## ## Part of configuration files for Zsh 4 ## by Hugues Hiegel ## ## NO WARRANTY PROVIDED, USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS ## ## You are encouraged to use, modify, and redistribute ## these files with or without this notice. ## prompt_colors[generic]=${PS1_USER:-} if privileged_user then prompt_colors[generic]=${PS1_ROOT:-$color[bold];$color[red]} fi if [ "$YEAHCONSOLE" = "true" ] then prompt_colors[generic]=${PS1_YEAH} fi set_prompt_colors ## Prompts # # man zshmisc(1) # ## Automagic funcs # # chpwd : changement de répertoire # preexec : avant d'exécuter une commande # precmd : avant d'afficher le prompt # expand_text() { # strips the %{...%} and newlines characters print -Pn -- "$(echo $@ | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/%{[^(%})]*%}//g;s/'$T_'//g;s/'$_T'//g')" } preexec () { term_title "$(echo $1 | tr ' \n' ' ;' | sed 's/%/%%/g;s/\\/\\\\/g;s/;$//')" prompt_colors[date]=$date_colors[exec] set_prompt_date "-" prompt_colors[date]=$date_colors[normal] spaceleft=$(($COLUMNS - $AGENTSSIZE - $STLINUXSIZE - $DATESIZE - $BATTERYSIZE)) unset HBAR HBAR=$T_ for h in {1..$spaceleft} do HBAR=${HBAR}$_tq_ done HBAR=$HBAR$_T redefine_prompt local lines="$(($(expand_text "$PROMPT$1" | sed "s/\\(.\{0,$COLUMNS\}\\)/\\1\\n/g" | wc -l)))" for i in {1..$lines} ; print -Pn "\e[1A\e[2K" print -Pn "\r$PROMPT" print -Pn "$C_$color[cyan]$_C" print "${(q)1}" | sed "s/'$//;s/^'//" print -Pn "$C_$prompt_colors[exec]$_C" } set_prompt_date() { begin=${${1:+$_tj_}:-$_tk_} end=${${1:+$_tm_}:-$_tl_} # Date [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " Date..." DATE=$C_$prompt_colors[braces]$_C$T_"${begin}"$_T" "$C_$prompt_colors[date]$_C"%D{%a-%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S}"$C_$prompt_colors[braces]$_C" "$C_$prompt_colors[bar]$_C$T_"${end}$_tq_"$_T DATEEXPAND=$(expand_text "$DATE") DATESIZE=${#DATEEXPAND} [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo } update_prompt_elements() { # Error [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " Error code..." ERRORSIZE=${#error} ERROR="%(?;;"$C_$prompt_colors[bar]$_C$T_"$_tq_"$_T$C_$prompt_colors[error]$_C"%?)" [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " Term title..." # Flush the term title term_title [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo set_prompt_date [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " Agents..." # GPG/SSH agents AGENTS="" local _is_multibyte_compliant if ( echo ${(k)options} | grep "multibyte" >/dev/null ) && [ "$options[multibyte]" = "on" ] then _is_multibyte_compliant="yes it is !" else _is_multibyte_compliant="" fi [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo && echo -n " ......SSH" # Check ssh-agent only if the env socket has been set and is accessible if [ -S "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] then # Get keylist SSH_AGENT_KEYLIST="$( ssh-add -l | grep "^[[:digit:]]\+ \([[:digit:]a-f]\{2\}:\)\{15\}[[:digit:]a-f]\{2\} .* (.*)$" )" # Check if it is a forwarded agent if [ "$SSH_AGENT_PID" -gt 0 -a -e /proc/$SSH_AGENT_PID/cmdline ] then # That's a local agent if [ "$SSH_AGENT_KEYLIST" != "" ] then AGENTCOLOR="has_keys" AGENTCHAR=${AGENT_WITH_KEYS:-$( [ $_is_multibyte_compliant ] && echo "✔" || echo "$" )} else AGENTCOLOR="empty" AGENTCHAR=${AGENT_EMPTY:-$( [ $_is_multibyte_compliant ] && echo "✘" || echo "S" )} fi else # That's a forwarded agent if [ "$SSH_AGENT_KEYLIST" != "" ] then AGENTCOLOR="has_remote_keys" AGENTCHAR=${AGENT_SOCK_WITH_KEYS:-$( [ $_is_multibyte_compliant ] && echo "✓" || echo "@" )} else AGENTCOLOR="remote_empty" AGENTCHAR=${AGENT_SOCK_EMPTY:-$( [ $_is_multibyte_compliant ] && echo "✗" || echo "O" )} fi fi AGENTS=$C_$agent_colors[$AGENTCOLOR]$_C"$AGENTCHAR" fi [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo && echo -n " ......GPG" GPG_AGENT_PID="$(echo $GPG_AGENT_INFO | cut -d: -f2)" if [ "$GPG_AGENT_PID" != "" -a -e /proc/$GPG_AGENT_PID/cmdline ] then if [ "`strings /proc/$GPG_AGENT_PID/cmdline | head -n1`" = "gpg-agent" ] then AGENTCOLOR="has_keys" AGENTS=$AGENTS$C_$agent_colors[$AGENTCOLOR]$_C${GPG_AGENT_RUNNING:-$( [ $_is_multibyte_compliant ] && echo "⚡" || echo "G" )} fi fi AGENTS=${AGENTS:+$C_$prompt_colors[bar]$_C$T_"$_tq_"$_T$AGENTS} AGENTSSIZE=$(expand_text $AGENTS) AGENTSSIZE=$#AGENTSSIZE [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo if [ "${PWD/$STSDKROOT/}" != "$PWD" ] then export STLINUX="-${DVD_PLATFORM:-?}-${DVD_BACKEND:-?}-${DVD_OS:-?}" STLINUXSIZE=${#STLINUX} else unset STLINUX STLINUXSIZE=0 fi if [ -e /proc/pmu/battery_0 ] then [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " Battery..." POWERADAPTER=$(grep "^AC Power" /proc/pmu/info | cut -c26) typeset -A battery battery[remaining]=$(grep "^time rem" /proc/pmu/battery_0 | cut -c14- ) battery[remain_hrs]=$(( $battery[remaining] / 3600 )) battery[remain_min]=$(( ($battery[remaining] - ( $battery[remain_hrs] * 3600 )) / 60 )) [ "$battery[remain_min]" -lt 10 ] && battery[remain_min]="0"$battery[remain_min] battery[remains]=$battery[remain_hrs]"h"$battery[remain_min] BATTERYSIZE=$(( ${#battery[remains]} + 1 )) battery[load]=$(grep "^current" /proc/pmu/battery_0 | cut -c14- ) if [ $POWERADAPTER -ne 0 ] then battery[color]="charging" if [ $battery[load] -eq 0 ] then ## Battery full BATTERYSIZE=2 battery[remains]="⚡" fi else if [ $battery[remaining] -lt 659 ] then battery[color]="critical" else battery[color]="uncharging" fi fi BATTERY=$C_$prompt_colors[bar]$_C$T_"$_tq_"$_T$C_$battery_colors[$battery[color]]$_C"$battery[remains]" unset battery [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo else BATTERY= BATTERYSIZE=0 fi [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " Horizontal bar..." # First line of prompt, calculation of the remaining place spaceleft=$(($COLUMNS - $ERRORSIZE - $AGENTSSIZE - $STLINUXSIZE - $DATESIZE - $BATTERYSIZE)) unset HBAR HBAR=$T_ for h in {1..$spaceleft} do HBAR=$HBAR"$_tq_" done HBAR=$HBAR$_T [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo ## ## Second line of prompt : don't let the path garbage the entire line ## # get cvs tag # CVSTAG="" [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " CVS status..." if [ -d CVS ] then CVSTAG=$(test -e CVS/Tag && cat CVS/Tag || basename $(cat CVS/Root 2>&- || echo "HEAD") ) CVSTAG=${CVSTAG:+ $C_$prompt_colors[up_to_date]$_C$CVSTAG} fi # get svn status # [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " SVN status..." SVNREV=$(LC_ALL=C svn info 2>&- $PWD | awk '/^Revision: / {print $2}') SVNREVSIZE=${#${SVNREV:+ r$SVNREV}} if [ "$SVNREV" != "" ] then if [ ! -z "$CHECK_SVN_STATUS" ] then SVNSTATUS="$(svn diff 2>&-)" SVNSTATUS=${${SVNSTATUS:+$prompt_colors[not_up_to_date]}:-$prompt_colors[up_to_date]} fi fi SVNREV=${SVNREV:+$C_$prompt_colors[doubledot]$_C $C_$SVNSTATUS$_C"r"$SVNREV} [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo # get hg status [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " HG status..." HGBRANCH=$(get_gcl_branch hg) [ ! -z "$HGBRANCH" ] && HGBRANCH=" "$HGBRANCH [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo # get git status # [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " GIT status..." GITBRANCH=$(get_gcl_branch git) GITBRANCHSIZE=${#GITBRANCH} [ $GITBRANCHSIZE -gt 0 ] && GITBRANCHSIZE=$(($GITBRANCHSIZE)) [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " Path..." MY_PATH="%(!.%d.