;; hg) __debug -n " HG status..." __get_hg_branch __debug ;; *) ;; esac } __get_hg_branch () { HGROOT=$(hg root 2>/dev/null) if [ ! -z "$HGROOT" ] then hg branch fi } __cleanup_git_branch_name() { sed ' s,^tags/\(.*\),[\1], /^remotes/ { s,^remotes/,, s,^devel/,~, s,^origin/,, s,^,%{\\033['$color[standout]'m%}, } s,\^0$,, ' } __get_git_fullstatus () { [ -n "$1" ] && pushd $1 >/dev/null local _branch _status _tracking _stashes _branch=$(__get_git_branch) _status=$(__get_git_branch_status) [ -n "$_branch" ] && _branch=$C_$_prompt_colors[soft_generic]$_C${${_branch/→/$C_$_status$_C}/←/$C_$_prompt_colors[soft_generic]$_C}$C_$color[none]$_C _tracking=$(__get_git_tracking_status) _stashes=$(__get_git_stashes) [ -n "$1" ] && popd >/dev/null echo $_branch${_tracking:+ $_tracking}${_stashes:+ $_stashes} } __get_git_branch () { local my_git_branch checkouted_branch commit_ish __debug __debug -n " repo..." if [ -f ".repo/manifests.git/config" ] then my_git_branch=$(grep merge .repo/manifests.git/config | awk '{print $3}') if [ $my_git_branch != "" ] then echo " [$my_git_branch]" return fi fi __debug __debug -n " branch..." GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>&-) # Get git branch only from git managed folders (not ignored subfolders..) [ "$( ( git ls-files ; git ls-tree HEAD . ) 2>&- | head -n1)" = "" -a \ \( ! -d .git -o -z "$GIT_DIR" \) -a \ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir 2>&-)" != "true" ] && return # commit-ish, for future uses commit_ish=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>/dev/null) # Get current working GIT branch my_git_branch="$(git branch 2>&- | grep -E '^\* ' | cut -c3-)" # for future use checkouted_branch=$my_git_branch if [ "$my_git_branch" != "" ] then # If not on a working GIT branch, get the named current commit-ish inside parenthesis [ "$my_git_branch" = "(no branch)" ] &&\ checkouted_branch="" && \ my_git_branch="$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>&- | __cleanup_git_branch_name)" # If neither on a named commit-ish, show commit-id if [ "$my_git_branch" = "undefined" ] then my_git_branch="$(echo $commit_ish | cut -c-7)" fi else # Initial commit if [ -L $GIT_DIR/HEAD -a ! -f $GIT_DIR/HEAD ] then my_git_branch="$(basename $(readlink -f $GIT_DIR/HEAD))" else my_git_branch="$(basename $GIT_DIR/$(cat $GIT_DIR/HEAD | sed 's/^\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)\([0-9a-f]\{38\}\)$/objects\/\1\/\2/;s/^ref: //'))" fi fi __debug my_git_branch="→"$my_git_branch"←" __debug -n " bisect..." # Bisect in progress ? if [ -e $GIT_DIR/BISECT_LOG ] then local bisect bisect_good bisect_bad bisect_start # ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ ◀ ◁ ◂ ◃ ◄ ◅ eval $(awk ' BEGIN { good="" bad="" } /^git bisect good/ { good=$4 } /^git bisect bad/ { bad=$4 } END { print "bisect_good="good print "bisect_bad="bad }' $GIT_DIR/BISECT_LOG) bisect="" if [ "$bisect_good" ] then bisect_good=$(( $(git log --oneline $bisect_good..$commit_ish | wc -l) - 1)) bisect+="$C_$_gcl_colors[bisect-good]$_C" [ $bisect_good -ge 1 ] && bisect+="₊"$(echo $bisect_good | _subscript_number) bisect+="▸" fi #bisect+="→"$commit_ish"←" bisect+=$my_git_branch if [ "$bisect_bad" ] then bisect_bad=$(git log --oneline $commit_ish..