## ## Part of configuration files for Zsh 4 ## by Hugues Hiegel ## ## NO WARRANTY PROVIDED, USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS ## ## You are encouraged to use, modify, and redistribute ## these files with or without this notice. ## a -g ¬ISO='LC_ALL=fr_FR' a -g ¬UTF='LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8' a -g ...=../.. a -g ....=../../.. a -g .....=../../../.. a -g ......=../../../../.. a -g .......=../../../../../.. a -g ........=../../../../../../.. a -g .........=../../../../../../../.. if ( __cmd_exists emacs ) then a e='emacs' a ne='e -nw' a gnus='e -f gnus' fi if ( __cmd_exists vim ) then a v='vim' vim --version | grep -- "+clientserver" >/dev/null && \ __cmd_exists vims && \ a vim='vim --servername `print -P "%l"`' fi __cmd_exists eject && a close='eject -t' a goto='cd -P' ## Resolve symlinks a so='cd -' a rm='rm -i' a mv='mv -i' a cp && una cp ## Dé-assigne les alias de ``cp'' autoload zmv a mmv='noglob zmv -W' __normal_user && __cmd_exists apt-get && a apt-get='sudo apt-get' __normal_user && __cmd_exists pacman && a pacman='sudo pacman' __normal_user && __cmd_exists yum && a yum='sudo yum' a _rt='find -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -name "*~" -o -name ".*~" -o -name "#*#" -o -name ".*.swp" \) -exec rm -vf \{\} \;' a _RT='find -type f \( -name "*~" -o -name ".*~" -o -name "#*#" -o -name ".*.swp" \) -exec rm -vf \{\} \;' a grep='grep --color=auto' a egrep='egrep --color=auto' # Was 'hg', but conflicts with Mercurial.. a histg='history -E 0| grep' a lg='ls -lap | grep' a ls="ls $LS_OPTIONS" a l='ls -lh' # human readable sizes a ll='ls -l' a la='ls -la' a lt='ls -lhtr' # sort by modification time, first at top a llt='ls -ltr' a lta='lt -a' a llta='llt -a' a lat='la -tr' a lc='ls -c' a l1='\ls -1' a gitk='\gitk --date-order' a gm='\git mergetool' a grc='\git rebase --continue' a gra='\git rebase --abort' __cmd_exists dict && a definition='dict -h dict.org' __cmd_exists dict && a traduction='dict -h hiegel.fr -P-' __cmd_exists dosbox && a dosbox='dosbox -c "mount c \"`pwd`\"" -c "mount d /cdrom -t cdrom" -c "c:" ' # VERY VERY bad idea... #a make='make -j' ## Suffixes Aliases # I don't like this, I never used it. # #__cmd_exists editdiff && a -s patch=editdiff #a -s c=$EDITOR #a -s h=$EDITOR