%~)" PATHSIZE=$(print -Pn $MY_PATH) PATHSIZE=${#PATHSIZE} [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo -n " Resize path / gitbranch..." spaceleft=`print -Pn "$SHLVL - %n@%m $ ls -laCdtrux $(expand_text "$DATE")"` spaceleft=$(($COLUMNS - ${#spaceleft})) #minimalpathsize=`print -Pn "../%1~"` #minimalpathsize=${#minimalpathsize} minimalpathsize=10 minimalgitsize=10 # git-abbrev-commit-ish... if [ $GITBRANCHSIZE -gt 0 ] then if [ $spaceleft -lt $(( $PATHSIZE + $GITBRANCHSIZE )) ] then local unbreakablegittail if [ "$(echo $GITBRANCH | grep "^\[rebase ")" = "" ] then # reduce the git-branch until it is shrinked to $minimalgitsize characters max. if [ $GITBRANCH[-1] = ")" ] then unbreakablegittail=${${(M)GITBRANCH%\~*}} [ "$unbreakablegittail" = "" -a $GITBRANCHSIZE -gt $minimalgitsize ] && unbreakablegittail=")" fi if [ $GITBRANCHSIZE -gt $minimalgitsize ] then GITBRANCHSIZE=$(( $spaceleft - $PATHSIZE )) [ $GITBRANCHSIZE -lt $minimalgitsize ] && GITBRANCHSIZE=$minimalgitsize fi GITBRANCH=`print -Pn "%"$(($GITBRANCHSIZE - ${#unbreakablegittail}))">..>"${GITBRANCH%\~*}${unbreakablegittail:+"%"${#unbreakablegittail}"<<"$GITBRANCH}` else # # TODO : réduire la taille du hash, s'il y en a un. # fi fi fi # then we reduce the path until it reaches the last path element, spaceleft=$(($spaceleft - $GITBRANCHSIZE)) [ $spaceleft -lt $minimalpathsize ] && spaceleft=$minimalpathsize GITBRANCH=${GITBRANCH:+ $C_"$(get_git_status)"$_C$GITBRANCH}"$(get_guilt_series)" CURDIR="$C_$prompt_colors[path]$_C%`echo $spaceleft`<..<"$MY_PATH"%<<$C_$color[none]$_C" [ "$DEBUG" = "yes" ] && echo } redefine_prompt () { case "$YEAHCONSOLE" in "true") yeah_prompt ;; *) two_lines_prompt ;; esac } yeah_prompt () { PS1=$C_$prompt_color[default]$_C$C_$prompt_colors[user]$_C"%n"$C_$prompt_colors[arob]$_C"@"$C_$prompt_colors[host]$_C"%m "$CURDIR" "$C_$prompt_colors[dies]$_C">"$C_$prompt_colors[cmd]$_C" " } two_lines_prompt () { ## Le prompt le plus magnifique du monde, et c'est le mien ! # Affiche l'user, l'host, le tty et le pwd. Rien que ça... PS1=$AGENTS$MAILSTAT$ERROR$BATTERY$C_$prompt_colors[bar]$_C$STLINUX$HBAR$DATE" "$C_$prompt_color[default]$_C$C_$prompt_colors[user]$_C"%n"$C_$prompt_colors[arob]$_C"@"$C_$prompt_colors[host]$_C"%m"$C_$prompt_colors[display]$_C"${DISPLAY:+($DISPLAY)} "$CURDIR$CVSTAG$SVNREV$GITBRANCH$HGBRANCH" "$C_$prompt_colors[dies]$_C"%#"$C_$prompt_colors[cmd]$_C" " } ZSH_STATUS=$(zsh_status) if ( echo $ZSH_STATUS | grep -q -- "-D1rTY-" ) then echo echo -n $c_$prompt_colors[warning]$_c #toilet -f bigmono9 "D1rTY Zsh.." HBAR=$(for i in {1..13} ; echo -n - "$_tq_") VBAR=$T_$_tx_$_T echo -n " " echo -n $T_$_tl_ echo -n $HBAR echo -n $_tk_$_T echo echo " $VBAR WARNING !! $VBAR" echo " $VBAR D1rTY Zsh.. $VBAR" echo -n " " echo -n $T_$_tm_ echo -n $HBAR echo -n $_tj_$_T echo echo $c_$prompt_colors[none]$_c fi precmd() { # this MUST BE the real first operation else we lose the error code... error=$(print -Pn "%(?;;-%?)") # d1RtY Zsh ... ( echo $NEW_STATUS | grep -q -- "-D1rTY-" ) && set_prompt_colors "38;5;$(( $RANDOM % ( 88 - 16 ) + 16))" NEW_STATUS=$(zsh_status) if ! ( echo $NEW_STATUS | grep -q -- "-D1rTY-" ) then if [ $NEW_STATUS != $ZSH_STATUS ] then # You should restart Zsh set_prompt_colors "38;5;54" fi fi update_prompt_elements redefine_prompt } # Prompt level 2 PS2="$C_$color[yellow];$color[bold]$_C%_$C_$color[none];$color[cyan];$color[bold]$_C>$C_$color[none]$_C " # Prompt level 3 PS3="?# " # Prompt level 4 PS4="+%N:%i> " # Prompt de droite, pour l'heure et le code d'erreur de la dernière commande #RPS1="%(?;;"$C_$prompt_colors[error]$_C"%?"$C_$color[none]$_C")" # Ultime : prompt de correction :-) SPROMPT="zsh: $C_$correct_colors[error]$_C'%R'$C_$color[none]$_C ? Vous ne vouliez pas plutôt $C_$correct_colors[suggest]$_C'%r'$C_$color[none]$_C ? [%BN%byae] "