$bisect_bad | wc -l) bisect+="$C_$_gcl_colors[bisect-bad]$_C" bisect+="◂" [ $bisect_bad -ge 1 ] && bisect+="₊"$(echo $bisect_bad | _subscript_number) fi bisect+="$C_$_prompt_colors[soft_generic]$_C (" bisect+=$C_$color[magenta]$_C$(cat $GIT_DIR/BISECT_START) bisect+=$C_$_prompt_colors[soft_generic]$_C")" echo $bisect return fi __debug __debug -n " rebase..." # Rebase in progress ? if [ -d $GIT_DIR/rebase-merge -o -d $GIT_DIR/rebase-apply ] then local rebase onto amend current last local REBASE_DIR if [ -d $GIT_DIR/rebase-merge ] then REBASE_DIR=$GIT_DIR/rebase-merge else REBASE_DIR=$GIT_DIR/rebase-apply fi if [ "$REBASE_DIR" = "$GIT_DIR/rebase-merge" ] then current=$(< $REBASE_DIR/done wc -l) last=$(( $current + $(< $REBASE_DIR/git-rebase-todo grep -v "^#\|^[[:blank:]]*$" | wc -l) )) else current=$(cat $REBASE_DIR/next) last=$(cat $REBASE_DIR/last) fi rebase="["$C_$_prompt_colors[bold_generic]$_C #while [ $current -gt 0 ] ; do rebase+=$T_"a"$_T ; current=$(( $current - 1 )) ; done #while [ $last -gt 0 ] ; do rebase+=$T_"|"$_T ; last=$(( $last - 1 )) ; done rebase+=$current"/"$last # ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ ◀ ◁ ◂ ◃ ◄ ◅ # base onto=$(cat $REBASE_DIR/onto | cut -c-7) # amended commit [ -e $REBASE_DIR/original-commit ] && amend=$(cat $REBASE_DIR/original-commit | cut -c-7) [ -e $REBASE_DIR/stopped-sha ] && amend=$(cat $REBASE_DIR/stopped-sha) # if [ "$amend" != "$commit_ish" ] then #amend=$(git name-rev --name-only "$amend" 2>/dev/null | __cleanup_git_branch_name) #[ "$amend" = "undefined" ] && amend=$(echo $amend | cut -c-7) amend=" ◃ "$C_$color[magenta]$_C$amend$C_$_prompt_colors[soft_generic]$_C else amend="" fi rebase+=$C_$_prompt_colors[soft_generic]$_C": $onto..$my_git_branch$amend]" [ -r $REBASE_DIR/head-name ] && rebase+=" ("$(< $REBASE_DIR/head-name sed 's/^refs\///;s/^heads\///')")" my_git_branch=$rebase else # No rebase in progress, put '(' ')' if needed [ ! "$checkouted_branch" ] && my_git_branch="($my_git_branch)" fi __debug echo $my_git_branch } __get_git_stashes() { __debug -n " stashes..." # Show number of stashed commits by appending '+' signs for each if [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir)" != "true" -a "$(git config --get core.bare)" != "true" ] then local _stashed=$(git stash list | wc -l ) if [ "$_stashed" -gt 0 ] then # ↙ ↯ ↲ ↵ echo -n $C_$_gcl_colors[white]$_C"↙" [ $_stashed -gt 1 ] && echo -n "$(echo $_stashed | _subscript_number)" fi fi __debug } __get_git_tracking_status() { local git_tracking_status="" __debug -n " tracking..." my_git_branch="$(git branch 2>&- | grep -E '^\* ' | cut -c3-)" if [ "$checkouted_branch" -a ! "$(git config --get branch.$checkouted_branch.remote)" ] then git_tracking_status=$C_$_gcl_colors[untracked]$_C"✖" fi __debug __debug -n " behind/ahead..." # Show number of stashed commits by appending '+' signs for each if [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir)" != "true" -a "$(git config --get core.bare)" != "true" ] then local _ahead=0 ; local _behind=0 ; eval $(git status . | sed -n ' /^#$/ { q } s/^# and have \([0-9]\+\) and \([0-9]\+\) different.*/_ahead=\1;\n_behind=\2;\n/p ; s/^# Your branch is \(behind\|ahead\) .* \([0-9]\+\) commit.*/_\1=\2;\n/p ; ') # ᛨ ᛪ ⇅ ↟↟ ⇶ ⇶ ⇵ ⌥ ⬆ ⬇ ⬌ ⬍ ⤱ ⤲ ✖ ➠ ➟ ⤴ ⎇⬋⬉⬉⬈⬌⬍⬅⬄ if [ $_behind -gt 0 ] then git_tracking_status+=$C_$_gcl_colors[ffwd]$_C [ $_behind -gt 1 ] && git_tracking_status+="$(echo $_behind | _subscript_number)" git_tracking_status+="⬇" fi if [ $_ahead -gt 0 ] then if [ $_behind -gt 0 ] then git_tracking_status+=$C_$_prompt_colors[generic]$_C else git_tracking_status+=$C_$_gcl_colors[cached]$_C fi git_tracking_status+="⬆" [ $_ahead -gt 1 ] && git_tracking_status+="$(echo $_ahead | _subscript_number)" fi fi echo $git_tracking_status } _subscript_number() { sed 's/0/₀/g;s/1/₁/g;s/2/₂/g;s/3/₃/g;s/4/₄/g;s/5/₅/g;s/6/₆/g;s/7/₇/g;s/8/₈/g;s/9/₉/g' } __get_guilt_series () { # Guilt # guilt="" __debug -n " Guilt" if ( __cmd_exists guilt && test -d $GIT_DIR/patches && guilt status >/dev/null 2>&- ) then applied=$(guilt applied 2>/dev/null | wc -l) unapplied=$(guilt unapplied 2>/dev/null | wc -l) if [ $(($applied + $unapplied)) -gt 0 ] then guilt=" "$c_$_guilt_colors[applied]$_C while [ $applied -gt 0 ] do guilt=$guilt"·" applied=$(($applied - 1)) done guilt=$guilt$c_$_guilt_colors[unapplied]$_C