## ## Part of configuration files for Zsh4 ## AUTHOR: Hugues Hiegel ## ## You are encouraged to use, modify, and redistribute ## these files with or without this notice. ## ## NO WARRANTY PROVIDED, USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS ## export FULLNAME="Hugues Hiegel" export EMAIL=${FULLNAME:+$FULLNAME <}hugues@hiegel.fr${FULLNAME:+>} ## Options pour ``bc'' # pour ne plus avoir # le message d'invite # au démarrage export BC_ENV_ARGS="-q" ## Editeur par défaut export EDITOR=`which -p vim || which -p vi || which -p emacs` export VISUAL=$EDITOR export FCEDIT=$EDITOR ## Pageur par défaut export PAGER=less export LESS="-R -F -X" ## Quelle commande utiliser par défaut ? export NULLCMD=cat # Locale en français unicode export LC_ALL=${LC_ALL:-fr_FR.UTF-8} export LC_MESSAGES=${LC_MESSAGES:-fr_FR} unset LANG # Unuseful # Utilisation des commandes git-* for i in local/libexec lib do [ -d /usr/$i/git-core ] && export PATH=$PATH:/usr/$i/git-core done # Couleurs pour grep --color=auto export GREP_COLOR=$color[yellow]\;$color[bold] cmd_exists dircolors && eval $(dircolors ~/.dir_colors) export TZ="Europe/Paris" export TIME_STYLE="+%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S" export LS_OPTIONS="-F --color=always" ## Trucs à la con spécifiques à Zsh LOGCHECK=10 # %n has logged on/off .. REPORTTIME=1 # ``time'' automatique TIMEFMT='`%J` -- %P cpu User %U System %S Total %E' KEYTIMEOUT=1 # 0,01 sec # Displays who is logging in or out WATCHFMT=$c_$color[bold]$_c"%n"$c_$color[none]$_c" has "$c_$color[bold]$_c"%a"$c_$color[none]$_c" %l from %M" WATCH=notme # Word delimiters WORDCHARS='*?-_~!#$%^' ## Caractères faisant partie des mots ## J'ai viré les '/()[]{}' export SUDO_PROMPT="%u has to enter passwd to become %U: " MUSICPLAYER=audacious