while [ $unapplied -gt 0 ] do guilt=$guilt"·" unapplied=$(($unapplied - 1)) done guilt=$guilt$C_$colors[none]$_C fi fi __debug echo $guilt } # We *must* have previously checked that # we obtained a correct GIT branch with # a call to `__get_git_branch` __get_git_branch_status () { local my_git_branch_status cached changed managment_folder GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null) [ -z "$GIT_DIR" ] && return if [ "$(git config --get zsh.check-status)" = "false" ] then return fi my_git_branch_status=$_gcl_colors[uptodate]; __debug -n " where to..." if [ -f ".repo/manifests.git/config" ] then echo $my_git_branch_status return fi if [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir 2>/dev/null)" = "true" -o "$(git config --get core.bare)" = "true" ] ; then echo "$_gcl_colors[gitdir]" return fi if [ "$(git status --porcelain | cut -c1 | tr -d ' ?\n')" != "" ] ; then # Got any character but « » or «?» in first column : staged changes cached="yes" fi if [ "$(git status --porcelain . | cut -c2 | tr -d ' ?\n')" != "" ] ; then # Got any character but « » or «?» in second column : working tree changes changed="yes" fi __debug __debug -n " cached/changed..." if [ "$cached" != "" -a "$changed" != "" ] then my_git_branch_status="$_gcl_colors[mixed]" elif [ "$cached" != "" ] then my_git_branch_status="$_gcl_colors[cached]" elif [ "$changed" != "" ] then my_git_branch_status="$_gcl_colors[changed]" elif [ "$(git cat-file -t HEAD 2>/dev/null)" != "commit" ] then if [ ! -z "$(git ls-files)" ] ; then my_git_branch_status="$_gcl_colors[cached]" else my_git_branch_status="$_gcl_colors[init]" fi fi __debug __debug -n " merges..." if [ $(git ls-files --unmerged | wc -l) -gt 0 ] then my_git_branch_status="${_gcl_colors[merging]:+$_gcl_colors[merging];}$my_git_branch_status" fi echo $my_git_branch_status __debug } __zsh_status () { if [ $ZDOTDIR != "" ] then cd $ZDOTDIR >/dev/null _status="$(git describe --always)" if [ "$(git status --porcelain | cut -c1-2 | tr -d ' ?\n')" != "" ] then # Dirty return 1 fi fi # Clean return 0 } __normal_user () { if [ -e /etc/login.defs ] then eval `grep -v '^[$#]' /etc/login.defs | grep "^UID_" | tr -d '[:blank:]' | sed 's/^[A-Z_]\+/&=/'` [ \( $UID -ge $UID_MIN \) ] else [ "`whoami`" != "root" ] fi } __privileged_user () { ! __normal_user } __expand_text() { # Strips unprintable characters print -Pn -- "$(echo $@ | sed 's/\r.*//g;s/%{[^(%})]*%}//g;s/'$T_'//g;s/'$_T'//g')" } export _COLUMNS_OLD=0 __hbar() { if [ $COLUMNS != $_COLUMNS_OLD ] then __debug -n " Horizontal bar..." _COLUMNS_OLD=$COLUMNS HBAR_COLOR=$C_$_prompt_colors[bar]$_C$T_ HBAR=$T_ for h in {1..$COLUMNS} do HBAR=${HBAR}$_tq_ done HBAR=$HBAR$_T __debug fi } __get_prompt_lines() { local lines lines=$( (__expand_text "$PS1 $@" ) | sed "s/\\(.\{,$COLUMNS\}\\)/\\1\n/g" ) lines=$( echo "$lines" | sed -n '/^$/n;p' | wc -l ) # Got number of empty lines at end of command, because they are screwed up above... lines=$(( $lines + $( echo -n "$@" | tr ';\n' '.;' | sed 's/^\(.*[^;]\)\(;*\)$/\2/' | wc -c ) )) echo $lines } # Rewrites current prompt. __redisplay_ps1 () { #__redefine_prompt tput sc up_up - 1 print -Pn "$PS1" tput rc } zle -D reset-prompt zle -N reset-prompt __redisplay_ps1 __clear () { tput clear [ -n "$1" ] && tput cup $1 } up_up () { local _up="" for i in {1..$(($(__get_prompt_lines) $@ ))} _up+=$_cuu1_ print -Pn $_up'\r' } _rehash () { builtin rehash __redisplay_ps1 } zle -N _rehash # Process helper _process_tree() { for leaf in ${@:-$$} do ps -eo pid,ppid,command | awk -v leaf="$leaf" \ '{ parent[$1]=$2 ; command[$1]=$3 ; } function print_ancestry(pid) { if (pid != 1) { print_ancestry(parent[pid]) ; printf " :: " } printf command[pid]; }; END { print_ancestry(leaf) print "" }' done }